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Former Member

By Kurt Campbell

Aubrey Norton . [iNews' Photo]

Aubrey Norton


Former People’s National Congress General Secretary Aubrey Norton has trashed claims, labeling him a Traitor and exuberated surmountable confidence that he will defeat current PNC Leader David Granger when the 18th Biennial Congress convenes at the weekend, where a new Party Leader will be selected.


Norton, a Linden strongman will go head to head with Granger after Region Ten Chairman Sharma Solomon has reportedly pulled out of the race. He had earlier accepted the nomination.


Solomon refused iNews a comment when approached. It is believed however, that Solomon has declined to run for the leadership position so as to allow Norton to dominate the Linden constituency from which they both hail.


Norton, a PNC Stalwart, who was keen in criticizing Granger’s headship, said it is his belief and that of many Party members that the Party is not strong at this point to win any general elections.

To this end, Norton says he plans to focus on training and education to ensure the survival of the Party by ensuring it adapts to present times. He said too that efforts will have to be made to ensure that the Party remains viable, independently so and as such will develop an economic plan that will generate income.

Leader of the APNU, David Granger.

Leader of the APNU, David Granger.


Thirdly, Norton said there is also the need for a general strategic plan that will holistically guide the Party’s direction.

“It can’t just be political anymore, it has to be political, social and economical,” Norton told iNews.


In responding directly to claims that he is a traitor and is causing division in the Party, Norton said: “the negative doesn’t worry me, I get my motivation from the people who believe in me and who are pushing me, the person who is claiming that more fits that ilk more than me.”


He refused to comment further on the issues when quizzed.

“I am very confident that I will win, I think I can rely on the people to vote for me,” he said, while making it pellucid that his criticism was not directed against Granger’s person but rather his policies.

Chairman of Region 10, Sharma Solomon.

Chairman of Region 10, Sharma Solomon.


Norton said he is not worried either about the possibility of vote fixing and election rigging but assures his supporters will be keeping a keen eye on the machinery.

“I’m not threatened at all and I believe my track record will do well.” He boasted.


He also bragged of his vibrancy and knowledge of foreign policy and says he is a strong supporter of the national unity policy.

Norton has promised to engage more indo Guyanese to ensure that the PNC’s support base is broaden.

“I believe to win any general elections you need a multi ethnic approach.”


He reiterated that much monitoring of the machinery will be done during the process to ensure that “the people vote count.

Norton boasted of an overwhelming strong support in all regions and an across the board Party support.


He was stern that under his Stewardship “Party business will remain party business” and will not become the subject of newspaper articles and editorials.

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Norton has a chance of winning.  Some PNC supporters are pissed off at the leadership of Granger.   He is seen as being too soft with the PPP leadership; particularly, when it comes to Donald.  Others are questioning if he is a real PNC member with his wife being a possible WPA supporter/ possibly Rodney supporter back in the Rodney days and his son-on-law being part of the AFC leadership.  So Norton has an opportunity here of winning however slim it may be. 


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