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Prince you are so correct some Indians have no shame look at what Imran posted:

Chief would you welcome a black man in your home to marry your daughter or grand daughter.... his room would be next to yours . I ask this question because you claim the girl parents are racist and cannot stand a black son in law .

And your answer must be honest as you swear on your Koran ....




Mitwah posted:

Happy New Year Bhai.

You should be celebrating and welcome your bhaiyas with mala, artie and sweet mithai....

I don't need new years greetings from a hypocrite. I recalled you spoke of Jagan as though he never existed when you were liking the Blackman poke and rice. Now you should be happy that Granger is doing away with everything in Jagan's name. 

Chief posted:

Prince you are so correct some Indians have no shame look at what Imran posted:

Chief would you welcome a black man in your home to marry your daughter or grand daughter.... his room would be next to yours . I ask this question because you claim the girl parents are racist and cannot stand a black son in law .

And your answer must be honest as you swear on your Koran ....




You skvnt don't have any shame either. Don't run away from the Burnham era and what you did to Indians. 


Let me quote Nehru"Guyana Gone For CHANNA", we all feel your pain, so what can we do now before it get worst.Jagdeo MUST lead, call for national STRIKE, All Indian stores close for a few days, all private taxi and buses stop  running. For every action, there must be a reaction by the OPPOSITION. Granja and army wants to get RID all evidence Jagan's achievements  he worked hard for years to achieve. I would not be surprise if they Burn down the RED HOUSE with all it's history.

kp posted:

Let me quote Nehru"Guyana Gone For CHANNA", we all feel your pain, so what can we do now before it get worst.Jagdeo MUST lead, call for national STRIKE, All Indian stores close for a few days, all private taxi and buses stop  running. For every action, there must be a reaction by the OPPOSITION. Granja and army wants to get RID all evidence Jagan's achievements  he worked hard for years to achieve. I would not be surprise if they Burn down the RED HOUSE with all it's history.

Well said KP. It's one of their ways of expressing their inherited trait.

kp posted:

Let me quote Nehru"Guyana Gone For CHANNA", we all feel your pain, so what can we do now before it get worst.Jagdeo MUST lead, call for national STRIKE, All Indian stores close for a few days, all private taxi and buses stop  running. For every action, there must be a reaction by the OPPOSITION. Granja and army wants to get RID all evidence Jagan's achievements  he worked hard for years to achieve. I would not be surprise if they Burn down the RED HOUSE with all it's history.

I was thinking the same " RED HOUSE " might  be up in flames by these idiots 

Prince posted:
Mitwah posted:

Happy New Year Bhai.

You should be celebrating and welcome your bhaiyas with mala, artie and sweet mithai....

I don't need new years greetings from a hypocrite. I recalled you spoke of Jagan as though he never existed when you were liking the Blackman poke and rice. Now you should be happy that Granger is doing away with everything in Jagan's name. 

Your majesty you are confusing me with someone else. Are you denying that Jagan gave Burnham critical support? They were great friends. Jagan chose Burnham to be God Father for his children.

watch yuh bai Nehru deh.

kp posted:

Let me quote Nehru"Guyana Gone For CHANNA", we all feel your pain, so what can we do now before it get worst.Jagdeo MUST lead, call for national STRIKE, All Indian stores close for a few days, all private taxi and buses stop  running. For every action, there must be a reaction by the OPPOSITION. Granja and army wants to get RID all evidence Jagan's achievements  he worked hard for years to achieve. I would not be surprise if they Burn down the RED HOUSE with all it's history.

The DAG wants to totally wipe out Jagan's legacy. Jagan's family are responsible for preserving his legacy. Where are Joey and Nadira?

Leonora posted:
kp posted:

Let me quote Nehru"Guyana Gone For CHANNA", we all feel your pain, so what can we do now before it get worst.Jagdeo MUST lead, call for national STRIKE, All Indian stores close for a few days, all private taxi and buses stop  running. For every action, there must be a reaction by the OPPOSITION. Granja and army wants to get RID all evidence Jagan's achievements  he worked hard for years to achieve. I would not be surprise if they Burn down the RED HOUSE with all it's history.

The DAG wants to totally wipe out Jagan's legacy. Jagan's family are responsible for preserving his legacy. Where are Joey and Nadira?

Girl didn't you see Joey holding hands with Ulele Burnham last year? She said she came to bury Burnham once and for all, but it was Joey who buried his father and his country, deep into the belly of the beast.

