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Here is a clip of Ravi Dev speaking at the World Hindu Economic Forum claiming that β€œover half of the individuals in that country are of Indian descent” and that if Hindu businessmen were to come to Guyana β€œyou would feel you are part of India.”

The conference was held in November 2014 in New Delhi and also advertised Finance minister Dr. Ashni Singh as a speaker.  We understand that Dev was there on behalf of Dr. Singh, as he claims at the beginning of the video.

Dev who mentioned he is β€œpart of a group that not only owns media but is in pharmaceuticals” (New GPC) told the audience that Hindu investors can not only make money but can also spread the faith. .”You have your Hindu brothers and sisters in Guyana…. you will get your returns I guarantee it.”

He said  Guyana presents great opportunities and is a strategically placed country in the economic battle with China to secure natural resources.  β€œAs we speak contracts have been signed to connect Brasil and Suriname with Guyana in terms of bridges and roads.”

He said Guyana would welcome those Punjabi farmers now running out of water. β€œI’m talking of hundreds of thousands of farmland you can cultivate” and that Guyana β€œhad the potential to become the biggest exporter of rice in the world.”

Dev mentioned that the Indian PM Narendra Modi came to Guyana briefly some years ago and β€œI hosted him and took him around. He asked me what have our people done for this country in in terms of sacrifice?” Dev recalled he took Modi to one of the monuments to the martyred sugar workers and Modi concluded, using a Hindu term, β€œThis is your land”.


Just so we're clear here, this speech makes makes me more than a little uncomfortable.


Also so we're clear on this, these are the fruits of the PNC's beat/kill nuff coolie strategy. The new Indian elite in Guyana will do all it can to protect itself.


If I was a guessing man, I'd say the Buxton Freedom Fighters fought the PPP and ROAR won.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

Just so we're clear here, this speech makes makes me more than a little uncomfortable.


Also so we're clear on this, these are the fruits of the PNC's beat/kill nuff coolie strategy. The new Indian elite in Guyana will do all it can to protect itself.


If I was a guessing man, I'd say the Buxton Freedom Fighters fought the PPP and ROAR won.

Shaitaan do you now understand why Nagamootoo went out of his way to communicate that his nationality as a Guyanese, is his primary allegiance?



Reading this Ravi Dev rant it is clear that he wants Guyana to be a colony of India.  He is an Indian (ethnicity and de facto nationality).  Guyana to him represents the piece of real estate where he was born, and the citizenship which he holds.  He does not have any identity which ties him to Guyanese of other ethnicities.


On a visit to Guyana I heard Ravi Dev rampaging on his radio program that Afro Guyanese are violence prone.  A black person called in listing the contribution that Africans have made to Guyana. Ravi Dev found that commentary to be highly amusing, and the notion that Africans had made positive contributions to be a huge joke.



Apparently this is the company that you wish to keep Shaitaan.  Luckily for Guyana I think that the Ravi Dev's are a dying breed.


And look at how he is lying.  Indians are only 40% and only 25% of Guyanese are Hindus.  To the chagrin of people like Dev, more and more Indians are now becoming Christians.

Last edited by Former Member
+Originally Posted by Shaitaan:


Also so we're clear on this, these are the fruits of the PNC's beat/kill nuff coolie strategy.

Apaan jhat wasn't coined in 1973, 1992, or 2001.  It was coined in the late 50s before the PNC was able to engage in any "beat/kill nuff coolie".


You are a wolf in sheep's clothing.  You pretend to be moderate but you harbor ideologies that are probably among the most radical among Indo Guyanese.  Yes they wish to be protected from abuse. Yes many mistakenly source their current problems to be the fault of starving civil servants and not of the Indian elites.  But do they wish the arrival of mass numbers of people from India.  Some how I doubt that. 


In fact with irony the arrival of large numbers of new migrants from India might strengthen the allegiance between Guyanese Indians and Afro Guyanese.  I see no evidence that Guyanese Chinese identify with, or embrace this new Chinese immigration.


