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GAWU President Komal Chand has warned that some persons and groups are using the name of the late former President Cheddi Jagan in their bid to undermine the working class.

Speaking at yesterday’s observance at Port Mourant to mark the 15th death anniversary of Dr Jagan, Chand said:

Komal Chand

Komal Chand

Cde Cheddi Jagan’s vision has only been potentially realized. Many of his ideas are still applicable today. They must serve as an inspiration and around which to mobilise as we continue the journey to a brighter, happier future. We must be mindful too that there are still persons and groups who serve anti-working people’s ends just as in the time of Cde Cheddi. They have different names and faces now-a-days. They wear different masks and the methods used may vary. Some even use, glibly and conveniently, the name of Cde Cheddi to disguise their true intentions. But their objectives are clear. They seek to weaken the workers’ genuine organization; they encourage division in the ranks of the working-class and put workers against workers. Occasionally, they may use their manipulative trickery with the help of a few misguided workers. But GAWU’s experiences over the years show that such fly-by-night groups are not motivated by the working-class overall interests but only as its self-promotion furthering an individual or group’s political or trade union ambitions. Workers should not be duped. As Cde Cheddi would often say – in our unity lies our strength.”


Excerpts from the Stabroeknews

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Speaking at yesterday’s observance at Port Mourant to mark the 15th death anniversary of Dr Jagan, Chand said:


We must be mindful too that there are still persons and groups who serve anti-working people’s ends just as in the time of Cde Cheddi.

They have different names and faces now-a-days. They wear different masks and the methods used may vary.

Some even use, glibly and conveniently, the name of Cde Cheddi to disguise their true intentions.


What is Komal saying.  Is he saying that Churchill and Gerhard are traitors out to destroy the PPP ?  Wasn't this man (Komal) only a few months ago on the verge of being kicked out permanently from the PPP.  What's the sudden change?


Jalil, only a few months ago him, Indra and Narvin were on the edge of being kicked out permanently from the PPP,  In fact some of the PPP comrades were spreading rumors that this three were traitors to indians.  Now they are back as being solid hard core PPP members.



Some masquerading under Cheddi’s name - Chand tells Port Mourant observance"
The true  impostors are   still ensconced  at   Freedom House  and  taking  to the  podium at Babu John. Sometime  I  wonder if the  cockroach  is not endowed with higher moral  rectitude  than  some of  these  shameless critters.  
Last edited by Former Member

Prashad Bhai......Indra and Navin were shamefully kicked out by Jagdeo, they were going to leave........but when Moses left and Joined the AFC Ramotar was Quick to haul them back.

Komal found himself in the same Position and the PPP's Fear of the AFC and Moses caused them to reach out to Komal and stop him from leaving.

Today, Komal, Indra and Navin are not happy where they are........... they were promised a lot to stay and still they are not happy.....the three of them along with at least two more will be Jumping ship soon.......Real Soon.



They all masquerade as Cheddie's philosophers, the AFC and PPP, what they fail to realize was that Cheddie was just as corrupt and cowardly.  When he was president the same type of corruption was happening under his watch and the workers were punishing even more but did not complain due to him being their papa. haahahahha  

Originally Posted by Conscience:

GAWU President Komal Chand has warned that some persons and groups are using the name of the late former President Cheddi Jagan in their bid to undermine the working class.

Speaking at yesterday’s observance at Port Mourant to mark the 15th death anniversary of Dr Jagan, Chand said:

Komal Chand

Komal Chand

Cde Cheddi Jagan’s vision has only been potentially realized. Many of his ideas are still applicable today. They must serve as an inspiration and around which to mobilise as we continue the journey to a brighter, happier future. We must be mindful too that there are still persons and groups who serve anti-working people’s ends just as in the time of Cde Cheddi. They have different names and faces now-a-days. They wear different masks and the methods used may vary. Some even use, glibly and conveniently, the name of Cde Cheddi to disguise their true intentions. But their objectives are clear. They seek to weaken the workers’ genuine organization; they encourage division in the ranks of the working-class and put workers against workers. Occasionally, they may use their manipulative trickery with the help of a few misguided workers. But GAWU’s experiences over the years show that such fly-by-night groups are not motivated by the working-class overall interests but only as its self-promotion furthering an individual or group’s political or trade union ambitions. Workers should not be duped. As Cde Cheddi would often say – in our unity lies our strength.”


Excerpts from the Stabroeknews


It is time that Berbicians wake up and realize that the AFC is using the name of a great Berbician, Dr. Jagan in trying to hand over the government to the PNC. Come next election, the AFC will be kicked out of Berbice.


Berbicians are now speaking out against the traitors, AFC who will stop at nothing to hand over the government to their big brother, the PNC dictatorship. 


Shame on the AFC. 


Easy story good fuh DUNCES. Fly by night KFC pretending they are championing Sugar Workers Right. Also fuh Dunces, a few misguided Sugar Workers( Those that bought the Snakeoil). Anymore explanation fun Dunces, nehru Bhai deh Yaasuh.

Originally Posted by cain:

I heard different. What I heard from the family back there is the Berbicians can't stand the PPP.

So yet again yuji, you spew shit.

Go take the 90 million answer and use the KN article to clean the filth from your mouth now that the police accounted for every penny.


Your family in Berbice are the ones who drank the AFC snake oil. Now the snake oil is backfiring. LOL


Joey showed how Cheddie really was,very much an oppertunist and scary mad stooge.Bharrat showed the other side of Cheddie, a cuss bird and Robberman,fulling his pockets off of Burnham's Administration.Bottom line Cheddie was the scariest Leader and Non-Leader around,he was scare even in his House in broad day light.


Nandlall’s motion is seeking the following:

(i) A declaration that all Standing Committees and Special Select Committees of the National Assembly of the 10th Parliament of Guyana are to be constituted in proportion to the number of seats which each political party was allocated in the said National Assembly based upon the results of the National and General Elections held on November 28th, 2011, and in accordance with the provisions of Articles 60 and 160 of the Constitution of Guyana and the provisions of the Elections Laws (Amendment) Act No. 15 of 2000.

(ii) A declaration that the composition of the Committee of Selection of the 10th Parliament of Guyana which was done by an election of voting from the floor of the National Assembly on 10th day of February, 2012 and by which the said Committee was thereby composed as follows:

People’s Progressive Party/Civic – 4 members

A Partnership For National Unity – 4 members

Alliance for Change – 1 member

is in violation of the principle of proportionality as contemplated by Articles 60 and 160, of the Constitution and the provisions of the Elections Laws (Amendment) Act No. 15 of 2000 and accordingly, unconstitutional, unlawful, null, void and of no effect.

(iii) An Order setting aside, revoking, cancelling or annulling the composition of the said Committee of Selection on the ground that it is violative of Articles 60 and 160 of the Constitution of Guyana and in breach of the provisions of the Election Laws (Amendment) Act No. 15 of 2000.

(iv) An Order directing the Respondents jointly and severally by themselves, their servants/agents and each and every member who has been or maybe extracted from their respective lists of candidates to constitute all Standing Committees and Sessional Select Committees and every other Committees of the 10th Parliament whose composition are not expressly set out in the Constitution, with due regard to and in compliance with the principle of proportionality as contemplated by the letter and spirit of Articles 60 and 160 of the Constitution of Guyana and the provisions of Election Laws (Amendment) Act No. 15 of 2000.

(v) Costs.

(vi) Such further and/or other reliefs as the Court deems just in the circumstance.

The matter is fixed for hearing on March 16, 2012 before Chief Justice Ian Chang.


Excerpts from Stabroeknews


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