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The man was right. He had to show probable cause or suspicion to stop him. I will defend the dude cussing out the police. It seems like that's the only language they understand. If it was a coolie man, they would have physically hauled him out of the car, arrest and handcuffed him. The "haffica" looked like he was looking for a lil raise. He seemed like he was trying to look for any anything to get the man. Cat pissed in his cap that day.

skeldon_man posted:

The man was right. He had to show probable cause or suspicion to stop him. I will defend the dude cussing out the police. It seems like that's the only language they understand. If it was a coolie man, they would have physically hauled him out of the car, arrest and handcuffed him. The "haffica" looked like he was looking for a lil raise. He seemed like he was trying to look for any anything to get the man. Cat pissed in his cap that day.

I have to disagree with you. Driving is not a constitutional right. He should have been arrested for disorderly conduct with the abused officer being the complainant.  Next time they stop him, they should place the stop bars with the spikes next to his tyres.


understand his frustrations. Last year December I was in Guyana for a week. A few hours trip to Albion turned into 12 hours and late in the night. The police stopped the vehicle for no reason in Berbice and in Demerara. In Demerara twice.  And nothing was wrong. If there were more cusswords, Crawford not blamed fuh using dem all.


I got back from Guyana about a month ago and can understand that guy frustration. For example if you are driving from Georgetown to rosignal on any given day you are likely to be stop and ask for your driver licene at least 4 times. On several occasion they take my documents and ask you park off the road as if they found something wrong then they would produce tickets for purchase for a barbeque somewhere in Sophia or lodge for G$1000 a piece which they full well know few would go there. One cop at a Weldaad West Berbice stop ask me for a donation just like that when he handed back the documents. If you live out of Guyana not only in the ABC countries but the Caribbean islands, Surinam and surround countries you might get pull over but you would never see a cop standing on the road stopping motorist and ask to produce your drivers licene...only in shithole Guyana... 

Dave posted:

The police are looking for the smallest infraction on your vehicle to issue a ticket. They will inform you of the ticket cost VS paying a small pc. 

This form of bribery can be stop by having dash board cameras and expose these culprits. 

I park my car in camp street and when I came back this cop says its park illegal because it was slightly slanted and diagonal parking is not allow. So I told to write me a ticket to which he said I have to drive to Eveleary and I will be place on a G$5000 bail. He probably think I would bribe him but I said ok I need to see your superior officer who would put me in front a magistrate for a parking ticket.  He gave me my licene and says carry on. 

Lot of us are blaming governments for Guyanese bad behavior but when you see young and fit well fed persons shakedown/hustling others openly from the immigration/customs, baggage handler, taxi and almost everyone you come in contact with you realize its a disease affecting all Guyanese.


Last edited by sachin_05

The operations of the Police Traffic Department,have been like that for years.They pulled you over ask for Drivers License,then a raise.

Their other intimidation drive your vehicle to the Police Station and impound it,another raise to get it out.I have never gave them any raise.Two incidents,one in GT and the other at VH, i was asked to drive to station,i told the officer you are wasting my time and your time.

I drove in and drive out,my contacts their Superiors were stationed there.All the Commanders,Inspectors and Sergeants that was stationed in my Region was my acquaintances,any new ones stationed,i am introduced to them.

Last edited by Django
sachin_05 posted:

I park my car in camp street and when I came back this cop says its park illegal because it was slightly slanted and diagonal parking is not allow. So I told to write me a ticket to which he said I have to drive to Eveleary and I will be place on a G$5000 bail. He probably think I would bribe him but I said ok I need to see your superior officer who would put me in front a magistrate for a parking ticket.  He gave me my licene and says carry on. 

Lot of us are blaming governments for Guyanese bad behavior but when you see young and fit well fed persons shakedown/hustling others openly from the immigration/customs, baggage handler, taxi and almost everyone you come in contact with you realize its a disease affecting all Guyanese.


Yes. The SOCIETY is corrupt. Governments are a reflection of the people. You get the government you deserve. From early ages teefing and bribery is encouraged as a way of life in Guyana, even if they have money and don't need to steal. And that behavior makes into all levels of public office and in every political party. It's a culture of thievery.

