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ndonesia’s Busiest Day for Butchers
Country slaughtered more than 600,000 animals on Monday for one of the holiest celebrations in the Islamic calendar
Workers in Jakarta took goats for sale on Sunday. ENLARGE
Workers in Jakarta took goats for sale on Sunday. Photo: darren whiteside/Reuters
By Anita Rachman
Sept. 12, 2016 7:35 a.m. ET

JAKARTA, Indonesia—Indonesians slaughteredmore than 600,000 animals on Monday, nearly one-tenth of the livestock the country normally butchers in a whole year, as they marked Eid al-Adha, one of the holiest celebrations in the Islamic calendar.

In a modest success for the country’s bureaucrats, the increase in prices due to soaring demand for livestock wasn’t as great as in previous years.

Preparations for the festival, which marks the prophet Abraham’s willingness to sacrifice his son to God, began early. People converged at mosques or open fields to pray before slaughtering cows, sheep, goats and buffalo. In some areas, alleys ran red with blood before devotees distributed packages of meat to neighbors or to the poor.

The Ministry of Agriculture deployed 1,600 people across the greater Jakarta area, which has a population of some 30 million, to help oversee the rituals at over 9,000 sites.
Muslims Mark Eid al-Adha
Festival commemorates the prophet Abraham’s willingness to sacrifice his son to God
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A man checks the teeth of a cow to determine its age at a market in Karachi on Saturday. Shahzaib Akber/European Pressphoto Agency
People in Dhaka, Bangladesh, prepare on Friday to celebrate Eid-al-Adha. The Muslim festival marks the prophet Abraham’s willingness to sacrifice his son to God. Khandaker ...
Muslims offer prayers on the Friday before Eid al-Adha in Kolkata. Muslims around the world celebrate by sacrificing animals. Bikas Das/Associated Press
A man buys a sheep at a livestock market on Sunday in Oujda, Morocco, ahead of the festival. Youssef Boudlal/Reuters
Indonesian Muslims attend Eid al-Adha prayers in Medan, North Sumatra, on Monday. Dedi Sunuhaji/European Pressphoto Agency
Pakistani passengers pack into a bus in Lahore on Sunday as people travel to their hometowns to celebrate. Rana Sajid Hussain/Pacific Press/Zuma Press
Afghan customers and vendors gather at a cattle market on the outskirts of Kabul on Saturday. Wakil Kohsar/Agence France-Presse/Getty Images
An Orthodox Jewish man passes a Palestinian vendor selling items in Jerusalem in preparation for the holiday. Hazem Bader/Agence France-Presse/Getty Images
Iranian Muslims take a selfie at the shrine of Imam Abbas ahead of Eid al-Adha in the holy city of Karbala, Iraq. Haidar Hamdani/Agence France-Presse/Getty Images
A girl applies henna for a customer at a stall in Colombo, Sri Lanka, on Saturday. Dinuka Liyanawatte/Reuters
A goat is transported by taxi in Kolkata on Sunday. Bikas Das/Associated Press
A man uses scissors to make decorative patterns on a camel's back before displaying it for sale at a makeshift cattle market in Karachi, Pakistan, on Friday. Akhtar Soomro/Reuters
A Yemeni baker prepares cakes in the old city of San'a on Saturday. Yahya Arhab/European Pressphoto Agency
People crowd a ferry terminal in Dhaka on Friday as they travel to their hometowns to celebrate. A.M. Ahad/Associated Press
A man checks the teeth of a cow to determine its age at a market in Karachi on Saturday. Shahzaib Akber/European Pressphoto Agency
People in Dhaka, Bangladesh, prepare on Friday to celebrate Eid-al-Adha. The Muslim festival marks the prophet Abraham’s willingness to sacrifice his son to God. Khandaker Azizur Rahman Sumon/NurPhoto/Zuma Press

The weeks leading up to Eid al-Adha are a difficult time for government officials in Indonesia, the world’s most populous Muslim-majority nation. Some 650,000 animals were expected to be butchered around the festival this year; the scale of the slaughter can lead to logistical headaches and soaring prices.

The cost of the two most popular offerings, cattle and goats, rose up to 30% in the run-up to the holiday, with some cattle reaching prices as high as $1,300 a head. In previous years, though, prices have risen more; in 2014, they surged 35%.

Boethdy Angkasa, the agriculture ministry’s coordinator for the sacrifices, said the cost of transporting animals across the archipelago to the big cities has long been one of the biggest contributors to the uptick in prices.

In recent years the ministry has dispatched advisers to help farmers boost production, providing them with guidelines on how to better care for livestock and breed more robust animals that can better withstand the journey to Jakarta and other towns and cities.

Technology plays a role, too. Online markets have helped match buyers and sellers more efficiently, helping to keep a lid on price increases.

“Beef is still considered quite a luxury here,” Mr. Angkasa said. “The government wants to push down prices so it’s more accessible.”

Indonesia’s softening economy also may have contributed to this year’s relatively modest price rises. Lower prices for commodities such as palm oil, coal and natural gas mean that household spending isn’t growing as rapidly as it once was.

