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seignet posted:
caribny posted:

And Zed, look how baseman, cobra, and others ridicule the whole concept of social cohesion.

You say NOTHING to them, and direct all your comments to me.

I just peeped your card. It isn't that you want social cohesion. Its that you fear, that an out of power PPP will mean that domination of Guyana by Indians can no longer be assured.

So as usual you want no mention of what the PPP did to blacks, while many Indians are in full throated hysteria about what the coalition gov't is supposedly doing to them.

THIS is why there will be no cohesion, because to be honest, Guyanese don't want it.

Too many jumbies around-dead ones and live ones.

Benjamin Buttons,"Life is dictated by opportunities, missed ones as well."

YUh and yuh putagee sidekick should not been born in Guyana. Too much resentment stored up. Alyuh and likes holding back the country.


We`aready know your type, we know you racist rass hidin behind religion, what happen no more damnation an shit happening soon? I doan hear you preaching instead I see you really take a liking to dem brown baie KKK group, you even want a Guyana without black and putagee peeps, Look go piss against the dam wind doan ferget to keep your pie hole open.

Last edited by cain
cain posted:

Zed, I do believe you to be a fair individual, would you care to respond to what caribny said on the following reply to you? 


A:  " Yes I read it.  Now that you think that Indians no longer dominate the power structure, you want to wipe the slate clean."

B:  "This even as Indians are screaming "Indian Eradication", going on as if the PPP wasn't involved in an "African Eradication" program."

C:  "So as usual you want no mention of what the PPP did to blacks, while many Indians are in full throated hysteria about what the coalition gov't is supposedly doing to them. 

THIS is why there will be no cohesion, because to be honest, Guyanese don't want it."we need to start somewhere.

A. I cannot speak for anyone but myself.mitnis not a matter of writing the slate clean. I do not accept the logic of the statement. Additionally, we cannot erase the collective memories of people by just decreeing it. My point  is that we need to start somewhere. Continually posting that the pnc or the ppp did this or that is going nowhere.  Please note that I make a distinction about political and economic power. Those who exercise economic power in Guyana will continue to do so regardless of whether it is the PPP or the PNC that hold political power. I do not buy the argument that only Indo-guyanese exercise economic power or that no Afri-guyanese exercise power.

B. "Eradication" is a word  that has a wide meaning. I  am uncertain exactly what those who use the word really mean. I have some idea but am reluctant to hazard a response because I will be accuse of what I accuse others of.

Both the PNC and PPP governments have been involved in racism. People were fired or hired because of their race and certain actions by both governments deepened the racial divide. I am uncertain whether this is the eradication they are talking about. I have fought against both governments doing it.

C. For me, the third statement that Guyanese do not want cohesion is incorrect. One would have to show data to validate this statement and I am certain that it does not exist. It is a good starting point so that progress can be measured over time.

I travel this country far and wide and when I read the statements here that it is not possicle, or that people do not want it, I shake my head. Some of these people have no idea of what they are writing. Their statements reflect what someone has told them. I challenge them to come  here and see how people interact. People want it, but there might be differences in what it really means to particular groups and how it can be achieved. This discussion here is a prime example of the difficulties.


Thank you Zed, you mentioned both PNC and PPP being involved in racism,people hired or fired according to race, Guyanese embracing cohesion, these are not words anyone from the PPP camp would use. They would say things like, "The PNC was the only ones who were racist, PPP never fire no dam black people people, dem coolie people dem doan want no cohesion, dem doan even know what it mean but dem doan want it long as it got fo do with dis black an dirty Indian government."

You are probably on the verge of being a dirty Indian with your reply, those guys would never say the PPP is/was guilty of anything,it was always to do with dem PNC guys etc etc etc as carib would constantly say. This is the reason for his constant reminders. It's like me reminding everyone PPP LOST.

Last edited by cain
caribny posted:
ba$eman posted:
  The first thing this PNC admin did was to embark of a campaign of national ethnic cleansing ridding Indian faces from all key positions.  !

The PPP did the same in 1992 to blacks, and continued to do so for the next 23 years.

The PPP screams that the coalition gov't has gone after PPP blacks, even more than they have PPP Indians.  The mere fact that only a few PPP blacks were removed is proof that few blacks were in leadership slots.

I asked you and the rest of your brown bai KKK about who the blacks in leadership positions were. Luncheon, Benn, and the head of the GDF.  They couldn't mention any others.

But fine, you don't want social cohesion.  No one is begging youMaybe those who don't want social cohesion need to return to India, then you will be rid of all of these blacks who you clearly despise.

So, social cohesion we must accept your rules or go back to India.  Hear this banna, no one going back to India, we will be in your face and fight you for our rights, GDF or no GDF.  You give us hell, we do the same!!

cain posted:
seignet posted:
caribny posted:

And Zed, look how baseman, cobra, and others ridicule the whole concept of social cohesion.

You say NOTHING to them, and direct all your comments to me.

I just peeped your card. It isn't that you want social cohesion. Its that you fear, that an out of power PPP will mean that domination of Guyana by Indians can no longer be assured.

So as usual you want no mention of what the PPP did to blacks, while many Indians are in full throated hysteria about what the coalition gov't is supposedly doing to them.

THIS is why there will be no cohesion, because to be honest, Guyanese don't want it.

Too many jumbies around-dead ones and live ones.

Benjamin Buttons,"Life is dictated by opportunities, missed ones as well."

YUh and yuh putagee sidekick should not been born in Guyana. Too much resentment stored up. Alyuh and likes holding back the country.


We`aready know your type, we know you racist rass hidin behind religion, what happen no more damnation an shit happening soon? I doan hear you preaching instead I see you really take a liking to dem brown baie KKK group, you even want a Guyana without black and putagee peeps, Look go piss against the dam wind doan ferget to keep your pie hole open.

Yuh and yuh bruddah have nothing to offer Guyanese. Yuh all just pissing in the wind. Blowing back, yuh all juss stink a stale piss.

yuji22 posted:

All this talk about social cohesion is just political BS.

We can start talking when the PNC apologies for the rapes, murders and apartheid that existed under Burnham and Hoyte.

Let us stop this BS talk about social cohesion.

It is all bullshyte. I agree. Just analyse the efforts of Amna Ally and 100 % endorsed by Granger. These people are completely lost. They think having a big party is a cure of healing the nation woes.

They believe talking to the PPP is social cohesion. Fools, doan realize it is the ordinary man they need to address.

Granger as President should be showcasing moderate Indians with the efforts of convincing masses of Indians that they should expect better from their PPP representatives. 

Let it be fair, Blacks have the PNC, suh nothing wrong with Indian supporting the PPP.

Plainly speaking, the government ought to undermine the current PPP leadership. Set the cooolie people pan dem azzez.


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