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Twenty two (22) youths today graduated from the third closing ceremony of the Financial Literacy and Small Business Programme which was held at the Racquet Centre, Woolford Avenue.

(From left to right) Deputy Director of Youth, Leslyn Boyce; Facilitator of the Financial Literacy and Small Business Programme, Lyris Primo; Adeti DeJesus, Presidential Advisor on Youth Empowerment Aubrey Norton’ Minister of Business Dominic Gaskin; Senior Economic Empowerment Officer Samuel Saul and Director of Youth Melissa Carmichael-Haynes.

During the six-week programme, the youths were exposed to training such as what is financial literacy, preparation of business plans, communication, budgeting, and accounting procedures among others.

The programme was aimed at empowering young people and filling the gap in society by equipping youths with the basic tools they would need to become entrepreneurs.  Minister of Business Dominic Gaskin, in delivering the charge, congratulated the youths on taking the first step to becoming entrepreneurs by receiving the necessary training in small business.

Minister Gaskin pitched the idea of starting-up business in the area of Information Communication Technology (ICT). Minister Gaskin told the youths that around the world the idea of a ‘tech startup” is a big deal, while pointing out, it is not so in Guyana.

“I want to encourage you to give some thought to technology, it is an area with limitless possibilities and you should not be intimidated by technology, in fact you should seek to apply modern technology to anything that you do in business, and there is no type of business activity that you cannot improve and enhance through the application of technology.”

The Minister further stressed the impact technology could have on their business by using agriculture as an example. Minister Gaskin pointed out that in this modern age, there is technology that boosts production.

The Minister explained that, “farmers can now work very precisely… so many things have so much information about what they are doing that they can plan more efficiently and utilise the minimum amount of resources. It gives them a competitive edge, it makes what they produce less expensive, it reduces their operating cost more or less and anything that increases your competitiveness will give you the edge in business.”

Deputy Governor of the Central Bank, Dr. Terrence Smith said that he is dedicated to bringing financial literacy to Guyana. According to Dr. Smith, it is something that is lacking in the indigenous communities.

Dr. Smith explained that, “in the indigenous population and in some rural areas, you see how this thing is affecting them and therefore, it affects the economy of Guyana. My intention is to help focus on this matter and try to bring it to the forefront.”

The Central Bank, Dr. Smith noted, will be developing a programme to help the Guyanese people to understand what it means to be financially literate. “The project that we are trying to do at the Bank of Guyana is a mammoth project because we are going across Guyana, and I am trying to bring on a lot of stakeholders,” Dr. Smith explained.

Additionally, the Deputy Governor urged the youths to do a lot of reading as it relates to the dynamics of what is happening in the business world, how to run a small business and the challenges that come with running a small business.

Also present at the closing ceremony was Presidential Advisor on Youth Empowerment Aubrey Norton, Director of Youth Melissa Carmichael-Haynes, Deputy Director of Youth Leslyn Boyce, Senior Economic Empowerment Officer Samuel Saul and Facilitator of the programme, Lyris Primo. (GINA)

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These types of publicity stunts always make me laugh. They show up the Afros as business people when we all know it is the Indian. The other day someone posted all black Guyanese as future entrepreneurs in a program hosted by Obama. There is a disconnect with the propaganda and the reality in Guyana. 


Another picture.

More youths empowered to become entrepreneurs

GINA, GUYANA, Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Twenty -two (22) youths today graduated from a Financial Literacy and Small Business Training that was aimed at empowering young people to develop their own businesses.

The six week training covered areas of training self-development skills, income expenses and budgeting, financial responsibility, credit and debit issues, decision making and action planning.

Image may contain: 27 people, people smiling, people sittingGeorgetown, Guyana – (March 29, 2017) Presidential Advisor on Youth Empowerment, Mr. Aubrey Norton, on Wednesday, congratulated the 23 graduates of the Financial Literacy and Small Business Training Programme and told the group that investment in youth is among the top priorities of Government. “[Government] sees young people as a human resource to be developed. Too regularly young people are dealt with as if they’re a problem. We do not believe that young people are a problem. We believe they are a human resource to be developed and once they are given the requisite training then they will achieve their objectives,” Mr. Norton said during his address at the graduation ceremony, which was held at the Resource Centre of the Ministry of Education on Middle Street.The graduating class from the Financial Literacy and Small Business Training with officials from the Ministry of the Presidency –Office of Presidential Advisor on Youth

Last edited by randolph

Why are you guys getting jittery? Indian youths don't need Financial Literacy and Small Business Training Programme. Dem does learn business from dem parents and neighbourhood shopkeepers and other Indian businessmen. And dem does prosper. Say it ent so. Don't moan. Don't complain. 

