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Some people oversleep and couldn’t vote

Mar 03, 2020 Dem Boys Seh, Features / Columnists, Kaieteur News, https://www.kaieteurnewsonline...ep-and-couldnt-vote/

From de time Charran Rass holler ‘Yes… Yes… Yes…” and help pass a no-confidence motion, Guyana was de place to hear cuss and bad name.

Who wasn’t a crook was a scamp or a thief. Dem boys hear who tek money from de Treasury and who tek from ExxonMobil.

In de few months before yesterday, de pace heat up. People search and find de oil contract and dem see some strange things. Things reach de stage wheh people couldn’t find anything good about de oil contract.

As de day draw closer, people start to cuss Soulja Bai more and more.

But by de time de day arrive, things get quiet. De focus switch from oil so fast dat at one stage dem boys wonder if anything else was happening. People forget bout oil.

Some people hardly sleep de night before. And is not dat some of dem never vote before. But Jagdeo was de public enemy fuh some people and de savior fuh others.

Dem who hate him couldn’t wait to vote. Nuff people want to see Soulja Bai out of de way. Ever since de last elections, dem was planning suh when yesterday come was like dem couldn’t reach de polling station fast enough.

De Waterfalls boss Man watch de scene and decide dat he gon vote when de confusion done. He was one of de people who wake up before bird wife. When he see de crowd at dem polling station, he mek de mistake to go back to bed.

Dem boys seh how de man sleep like Snow White after she eat de poison apple wha de wicked witch give her. When he do wake up, de polling places close. Now de man trying to call de GECOM Chairperson to see if she gon open a polling station suh he can vote today.

And while he trying to molest de lady, odda people causing confusion.

Some people nearly come to blows at Mon Repos because all of dem want to watch de ballot box. People start a rumour bout how dem have people sharing out fake identification cards.

But de confusion didn’t last long, suh is de count people waiting for now.

Talk half and watch to see who gon run mad.

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