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Sock it to me, Baby!


There is no other cabal of leaders as comical as those in the PPP leadership. Gaddafi was eccentrically facetious, but it was him alone that was a comic not his close Ministers. The same can be said for ex-Italian PM, Silvio Berlusconi. The President of South Sudan makes you marvel at his cowboy hat that President Bush gave him that he wears permanently, but he is a serious man.
In Guyana, one wonders what kind of protÉgÉs Cheddi Jagan founded. These people do not know their backside from their mouth, to recognize bronze from brains, when to know to shut up, when to know what to wear, when to observe protocol, when to distinguish between official capacity and personal time.
Some examples are just beyond belief. Right next to President Jagdeo, a ministerial advisor was involved in a brawl at an international boxing match. Another one justified not opening the public-owned swimming pools to the nation because he said people must know that they have to bathe first before they use the facility.
Here is an example that is hard to believe. It was at the celebration of twenty-one years in power by the PPP at an Essequibo rally. The Champion told the meeting that the reason why a Guyanese media mogul doesn’t like him is because he “tek away de outside woman” of the media mogul. You aren’t going to find this type of political lewdness elsewhere in the world.
One Minister has sent a photograph to the newspapers asking that it be the image to be used. I see nothing wrong with that. Maybe other Ministers should follow this example, because it shows an attempt to appear pleasant in front of the nation.
The sad problem with the PPP leadership is the abject inability to differentiate situational contexts. It is a requirement for all the peoples in the world. No student is going to respect his/her teacher that drinks at a Christmas party and cusses away like hell. Teachers must carry a certain demeanour in front of students if they are to be successful in the classroom.
A CEO cannot be seen having an affair with the coffee lady of the company. He may get away with an extra-marital affair somewhere else, but he will automatically lose the admiration and respect of his staff if he chooses the coffee lady. This is a fact of life. This is the way human beings will react.
Dennis Rodman is making himself a joke around the globe. Sports heroes are people that endless youngsters want to emulate. They cannot be seen behaving like clowns around the world. Rodman is appearing foolish with his bizarre defence of his friendship with the young North Korean tyrant.
Should a president be photographed back-balling in public? That is his prerogative, but it carries consequences for his own credibility and that of his office. In my opinion (and I am an extreme liberal who believes in gay marriage; decriminalization of marijuana and re-thinking on other narcotics; no fault divorce; abolition of death penalty; abortion, etc.) back-balling is a type of dancing that carries an element of vulgarity that holders of esteemed public offices should avoid be seen doing in public.
I do not for a moment think that people should be banned from back-balling. That is their right. Let them dance that way if they want to. But surely, the Pope, Presidents, Prime Ministers, Ministers, Bishops, Swamis, Imams, Teachers, Judges and similar categories should be avoiding publication of images of them doing that kind of dance.
President Jagdeo cut a terrible image doing that at a Christmas party with a soldier. You automatically felt angry when you saw the clip, because here was the president of the nation appearing in public in a lewd pose. People all over Guyana were talking about that comical profanity. Sadly, Donald Ramotar has learnt nothing from life’s lessons.
Ramotar once asked me in a published letter in this newspaper what is meant by the “poetic essence of history.” I hope by now he knows what that means after seeing the election of an African-American to the US presidency, but honestly, do you think he knows what it means? If he did, then why did he want to emulate Jagdeo and do a back-balling gyration with a soldier? He looked terrible. Did he see himself after?
I saw a photograph of the said woman that Ramotar back-balled with at the same dance with another partner and my, oh my! Did you see what she was not wearing? She certainly knows how to sock it. If you think Jagdeo and Ramotar like that kind of lascivious vibes, wait till you see images of a certain Minister back-balling.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Seriously, would any woman on the Planet ever Backball Freddy Kruger.

He is happily married and don't frequent Gaumont like you, ok. 

If I don't visit Gaumont, how yuh gun earn a living???

Originally Posted by Nehru:

Seriously, would any woman on the Planet ever Backball Freddy Kruger.

back-balling is a type of dancing that carries an element of vulgarity that holders of esteemed public offices should avoid be seen doing in public.
I do not for a moment think that people should be banned from back-balling. That is their right. Let them dance that way if they want to. But surely, the Pope, Presidents, Prime Ministers, Ministers, Bishops, Swamis, Imams, Teachers, Judges and similar categories should be avoiding publication of images of them doing that kind of dance.
President Jagdeo cut a terrible image doing that at a Christmas party with a soldier.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Seriously, would any woman on the Planet ever Backball Freddy Kruger.

back-balling is a type of dancing that carries an element of vulgarity that holders of esteemed public offices should avoid be seen doing in public.
I do not for a moment think that people should be banned from back-balling. That is their right. Let them dance that way if they want to. But surely, the Pope, Presidents, Prime Ministers, Ministers, Bishops, Swamis, Imams, Teachers, Judges and similar categories should be avoiding publication of images of them doing that kind of dance.
President Jagdeo cut a terrible image doing that at a Christmas party with a soldier.

