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I attended a funeral in NY my brother-in-law only son

late twenty's US Air Force man died by motorcycle



From the brief conversation with some of my fellow

country man,i told them i supported the APNU-AFC

their response was 28 yrs of the PNC rule will be

back,also feel PPP was cheated in the election

i explained we have to give new gov,t chance,then

we can judge after 5 years,mentioning poor governance

of the PPP does not really matter much to them

they have seen developments.


I had to end the conversation to do what my trip

intended purpose was for.I can't understand how

poor governance can still be accepted,in my mind

i sense what it is..i will keep it to my self.




Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by Django:

I attended a funeral in NY my brother-in-law only son

late twenty's US Air Force man died by motorcycle



From the brief conversation with some of my fellow

country man,i told them i supported the APNU-AFC

their response was 28 yrs of the PNC rule will be

back,also feel PPP was cheated in the election

i explained we have to give new gov,t chance,then

we can judge after 5 years,mentioning poor governance

of the PPP does not really matter much to them

they have seen developments.


I had to end the conversation to do what my trip

intended purpose was for.I can't understand how

poor governance can still be accepted,in my mind

i sense what it is..i will keep it to my self.




I experienced the same thing a few days ago in a discussion with someone I respect, in whose opinion I have have had great confidence but who I cannot shake from the notion of Burnham was a devil to the APNU-AFC is no different. I have to sit down and think through the arguments because I guess I will meet more of them including some in the family.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Django:

I attended a funeral in NY my brother-in-law only son

late twenty's US Air Force man died by motorcycle



From the brief conversation with some of my fellow

country man,i told them i supported the APNU-AFC

their response was 28 yrs of the PNC rule will be

back,also feel PPP was cheated in the election

i explained we have to give new gov,t chance,then

we can judge after 5 years,mentioning poor governance

of the PPP does not really matter much to them

they have seen developments.


I had to end the conversation to do what my trip

intended purpose was for.I can't understand how

poor governance can still be accepted,in my mind

i sense what it is..i will keep it to my self.




I experienced the same thing a few days ago in a discussion with someone I respect, in whose opinion I have have had great confidence but who I cannot shake from the notion of Burnham was a devil to the APNU-AFC is no different. I have to sit down and think through the arguments because I guess I will meet more of them including some in the family.

You still plan on going to Guyan and cultivate your 300 acres of cassava?

Originally Posted by RiffRaff:

Lots of Indos in the diaspora are hard core PPP

No malice intended.


The PPP conducted their government in the manner of Indian regional politic.

Quagmire-a feeling of being clothe in filth. No LGE is a stark reality of their duttiness. The mess of Georgetown dey quite happy with.


And many East Indians are quite at home wid all that corruption and filth.


Bihar and UP never departed from them.


Is like dem saying the Blackman is lazy. 

Jagdeo and Ramotar have declared Corentyne East Indians for what they really are-slaves to prophets of Indian ness. 

The "election" is over.
There is no need nor excuse for your comments.
"And many East Indians are quite at home wid all that corruption and filth.


Bihar and UP never departed from them.


Is like dem saying the Blackman is lazy."



You seems to appoint yourself as an authority..

Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by RiffRaff:

Lots of Indos in the diaspora are hard core PPP

No malice intended.


The PPP conducted their government in the manner of Indian regional politic.

Quagmire-a feeling of being clothe in filth. No LGE is a stark reality of their duttiness. The mess of Georgetown dey quite happy with.


And many East Indians are quite at home wid all that corruption and filth.


Bihar and UP never departed from them.


Is like dem saying the Blackman is lazy. 

Jagdeo and Ramotar have declared Corentyne East Indians for what they really are-slaves to prophets of Indian ness. 


Vish M
Last edited by Vish M
Originally Posted by Django:

I attended a funeral in NY my brother-in-law only son

late twenty's US Air Force man died by motorcycle



From the brief conversation with some of my fellow

country man,i told them i supported the APNU-AFC

their response was 28 yrs of the PNC rule will be

back,also feel PPP was cheated in the election

i explained we have to give new gov,t chance,then

we can judge after 5 years,mentioning poor governance

of the PPP does not really matter much to them

they have seen developments.


I had to end the conversation to do what my trip

intended purpose was for.I can't understand how

poor governance can still be accepted,in my mind

i sense what it is..i will keep it to my self.




My dear Django, you have a point of fact there but as a counter point, they do not vote in Guyana and they did not punish under Jagdeo, so they are irrelevant to the equation.


Those who feel the pain did the vote.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Django:

I attended a funeral in NY my brother-in-law only son

late twenty's US Air Force man died by motorcycle



From the brief conversation with some of my fellow

country man,i told them i supported the APNU-AFC

their response was 28 yrs of the PNC rule will be

back,also feel PPP was cheated in the election

i explained we have to give new gov,t chance,then

we can judge after 5 years,mentioning poor governance

of the PPP does not really matter much to them

they have seen developments.