That is disappointing people such as Marjono. The livestock farmer said he traveled nearly 280 miles (450 kilometers) from his home in central Java to a market in southern Jakarta to sell about 100 goats and eight head of cattle. He left Monday with two goats and one cow unsold.

“It was OK this year, but I sold more last year—175 goats and 10 cows,” said Mr. Marjono, who goes by one name.

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There are 16 comments.
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These were the stupid comments.

Can we reform Islam, 57 islamic nations yesterday killed 10- 20 % of cattle population to please one  Arab god who likes blood of innocent animals,  one nation killing 20  % of all cattle in one day  is not good idea . God who create life need life  to b pleased  makes no sense  Can we ever create life in lab.. Looks like muslim follower lack knowledge and what God is what he does  . No wonder muslims are kept uneducated to  us them like slaves

Jacob Maczuga
Jacob Maczuga

What'a PETA's position these Muslim atrocities? 

arish sahani
arish sahani

@Jacob Maczuga They have no say on muslim traditions , Halal meat a daily buttering is also questionable ,  they will be targeted if they talk on islamic  ways . Look how muslim women in last  1400 yrs have not   changed, lives and  walks in CAGE  called BURKA . .


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Normally I ignore Nehru has he has serious problems. Last time I said what they were I was banned, even as people like yuji call blacks animals and are allowed to prove to some that hate speech on GNI is tolerated.

caribny posted:

Normally I ignore Nehru has he has serious problems. Last time I said what they were I was banned, even as people like yuji call blacks animals and are allowed to prove to some that hate speech on GNI is tolerated.

Meh wrang Padna, well tell me where I am wrang.

Drugb posted:

That boy celebrate with the slaughter of Indians. Remember how he was euphoric over the Lusignan massacre?

The Buxton gang was a great achievement for him and his SHIT HEADS PNC!!!!!!!!!


The Islamists in many ways are like Marxists from the era of the cold war.  They are expounding a religion as a solution to economic, political, social problems. It even offers a  promise a better life after death.  There is a world wide movement to change humanity and get everyone on the same course.  This is causing other religious groups to wake up and become vigilant and militant, especially those in the West who are mostly Christians.

Billy Ram Balgobin
Last edited by Billy Ram Balgobin
Drugb posted:

That boy celebrate with the slaughter of Indians. Remember how he was euphoric over the Lusignan massacre?

You mean when Roger Khan went into Lusignan and slaughtered man woman and child because he accused some one in there of stealing his drugs.

You will note that no mastermind was punished for that massacre.

In fact Druggie not only did I deplore the murder of innocent children but a group of us were actually trying to strategize in NYC about how to get the PPP and the PNC to deal with the problem.  Among them were the same GCA which you despise, Tristate Alliance and other groups.

Of course the only Indians who showed up were the types you all call "town collie", and other epithets.  A few others dropped by the first meeting so that they could report to FreeDUMB House about what "dem black man up to".  Smiled fake smiles akin to that of a cat about to kill its prey and then left.

Last edited by Former Member
caribny posted:
Drugb posted:

That boy celebrate with the slaughter of Indians. Remember how he was euphoric over the Lusignan massacre?

You mean when Roger Khan went into Lusignan and slaughtered man woman and child because he accused some one in there of stealing his drugs.

You will note that no mastermind was punished for that massacre.

Rooger Khan was not with the PNC and Fineman.

caribny posted:
Drugb posted:

That boy celebrate with the slaughter of Indians. Remember how he was euphoric over the Lusignan massacre?

You mean when Roger Khan went into Lusignan and slaughtered man woman and child because he accused some one in there of stealing his drugs.

You will note that no mastermind was punished for that massacre.

In fact Druggie not only did I deplore the murder of innocent children but a group of us were actually trying to strategize in NYC about how to get the PPP and the PNC to deal with the problem.  Among them were the same GCA which you despise, Tristate Alliance and other groups.

Of course the only Indians who showed up were the types you all call "town collie", and other epithets.  A few others dropped by the first meeting so that they could report to FreeDUMB House about what "dem black man up to".  Smiled fake smiles akin to that of a cat about to kill its prey and then left.

I believe Lord Nelson finally found the king liar, liar de lion aka caribj :

Thank god for the internet which has this documented for eternity.

If you know that RK was involved then you should get wikipedia to delete this article.



It would be better to educate yourself about the Lusignan massacre before spouting shyte. RK was arrested on 15th of June 2006. Lusignan massacre occurred on January 26th 2008,  the date of great rejoicing for you to see Indians finally get their retribution for marginalizing Blacks.

In fact the Indians were calling for the return of RK and ouster of Jagdeo.


