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Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Ksaz, does Islam teach that the soul resides in the heart?

I supposed you are referring to the heart in a metaphysical way. In that case, the soul is much more than the heart. However, it is the heart that drives the soul. The Prophet spoke about the heart that when it is good, the rest of the body is good and when it is bad, the rest of the body is bad. He also said that in whatever you do, follow your heart. In my own experience, I am on the right course following my heart until my mind kick in. For example, if I stop at the light and someone approach the car for help, I would without thinking reach over and give them some money. If I pause for even a split second, I start thinking if I should or not or if they deserve/need it or not. Muhammad advise was intended to keep me from  filling my thoughts with all the whys and why nots.

Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by Kari:

Brother Chief, I do not need to learn about Islam from GNI. I'm interested to hear responses from posters here - Muslim and non-Muslim alike. It's about the responses, not about learning about Islam. These questions are not mine but posed to me - I just paraphrased them for presentation and context.

Posters here are not qualified to answer such complex Islamic questions.

Is like coming to this forum with medical questions, what answers do you expect to get?

If you want to do justice to the person who posed those questions then you should have forwrded to a person who is qualified to answer them. The current Imaam of Masjid Al Abidin studied 8 years at AlAhzar Unversity and I am sure he will be more than happy to answer such questions.

Shut your behind. Religion is not mathematics or physics. They are sayings in a book translated a hundred ways and commented on by thousands. Also, the questions have relevance because it does not have to be from a Muslim point of view alone.The man did not ask for a Muslim only perspective.


I think hitting ones nose in the sod five times a day a ridiculous thing for any god to ask.


The man asked about partial blessings and blessing on a points scale. That is absurd for any divine being also.


As for the directive of praying to the Kabba, it is a euclidean problem and we live in an non euclidean world. I can be in any two position and still face the Kabba. If I am at the poles it is any direction. I also think that is a useless ritual in an infinite universe.


And this idea of hierarchies in heaven or earthly domain means I must remember to offer god a copy of marks if I meet him her it. If Marx can think of egalitarianism as a good how about a divine being.


Now I can go into my rant on the absurdity of religion in general but you get my drift from the above. It is all bull crap.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Chief:

Skeldon man I am not a saint but sometimes we have to take a step and say enough is enough. Stingha is not a bad guy but he do get carried away.

Over the years Shaitaan has been on GNI he has been banned more than any other memeber.

The only reason he is in trouble so many times is because he do not know when to stop. Everything is not joke, people's religion and their family for the most part has to have  some limit.



I do not criticise religion. I know less of Hinduism than I know of Chritianity. My wife always asked me why I don't know much about the religion I was born in. I always said, it's not your religion; it's the way you treat your fellow man. We are here to help each other survive our daily lives. I have always said, "Keep families out of your insults".

Skelly well said,totally agreed.

Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Ksaz, does Islam teach that the soul resides in the heart?

I supposed you are referring to the heart in a metaphysical way. In that case, the soul is much more than the heart. However, it is the heart that drives the soul. The Prophet spoke about the heart that when it is good, the rest of the body is good and when it is bad, the rest of the body is bad. He also said that in whatever you do, follow your heart. In my own experience, I am on the right course following my heart until my mind kick in. For example, if I stop at the light and someone approach the car for help, I would without thinking reach over and give them some money. If I pause for even a split second, I start thinking if I should or not or if they deserve/need it or not. Muhammad advise was intended to keep me from  filling my thoughts with all the whys and why nots.

I like your answer. Two nights ago, a young untrained Brahmin, at a wake, was preaching about the soul and he was pointing to his heart and emphasizing that the soul resides in here and when it stops, that means the soul has departed. So I asked him the question, that if I get a heart transplant, whose soul now resides in my body and what happens to our respective karmas? Needless to say, he was stumped.  On the question of giving, look up the story on Sudama and Krishna.


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