Bibi Haniffa
Prince posted:

Now that the Blackman is ripping down Jagan legacy, allyou shedding crocodile tears? Ramjattan and Moses is equally responsible. Namely, I am speaking to Mitwah, Gilbakka and jackass cart economist, TK. All of you should be in front a firing squad today. 

You are a coolie fool. Bharrat Jagdeo has told PPP members not to turn away disgruntled APNU+AFC supporters. Jagdeo is a wise coolie. Foolish people like Prince are the reason why coolies like Mitwah, Gilbakka and TK are reluctant to support the PPP now. You cannot abuse people verbally and threaten them with firing squad and then expect them to love your party. Maybe, one stark realistic fact has not penetrated your foolish skull yet: COOLIES MAKE UP ONLY 39.8% OF GUYANA'S POPULATION. Unlike Mitwah, Gilbakka will not wish Prince a Happy New Year. Let him boil and fry in his miserable coolie self.

Gilbakka posted:
Prince posted:

Now that the Blackman is ripping down Jagan legacy, allyou shedding crocodile tears? Ramjattan and Moses is equally responsible. Namely, I am speaking to Mitwah, Gilbakka and jackass cart economist, TK. All of you should be in front a firing squad today. 

You are a coolie fool. Bharrat Jagdeo has told PPP members not to turn away disgruntled APNU+AFC supporters. Jagdeo is a wise coolie. Foolish people like Prince are the reason why coolies like Mitwah, Gilbakka and TK are reluctant to support the PPP now. You cannot abuse people verbally and threaten them with firing squad and then expect them to love your party. Maybe, one stark realistic fact has not penetrated your foolish skull yet: COOLIES MAKE UP ONLY 39.8% OF GUYANA'S POPULATION. Unlike Mitwah, Gilbakka will not wish Prince a Happy New Year. Let him boil and fry in his miserable coolie self.

I have to forgive him when I say the mantra to forgive those who trespass against me. Paap sab Kat Jaayenge. Help me Lord to purify my thoughts and to eliminate all sins.


Gilbakka posted:
Prince posted:

Now that the Blackman is ripping down Jagan legacy, allyou shedding crocodile tears? Ramjattan and Moses is equally responsible. Namely, I am speaking to Mitwah, Gilbakka and jackass cart economist, TK. All of you should be in front a firing squad today. 

god You are a coolie fool. Bharrat Jagdeo has told PPP members not to turn away disgruntled APNU+AFC supporters. Jagdeo is a wise coolie. Foolish people like Prince are the reason why coolies like Mitwah, Gilbakka and TK are reluctant to support the PPP now. You cannot abuse people verbally and threaten them with firing squad and then expect them to love your party. Maybe, one stark realistic fact has not penetrated your foolish skull yet: COOLIES MAKE UP ONLY 39.8% OF GUYANA'S POPULATION. Unlike Mitwah, Gilbakka will not wish Prince a Happy New Year. Let him boil and fry in his miserable coolie self.

If the PPP ought to win again it wouldn't be because of three puppy dog, neemakarams. I also don't believe they are relying on male prostitutes to rebuild their image either. All you smart for coolie and stupid for Blackman.

Good luck, teacha!

Prince posted:

Now that the Blackman is ripping down Jagan legacy, allyou shedding crocodile tears? Ramjattan and Moses is equally responsible. Namely, I am speaking to Mitwah, Gilbakka and jackass cart economist, TK. All of you should be in front a firing squad today. 



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Django posted:
VVP posted:

Who is 3rd from left?  But is wha going on here though?

Oh, I see gathering of the corruptocrats.

I heard from good sources,Harmon is a pal of BK,and does take advice from BJ,

Harmon is a razor blade.

Birds of a feather bai. He is definitely buddy with BK.  You really think these people care about Guyana?  But the foolish people will kill themselves over these scamps. 

Last edited by Former Member
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Django posted:
VVP posted:

Who is 3rd from left?  But is wha going on here though?

Oh, I see gathering of the corruptocrats.

I heard from good sources,Harmon is a pal of BK,and does take advice from BJ,

Harmon is a razor blade.

The Good Sources are taking you off the payroll. 

Don't  need free dough,I am ok with what i have,

always been that way and it shall continue.

Georgie posted:
Prince posted:

Now that the Blackman is ripping down Jagan legacy, allyou shedding crocodile tears? Ramjattan and Moses is equally responsible. Namely, I am speaking to Mitwah, Gilbakka and jackass cart economist, TK. All of you should be in front a firing squad today. 


Oh bAi same time Abe skont a kill mattee on this forum ... them chap a love up 


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