To most Indians (REAL Indians) Ravi Dev is a clown, as clownish as he is with that cheap wig he is wearing.  They don't identify with Caribbean Indians, and in fact see them as being Afro/Indo strangers.  If they look with askance at Fijian Indians who are way more integrated into India than Guyanese Indians are, they will see Indo Guyanese the same way that Indo Guyanese view Indians from islands like Jamaica and St Vincent.


Cut your nonsense.  In the early 20th century the emerging Indian elites wanted indenture to continue, because they wanted the Indian population to outnumber the creole (black and mulatto) so that Indians would dominate the colony's population, and be positioned to be political dominant once universal adult suffrage was introduced.  For this very reason the creoles wanted indenture to be stopped.


The Indian vs. creole battle for power began long before Burnham WAS BORN!  You will note that both the creoles and the Indians were subordinated to British rule, and both played nominal roles in running of the colony, even as the lower and increasingly the middle ranks of the civil service were staffed by Africans and mulattos.


The BGEIA in the 1950s coined similar rants that Ravi Dev now does.  The then PM of India told them to get lost.   That they weren't Indians and should instead settle into their places of birth.


So cut your RACIST CRAP that Indian racism towards blacks only began in the 1970s.


In fact the West Coast Demerara was a site of significant violence against blacks by the PYO during 1964.  There was an incident at Windsor Forest where a train was stopped by PYO hooligans and blacks, INCLUDING WOMEN AND KIDS, were attacked by PYO savages.   Indeed it was a known fact of Indians, rubbed in coconut oil. attacking blacks.  Using coconut oil because it made them slippery should they be cornered by people out to protect themselves.


I am afraid Shaitaan that you are skirting close to being a Hindutva BIGOT, you know the Indo KKK of India who excuse slaughter of non Hindus (Christians as well as Muslims).

Last edited by Former Member

There is no need to go down this road playing that India vs China game. Diasporas are important and much business connections are formed through social networks in diasporas.  This is well known in academic literature. The Chinese do it. Jews do it. Irish do it. Italians do same. Why do they need to enter myth-making? Since when South-East Asia is Hindu? Why can't they focus on the serious problems facing their community and try to carve out a place for themselves. The PPP has a 20 person cabinet and only ONE is a Hindu. PPP govt is comprised mainly of Christians and former communists who I am sure are atheists. My hunch is outside Amerindians, Hindus would be the most marginalized social group in Guyana. Hindu population used to be 37% under PNC. Today it must be around 25% as CaribJ noted. I guess the Hindu leaders don't want to ask the tough questions why the numbers have dropped this low. BTW, It was Forbes who gave them the TWO national holidays when they only have one in TT. Forbes probably had more practicing Hindus in his admin than PPP.

Originally Posted by Mr.T:

This is the problem with East Indians. Everywhere they go they think they own the country. Idi Amin has so far been the only sensible thinking head of state who had the right solution.

What T is saying is that Idi Amin, who seized power in Uganda in 1971 in a military coup and killed close to half million people, had the right solution.


T knows you understand this solution applies to the East Indian population in Guyana and that "solution" is a term borrowed from Hitler's extermination of 6 million Jews in the second world war.


Idi Amin expelled over 80,000 East Indians from Uganda beginning in 1972 - most with UK passports both some who were Ugandan-born citizens.


If T had his druthers he would expel or gas or cause violence on all the East Indians in Guyana to rid that country of East Indians to achieve his desired goal of emulating Idi Amin and Adolf Hitler who "so far been the only sensible thinking head of state who had the right solution".


T, you could not have been more clear. We hear you. We note what you prescribe for East Indians in Guyana.

Originally Posted by Kari:
desired goal of emulating Idi Amin and Adolf Hitler who "so far been the only sensible thinking head of state who had the right solution".


