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Many of us outside of Guyana  became successful, because of freedom and free enterprise .You need not to bribe anyone for access or licence to get any form of document, to get started.Some of us are here very successful and got greedy,involved in fraud,insurance and real estate scams, money laundering, drugs,illegal immigration etc.These people think the law in the US is comparable to Guyana ,crimes will go undetected and you could pay your way out.Recently 100+individuals are currently charged for fraud ,most from Guyana based in NY.What a disgrace !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.Jail there ass and throw the key away I say.

Currently I am ashamed to say I am from Guyana .

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Budweiser posted:

Many of us outside of Guyana  became successful, because of freedom and free enterprise .You need not to bribe anyone for access or licence to get any form of document, to get started.Some of us are here very successful and got greedy,involved in fraud,insurance and real estate scams, money laundering, drugs,illegal immigration etc.These people think the law in the US is comparable to Guyana ,crimes will go undetected and you could pay your way out.Recently 100+individuals are currently charged for fraud ,most from Guyana based in NY.What a disgrace !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.Jail there ass and throw the key away I say.

Currently I am ashamed to say I am from Guyana .

Ronald Ramjattan is a visionary.

Mitwah posted:
Budweiser posted:

Many of us outside of Guyana  became successful, because of freedom and free enterprise .You need not to bribe anyone for access or licence to get any form of document, to get started.Some of us are here very successful and got greedy,involved in fraud,insurance and real estate scams, money laundering, drugs,illegal immigration etc.These people think the law in the US is comparable to Guyana ,crimes will go undetected and you could pay your way out.Recently 100+individuals are currently charged for fraud ,most from Guyana based in NY.What a disgrace !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.Jail there ass and throw the key away I say.

Currently I am ashamed to say I am from Guyana .

Ronald Ramjattan is a visionary.

Anyone with the name Ramjattan is your IDOL.

Mitwah posted:
Budweiser posted:

Many of us outside of Guyana  became successful, because of freedom and free enterprise .You need not to bribe anyone for access or licence to get any form of document, to get started.Some of us are here very successful and got greedy,involved in fraud,insurance and real estate scams, money laundering, drugs,illegal immigration etc.These people think the law in the US is comparable to Guyana ,crimes will go undetected and you could pay your way out.Recently 100+individuals are currently charged for fraud ,most from Guyana based in NY.What a disgrace !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.Jail there ass and throw the key away I say.

Currently I am ashamed to say I am from Guyana .

Ronald Ramjattan is a visionary.

If he is a visionary, does that mean he nah have cockeye like the other one?

Bibi Haniffa

Guyana Ronald Ramjattan knighted by Queen Elizabeth II

October 19, 2014 | By | Filed Under News 

Although he left these shores more than a decade ago, Ronald Ramjattan still has a very

