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Some think hindering the flow of drugs has affected the economy


Dear Editor,


I was in Barbados in the late ʼ80s when they were experiencing a massive financial problem. The IMF was knocking at their door and the Erskine Sandiford government had to retrench loads of public servants to stave off a dollar devaluation. In the mid ʼ90s I was at university in Trinidad when the Patrick Manning administration was facing their financial meltdown. I was living in Michigan during the 2007-09 financial meltdown associated with the USA housing market. Many persons were being sent home and businesses were closing. People were losing their homes and the American stock market was in a free fall.

Editor, in none of those cases did I observe what I am observing now, that Guyana is facing its own financial crisis.  Everywhere I turn, the remarks are consistent, as though rehearsed: “Let the drugs flow.”

It is believed that prior to May 2015, Guyana had a parallel economy. Many attribute the large buildings, the influx of automobiles and the huge developmental expansions, to the drug underworld. It is believed that this new administration is hampering the drug trade.

Ask most Guyanese and they all have a story as to the affordability of many of those massive structures – finished and stalled – that dot the skyline of Georgetown. It is a public secret that most Guyanese think that the funding of those edifices was only possible through ill-gotten gains. But now that things are financially tightening up in Guyana, there are those who are clamouring for things to go back to the days “when the drugs were flowing.”

And what is very telling about the clarion calls for a return to the “old days”, is that the calls are also coming from religious people. There are practising church, mosque and temple goers who are saying that Guyana needs a financial shot in the arm, and that if drugs is what it takes, then “let it flow!”

When I hear those remarks I cringe, for it is obvious that those calling for the “drugs to flow” do not understand the magnitude of the horrors that drugs cause. Drugs turn women into prostitutes and men into junkies. Drugs eat away at one’s brain cells and retard people for life. Drugs create a violent culture where many of the victims are viciously murdered. Drugs negatively affect the academic performances of huge portions of some communities.

However, when these facts are highlighted, the common remark is that the drugs are only flowing through Guyana. The notion is that they are shipped out to other developed countries and the responsibility is on them. The destruction that those countries face as a result of the drug trade seems not to bother those wishing for the return of “old days”. And when it is highlighted that Guyana has not been spared, as is obvious from our ever-growing ‘junkie’ population, the flippant response is that, “they are only collateral damage”.

I work with the homeless and the addicts, many of whom are parents.  Those who trivialize the effects of drugs would talk differently if they were ever to be subjected to their ravenous effects. When once you get hooked, it is almost impossible to redeem your life! The resultant effects are the devastation and destruction of the affected family.

Indeed it would be unfair to lay the dire economic situation squarely on the doorstep of this administration. A cursory observation of Guyana’s current plight would show that sugar is dead; rice took a hit from the failed PetroCaribe Venezuelan deal, gold prices are taking a beating and the protracted dry spell was a nightmare for both our natural resources and farming. In other words, the economic realities facing Guyana were predestined to happen, no matter who had won the 2015 elections.

However, these facts do not resonate with the masses. Perception is reality and the perception is that Guyana had a parallel economy of drug money before 2015 and things were rolling along. Now they feel that the country has all but ground to a halt.

Having said that, I would like to be a fly on the wall of the Granger administration’s cabinet meetings. I would really like to know what they discuss in their war-room. What plans do they have for kick-starting the Guyana economy? It seems as if no one other than the insiders seem to know what plans are in train for the development of this country.

The Granger administration has four solid years to pull something out of their hat that will significantly stimulate this economy.  And they had better reveal it soon because the word on the street is, come 2020, even some of those who like the coalition will hold their noses and vote their pocket books. Even some religious people.


Yours faithfully,

Pastor Wendell P Jeffrey

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Some think hindering the flow of drugs has affected the economy

Dear Editor,

Having said that, I would like to be a fly on the wall of the Granger administration’s cabinet meetings. I would really like to know what they discuss in their war-room. What plans do they have for kick-starting the Guyana economy? It seems as if no one other than the insiders seem to know what plans are in train for the development of this country.

Yours faithfully,

Pastor Wendell P Jeffrey



ba$eman posted:

The PNC's lack of a coherent policy is what's affecting the economy.  Also, the rise of neo-Burnhamism!!

Please outline PPP initiatives that the coalition gov't changed.

And I don't mean allowing the DEA to enter Guyana to arrest PPP druglords, instead of protecting them.

Last edited by Former Member
Demerara_Guy posted:
Some think hindering the flow of drugs has affected the economy

Dear Editor,

Having said that, I would like to be a fly on the wall of the Granger administration’s cabinet meetings. I would really like to know what they discuss in their war-room. What plans do they have for kick-starting the Guyana economy? It seems as if no one other than the insiders seem to know what plans are in train for the development of this country.