Nehru posted:

The PNC trained, condone and encourage Customs, Police and Civil Service to behave in such ways. They are allowing these people to supplement their salaries so that the Govt does not have to give increases.

Didn't you wuk fuh de government in Guyana as a Customs or civil service man? I read somewhere dat you said that.

sachin_05 posted:
Dave posted:

The police are looking for the smallest infraction on your vehicle to issue a ticket. They will inform you of the ticket cost VS paying a small pc. 

This form of bribery can be stop by having dash board cameras and expose these culprits. 

I park my car in camp street and when I came back this cop says its park illegal because it was slightly slanted and diagonal parking is not allow. So I told to write me a ticket to which he said I have to drive to Eveleary and I will be place on a G$5000 bail. He probably think I would bribe him but I said ok I need to see your superior officer who would put me in front a magistrate for a parking ticket.  He gave me my licene and says carry on. 

Lot of us are blaming governments for the way Guyanese bad behavior but when you see young and fit well fed persons shakedown/hustling others openly from the immigration/customs, baggage handler, taxi and almost everyone you come in contact with you realize its a disease affecting all Guyanese.


Good for you to stood your ground. Almost similar stuff happened to me two weeks ago at Parika stelling. 

Park my truck infront the police station and proceed to the stelling for my tickets for the ferry . Came back, a cop already has his book pretending to write a ticket, claiming I park on a no parking spot. 

I said, where is the no parking sign ( there was NO sign ) I told him I will speak with his boss ( corporal ) who was sitting across a food stall eating food that my buddies paid for. 

This police say, leave something for me nah  pardna. It was difficult to avoid his request, knowing there was food around... we invite him for a bit. 

Iguana posted:
Nehru posted:

The PNC trained, condone and encourage Customs, Police and Civil Service to behave in such ways. They are allowing these people to supplement their salaries so that the Govt does not have to give increases.

Didn't you wuk fuh de government in Guyana as a Customs or civil service man? I read somewhere dat you said that.

He was a Civil Servant,knows the runnings.The frecks collected was spent at the houses in GT,another who boasts about such.

Last edited by Django
Django posted:

He was a Civil Servant,knows the runnings.The frecks collected was spent at the houses in GT.

Suh he is part of de problem and he deh hay talkin' shit and acting like one ah dem Indian bad man representing he peeps. Meanwhile yuh tink he was part of de PNC teefing machinery collecting freck. Ah see.

Nehru posted:

Mits, we all know how the GPF and the Govt operates. They wrote the manual how to be third world Slums!!!

FK wrote about the illegal stops for years now since the PPP time.  It's your right not to give them your ID or driver's licence or registration if they don't tell you what is your infraction. Once you are stopped take out your cell phone and let them know that you videoing and uploading it to the Cloud. Do not unlock your door  but roll down your window a few inches. 

It's the bribe that they want to extract and it's possible it is shared all the way to the top.


Guyana is a screwed up society. The people reflect the politics and the politics reflects the people.  

Understand, police, civil servants etc have authority over the public but are paid low.  They see politicians living large, they see business people living large.   They have kids, etc so the use their power to mitigate the inequities, as they see it. 

It will not be solved by blaming and name calling.  Back in 2011 I spoke to Ramjattan about an idea to redress using a stick and carrot approach.  The AFC never won, so the rest is history.  Corruption is partly a reflection of inequities in any society.  

I have some sympathies for police and civil servants, though, in principle, I don’t condone corruption!

Dave posted:
Mitwah posted:

Base, most times these stops are illegal. I think  Navindra Singh was awarded some money after he successfully brought a lawsuit against the police. But then it's not the police paying out of their pockets. It's the tax payers.

What is Ramjattan solution to stop bribery. 

How can he or anyone get people like you to stop bribing and coming here posting and bragging about it? 

Dave posted:
Mitwah posted:

Base, most times these stops are illegal. I think  Navindra Singh was awarded some money after he successfully brought a lawsuit against the police. But then it's not the police paying out of their pockets. It's the tax payers.

What is Ramjattan solution to stop bribery. 

With due respect, Dave, that is an unfair question. No home affairs minister -- BS Rai, J Jagan, Llewellyn John, Mingo, Stanley Moore, Gajraj, Rohee etc -- could have stopped bribery. How can Ramjattan do it?

