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Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

They have to do more than clean up the city.  They have to provide drainage and irrigation for the country. They have to fix the Problems with sugar, rice and bauxite before they try to diversify. 

If they continue with the idea of lowering taxes and raising salaries, they will be bankrupt sooner than expected.  You claimed that the PPP were beggars at the beginning, but this is what the PNC is heading for. They are already talking about help from the AFC countries.  

What I find interesting is the fact that you lambaste APNU for not fixing the problems in 4 days when the PPP didn't in 22 years.


We will see soon enough as to whether they will or will not fix the problems.  The fact remains is that every day we get more news about the lies that the PPP told.  Unemployment among youth now revealed to be 40% the HIGHEST in the Caribbean, and then people wonder why there is so much crime.

Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:


Was cleaning Georgetown under PPP control or the Mayor's control? Who is controlling the current clean-up? 


I'm amazed at how hard at wuk abbe public servants are today being led by abbe hard wukkin Mayor and City Council. All ah dem juss discover that Georgetown is covered in garbage and dis nonsense muss stap

Exactly. Mattee pride.

This chap doesn't work for the Mayor he works for BK watch the video and put your racist tendencies on the shelf for a bit.

Who is paying BK?

BK became a millionaire many times over because of PPP nepotism and he never or was never asked to clean up the place for free. Now he is doing exactly that for Granger!

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

So you admit that he gave them something.  Well!  It looks like they still want the PPP to give them more money and fix their problem.


They can't even clean the gutters how can they cleanup corruption and nepotism, crimes etc.

I do not know what he could have given BK when BK is a creation of the PPP! They could if they cared, asked no less than Granger did.


BK I has built his business by being a smart businessman.


He has always kept his mouth shut and stayed out of politics. He has always been a friend of the opposition and the govt. Even when the govt told him to back off he did not.


BK get nuff cuss for working with the opposition.


However the same cannot be said for the likes of DIH, Gouveia and others.


Granger is setting the tone, be above board or and be good corporate citizens. Quit being sycophants for the PPP.


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