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Sooba best suited for Town Clerk, ‘full stop’- Ganga Persaud

December 7, 2013, By Filed Under News, Source


Minister of Local Government and Regional Development, Ganga Persaud, is unworried even as controversy surrounds the appointment of Carol Sooba as Town Clerk. She was deemed to be unqualified for the position.

During a press conference yesterday, a defensive Persaud argued that the Ministry is satisfied that Sooba is the best suited candidate for the Town Clerk position, with all things being equal “full stop”.


Ganga Persaud

Ganga Persaud


Even with media operatives pressing to find out Sooba’s qualifications and the criteria for the appointment, Persaud remained aggressive and determined not to divulge the relevant information.

The Minister seemingly believed that his diversion strategy was working but it only opened room for more questions and vindication for the Mayor and City Councillors that something grave is amiss with her appointment.

Earlier this week, Cabinet Secretary, Dr. Roger Luncheon announced that Sooba was appointed Town Clerk. She had been acting in that capacity for the past 16 months. And, the Council is adamant that the move to appoint an “unqualified” Sooba to such a pertinent position is an insult to academically qualified persons and those seeking higher education.

Deputy Mayor Patricia Chase-Greene had said that Sooba’s appointment “comes as a great surprise to a member of the panel that sat to do interviews for the position of Town Clerk and Treasurer.”

“At our interview the requirements for the position of Town Clerk were a Degree in Law, Economics, Urban Planning and Public Management amongst others.” Greene said there were four candidates, two of whom were in line with the requirements.

Mr. Paul Clarke and the Council’s current Public Relations Officer Mr. Royston King were shortlisted, while Mr. Darren Khan and Sooba, “being the least qualified” did not fit the bill.

According to Chase-Greene, with Clarke being the most qualified of the lot, the interview panel recommended that Clarke was the fittest for the post.

However, Minister Persaud was offended with “assumptions” that Sooba is unqualified for the position. He questioned the source that deemed Sooba unqualified and contended that it is improper to say someone is unqualified without providing the evidence.

Nonetheless, he could not have provided evidence of her qualifications and said it is his business, though she would be executing her tasks as a public officer.


Carol Sooba

Carol Sooba


As a requirement for the position the candidate must have academic qualifications and Sooba is not without that, he added.

Contradicting his comments, a reporter shuffled his memory that Junior Minister of Local Government Norman Whittaker at an earlier press conference had said that Sooba was unqualified for the position.

Apparently, this is not the first time the Ministry has advertised to fill the position of Town Clerk.

It was noted that when the vacancy was first advertised Sooba along with other candidates had applied. But, Whittaker had said none of the candidates were qualified to fill the positions.

Whittaker who was present at the press conference opted to remain silent while Persaud raved that the only thing that changed is that the position ran long enough and the Ministry believes that Sooba is the best suited candidate for the position.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Court action looms if Sooba not removed in 72 hours

- “Appointment contradicts Ramotar’s contention that appointments are on meritorious grounds”- Ramjattan 



By Kiana Wilburg, December 7, 2013, By Filed Under News, Source


Leader of the Opposition coalition, A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) Mr. David Granger, is adamant that “Carol Sooba who was appointed as Town Clerk is unqualified, unsuited and unwanted by the majority of the members of the City Council.”

The Opposition Leader made this assertion at a press conference held yesterday at his Office on Hadfield Street, Georgetown.



Khemraj Ramjattan

Khemraj Ramjattan



The Member of Parliament said that the national capital requires ‘special skills’. Granger is also of the firm belief that the administration of the People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) is being deliberately provocative in pursuing an appointment which is unwanted by the Council.

He said that evidence suggests that Sooba is not suitable for the position as he reminded members of the media corps of the recent floods which placed the city at a standstill.

He said that the blame for the floods not only falls on the shoulders of the central government but also on Sooba as she had suspended the work of some of the solid waste contractors prior to the floods.