T, you could not have been more clear. We hear you. We note what you prescribe for East Indians in Guyana.

When I was in college a group of black Africans were cheering on Idi Amin.  A Ugandan black then told them that for every Indian Idi Amin killed he slaughtered many more blacks.


Is this the solution which Mr. T wants?


The East African Asians were no angels.  Rather than becoming citizens of their nations of birth, many opted for UK citizenship, and identified more with India than with others from the nations where they were born. But contrast Kenya, which tried to find a middle ground, with Uganda, which didn't. With all of its problems Kenya is light years ahead of Uganda.

Last edited by Former Member

Ravi Dev makes me sick. Instead of developing opportunities for all Guyanese, he goes off to India and tells them that Guyana is Hindu country because of the Indo population.


Indians have migrated from regions of India because of the British Raj, Famine and persecutions by the Brahmins. Brahmins became not only priests but the British East India Company seized communial lands and gave it to the Brahmins as the land owners. Low caste Indians worked the land for them.




World Hindu Economic Forum.  What a bloody joke.  There is no such thing as a World Hindu Economic Forum.  No hindu helps another hindu except to help find a big stick or a knife to give another hindu to inflict physical hurt on some other hindu.  Take note you hindus on this board.  Take an example from the muslims and Jews and treat each other better.

Originally Posted by seignet:

Ravi Dev makes me sick. Instead of developing opportunities for all Guyanese, he goes off to India and tells them that Guyana is Hindu country because of the Indo population.


Indians have migrated from regions of India because of the British Raj, Famine and persecutions by the Brahmins. Brahmins became not only priests but the British East India Company seized communial lands and gave it to the Brahmins as the land owners. Low caste Indians worked the land for them.



If Ravi Dev means to execute a marketing pitch to Indians from India to invest in Guyana and sells a comfort level, it may be irrelevant to ascribe aspects of morality to what he said. If he says we will rid Guyana of other races so that we can enhance your comfort level oh Indian investor, then that's another matter. It's akin t saying being pro-Black necessarily means anti-White. Muhammad Ali had another take on that.

Originally Posted by Wally:

World Hindu Economic Forum.  What a bloody joke.  There is no such thing as a World Hindu Economic Forum.  No hindu helps another hindu except to help find a big stick or a knife to give another hindu to inflict physical hurt on some other hindu.  Take note you hindus on this board.  Take an example from the muslims and Jews and treat each other better.

Bhai, dem muslims killing each other EVERY DAY. What is there to learn from that. And the Jews-well dey have a history where God does hand dem over to their enemies. Net-Yahoo wants Obama to do his bidding-when Iran gets the bomb, Iran will no longer be Iran. It is going to be Persia-an enemy of the Jews. Lesson time coming again. 

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Kari:
desired goal of emulating Idi Amin and Adolf Hitler who "so far been the only sensible thinking head of state who had the right solution".


T, you could not have been more clear. We hear you. We note what you prescribe for East Indians in Guyana.

When I was in college a group of black Africans were cheering on Idi Amin.  A Ugandan black then told them that for every Indian Idi Amin killed he slaughtered many more blacks.


Is this the solution which Mr. T wants?


The East African Asians were no angels.  Rather than becoming citizens of their nations of birth, many opted for UK citizenship, and identified more with India than with others from the nations where they were born. But contrast Kenya, which tried to find a middle ground, with Uganda, which didn't. With all of its problems Kenya is light years ahead of Uganda.

Rather than becoming citizens of their nations of birth, many opted for UK citizenship, and identified more with India than with others from the nations where they were born.


Caribny, Indophobic attitudes existed in Uganda before Idi Amin. Indians were employed by the British in key sectors, including the banking sector. The British made it difficult for loans to Ugandan natives and Bank of Baroda was no different. However them being more Indian or British than Ugandan is too simplistic an explanation that smacks of a racial justification for expelling Indians. Idi Amin said he got the idea from Allah in a dream.