I had to end the conversation to do what my trip

intended purpose was for.I can't understand how

poor governance can still be accepted,in my mind

i sense what it is..i will keep it to my self.




I experienced the same thing a few days ago in a discussion with someone I respect, in whose opinion I have have had great confidence but who I cannot shake from the notion of Burnham was a devil to the APNU-AFC is no different. I have to sit down and think through the arguments because I guess I will meet more of them including some in the family.

You still plan on going to Guyan and cultivate your 300 acres of cassava?

I have three times that and no it will not be planted with cassava or rice. I do have access to about 40 acres in the interior that has been in my mothers family for eons and there is where I plan to start doing something.

Originally Posted by TK:

I have no doubt the new govt will be fair and decent. On the policy front we will have to give it 3 years to see how it goes.

3 years is a good benchmark but many will be looking at the first 100 day promise also.


I for one misjudged Granger.  When I saw him driving his wife to church last sunday, I am happy to say I believe he is a decent man and not what Jagdeo made him out to be with that silly statement from Jagdeo "Granger is Danger"



Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:
Originally Posted by Django:

I attended a funeral in NY my brother-in-law only son

late twenty's US Air Force man died by motorcycle



From the brief conversation with some of my fellow

country man,i told them i supported the APNU-AFC

their response was 28 yrs of the PNC rule will be

back,also feel PPP was cheated in the election

i explained we have to give new gov,t chance,then

we can judge after 5 years,mentioning poor governance

of the PPP does not really matter much to them

they have seen developments.


I had to end the conversation to do what my trip

intended purpose was for.I can't understand how

poor governance can still be accepted,in my mind

i sense what it is..i will keep it to my self.




My dear Django, you have a point of fact there but as a counter point, they do not vote in Guyana and they did not punish under Jagdeo, so they are irrelevant to the equation.


Those who feel the pain did the vote.

Brian,i agreed with you,don't forget we in the diaspora

still have some influence.

Originally Posted by Django:
Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:

The last President that drove themselves were the Jagans, both of them and I really like this humbleness from Granger.

I told one of my best older friend who have some

reservation with President Granger,to watch some

videos of him you will see the decency of the man.

Circumstance makes a person. I do not care who he is as a man yesterday. I care that the circumstances of having to prove that he can be a better leader than the PPP will create in him naturally a caring and detailed person.



Originally Posted by GT Stingaa:
Ima disassociate mihself from a few Indos in de diaspora

Especially then one who live in Obama country for over 30 years and drawing Obama pension but want to instruct how Guyana must run its elections.


I had to tell one of my uncle the other day - every thing he has in life - car, house, land is because of America - NOT THE BLASTED PPP.

Originally Posted by GT Stingaa:
Ima disassociate mihself from a few Indos in de diaspora

It is easy to intellectualize marginalization without the fear of being a victim. Many in the diaspora considered the PPP crooked, did not agree with what they were doing and may even be vehemently critical of their policies. Then the PPP lost. The dynamics has changed. Most of these people could call a friend or the friend of a friend who know how the system functions and would be apprised on way to facilitate something in their interest. 


These connections are gone as the lines are disconnected and even these people are left adrift and will seriously, and for the first time contemplate ethnic marginalization in its essence. It is not merely the deliberate racist actions of neglect of black people but the natural gramscian infiltration of cultural viewpoints that conditions norms.


Many of these people are dislocated in a world without strings and where they actually have to practice what the preached, inclusion. It is no longer a theoretical idea that African feared and resented Indian dominance but real and present apprehensions they may experience it themselves.

Last edited by Former Member
If I may add to your conversation.....
Granted that they do not vote in the election.
They are not irrelevant as they know of the sacrifices and compromises that they encountered whilst the PNC was in power and coming to the New World.
They are not irrelevant as they are the ones that are subsidizing the very existence of the bulk of the people who are still in Guyana
lOriginally Posted by Brian Teekah:
Originally Posted by Django:

I attended a funeral in NY my brother-in-law only son

late twenty's US Air Force man died by motorcycle



From the brief conversation with some of my fellow

country man,i told them i supported the APNU-AFC

their response was 28 yrs of the PNC rule will be

back,also feel PPP was cheated in the election

i explained we have to give new gov,t chance,then

we can judge after 5 years,mentioning poor governance

of the PPP does not really matter much to them

they have seen developments.


I had to end the conversation to do what my trip

intended purpose was for.I can't understand how

poor governance can still be accepted,in my mind

i sense what it is..i will keep it to my self.




My dear Django, you have a point of fact there but as a counter point, they do not vote in Guyana and they did not punish under Jagdeo, so they are irrelevant to the equation.


Those who feel the pain did the vote.