Ronald Ramjattan receives his award from Queen Elizabeth

Ronald Ramjattan receives his award from Queen Elizabeth

prevailing presence in Guyana, throughout the Caribbean and further afield. He is the business mogul standing firmly behind the well known Baron Foods Limited.
As a Food Entrepreneur for many years he has maintained a flawless and distinguished reputation which was perhaps enough for him to be awarded with the Order of the British Empire (OBE) at Buckingham Palace. The award was bestowed upon him on October 9, last, by Queen Elizabeth II.
According to Ramjattan in an invited comment to this publication yesterday, “it was indeed a humbling experience for me as a Guyanese coming from a normal background.” With unreserved modesty, he spoke of being an entrepreneur in Saint Lucia, his adopted home, for more than 24 years, and was elated to not only be recognized, but be auspiciously honoured by the Queen.
“I am indeed fortunate,” said Ramjattan who has been exporting his over 125 food products from Saint Lucia to Guyana for the last 20 years. All of his products have also been consistently maintaining an ISO 22000 Standard and are also exported throughout the English, Dutch and French Islands of the Caribbean, North America and Europe.
His integral support to the Saint Lucian economy saw the Government there nominating him for the OBE award which was accepted by the Queen. Though grateful for the recognition, Ramjattan is of the belief that the honour “is a plus for Guyana and Guyanese living outside.”
His cousin Khemraj Ramjattan, prominent Attorney at Law and leader of the Alliance For Change, said that he is “over the moon with pride and joy” because of the achievement. In a congratulatory note, he outlined that he is “proud of this magnificent moment, this crowning achievement for a man of such humble beginnings. Sir, you have not only walked with us ordinary mortals, but now with Royalty. You are our Champion and Hero. Continue making us proud brother.”
But Ronald Ramjattan is however convinced that had he remained in Guyana he would not have been bestowed with such a high honour. This is in light of the fact that since becoming a Republic, Guyana does not currently have the capacity to nominate a candidate to receive an award from Her Majesty the Queen.
Like a number of other Caribbean territories, the Queen remains the head of Saint Lucia and can accept nominations for such awards.
But according to Ramjattan, what Guyana can seek to continuously embrace is the notion of national accolades for those who so deserve.  He turned his attention to West Indies star batsman, Shivnarine Chanderpaul, whom he believes should have long been the recipient of, at least, Guyana’s Order of Roraima, a feat that “(many) people have been clamouring for.”
In fact it was very concerning to the OBE awardee that “the Government of Guyana has not even been recognizing the lawyers of Guyana for the longest whileâ€Ķ”
The Guyana-born Ramjattan has manufacturing plants in St Lucia and Grenada and has plans to expand further with the introduction of a plant in Trinidad. He has been constructing the latter proposed plan for the past two years.
He is a well known personality when it comes to outstanding business performances, evident by the fact that he had copped, for the fifth consecutive year, the Ernst and Young Entrepreneur of the Year award for OCEC countries. Ramjattan coveted the Best Pepper Sauce Prize (2014) in Brussels, ahead of being awarded the OBE.
He is currently President for the Saint Lucian Manufacturers Association and Chairman of the Trade Export Council of Saint Lucia.
“That alone shows my background and my export capabilities and what I am doing must be right for the last 15-20 years to be receiving all these awards,” said an ecstatic Ramjattan who noted that “my products have been receiving awards locally, regionally and internationally.”
The married father of one was born in Den Amstel, West Coast Demerara, and grew up at Number 47 Village, Corentyne, Berbice. He worked his way up the food business chain first as a Laboratory Technician at the Guyana Sugar Corporation then as Production Manager at Ricks and Sari.
While his heart remains in Guyana, Ramjattan is currently not too keen on returning to these shores. According to him, “the situation has to change; the crime rate has to reduceâ€ĶGuyana itself has to scale up fiscal incentives for manufacturers who just don’t have to go and sit down and make request to the Government.”
“I feel just like Trinidad (for instance), you apply, you get throughâ€Ķin Saint Lucia you apply and you go to the Trade Export Board or something like thatâ€Ķbut Guyana you have to come and appeal and be singled outâ€Ķthere is not a fiscal incentive for manufacturers alone or for every sector; you have to come and make your case to get (that),” said Ramjattan. According to him, he has in the past made a few applications, but none were successful to the point of getting off the ground.
He nevertheless was keen on emphasizing that young local entrepreneurs must seek to remain focused although he is somewhat pessimistic about the business climate.
“So many of us are so successful outside of Guyana, but when you come here it is a few companies that are so successful, but the young entrepreneurs in the manufacturing sector remain at a low level,” said Ramjattan. This state of affairs he has linked to the low disposable income in Guyana and a lack of an enabling environment.
“I am reading with concern what is happening with Kaieteur News and its owner; I am reading with concern about several other business owners who are trying to do good and yet they are not being successful, because the enabling environment is not there,” said Ramjattan, whose products have however found much favour on the local market.


If u r an indian with an application during the PPP regime, u razz can duh all u yuh want to get processed. It just doan happen. If u were connected, heaven and hell would move 4 u.

During the PNC 28 years, an indian was denied in all forms of ways. JUst by being ignored, stupid request of information and on and on, until the indian finally gave up. Those with connections got the nod and the rod.

The PNC of today, my goodness dem plain racist. I met dem in September of 2015.

