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I noticed last week that after publishing details of corrupt practises by former PNC collaborators in Linden, and also highlighted that the Constitution is not open to interpretation, I got locked out. Before I get down to answer the denials of DG on complacency and collaboration with the crimes committed in Wismar in 1963, I would like to know why the PPP is running scared of my disclosures just before an election. By the way, anybody heard about those fake ballot papers printed by the same paper who have been printing illegal copies of school books etc.? I wonder how the swap over is going to happen between the genuine ballot boxes and the compromised ones.

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I was asked to respond to the denials from our inhouse collaborator. But a lot of people within the PPP don't want their two timing reputation to come to light. I know that a few well connected Indos in MacKenzie were opportunists who gained from the deaths of Indos in Wismar during the troubles in 1963. They crying crocodile tears whilst feasting on the spoils of the 1963 riots.


But there is more to this saga. Much more. My constant disclosures about some of the stuff in the Constitution is making a few people restless. Dem friends calling them to try to kill those stories and push them out of view. I got the emails from people in charge of the GNI access keys asking me not to jeopardise the PPP aims to rig public opinion on GNI.


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