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If Bai Shan Lin is right and they are doing right by the people of Guyana why all the secrecy? why haven't they engaged the office of the opposition leader or gone to the press with all their documents in hand to prove that they are doing right by the people of Guyana?


Don't you see these 3 comedians are nothing more than paid pipers? on hard talk? that is Robert Persaud mouth piece that was illegally handed to him by Jagdeo before the 2011 election?


“Bai Shan Lin bombardment is an attack on Chinese investment” – says Chinese Rep

August 17, 2014 1:16 pm Category: latest news A+ / A-

By Kurt Campbell

10492970_569410836504700_1455071350918156103_o[] – Chairman of the Association of Chinese Enterprise in Guyana, Andrew Jin concluded that the bombardment of Chinese logging company – Bai Shan Lin’s – operations in Guyana is an attack on Chinese investment.

Addressing allegations that the company is involved in exploitation and indiscriminate logging, Jin along with John Willems, former Managing Director of Willems Timber and Mohindra Chand, President of the Forest Products Association believe that there is too much sensational reporting on the issue and claims are being made before verification and that which cannot be substantiated.

The trio was at the time speaking on the radio programme ‘Hard Talk’ on 90.1 Love FM this morning, Sunday, August 17.

“We are quite shocked by the bombardment of reporting on Bai Shan Lin,” Jin said; adding that “it is an attack on investment and we are alarmed at the association.”

The Chairman, whose mandate surrounds guiding Chinese investors, said he is still to be provided with substantial proof to show that Bai Shan Lin has violated the rules of agreement, which it entered with the Guyana Forestry Commission (GFC).

In fact, both Bai Shan Lin and the GFC has refuted the allegations of irregularities and counter claimed that no law has been broken and all logging is done within the harvest limit.

Meanwhile, Chan who is also a member of the Guyana Manufacturing and Services Association (GMSA) says the Forestry Sector is probably the most regulated in Guyana.

“There is always a concern that logging operations are outside environmental safeguards … people see barge loads of log and think it’s a harm to environment but that is a misconstrued conception and therein lies the problem,” Chan reasoned.

 Willems also added to the debate which has occupied the covers of local newspapers for the past week, saying that while people have provided photos of the log yard showing stocked timber, he is yet to see a photo the damage which persons have claimed is being done to the forest.

He believes that it would be helpful if the GFC and government by extension reveal the nature and detail of agreement.

Region Ten Chairman, Sharma Solomon and Stakeholder in the Forestry Sector, Phillip Bynoe were invited on ‘Hard Talk’ by host, Chris Chapwanya to which they both agreed.

However, Solomon at the last minute requested a change in the recording time of the programme, which Chapwanya has agreed to.

The two are expected to debate the issue sometime this week on 90.1 FM.

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Here is the other very credible Flag Draping forestry Stake holder........


A few years ago wasn't this man hiding as a fugitive from the law?


Today he is a "forestry stakeholder" More like a soup licker and a paid piper of the PPP.



Bai Shan Lin logging scandal…Burns thousands of abandoned logs in E’bo

August 17, 2014 | By | Filed Under News 


- ships in US$25M in equipment before logging permission granted

Under-fire Chinese-owned firm, Bai Shan Lin, spent over $5B (US$25M) in equipment to conduct

The burnt remains of the logs at Kwebanna.

The burnt remains of the logs at Kwebanna.

primary extraction activities even before it received permission to conduct large scale logging. The admission by the company yesterday in a statement would raise questions whether Government and its agencies promised the company that it will clear the way for it to receive state forests to conduct logging activities. Both Bai Shan Lin and the Government of Guyana are facing serious flak now over the arrangements the latter has with the company. The company has been conducting significant logging activities in especially the Upper Berbice, Region 10, area without any clear moves to establish its promised processing facilities. While Bai Shan Lin has two State Forest Exploratory Permits, it has not yet been granted the clearance to log as a number of studies have to first be completed and submitted first to the regulators. Government says that the company has joint venture arrangements with a number of local companies and organizations but sheer number of heavy equipment far outstrips what is needed for these. Yet the company went ahead and was granted duty free concessions to bring in hundreds of trucks, scores of bulldozers, loaders and other heavy duty equipment. This type of equipment is mainly used for logging, a clear signal of Bai Shan Lin’s intent in Guyana. How Government allowed the shipments of the equipment before the approval of logging permits in Bai Shan Lin’s concessions is the big question. According to industry officials, duty free concessions are normally granted after a business plan is submitted and the needs of the business would determine what these concessions are. Since details of the logging activities hit the media over a week ago, the Parliamentary Opposition and local operators have been demanding details. A letter from the Guyana Manufacturing and Services Association has been sent to Government requesting details of