Gilbakka posted:

Why are you guys getting jittery? Indian youths don't need Financial Literacy and Small Business Training Programme. Dem does learn business from dem parents and neighbourhood shopkeepers and other Indian businessmen. And dem does prosper. Say it ent so. Don't moan. Don't complain. 

So much Afros getting trained in business over the years and yet nothing to show but pavement vendor and fry fish stand. 

Drugb posted:
Gilbakka posted:

Why are you guys getting jittery? Indian youths don't need Financial Literacy and Small Business Training Programme. Dem does learn business from dem parents and neighbourhood shopkeepers and other Indian businessmen. And dem does prosper. Say it ent so. Don't moan. Don't complain. 

So much Afros getting trained in business over the years and yet nothing to show but pavement vendor and fry fish stand. 

And yet y'all fretting. Live and let live. 


Afros were held back in Africa and in Guyana. They were made slaves and never given the opportunity of freedom or to have an education. Despite popular believe that they are lazy and don't know how to run a cake shop, Afros plays an integral part in many industries, corporations, and hold highly qualified positions as doctors, lawyers, etc. 

In India, dalits were made to believe they're the lowest class citizens and not worthy of an education. Today, many dalits are going to college and university. One day, they will turn back and teach India's first class citizens a thing or two about their oppressive lifestyle. 

You don't envy anyone or make them feel useless of themselves. If all blacks were given the opportunity to be educated, we wouldn't be in a race war in Guyana today.


Drugb posted:

These types of publicity stunts always make me laugh. They show up the Afros as business people when we all know it is the Indian. The other day someone posted all black Guyanese as future entrepreneurs in a program hosted by Obama. There is a disconnect with the propaganda and the reality in Guyana. 

Whine, whine, whine and groan.   So you scream that the Indians are expert business people so maybe they don't need any further exposure.

This is what you get for your racism.

Last edited by Former Member
randolph posted:

 This is the way of the PNC always - 2 half scald out of 67. Where are the voices that halla and scream about blatant racism

Where was your voice when Jagdeo led his all Indian led state corporations. Even Luncheon admitted that blacks were under represented and he couldnt explain why this was.

Its a good thing when the consequences of your racism are pushed in your face.

Maybe we need to do what you all did to us when we complained about PPP racism. Call you racists for raising the topic.

You all never thought that the day would end when you could no longer scream "ahbe pan tap, black man time done!"  D2 warned you all about this and now you see. One racism leads to another form of racism.

Last edited by Former Member
Gilbakka posted:

Why are you guys getting jittery? Indian youths don't need Financial Literacy and Small Business Training Programme. Dem does learn business from dem parents and neighbourhood shopkeepers and other Indian businessmen. And dem does prosper. Say it ent so. Don't moan. Don't complain. 

Druggie, baseman and the other Indo KKK scream this.

So if "black man cyant run mauby shop" then they need to be taught. Given that Indians are all tycoons, and Yesu Persaud is one of the poorest Indians in Guyana then they don't need to be exposed to business.

Drugb posted:

So much Afros getting trained in business over the years and yet nothing to show but pavement vendor and fry fish stand. 

Banks DIH has a black man as a CEO. Now whine, wail and scream.

Carnival Cruise just appointed a black man as CEO, and the Chairman if Microsft is one as well, yet you wail that all blacks can do is collect food stamps and Section 8.

You think that you are better than those guys.

Last edited by Former Member

What are we doing to protect we mattie Indians from killing themselves from cocaine use that is spreading across Guyana? What we doing to do about young drunkard, killers, cocaine sniffers, cutlass choppers, rapers and thieves? I need an answer? 

Cobra posted:

. If all blacks were given the opportunity to be educated, we wouldn't be in a race war in Guyana today.


Please let me inform you that at least until the  80s blacks were more educated than were Indians.  Even now black women have the highest levels of secondary school completion and tertiary level attainment in Guyana.


You need to learn that if every one owned a roti shop or a beer garden then they would live in a nonfunctional society.

Cobra posted:

What are we doing to protect we mattie Indians from killing themselves from cocaine use that is spreading across Guyana? What we doing to do about young drunkard, killers, cocaine sniffers, cutlass choppers, rapers and thieves? I need an answer? 

And based in druggie and baseman I was left to believe that every Indian in Guyana is a tycoon, and saving money was their main activity.

Maybe if they told the truth and that is that Indians are as poor as blacks, and most are not successful business people then one can argue that excluding them from programs aimed at uplifting the youth isn't fair.

