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Trump has a mental health problem of his own. He's taking America down a slippery slope by playing up to his base. They need to call these people out for what they are, murderers and terrorists just like ISIS. As for the politicians who take money from the NRA and do nothing to curb gun violence in America, they should be ashamed of themselves. The answer is not more guns. They should ask themselves why America is the only "developed" country where mass killings happen over and over and no one on the Republican side bats an eyelid in Congress. Start by closing the loopholes that make it easy for people to buy military style assault rifles that can be converted to automatic rifles. Background checks for the mentally ill, felons and other undesirable characters. If you claim that someone is mentally ill, how the hell are they able to buy AR-15's? 





[ter-uh-riz-uh m]
the use of violence and threats to intimidate or coerce, especially for political purposes.
the state of fear and submission produced by terrorism or terrorization.
a terroristic method of governing or of resisting a government.






verb (used with object), terrorized, terrorizing.
to fill or overcome with terror.
to dominate or coerce by intimidation.
to produce widespread fear by acts of violence, as bombings.
Dave posted:
RiffRaff posted:

White killers have mental health issues....

Colored killers is because of their race/religion

Not surprise , I said the same thing yesterday . 

All killers have mental health issues.  No one in their right mind can kill someone.  Though I have to say, ok, ok,  never mind ........... what I had to say.

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Dave posted:
RiffRaff posted:

White killers have mental health issues....

Colored killers is because of their race/religion

Not surprise , I said the same thing yesterday . 

All killers have mental health issues.  No one in their right mind can kill someone.  Though I have to say, ok, ok,  never mind ........... what I had to say.

What about someone who hires killers like the phantoms of Guyana?

Mitwah posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Dave posted:
RiffRaff posted:

White killers have mental health issues....

Colored killers is because of their race/religion

Not surprise , I said the same thing yesterday . 

All killers have mental health issues.  No one in their right mind can kill someone.  Though I have to say, ok, ok,  never mind ........... what I had to say.

What about someone who hires killers like the phantoms of Guyana?

Were the phantoms murderers? If they were, then those who hired the killers did Guyana a public service. The one guy who ran this dude down and used his gun to drive him away did the country a service. We should have more like him around.

Last edited by Former Member
RiffRaff posted:

 So Trump said Texas shooter has a mental health problem

White killers have mental health issues....

Colored killers is because of their race/religion

For unfortunate incidents like this one, every corner is upturned to prove / show that those of "white colour" have unfortunate circumstances to commit these activities; plus each one is a sole and isolated incident.

Donald John Trump is in a world of his own.

skeldon_man posted:
Mitwah posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Dave posted:
RiffRaff posted:

White killers have mental health issues....

Colored killers is because of their race/religion

Not surprise , I said the same thing yesterday . 

All killers have mental health issues.  No one in their right mind can kill someone.  Though I have to say, ok, ok,  never mind ........... what I had to say.

What about someone who hires killers like the phantoms of Guyana?

Were the phantoms murderers? If they were, then those who hired the killers did Guyana a public service. The one guy who ran this dude down and used his gun to drive him away did the country a service. We should more like him around.

and then u will have a guyanese mafia for a educated man you talk a man with shit in his head 

Mars posted:

Trump has a mental health problem of his own. He's taking America down a slippery slope by playing up to his base. They need to call these people out for what they are, murderers and terrorists just like ISIS. As for the politicians who take money from the NRA and do nothing to curb gun violence in America, they should be ashamed of themselves. The answer is not more guns. They should ask themselves why America is the only "developed" country where mass killings happen over and over and no one on the Republican side bats an eyelid in Congress. Start by closing the loopholes that make it easy for people to buy military style assault rifles that can be converted to automatic rifles. Background checks for the mentally ill, felons and other undesirable characters. If you claim that someone is mentally ill, how the hell are they able to buy AR-15's? 

Tek back dem guns? White Americans still believe the Russians and Chinese are out to invade them. Lately, dem think also the Allah ppl are out to invade them. Suh, their guns is an assurance of defending themselves. I heard a red-neck say that on CNN. I would think America is built on ppl defending their rights, it is their way of life. I doubt politicians will finger that, then their will be more mass killings. Like a civil war.

warrior posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Mitwah posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Dave posted:
RiffRaff posted:

White killers have mental health issues....

Colored killers is because of their race/religion

Not surprise , I said the same thing yesterday . 

All killers have mental health issues.  No one in their right mind can kill someone.  Though I have to say, ok, ok,  never mind ........... what I had to say.

What about someone who hires killers like the phantoms of Guyana?

Were the phantoms murderers? If they were, then those who hired the killers did Guyana a public service. The one guy who ran this dude down and used his gun to drive him away did the country a service. We should more like him around.

and then u will have a guyanese mafia for a educated man you talk a man with shit in his head 

I take it you did not understand the logic of my statement. I will not lay the blame at your door. Sorry, it went over your head. But then you are Tarzan you only deal with apes. Not too much thinking and logic needed.

skeldon_man posted:
warrior posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Mitwah posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Dave posted:
RiffRaff posted:

White killers have mental health issues....

Colored killers is because of their race/religion

Not surprise , I said the same thing yesterday . 

All killers have mental health issues.  No one in their right mind can kill someone.  Though I have to say, ok, ok,  never mind ........... what I had to say.

What about someone who hires killers like the phantoms of Guyana?

Were the phantoms murderers? If they were, then those who hired the killers did Guyana a public service. The one guy who ran this dude down and used his gun to drive him away did the country a service. We should more like him around.

and then u will have a guyanese mafia for a educated man you talk a man with shit in his head 

I take it you did not understand the logic of my statement. I will not lay the blame at your door. Sorry, it went over your head. But then you are Tarzan you only deal with apes. Not too much thinking and logic needed.

bai i admit i am dumb but even me know what the heck u saying 

warrior posted:
skeldon_man posted:
warrior posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Mitwah posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Dave posted:
RiffRaff posted:

White killers have mental health issues....

Colored killers is because of their race/religion

Not surprise , I said the same thing yesterday . 

All killers have mental health issues.  No one in their right mind can kill someone.  Though I have to say, ok, ok,  never mind ........... what I had to say.

What about someone who hires killers like the phantoms of Guyana?

Were the phantoms murderers? If they were, then those who hired the killers did Guyana a public service. The one guy who ran this dude down and used his gun to drive him away did the country a service. We should more like him around.

and then u will have a guyanese mafia for a educated man you talk a man with shit in his head 

I take it you did not understand the logic of my statement. I will not lay the blame at your door. Sorry, it went over your head. But then you are Tarzan you only deal with apes. Not too much thinking and logic needed.

bai i admit i am dumb but even me know what the heck u saying 

That's an understatement. You should have added "even dumber than dumb". I am glad you recognize your handicap. Hope you get some kind of mental health help. Some family member should take the computer from you before you get electrocuted.


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