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Baseman posted:
Mars posted:

Fox News and Rasmussen have phony polls. The standard has always been Gallup and he’s peaking now at 42%. The average since he’s been president is 39%.

Yea, they were also phony during the election!

Even Fox News and Rasmsussen polls had Trump behind before the elections. Comey threw the elections for Trump with his last minute announcement that he was reopening the Hillary investigation meanwhile the Trump campaign was also under investigation and he didn’t say a word. Add in the Russian and Wikileaks collusion and you can see why Trump won even though Hillary got three million more votes. His days are numbered anyway. Watch for the Democrats retaking the House after the Midterms and the impeachment of Trump soon afterwards. He’ll be lucky if he does not end up in jail for all the crookedness between him and his cronies.

Last edited by Mars

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