Yours faithfully,

Pastor Wendell P Jeffrey



Yes DG.

These AFC/PNC idiots have no plan in place. None, Zero.


What is there that needs kick starting in the economy? It's only the drugs trade that has suffered according to the official economic figures. Now that drugs are off the table, we are able to see the true extent of the legal economy. And it is doing better than under the PPP.

Mr.T posted:

What is there that needs kick starting in the economy? It's only the drugs trade that has suffered according to the official economic figures. Now that drugs are off the table, we are able to see the true extent of the legal economy. And it is doing better than under the PPP.

It just means the issue of drugs was all hogwash!  If the economy get back on track it is doing so on its own weight.  The PNC have not made any major investment or stimulus.  The so-called drug money in the economy was not replaced, as there was nothing to replace in fact.

This is another PNC/AFC hoax about the economy under the PPP.

ba$eman posted:

It just means the issue of drugs was all hogwash!  If the economy get back on track it is doing so on its own weight.  ..

Official statistics indicate that the economy grew by 3% in REAL terms.

Anecdotal commentary suggests that it has slowed. Its obvious that was has happened is that the underground economy has shut down.  What drives this economy?  Drugs!

A drug fueled economy is one based on speculation as money must be washed.  The construction, which occurred under the Ramotar era wasn't market driven.  Real estate is the best way to launder money, as also the retail sectors.

Note that, aside from gold, the growth in the economy under Ramotar was in those sectors.

caribny posted:
ba$eman posted:

It just means the issue of drugs was all hogwash!  If the economy get back on track it is doing so on its own weight.  ..

Official statistics indicate that the economy grew by 3% in REAL terms.

Anecdotal commentary suggests that it has slowed. Its obvious that was has happened is that the underground economy has shut down.  What drives this economy?  Drugs!

A drug fueled economy is one based on speculation as money must be washed.  The construction, which occurred under the Ramotar era wasn't market driven.  Real estate is the best way to launder money, as also the retail sectors.

Note that, aside from gold, the growth in the economy under Ramotar was in those sectors.

Listen you joker, if it was a speculation and you claimed now dried up but the economy grew, then the speculation have been proven wrong.  Cash flows which was held back after elections is now reentering the market.  There is no new big source of funding replacing some lost source.  It is the organic economy coming back to life.  The business community has adjusted and come to terms with the new govt.  Harmon playing ball (no pun) so the business community feeling at ease.

ba$eman posted:

Listen you joker, if it was a speculation and you claimed now dried up but the economy grew, then the speculation have been proven wrong.  Cash flows which was held back after elections is now reentering the market.  There is no new big source of funding replacing some lost source.  It is the organic economy coming back to life.  The business community has adjusted and come to terms with the new govt.  Harmon playing ball (no pun) so the business community feeling at ease.

Guyana did, and maybe still does, have a bubble economy, because hordes of cash is circulating among the oligarchs, mostly invested in real estate. 

What is the purpose of those large buildings in Sherriff St, one might ask.  Or the huge amounts of hotels which were built?  Market driven?  No way.

Now you clearly suggest that the PPP had no magic, as the business community (the oligarchy) are playing ball, now that they have discovered that Harmon is as corrupt as any PPP minister or official.  For all we know drugs are probably flowing again, now that the respective parties have been bought off.

I am sure that this represents progress to you.  To most its a sign of a backward, lawless country.  Guyana is Haiti, except that English is spoken.

Tell you what.  If the business people like Granger then the PPP isn't coming back in again.  PNC officials are cheaper to buy than those of the PPP, and a core element of business is reducing costs.

caribny posted:
ba$eman posted:

Listen you joker, if it was a speculation and you claimed now dried up but the economy grew, then the speculation have been proven wrong.  Cash flows which was held back after elections is now reentering the market.  There is no new big source of funding replacing some lost source.  It is the organic economy coming back to life.  The business community has adjusted and come to terms with the new govt.  Harmon playing ball (no pun) so the business community feeling at ease.

Guyana did, and maybe still does, have a bubble economy, because hordes of cash is circulating among the oligarchs, mostly invested in real estate. 

What is the purpose of those large buildings in Sherriff St, one might ask.  Or the huge amounts of hotels which were built?  Market driven?  No way.

Now you clearly suggest that the PPP had no magic, as the business community (the oligarchy) are playing ball, now that they have discovered that Harmon is as corrupt as any PPP minister or official. For all we know drugs are probably flowing again, now that the respective parties have been bought off.

I am sure that this represents progress to you.  To most its a sign of a backward, lawless country.  Guyana is Haiti, except that English is spoken.

Tell you what.  If the business people like Granger then the PPP isn't coming back in again.  PNC officials are cheaper to buy than those of the PPP, and a core element of business is reducing costs.

Shut yuh rass, stay in the US and enjoy the White man's economy!!