Originally Posted by Kari:

If Ravi Dev means to execute a marketing pitch to Indians from India to invest in Guyana and sells a comfort level, .

Ravi Dev made a pitch which ought to alienate you as a Muslim.  He was speaking  in terms of making Guyana look like some part of some pan Hindutva nation.  His core message is that Guyana is some little Hindu society.  


These same Hindus are investing in Mozambique.  Almost zero Hindus there.  They will go to Guyana if there is opportunity.  Nothing more need be said.  Guyana has enough racial and religious paranoia without Ravi running out to make it worse.

Originally Posted by Kari:

Caribny, Indophobic attitudes existed in Uganda before Idi Amin. Indians were employed by the British in key sectors, including the banking sector. The British made it difficult for loans to Ugandan natives and Bank of Baroda was no different. However them being more Indian or British than Ugandan is too simplistic an explanation that smacks of a racial justification for expelling Indians. Idi Amin said he got the idea from Allah in a dream.

Indophobic attitudes exist throughout East Africa because of how the Indians behaved.  Born in those societies, they adopted a passport of the former colonial masters, and identified more with their ancestral lands than with their countries of birth.  And maintaining the types of racist attitudes towards blacks that would make even the English blush!


So why the shock that most of the people of those nations will resent these people with that kind of behavior?


Even in 2015 many Kenyan Indians refuse to identify with being Kenyan and behave as a foreign occupying group, and so with no deep surprise, they aren't much liked there.

Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by Mr.T:

This is the problem with East Indians. Everywhere they go they think they own the country. Idi Amin has so far been the only sensible thinking head of state who had the right solution.

What T is saying is that Idi Amin, who seized power in Uganda in 1971 in a military coup and killed close to half million people, had the right solution.


T knows you understand this solution applies to the East Indian population in Guyana and that "solution" is a term borrowed from Hitler's extermination of 6 million Jews in the second world war.


Idi Amin expelled over 80,000 East Indians from Uganda beginning in 1972 - most with UK passports both some who were Ugandan-born citizens.


If T had his druthers he would expel or gas or cause violence on all the East Indians in Guyana to rid that country of East Indians to achieve his desired goal of emulating Idi Amin and Adolf Hitler who "so far been the only sensible thinking head of state who had the right solution".


T, you could not have been more clear. We hear you. We note what you prescribe for East Indians in Guyana.

I see that you have forgotten what Idi Amin did with the East Indians who had basically enslaved Uganda. He put them on the plane to England. A fitting solution for consideration of the PPP regime and those who are in bed with them.

Originally Posted by Kari:
. If he says we will rid Guyana of other races so that we can enhance your comfort level oh Indian investor,

That is exactly what he is saying.


1.  He doesn't present Indo Guyanese as a Guyanese people with Indian ancestry, but linked to peoples of other ethnicities by virtue of being Guyanese.  He presents them as being no different to a Hindu from India and even boasts about how much like India Guyana is.


2. When these Hindus from India arrive in Guyana, should they believe Ravi Dev that they are the same people, obviously non Hindu Indians and other types of Guyanese will be treated as outsiders and so will be excluded from what ever opportunities that these Hindus from India bring.


3.  This is a clear ploy to reverse the declining fortunes of Hindus, who now account for a mere 25% of the population.


If you want a race war to develop in Guyana this is an excellent way to do this.

Originally Posted by Mr.T:

I see that you have forgotten what Idi Amin did with the East Indians who had basically enslaved Uganda. He put them on the plane to England. A fitting solution for consideration of the PPP regime and those who are in bed with them.

  We can debate about whether those Ugandan Indians "enslaved" Uganda or not, but you do agree that by the time Amin was finished, Uganda was a basket case and hundreds of thousands of BLACK Ugandans DEAD.  This was a relatively prosperous nation before Idi Amin destroyed it.

Originally Posted by caribny:
... Luckily for Guyana I think that the Ravi Dev's are a dying breed.