- angry residents shut down East Demerara thoroughfare, burn tyres, call for return of Roger Khan and Gajraj; ask Jagdeo to go

(By Mondale Smith, Michael Jordan, Jenelle Carter and Nadia Guyadeen)

Residents from the normally quiet community of Lusignan yesterday burned tyres and blocked the major thoroughfare, as well as streets, to vent their rage at the slaughter of 11 of their own, including five children.
Marauding gunmen descended on the village, kicking in doors and killing people, some of whom were in bed asleep, early yesterday morning. a
By sunrise, residents rang bells and sounded gongs along the East Coast Demerara Public Road, while others of various ages, with tears flowing, pounded on a barrel.
“We want Roger Khan, Gajraj and guns!” and “Jagdeo and Rohee must go!” were their constant chants as they gave vent to their anger and frustration.
Government ministers and members of the armed forces, who attempted to restore order, were forced to endure the taunts of residents, who repeatedly accused officials of failing to protect them, despite having ample warning that such attacks could occur.
Some were even slapped about the head, had the wheels of their vehicles punctured, and were pelted with plastic bottles. At least one minister was pelted with an egg.
Even President Bharrat Jagdeo was not spared; some residents called on him to resign.
Some Government officials were also manhandled, and there were reports that Minister of Works Robeson Benn was struck on the head with a piece of wood.
In one instance, some residents attempted to topple a Ministry of Works tractor and trailer as well as Minister Shaik Baksh’s vehicle into a ditch.
The chaos continued up to late yesterday afternoon.
Residents had begun milling in the streets by daybreak, as they got wind of the massacre.
By 7:30 hrs, several young men, unable to contain their anger, began dumping tyres, scrap metal, sand and other refuse on the East Coast Demerara Highway, the Railway Embankment and other roadways, eventually blocking all streets and bridges between Beterverwagting and Lusignan.
They then soaked the tyres with petrol and set them alight, sending flames and plumes of black smoke into the air. Every conceivable piece of debris was used to block the road, and by noon both symbols of the leading party (two large drums fashioned into cups) were pulled down and set ablaze.
“Them children ain’t do nobody nutten; we ain’t want politics, we want guns to protect we self. The army and police is a waste of time.”

Drugb posted:

I believe Lord Nelson finally found the king liar, liar de lion aka caribj :

Thank god for the internet which has this documented for eternity.

If you know that RK was involved then you should get wikipedia to delete this article.



It would be better to educate yourself about the Lusignan massacre before spouting shyte. RK was arrested on 15th of June 2006. Lusignan massacre occurred on January 26th 2008,  the date of great rejoicing for you to see Indians finally get their retribution for marginalizing Blacks.

In fact the Indians were calling for the return of RK and ouster of Jagdeo.


- angry residents shut down East Demerara thoroughfare, burn tyres, call for return of Roger Khan and Gajraj; ask Jagdeo to go

(By Mondale Smith, Michael Jordan, Jenelle Carter and Nadia Guyadeen)

Residents from the normally quiet community of Lusignan yesterday burned tyres and blocked the major thoroughfare, as well as streets, to vent their rage at the slaughter of 11 of their own, including five children.
Marauding gunmen descended on the village, kicking in doors and killing people, some of whom were in bed asleep, early yesterday morning. a
By sunrise, residents rang bells and sounded gongs along the East Coast Demerara Public Road, while others of various ages, with tears flowing, pounded on a barrel.
“We want Roger Khan, Gajraj and guns!” and “Jagdeo and Rohee must go!” were their constant chants as they gave vent to their anger and frustration.
Government ministers and members of the armed forces, who attempted to restore order, were forced to endure the taunts of residents, who repeatedly accused officials of failing to protect them, despite having ample warning that such attacks could occur.
Some were even slapped about the head, had the wheels of their vehicles punctured, and were pelted with plastic bottles. At least one minister was pelted with an egg.
Even President Bharrat Jagdeo was not spared; some residents called on him to resign.
Some Government officials were also manhandled, and there were reports that Minister of Works Robeson Benn was struck on the head with a piece of wood.
In one instance, some residents attempted to topple a Ministry of Works tractor and trailer as well as Minister Shaik Baksh’s vehicle into a ditch.
The chaos continued up to late yesterday afternoon.
Residents had begun milling in the streets by daybreak, as they got wind of the massacre.
By 7:30 hrs, several young men, unable to contain their anger, began dumping tyres, scrap metal, sand and other refuse on the East Coast Demerara Highway, the Railway Embankment and other roadways, eventually blocking all streets and bridges between Beterverwagting and Lusignan.
They then soaked the tyres with petrol and set them alight, sending flames and plumes of black smoke into the air. Every conceivable piece of debris was used to block the road, and by noon both symbols of the leading party (two large drums fashioned into cups) were pulled down and set ablaze.
“Them children ain’t do nobody nutten; we ain’t want politics, we want guns to protect we self. The army and police is a waste of time.”

Roger Khan's boys at work. After he was arrested they went free lance.  That is what happens when you allow para-militias instead of a police force.  Drugs missing, so they came to shoot.

This is the "sovereignty" that the PPP wanted when it relied on para militias instead of an effective and efficient police force.

Now go and read all of those posts that I put up showing how complicit the PPP regime was with Roger Khan.


Why are you mentioning Caribny name when its an Islamic culture to kill and eat animals during Eid? My God parents were blacks and I celebrate with Carib and condemn you for this rude awakening. Watch you rass deh chap! I still have two living God sisters, you can have one if you like chocolate.  


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