"For all we know", it means you don't know.  You got cornered by baseman and now trying to wiggle out!   If drugs are flowing again, then your PNC must be involved.  If they could turn it around so fast, then they were in control pre-May 2015.  And how are they doing it when they just allowed the DEA to set up shop?

Banna, you wove a tangled web, now yuh sausage got caught up in your shorts, you squirming.  But you need to quit and fix yourself, the more you run, the more you grind!!

ba$eman posted:

Shut yuh rass, stay in the US and enjoy the White man's economy!!

"For all we know", it means you don't know.  You got cornered by baseman and now trying to wiggle out!   If drugs are flowing again, then your PNC must be involved.  If they could turn it around so fast, then they were in control pre-May 2015.  And how are they doing it when they just allowed the DEA to set up shop?

Banna, you wove a tangled web, now yuh sausage got caught up in your shorts, you squirming.  But you need to quit and fix yourself, the more you run, the more you grind!!

You and the rest of your brown bai KKK fall into a trap in your dealings with me.

Your fundamental racism means that you embrace the PPP and justify all that they do, even when wrong.

I will not support the PNC merely because they are blacks.  So when you justify the PPP by claiming that the PNC is no better all you do is make my point, and that is the PPP=PNC.

And yes, it would not surprise me if the same criminals who supported Jagdeo have now jumped over to Harmon.  They don't fall personally in love.  They love the people who allow them to do as they wish.

Now racist, continue to think that you cornered me into admitting that the PNC=PPP. I have been saying this all along!

YOU are the one who got cornered.  You hate the PNC only because it is led by blacks.  You just confirmed that the PNC is rotten and incompetent, and they do exactly as the PPP does.  So that means that the PPP is also incompetent and rotten.



caribny posted:
ba$eman posted:

Shut yuh rass, stay in the US and enjoy the White man's economy!!

"For all we know", it means you don't know.  You got cornered by baseman and now trying to wiggle out!   If drugs are flowing again, then your PNC must be involved.  If they could turn it around so fast, then they were in control pre-May 2015.  And how are they doing it when they just allowed the DEA to set up shop?

Banna, you wove a tangled web, now yuh sausage got caught up in your shorts, you squirming.  But you need to quit and fix yourself, the more you run, the more you grind!!

You and the rest of your brown bai KKK fall into a trap in your dealings with me.

Your fundamental racism means that you embrace the PPP and justify all that they do, even when wrong.

I will not support the PNC merely because they are blacks.  So when you justify the PPP by claiming that the PNC is no better all you do is make my point, and that is the PPP=PNC.

And yes, it would not surprise me if the same criminals who supported Jagdeo have now jumped over to Harmon.  They don't fall personally in love.  They love the people who allow them to do as they wish.

Now racist, continue to think that you cornered me into admitting that the PNC=PPP. I have been saying this all along!

YOU are the one who got cornered.  You hate the PNC only because it is led by blacks.  You just confirmed that the PNC is rotten and incompetent, and they do exactly as the PPP does.  So that means that the PPP is also incompetent and rotten.



Yea, yea, yea, KKK, blah blah blah.  You stray from the topic!

Caribj, you like a dog trying to catch his short tail!!

Last edited by Former Member
ba$eman posted:


Yea, yea, yea, KKK, blah blah blah.  You stray from the topic!

Caribj, you like a dog trying to catch his short tail!!

How did I stray.  I am saying that drugs might be running again.  You screamed that this means that the PNC is allowing that.  You think that I support the PNC against the PPP, so would have been embarrassed by the implications of this.

My response is to say PPP=PNC, so it doesn't surprise.

You don't know how to respond so you babble incoherently.


"I was in Barbados in the late ʼ80s when they were experiencing a massive financial problem. The IMF was knocking at their door and the Erskine Sandiford government had to retrench loads of public servants to stave off a dollar devaluation. In the mid ʼ90s I was at university in Trinidad when the Patrick Manning administration was facing their financial meltdown. I was living in Michigan during the 2007-09 financial meltdown associated with the USA housing market. Many persons were being sent home and businesses were closing. People were losing their homes and the American stock market was in a free fall." - Pastor Wendell P Jeffrey

I gotta tell you, wherever Pastor Wendell goes, disaster follows.

caribny posted:
ba$eman posted:


Yea, yea, yea, KKK, blah blah blah.  You stray from the topic!

Caribj, you like a dog trying to catch his short tail!!

How did I stray.  I am saying that drugs might be running again.  You screamed that this means that the PNC is allowing that.  You think that I support the PNC against the PPP, so would have been embarrassed by the implications of this.

My response is to say PPP=PNC, so it doesn't surprise.

You don't know how to respond so you babble incoherently.

And I'm saying you're on a fishing expedition on a dry lake!!


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