And look at how he is lying.  Indians are only 40% and only 25% of Guyanese are Hindus.  To the chagrin of people like Dev, more and more Indians are now becoming Christians.


Why do you think that piece of s.hit is a dying breed? He was sent there to deliver that crass racist speech by the Finance minister of the PPP. He said he was representing the Minister!



Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by caribny:
... Luckily for Guyana I think that the Ravi Dev's are a dying breed.


And look at how he is lying.  Indians are only 40% and only 25% of Guyanese are Hindus.  To the chagrin of people like Dev, more and more Indians are now becoming Christians.


Why do you think that piece of s.hit is a dying breed? He was sent there to deliver that crass racist speech by the Finance minister of the PPP. He said he was representing the Minister!



Do you really think that all those 30 y/o Indo Guyanese have a self definition of themselves tied exclusively to India, as Ravi Dev does?  Even I don't think so.


Listen to the theme music at PPP rallies, which this year aim at pure racial hysteria.  It isn't Bollywood.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by caribny:
+Originally Posted by Shaitaan:


Also so we're clear on this, these are the fruits of the PNC's beat/kill nuff coolie strategy.

Apaan jhat wasn't coined in 1973, 1992, or 2001.  It was coined in the late 50s before the PNC was able to engage in any "beat/kill nuff coolie".


You are a wolf in sheep's clothing.  You pretend to be moderate but you harbor ideologies that are probably among the most radical among Indo Guyanese.  Yes they wish to be protected from abuse. Yes many mistakenly source their current problems to be the fault of starving civil servants and not of the Indian elites.  But do they wish the arrival of mass numbers of people from India.  Some how I doubt that. 


In fact with irony the arrival of large numbers of new migrants from India might strengthen the allegiance between Guyanese Indians and Afro Guyanese.  I see no evidence that Guyanese Chinese identify with, or embrace this new Chinese immigration.


To most Indians (REAL Indians) Ravi Dev is a clown, as clownish as he is with that cheap wig he is wearing.  They don't identify with Caribbean Indians, and in fact see them as being Afro/Indo strangers.  If they look with askance at Fijian Indians who are way more integrated into India than Guyanese Indians are, they will see Indo Guyanese the same way that Indo Guyanese view Indians from islands like Jamaica and St Vincent.


Cut your nonsense.  In the early 20th century the emerging Indian elites wanted indenture to continue, because they wanted the Indian population to outnumber the creole (black and mulatto) so that Indians would dominate the colony's population, and be positioned to be political dominant once universal adult suffrage was introduced.  For this very reason the creoles wanted indenture to be stopped.


The Indian vs. creole battle for power began long before Burnham WAS BORN!  You will note that both the creoles and the Indians were subordinated to British rule, and both played nominal roles in running of the colony, even as the lower and increasingly the middle ranks of the civil service were staffed by Africans and mulattos.


The BGEIA in the 1950s coined similar rants that Ravi Dev now does.  The then PM of India told them to get lost.   That they weren't Indians and should instead settle into their places of birth.


So cut your RACIST CRAP that Indian racism towards blacks only began in the 1970s.


In fact the West Coast Demerara was a site of significant violence against blacks by the PYO during 1964.  There was an incident at Windsor Forest where a train was stopped by PYO hooligans and blacks, INCLUDING WOMEN AND KIDS, were attacked by PYO savages.   Indeed it was a known fact of Indians, rubbed in coconut oil. attacking blacks.  Using coconut oil because it made them slippery should they be cornered by people out to protect themselves.


I am afraid Shaitaan that you are skirting close to being a Hindutva BIGOT, you know the Indo KKK of India who excuse slaughter of non Hindus (Christians as well as Muslims).


Look moron,


Did you miss the part where I posted this out of sheer shock?


WTF makes you think my posting of Dev's speech here is an endorsement?