Our Soldiers have their Tradition and we must respect that.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Seriously, would any woman on the Planet ever Backball Freddy Kruger.

back-balling is a type of dancing that carries an element of vulgarity that holders of esteemed public offices should avoid be seen doing in public.
I do not for a moment think that people should be banned from back-balling. That is their right. Let them dance that way if they want to. But surely, the Pope, Presidents, Prime Ministers, Ministers, Bishops, Swamis, Imams, Teachers, Judges and similar categories should be avoiding publication of images of them doing that kind of dance.
President Jagdeo cut a terrible image doing that at a Christmas party with a soldier.

Our Soldiers have their Tradition and we must respect that.

one of their tradition is to bugger ppp antiman its your turn next

Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Seriously, would any woman on the Planet ever Backball Freddy Kruger.

back-balling is a type of dancing that carries an element of vulgarity that holders of esteemed public offices should avoid be seen doing in public.
I do not for a moment think that people should be banned from back-balling. That is their right. Let them dance that way if they want to. But surely, the Pope, Presidents, Prime Ministers, Ministers, Bishops, Swamis, Imams, Teachers, Judges and similar categories should be avoiding publication of images of them doing that kind of dance.
President Jagdeo cut a terrible image doing that at a Christmas party with a soldier.

Our Soldiers have their Tradition and we must respect that.

one of their tradition is to bugger ppp antiman its your turn next

Is dat what she told you.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Seriously, would any woman on the Planet ever Backball Freddy Kruger.

back-balling is a type of dancing that carries an element of vulgarity that holders of esteemed public offices should avoid be seen doing in public.
I do not for a moment think that people should be banned from back-balling. That is their right. Let them dance that way if they want to. But surely, the Pope, Presidents, Prime Ministers, Ministers, Bishops, Swamis, Imams, Teachers, Judges and similar categories should be avoiding publication of images of them doing that kind of dance.
President Jagdeo cut a terrible image doing that at a Christmas party with a soldier.

Our Soldiers have their Tradition and we must respect that.

This tradition which Nehru love, promote & practice

only started recently when PPP choose a

President who practice Buggery..... Openly.


Let us examine closely

when this Nasty Tradition started......

and by who

Ceremonial President - Feb 23 1970 to Oct 6 1980

PresidentTerm of officePolitical party (at time of election)Prime Minister(s)
 No image.pngSir Edward Luckhoo(1912–1998)23 February 197017 March 197022 daysIndependentBurnham
1President Arthur Chung.jpgArthur Chung(1918–2008)17 March 19706 October 198010 years, 203 daysIndependentBurnham


Sir E V Luckhoo & Arthur Chung both Jailed anyone caught Practicing or Promoting Buggery....they were serious with the laws of Guyana.


Executive Presidents

PresidentTerm of officePolitical party (at time of election)Buggery Law

Forbes Burnham


6 October 1980

6 August 1985

(Died in Office)

4 years, 304 daysPeople's National Congress

Strictly Enforced 

Jailed if caught

No Playing with Batty Boys

3No image.png

Desmond Hoyte


6 August 19859 October 19927 years, 64 daysPeople's National CongressContinued Burnham practice to get rid of Buggery & Nastiness
4President Cheddi Jagan.png

Cheddi Jagan


9 October 1992

6 March 1997


(Died in Office)

4 years, 148 daysPeople's Progressive Party

Respect his Supporters

would never tolerate or encourage Buggery & Nastiness.

Set high Standards

5Sam Hinds 2006.jpg

Sam Hinds


6 March 199719 December 1997288 daysPeople's Progressive Party

Learn, Respect and Follow Dr Jagan Footsteps....

Good Man

6Janet Jagan.png

Janet Jagan


19 December 199711 August 1999 (Resigned)1 year, 235 daysPeople's Progressive Party

Would Never Knowingly Mess with Aunty-men

Made a Mistake appointing Jagdeo after believing he had a wife and the Bamboo Wedding was Legal.

7Jagdeo03032007.jpgBharrat Jagdeo (1964&ndash11 August 1999

3 December 2011

(Term Ended)

12 years, 114 daysPeople's Progressive Party

Throw Varshnie out the Bed.

Manni & others replaced De First Lady.

Kwame move into Freedom House & Office of President

Started new Buggery Tradition.... Nehru Like

8Donald Ramotar.pngDonald Ramotar (1950&ndash3 December 2011   Incumbent

2 years, 45 days


(as of 17 January 2014)

People's Progressive Party

Continue Buggery Tradition

Started by Jagdeo.

Show De First Lady what caused de Break up of Rat Marrage.

First Lady willing to accept & accomodate

Last edited by Former Member
Freddie Kissoon:


In Guyana, one wonders what kind of protégés Cheddi Jagan founded. These people do not know their backside from their mouth, to recognize bronze from brains, when to know to shut up, when to know what to wear, when to observe protocol, when to distinguish between official capacity and personal time.


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