Vish M
Originally Posted by Vish M:
If I may add to your conversation.....
Granted that they do not vote in the election.
They are not irrelevant as they know of the sacrifices and compromises that they encountered whilst the PNC was in power and coming to the New World.
They are not irrelevant as they are the ones that are subsidizing the very existence of the bulk of the people who are still in Guyana



After 23 years of the PPP telling us how Guyana has moved forward it turns out that the bulk of the Indian community had to rely on food parcels and money laundering to keep them fed and watered. If ever there was a damning indictment of the PPP reign this surely must be it.And then these ppl wanted further continuation of that process?


Originally Posted by Vish M:

lOriginally Posted by Brian Teekah:
Originally Posted by Django:

I attended a funeral in NY my brother-in-law only son

late twenty's US Air Force man died by motorcycle



From the brief conversation with some of my fellow

country man,i told them i supported the APNU-AFC

their response was 28 yrs of the PNC rule will be

back,also feel PPP was cheated in the election

i explained we have to give new gov,t chance,then

we can judge after 5 years,mentioning poor governance

of the PPP does not really matter much to them

they have seen developments.


I had to end the conversation to do what my trip

intended purpose was for.I can't understand how

poor governance can still be accepted,in my mind

i sense what it is..i will keep it to my self.




My dear Django, you have a point of fact there but as a counter point, they do not vote in Guyana and they did not punish under Jagdeo, so they are irrelevant to the equation.

Those who feel the pain did the vote.


If I may add to your conversation.....
Granted that they do not vote in the election.
They are not irrelevant as they know of the sacrifices and compromises that they encountered whilst the PNC was in power and coming to the New World.
They are not irrelevant as they are the ones that are subsidizing the very existence of the bulk of the people who are still in Guyana

I detest this sacred victimization bullshit. Amerinds are not quarrelling that they have lost the majority of what was theirs because the Brits and the Dutch considered the place tierra null and planted their flags.


They are not calling themselves victims for being the first slaves of these colonials in their own homeworld.


Then Africans came as slaves. From the latter part of the 17th century to the beginning of the 19th century they were the were the ones who at the end of a whip created a habitable environment that formally introduced a new world from the Native world.


Then indians came. I am sure they suffered greatly but they were not slaves! They did not lose their cultural world!


In our modern environment, no group subsidize any other. We do not have charity cases in the Indian community who feed black people en mass. Indians plant or are in dry goods and other entrepreneurial efforts to make money. It is in economic exchange that the interaction of one from the other takes place not in subsidizes. These phrases makes for truly simplistic apprehensions of who we are and what we are and where we want to be. All of us are victims in someway or another. All of us bled. Our blood is the same color.

Originally Posted by Vish M:
They are not irrelevant as they know of the sacrifices and compromises that they encountered whilst the PNC was in power and coming to the New World.
They are not irrelevant as they are the ones that are subsidizing the very existence of the bulk of the people who are still in Guyana


So your point is that Afro Guyanese and other non PPP supporters should bow down and thank these PPP supporters who support the bulk of the people.


You do say "bulk of the people", and focus on PPP supporters.

I do agree with your sentiments .
All of us BLED but we do not need to have more bleeding
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Vish M:

lOriginally Posted by Brian Teekah:
Originally Posted by Django:

I attended a funeral in NY my brother-in-law only son

late twenty's US Air Force man died by motorcycle



From the brief conversation with some of my fellow

country man,i told them i supported the APNU-AFC

their response was 28 yrs of the PNC rule will be

back,also feel PPP was cheated in the election

i explained we have to give new gov,t chance,then

we can judge after 5 years,mentioning poor governance

of the PPP does not really matter much to them

they have seen developments.


I had to end the conversation to do what my trip

intended purpose was for.I can't understand how

poor governance can still be accepted,in my mind

i sense what it is..i will keep it to my self.




My dear Django, you have a point of fact there but as a counter point, they do not vote in Guyana and they did not punish under Jagdeo, so they are irrelevant to the equation.

Those who feel the pain did the vote.


If I may add to your conversation.....
Granted that they do not vote in the election.
They are not irrelevant as they know of the sacrifices and compromises that they encountered whilst the PNC was in power and coming to the New World.
They are not irrelevant as they are the ones that are subsidizing the very existence of the bulk of the people who are still in Guyana

I detest this sacred victimization bullshit. Amerinds are not quarrelling that they have lost the majority of what was theirs because the Brits and the Dutch considered the place tierra null and planted their flags.


They are not calling themselves victims for being the first slaves of these colonials in their own homeworld.


Then Africans came as slaves. From the latter part of the 17th century to the beginning of the 19th century they were the were the ones who at the end of a whip created a habitable environment that formally introduced a new world from the Native world.


Then indians came. I am sure they suffered greatly but they were not slaves! They did not lose their cultural world!


In our modern environment, no group subsidize any other. We do not have charity cases in the Indian community who feed black people en mass. Indians plant or are in dry goods and other entrepreneurial efforts to make money. It is in economic exchange that the interaction of one from the other takes place not in subsidizes. These phrases makes for truly simplistic apprehensions of who we are and what we are and where we want to be. All of us are victims in someway or another. All of us bled. Our blood is the same color.


Vish M

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