I am more shocked than you. This thread is NOT an endorsement of his views. I endorse none of his views whatsoever.


So save your anti-Shaitaan hysteria. These are in no way my views in any way whatsoever. If I truly held these views I wouldn't drag them out for open discussion and criticism.


I actually would ask you to apologize to me for this unwarranted tirade and unwarranted personal attack. You are truly beyond comprehension.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by caribny:
Apparently this is the company that you wish to keep Shaitaan.  Luckily for Guyana I think that the Ravi Dev's are a dying breed.


Just for the record chap, Ravi Dev and I are not friends nor do we have any friends anymore in common. Ravi Dev and I parted company over a decade ago. We are personally like oil and water.

Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by Mr.T:

This is the problem with East Indians. Everywhere they go they think they own the country. Idi Amin has so far been the only sensible thinking head of state who had the right solution.

What T is saying is that Idi Amin, who seized power in Uganda in 1971 in a military coup and killed close to half million people, had the right solution.


T knows you understand this solution applies to the East Indian population in Guyana and that "solution" is a term borrowed from Hitler's extermination of 6 million Jews in the second world war.


Idi Amin expelled over 80,000 East Indians from Uganda beginning in 1972 - most with UK passports both some who were Ugandan-born citizens.


If T had his druthers he would expel or gas or cause violence on all the East Indians in Guyana to rid that country of East Indians to achieve his desired goal of emulating Idi Amin and Adolf Hitler who "so far been the only sensible thinking head of state who had the right solution".


T, you could not have been more clear. We hear you. We note what you prescribe for East Indians in Guyana.

karimullah, stop your idiot, hysterical shit


Mister T's race-mongering notwithstanding, do you really have to stretch alll the way for Adolph Hitler and in so doing demean the Holocaust?


i suggest u find  more intelligent ways to do war PR for the PPP gangster regime, arite?

Originally Posted by caribny:
If you want a race war to develop in Guyana this is an excellent way to do this.


You ran pretty quick to the race war button in response to a single private citizen's speech on behalf of himself to a bunch of people in another country.


Do you see anyone here on GNI endorsing Ravi's views?


What you're doing is kinda childish chap. Losing perspective so easily. You're seeing demons where none exist. We have 1 man that has some personal views no one here shares.


Even Kari here who you're attacking unfairly is not defending Ravi Dev's spin on things but merely suggesting that this is a kind of cheerleading to a segment of investors.


I personally do not agree with his conception of Guyana and of Indians in Guyana. I don't know anyone who does. And I know most of the principal members of the former ROAR. Ravi spoke for Ravi here.

Originally Posted by Vish M:

Then call it as it is.


Crap like that MUST not be tolerated as it reflects on all of us


Since when are you not a racist? If I recall correctly you pretty much hate Black people and think they're a bunch of lazy welfare cases.


In all the years of knowing me chap, tell me something racist I've said.

Originally Posted by Vish M:

Then call it as it is.


Crap like that MUST not be tolerated as it reflects on all of us

so, who's not calling it like it is?


Kari even went overboard and reached all the way back to the 3rd Reich


smells suspiciously like a not-so-clever effort to 'deflect' on your part, no?

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by redux:
Kari's statement holds
Originally Posted by Vish M:

Then call it as it is.


Crap like that MUST not be tolerated as it reflects on all of us

so, who's not calling it like it is?


Kari even went overboard and reached all the way back to the 3rd Reich


smells suspiciously like a not-so-clever effort to 'deflect' on your part, no?


Vish M
Originally Posted by Vish M:

your opinion is irrelevant and it is based on false statements.


I always knew you were unstable, reactive, caustic and need to stay far away 


You mean you did not label the Blacks of SE Queens as a bunch of lazy welfare cases to me and others?


Do you also wanna tell us the fit you threw when my friends brought David Granger into Richmond Hill the first time?


You actually disliked Granger for the simple reason that he was a Blackman and had no business being in Richmond Hill.


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