The country is f88888. Indians better off doing business in the Caribbean, deh bruddahs dem is of a different sort. Wey the Guyanese ones comes from, who knows. Maybe the plain racism is overwhelming. 


baseman posted:
seignet posted:

The country is f88888. Indians better off doing business in the Caribbean, deh bruddahs dem is of a different sort. Wey the Guyanese ones comes from, who knows. Maybe the plain racism is overwhelming. 


I always contend, Guyanese Blacks are a group unto themselves when it comes to anti-Indian racism.  Not sure why, maybe others would have been had the Indian population present a credible political challenge!  But then again, maybe not!

Ramjattan was frustrated by the PPP. That's why he moved to St. Lucia to start his business. There are many others.

Mitwah posted:

Seigy, do you know how the Tender or bid system works under this new GOG?

I got really excited when Dr. Van West Charles headed the GWI. Before him I tried with the PPP people in that department. Same response.

I am still waiting on GWI to send me tendering information. 

To answer your question, to tender for Power Generation and Water Projects, the two areas I have been trying to pursue does not receive much favor from any of the governments. I know the hiccups. So, Iamvery particular in ensuring what I should tender there is assurance in the system. There are very steep financial fees for the tendering documents.

I try to operate in a clear passage way. This approach saves me loosing money but at the same time I am unable to move forward on projects that require government's involvement.

seignet posted:

If u r an indian with an application during the PPP regime, u razz can duh all u yuh want to get processed. It just doan happen. If u were connected, heaven and hell would move 4 u.

During the PNC 28 years, an indian was denied in all forms of ways. JUst by being ignored, stupid request of information and on and on, until the indian finally gave up. Those with connections got the nod and the rod.

The PNC of today, my goodness dem plain racist. I met dem in September of 2015.

The country is f88888. Indians better off doing business in the Caribbean, deh bruddahs dem is of a different sort. Wey the Guyanese ones comes from, who knows. Maybe the plain racism is overwhelming. 


Mitwah posted:
kp posted:

This dude left Guyana over 24 years. That's during the PNC reign.

Naah! Why do you think he went to Grenada and T& T to expand his operations?

If one left during the PNC and is successful elsewhere , why gamble and return. Now that his cousin is in power, he still would not return, even Prakash cannot convince him to come back.There are thousands of successful Guyanese all over the globe, they care less about investing in Guyana for many reasons, one the unstable government,high crime,unskilled workforce and the ever corrupted way of life. I do lots of travelling, but will not go to Guyana anytime soon. Grenada and St. Lucia are similar small islands, with low crime and corruption, yes, the blackman there don't race discriminate and are hard working. Trinidad, I don't know why,their crime rate is even higher than Guyana but their economy is stronger[oil] with higher GDP.

Mitwah posted:

KP, I don't think you have any experience trying to establish a business during the PPP reign and the numerous layers of the onion you have to  peel. Time is money. You have not experienced how avaricious these decision makers are. I can see some changes happening but it's too slow.

I closed my business in G/T last year. It is a common ingredient of bribery and corruption in the Guyanese Government, be it PNC or PPP, so you learn to live with it and go with the flow. Unlike North America everything is above board. Guyana needs changes from the TOP,as the saying goes,: The Fish Rots From The HEAD. and I would like to say this, once you have old school politicians who were from the Burnham and Jagan days holding offices, well there is NO, I repeat No change in the future, I have seen the LIGHT .

Mitwah posted:

Good for you.

KP, why did you run away from under the PPP regime?

I first ran from the PNC regime in the seventies , that's when Forbes demanded thousands every year, and "if you don't pay you can't play". Guyana has a disease more severe than CANCER, there is a hand full of people who are just greedy for public office at all cost, the politicians  in Guyana are the most disgraceful beings on earth.One of the poorest countries, yet within a short time government officials owns huge properties and businesses, when in opposition the PNC promised to bring change, just after election, furniture still in moving trucks these NEW FOOLS took a 50% raise before start working, tell me where is justice. At times I may sound as though I represent one party or the other, the fact is I don't represent a political party, I represent the POOR PEOPLE OF GUYANA, for those who know me, they know what I did, do and doing for the country.


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