Just mention to Druggie that some Indians have social pathologies as do some blacks and he screams that it is racist to say such a thing.

caribny posted:
Cobra posted:

. If all blacks were given the opportunity to be educated, we wouldn't be in a race war in Guyana today.


Please let me inform you that at least until the  80s blacks were more educated than were Indians.  Even now black women have the highest levels of secondary school completion and tertiary level attainment in Guyana.


You need to learn that if every one owned a roti shop or a beer garden then they would live in a nonfunctional society.

In fact in 2012 Region 10 had an illiteracy rate of around 5% while Region 6 had a whopping 15%, with only Region 1 having a higher literacy rate.  Region 4 was around 7%.

Put it another way.  There is a higher % of illiterate people in the Corentyne than in the Rupununi.

For post secondary education Regions 4 and 10 were almost identical at around 17%, with Region 6 having only 8%.

So much for those who wish to portray Guyanese blacks as a band of illiterates.

This is from the 2012 census.

Oh and druggie 65% of the Guyanese fleeing to Barbados arrived after 2000.  They fled Jagdeo!

caribny posted:

In fact in 2012 Region 10 had an illiteracy rate of around 5% while Region 6 had a whopping 15%, with only Region 1 having a higher literacy rate.  Region 4 was around 7%.

Put it another way.  There is a higher % of illiterate people in the Corentyne than in the Rupununi.

For post secondary education Regions 4 and 10 were almost identical at around 17%, with Region 6 having only 8%.

So much for those who wish to portray Guyanese blacks as a band of illiterates.

This is from the 2012 census.

Oh and druggie 65% of the Guyanese fleeing to Barbados arrived after 2000.  They fled Jagdeo!

Cribby, as usual you clutter the discussion with unsubstantiated statistics to which only you have access. The fact is that one only have to look around their neighborhoods and see who is doing well and who is under performing. During my recent bike trips up the east coast, I can immediately tell when I passing through a black village by loud music but bruck up houses. Meanwhile the Indian villages shows well maintained and newer homes. You only comment from the sofa of your brooklyn basement apartment. The rest of us have a pulse on the reality in Guyana. Years ago I urged you to save up your entitlement money and take a trip to Guyana to see for yourself, there was even talk of us pooling our money and give you a complementary plane ticket. 

What is significant post 2000 is that travel between the Caribbean nations became easier as Caricom nationals were allowed to work in member states as an inherent right. 

Last edited by Former Member
Cobra posted:

What are we doing to protect we mattie Indians from killing themselves from cocaine use that is spreading across Guyana? What we doing to do about young drunkard, killers, cocaine sniffers, cutlass choppers, rapers and thieves? I need an answer? 

Like in any other culture, this is the responsibility of the police, parents and society.  You are a grown man, this is nothing new, if you had kids then you would know the value of good parenting.  Those Indos must be taking a page out of the CaribJ book of parenting, make your kids and let the streets raise them. 

caribny posted:
Drugb posted:

So much Afros getting trained in business over the years and yet nothing to show but pavement vendor and fry fish stand. 

Banks DIH has a black man as a CEO. Now whine, wail and scream.

Carnival Cruise just appointed a black man as CEO, and the Chairman if Microsft is one as well, yet you wail that all blacks can do is collect food stamps and Section 8.

You think that you are better than those guys.

A few token positions for publicity, but most significantly, these are not businessmen but rather workers. The businessmen are the owners of those corporations. 

caribny posted:
Gilbakka posted:

Why are you guys getting jittery? Indian youths don't need Financial Literacy and Small Business Training Programme. Dem does learn business from dem parents and neighbourhood shopkeepers and other Indian businessmen. And dem does prosper. Say it ent so. Don't moan. Don't complain. 

Druggie, baseman and the other Indo KKK scream this.

So if "black man cyant run mauby shop" then they need to be taught. Given that Indians are all tycoons, and Yesu Persaud is one of the poorest Indians in Guyana then they don't need to be exposed to business.

Cribby, like they only let you out every few days on work release for slop can duties? 

The fact is that the proof is in the pudding, there are but a few successful blacks business men in Guyana. Twist and turn it as you wish but performance is the measure, not publicity stunts. 

Drugb posted:

Cribby, as usual you clutter the discussion with unsubstantiated statistics to which only you have access.

Druggie these statistics are from the 2012 Guyana census.

Now if that data is not accessible to you then ask yourself why.

Yes I know that it flies in the face of your daily screams that blacks are losers but it is what it is.

Also druggie almost all of the Vincies and Lucians living in Barbados arrived prior to 1990, and almost none after 2000.  The jobs that Vincies and Lucians used to do in Barbados are now done by your PPP supporters.  And yet you sing praises of them while they go and serve at the pleasure of upper middle class Bajan career woman.