Chairman Chu Wenze

Chairman Chu Wenze

Bai Shan Lin’s agreement with Government. Among other things, stakeholders want the full text of all foreign direct investment (FDI) arrangements and supplementary contracts and details of all concession licences – Timber Sales Agreements (TSA), Wood Cutting Licences (WCLs) and State Forest Permissions (SFPs). Government and the Guyana Forestry Commission are also being asked to table all Joint Venture contracts, showing signatures of government approvals on letterheads, and with dates. Meanwhile, in its joint venture concession at Kwebanna, Region One, several logs which were apparently abandoned in one of the trails for months, were found to be torched. It was reported that workers of Bai Shan Lin, in an attempt to get rid of the logs which had been lying there for a while, lit them on fire to get rid of them. The GFC tags on several of half burned logs remained unscathed. The Kwebanna concession has reportedly been a major problem for Bai Shan Lin because it is an area in which new roads have to be built. The company is hoping to use the Waini River to help it move the cut logs out of the area. It remains to be seen whether GFC takes action over the burning of the logs.

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

If Bai Shan Lin is right and they are doing right by the people of Guyana why all the secrecy? why haven't they engaged the office of the opposition leader or gone to the press with all their documents in hand to prove that they are doing right by the people of Guyana?


Don't you see these 3 comedians are nothing more than paid pipers? on hard talk? that is Robert Persaud mouth piece that was illegally handed to him by Jagdeo before the 2011 election?


“Bai Shan Lin bombardment is an attack on Chinese investment” – says Chinese Rep

August 17, 2014 1:16 pm Category: latest news A+ / A-

By Kurt Campbell

10492970_569410836504700_1455071350918156103_o[] – Chairman of the Association of Chinese Enterprise in Guyana, Andrew Jin concluded that the bombardment of Chinese logging company – Bai Shan Lin’s – operations in Guyana is an attack on Chinese investment.

Addressing allegations that the company is involved in exploitation and indiscriminate logging, Jin along with John Willems, former Managing Director of Willems Timber and Mohindra Chand, President of the Forest Products Association believe that there is too much sensational reporting on the issue and claims are being made before verification and that which cannot be substantiated.

The trio was at the time speaking on the radio programme ‘Hard Talk’ on 90.1 Love FM this morning, Sunday, August 17.

“We are quite shocked by the bombardment of reporting on Bai Shan Lin,” Jin said; adding that “it is an attack on investment and we are alarmed at the association.”

The Chairman, whose mandate surrounds guiding Chinese investors, said he is still to be provided with substantial proof to show that Bai Shan Lin has violated the rules of agreement, which it entered with the Guyana Forestry Commission (GFC).

In fact, both Bai Shan Lin and the GFC has refuted the allegations of irregularities and counter claimed that no law has been broken and all logging is done within the harvest limit.

Meanwhile, Chan who is also a member of the Guyana Manufacturing and Services Association (GMSA) says the Forestry Sector is probably the most regulated in Guyana.

“There is always a concern that logging operations are outside environmental safeguards … people see barge loads of log and think it’s a harm to environment but that is a misconstrued conception and therein lies the problem,” Chan reasoned.

 Willems also added to the debate which has occupied the covers of local newspapers for the past week, saying that while people have provided photos of the log yard showing stocked timber, he is yet to see a photo the damage which persons have claimed is being done to the forest.

He believes that it would be helpful if the GFC and government by extension reveal the nature and detail of agreement.

Region Ten Chairman, Sharma Solomon and Stakeholder in the Forestry Sector, Phillip Bynoe were invited on ‘Hard Talk’ by host, Chris Chapwanya to which they both agreed.

However, Solomon at the last minute requested a change in the recording time of the programme, which Chapwanya has agreed to.

The two are expected to debate the issue sometime this week on 90.1 FM.

what a dumb question?




To hide the evidence of the ecological rape.


As the PPP Minista and GFC stand and watch.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Bai Shan Lin logging scandal…Burns thousands of abandoned logs in E’bo

August 17, 2014 | 

The coverup is actively in progress but Guyanese will not be fooled. They are seeing the PPP for what they are - corrupt tiefmen selling the future of the nation to the Chinese in exchange for kickbacks.


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