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You can start with Carib. He comes here and stirs up shyte and when posters fight back a bunch of antimen starts crying. 

You need to enforce the rules fairly and then  posters will be forced to act appropriately. 

It goes both ways. 

Carib racist rants is seen by the antiman cry babies as freedom fighting and when Indo posters punch back they holler racism. 

There needs to be a truce but standards can be lifted when you start acting fairly and impartially. 

I agree that things are getting out of hand but the buck stops at your desk in enforcing the rules fairly and impartially. 

yuji22 posted:

You can start with Carib. He comes here and stirs up shyte and when posters fight back a bunch of antimen starts crying. 

You need to enforce the rules fairly and then  posters will be forced to act appropriately. 

It goes both ways. 

Carib racist rants is seen by the antiman cry babies as freedom fighting and when Indo posters punch back they holler racism. 

There needs to be a truce but standards can be lifted when you start acting fairly and impartially. 

I agree that things are getting out of hand but the buck stops at your desk in enforcing the rules fairly and impartially. 

What a ridiculous ass-kissing post from a most pronounced racist

antabanta posted:
yuji22 posted:

You can start with Carib. He comes here and stirs up shyte and when posters fight back a bunch of antimen starts crying. 

You need to enforce the rules fairly and then  posters will be forced to act appropriately. 

It goes both ways. 

Carib racist rants is seen by the antiman cry babies as freedom fighting and when Indo posters punch back they holler racism. 

There needs to be a truce but standards can be lifted when you start acting fairly and impartially. 

I agree that things are getting out of hand but the buck stops at your desk in enforcing the rules fairly and impartially. 

What a ridiculous ass-kissing post from a most pronounced racist

I challenge you or anyone here to provide proof. 

Any Indo at GNI who speaks up for Indo rights, highlights Guyana pre 1992 history and combats racism from the likes of carib, Iguana and d2 is labelled as racist by a bunch of cry babies.

Last edited by Former Member
yuji22 posted:
antabanta posted:

What a ridiculous ass-kissing post from a most pronounced racist

I challenge you or anyone here to provide proof. 

Any Indo at GNI who speaks up for Indo rights, highlights Guyana pre 1992 history and combats racism from the likes of carib, Iguana and d2 is labelled as racist by a bunch of cry babies.

No no, GNI's biggest Crybaby. You're confused. You're not labeled a racist for anything. You are a racist.

antabanta posted:
yuji22 posted:
antabanta posted:

What a ridiculous ass-kissing post from a most pronounced racist

I challenge you or anyone here to provide proof. 

Any Indo at GNI who speaks up for Indo rights, highlights Guyana pre 1992 history and combats racism from the likes of carib, Iguana and d2 is labelled as racist by a bunch of cry babies.

No no, GNI's biggest Crybaby. You're confused. You're not labeled a racist for anything. You are a racist.

I challenge you or anyone to provide proof. Low self esteem individuals throw around tables and who they get punched back, they become cry babies and run at admin door like lil chirren early in the morning.

Take Iguana for example, he is a vile racist who uses the dirtiest language here at GNI and gets away with it. He ran and cried when KP dished it out back at him. He attacked KP first.

Anyway, I am off and out for this evening. Have a good day.

Last edited by Former Member
yuji22 posted:
antabanta posted:
yuji22 posted:
antabanta posted:

What a ridiculous ass-kissing post from a most pronounced racist

I challenge you or anyone here to provide proof. 

Any Indo at GNI who speaks up for Indo rights, highlights Guyana pre 1992 history and combats racism from the likes of carib, Iguana and d2 is labelled as racist by a bunch of cry babies.

No no, GNI's biggest Crybaby. You're confused. You're not labeled a racist for anything. You are a racist.

I challenge you or anyone to provide proof. Low self esteem individuals throw around tables and who they get punched back, they become cry babies and run at admin door like lil chirren early in the morning.

Take Iguana for example, he is a vile racist who uses the dirtiest language here at GNI and gets away with it. He ran and cried when KP dished it out back at him. He attacked KP first.

Anyway, I am off and out for this evening. Have a good day.

Proof? Look in the mirror. Blasted racist, nitwit, little crybaby. You're the one always whining for Admin.

Baseman posted:

Maybe Ray wanted you guys to spread love around today.  

The other day, D2 wrote that Mars and him had a conversation on how racists the site is. And wished for Amral and Ray to clean it up.

Suh Ray, are you acting on the advise of Mars and D2?

Some comments by Black racist and wannabe Black racist on THIS SITE has poor taste for some of us Indians. And we respond in kind.

This site has ALWAYS entertained bigots, eversince I could remember. Over twenty years ago I have been reading one on here. Just from reading, I get the impression an anti-indo comment is made with deep malice, the dislike is permanent. In Guyana, such feelings does not exist. 

Any anti-Negro comment is made with the aim of "getting even." 





seignet posted:

Any anti-Negro comment is made with the aim of "getting even." 

seignet, you are so full of it

you ROUTINELY misinform here that i make racist posts

show one, just one time where i have made a racist statement aimed at Indo-Guyanese, Indians or any race in particular on this forum

. . . . tick tock tick tock tick tock

Last edited by Former Member

Siggy you is one confused rass you know dat? One day I read how you cut up dem brown bannas ...nex day you cut up dem black bannas..meanwhile all de time you cut up we po po putagee as you does say. I gaffa hand it to you does really pick up fo white people..especially dem rednecks.

Da dam yugi got a fricken nerve carryin on like a bad oman right after we junior bossman warn we fo watch out. I see anta dig it in e rass..heheeee.

I better give a shoutout here....How nuh Ray? 

yuji22 posted:

Still waiting on proof.

You are typical of those who throw around lables without any proof. Iguana, D2 and others are the ones at Admin's door every day. I dish it out and take it back on the chin no problems whatsoever. 

GNI consists of a few low self esteemed cry babies complainers and whiners.

yeah yeah yeah.... you're nothing but a blasted hypocritical racist little cry baby. You can't take squat on the chin. Your posts are usually puerile if not asinine.


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