Last edited by Former Member
Gilbakka posted:
Dave posted:
Mitwah posted:

Base, most times these stops are illegal. I think  Navindra Singh was awarded some money after he successfully brought a lawsuit against the police. But then it's not the police paying out of their pockets. It's the tax payers.

What is Ramjattan solution to stop bribery. 

With due respect, Dave, that is an unfair question. No home affairs minister -- BS Rai, J Jagan, Llewellyn John, Mingo, Stanley Moore, Gajraj, Rohee etc -- could have stopped bribery. How can Ramjattan do it?

Well said. Bribery seems to be a culture. It's being practiced in all of the government offices and all across the country.

Gilbakka posted:
Dave posted:
Mitwah posted:

Base, most times these stops are illegal. I think  Navindra Singh was awarded some money after he successfully brought a lawsuit against the police. But then it's not the police paying out of their pockets. It's the tax payers.

What is Ramjattan solution to stop bribery. 

With due respect, Dave, that is an unfair question. No home affairs minister -- BS Rai, J Jagan, Llewellyn John, Mingo, Stanley Moore, Gajraj, Rohee etc -- could have stopped bribery. How can Ramjattan do it?

Comrade Gil, we are not living in the 90s, technology is at our disposal. 

- Pay the officer a decent wage.

- Traffic cops should wear body cameras

- All police vehicle should have cameras and trackers.

- Teach kids in schools to respect the rule of law 

- Engage the public in campaign to weed out corruption and offer incentives. 

- Clean the system of corrupt officers, the decent wage will attract good officers.

- reward the police with incentives. 

Iguana posted:
Dave posted:

What is Ramjattan solution to stop bribery. 

There is no solution to immoral / amoral low class people like you who are determined to use your ill gotten gains to get your way. No regard for the greater good or the nation as a whole. Alyuh parasites juss need to fade away.

Why don’t you go hang  yourself skunk...  you Fack in looser. Don’t you get it yet, you are not wanted here. 

You came swing at me in every thread since you came on GNI, thats demonstrate hatred and that’s a parasite in you. Disappear you faggat .

Mitwah posted:
Gilbakka posted:
Dave posted:
Mitwah posted:

Base, most times these stops are illegal. I think  Navindra Singh was awarded some money after he successfully brought a lawsuit against the police. But then it's not the police paying out of their pockets. It's the tax payers.

What is Ramjattan solution to stop bribery. 

With due respect, Dave, that is an unfair question. No home affairs minister -- BS Rai, J Jagan, Llewellyn John, Mingo, Stanley Moore, Gajraj, Rohee etc -- could have stopped bribery. How can Ramjattan do it?

Well said. Bribery seems to be a culture. It's being practiced in all of the government offices and all across the country.

So Mr Entrepenure you don’t have a solution .. rite 

Dave posted:

Comrade Gil, we are not living in the 90s, technology is at our disposal. 

- Pay the officer a decent wage.

- Traffic cops should wear body cameras

- All police vehicle should have cameras and trackers.

- Teach kids in schools to respect the rule of law 

- Engage the public in campaign to weed out corruption and offer incentives. 

- Clean the system of corrupt officers, the decent wage will attract good officers.

- reward the police with incentives. 

Your suggestions merit considering. Still, Ramjattan is only one cog in the State machine. Granger said recently that sugar workers' severance payment is hemorrhaging the economy. Where will he find sustainable funds for decent wages and incentives for the police force?

Dave posted:


Good for you to stood your ground. Almost similar stuff happened to me two weeks ago at Parika stelling. 

Park my truck infront the police station and proceed to the stelling for my tickets for the ferry . Came back, a cop already has his book pretending to write a ticket, claiming I park on a no parking spot. 

I said, where is the no parking sign ( there was NO sign ) I told him I will speak with his boss ( corporal ) who was sitting across a food stall eating food that my buddies paid for. 

This police say, leave something for me nah  pardna. It was difficult to avoid his request, knowing there was food around... we invite him for a bit. 

Here is a glimpse of the deep rooted culture of bribery. 

Dave, I wonder why you did not get your mobile out and start filming the corporal and the parasite cop?


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