That data is from the Barbados census by the way.

Drugb posted:

Like in any other culture, this is the responsibility of the police, parents and society.  

Glad that you don't deny what I have told you long ago, and that is that Indos have a bunch of social problems. Yet you spend all day "worrying" about blacks.

Drugb posted:

A few token positions for publicity, but most significantly, these are not businessmen but rather workers. The businessmen are the owners of those corporations. 

Only you will concoct a notion that the CEO of Carnival Cruise lines has less clout than the owner of Singh's Roti Shop.

Mr. Reis, CEO of Banks DIH, is one of the most powerful men in Guyana.  He can drive Ramlal's Beer Garden out of business in 6 seconds if he wanted to.

Chairman of Microsoft and CEO of American Express are just workers. Druggie you are a comedian.

Last edited by Former Member
Drugb posted:

Cribby, like they only let you out every few days on work release for slop can duties? 


I have work to do even if you don't.  Writing code and hiding from your boss allows you more time to waste than others who have businesses to run.

caribny posted:

I have work to do even if you don't.  Writing code and hiding from your boss allows you more time to waste than others who have businesses to run.

Rass cribby, you have business to run? An Indian man must be showing you wah fuh do. 

caribny posted:
Drugb posted:

A few token positions for publicity, but most significantly, these are not businessmen but rather workers. The businessmen are the owners of those corporations. 

Only you will concoct a notion that the CEO of Carnival Cruise lines has less clout than the owner of Singh's Roti Shop.

Mr. Reis, CEO of Banks DIH, is one of the most powerful men in Guyana.  He can drive Ramlal's Beer Garden out of business in 6 seconds if he wanted to.

Chairman of Microsoft and CEO of American Express are just workers. Druggie you are a comedian.

how he can drive the man out of business you think guyana is still in 1950 

caribny posted:

Only you will concoct a notion that the CEO of Carnival Cruise lines has less clout than the owner of Singh's Roti Shop.

Mr. Reis, CEO of Banks DIH, is one of the most powerful men in Guyana.  He can drive Ramlal's Beer Garden out of business in 6 seconds if he wanted to.

Chairman of Microsoft and CEO of American Express are just workers. Druggie you are a comedian.

Suh yuh claim Reis as a black man? Lookah hey rass, he look like an arab or could pass as Ramoutar.


Besides, the CEO don't run the corporation, it is the board of directors. Reis. 

caribny posted:

Druggie these statistics are from the 2012 Guyana census.

Now if that data is not accessible to you then ask yourself why.

Yes I know that it flies in the face of your daily screams that blacks are losers but it is what it is.

Also druggie almost all of the Vincies and Lucians living in Barbados arrived prior to 1990, and almost none after 2000.  The jobs that Vincies and Lucians used to do in Barbados are now done by your PPP supporters.  And yet you sing praises of them while they go and serve at the pleasure of upper middle class Bajan career woman.

That data is from the Barbados census by the way.

Lie all you want, Lucians don't have to go to Barbados because their tourism industry, run by Whites, provide them bountiful employment to the point that other nationalities also go there to find work. 

Drugb posted:
caribny posted:

I have work to do even if you don't.  Writing code and hiding from your boss allows you more time to waste than others who have businesses to run.

Rass cribby, you have business to run? An Indian man must be showing you wah fuh do. 

In fact no Indian is any where near to me. Cannot abide the racist clannishness that you lot bring to the table.

Drugb posted:

Lie all you want, Lucians don't have to go to Barbados because their tourism industry, run by Whites, provide them bountiful employment to the point that other nationalities also go there to find work. 

There are locally owned St Lucian hotels, some owned by BLACK St Lucians.  And if the white owners invest in tourism and St Lucians benefit then why your jealousy?

Instead Guyana lacked foreign investment so your PPP supporters had to scramble to Barbados, where they accounted for almost all of the Caribbean immigrants who arrived on that island after 2000.  Doing donkey work at that. One of them was trying to hussle a black Bajan woman who laughed at him when she found out what he was paid. She told him to get lost with his "little boy pay" and suggest that Barbados was too expensive a place for any one to accept at job at that wage rate.


Druggie tell me all about the tourists who flock to the BLACK sand beaches of St Vincent.  What is your excuse for the fact that even Vincies don't stoop to the types of jobs that PPP supporters flocked to Barbados to get.

Nehru posted:

Racism in Guyana under the PNC will always be in full force. It is what they teach and practice. They have Sophia University where research is done on how to be a RACIST Govt!!

bannas...I graduate form Sophia U...don't knock it


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