Granger described Sooba’s management style as “a recipe for another environmental calamity because she is not capable of winning the confidence and support of members of the Council.”

He also stressed on the fact that the Guyana Local Government Officers Union (GLGOU) has threatened to take industrial action and other measures if she (Sooba) is not removed from the post in 72 hours.

Meanwhile, Attorney at Law, Mr. Joseph Harmon who also functions as the Shadow Minister of Public Works and Telecommunications, said his party supports the call of the union for the Town Clerk’s removal and if this avenue is exhausted then legal action should be explored.

Mayor Hamilton Green in a letter published yesterday in this publication referred to the action of the Ministry of Local Government as a, “dent on the decency and a denial on democracy…”

Whilst Green congratulated Ms. Sooba on her appointment, he said that the action can be “likened to that of the Emperor Caligula who had appointed his horse as Consul of Rome.”

However ,Minister of the Local Government, Mr. Ganga Persaud at a press conference yesterday defended  the appointment of Sooba as he expressed she is the best suited candidate for the post.



Carol Sooba

Carol Sooba



When pressed by members of the media fraternity to share what criterion was used to deem her “best suited,” the Minister avoided the question and maintained that he is satisfied with the decision. He also dismissed calls for her removal.

Speaking to Ganga’s refusal to remove Sooba, Ramjattan and Mr. Harmon asserted that the Minister “needs to get his head examined.”

“The Minister seriously needs to get his head examined. Is he out of his mind? He needs to state what makes her the best candidate for the post.” Harmon stressed

Ramjattan described the recent developments as not only despicable but also politically insulting and an action which carries with it, racial undertones.

“Her appointment is not only obnoxious but contradicts President Donald Ramotar’s contention that his government issues all appointments on meritorious grounds. It is also very discriminatory and vindicates what Mr. Freddie Kissoon had written about.”

The Kaieteur News columnist was sued by former President Bharrat Jagdeo for allegedly making defamatory remarks made against him.

Ramjattan expressed that Sooba’s appointment shows that government continues to exercise political power in an ideologically racist manner.

And, yesterday, a letter signed by representatives of the law firm Hughes, Fields & Stoby was dispatched to Local Government Minister Persaud on behalf of former Mayor Ranwell Jordon which urged the immediate recall of the appointment of Sooba.

The letter articulated that the criterion which was supposed to be used by the interviewing panel was in an effort to ascertain the best qualified and suited person for the position.

However, after several interviews and deliberations, Mr. Clarke was identified as the best qualified and suited candidate but the panel’s decision was disregarded as Sooba instead, was appointed.

“We are instructed to inform you that your actions are contrary, not only to the legitimate expectations of our clients and the candidates but amounts to an abuse of the powers of your office…we are obligated to inform you as we hereby do that your failure to abide with this request will result in our clients pursuing such action as they shall be advised to secure the revocation of the aforementioned appointment”


. . . During a press conference yesterday, a defensive [Ganga] Persaud argued that the Ministry is satisfied that Sooba is the best suited candidate for the Town Clerk position, with all things being equal “full stop”.


Ganga Persaud

Ganga Persaud

. . . Mr. Paul Clarke and the Council’s current Public Relations Officer Mr. Royston King were shortlisted, while Mr. Darren Khan and Sooba, “being the least qualified” did not fit the bill . . .

Nonetheless, he [Ganga Persaud] could not have provided evidence of her qualifications and said it is his business . . .

PPP Democracy . . . hmmm?

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Sooba is a thorn in the opposition side, she shook up the status quo that was so comfy under Green and his incompetent administration. She even got Green to pay his taxes.  

dude, go find a thread on hydrocele and try pick out dem lice and ting infesting yuh goadie

Originally Posted by Nehru:

This man RUMJhaaaaaaataaaan is a real JACKASS!! Green is qualified to be Mayor but Sooba cant be Town Clerk?????????????

ahmmmm, doofus . . . "mayor" is an elected position


u understand the difference, rite?

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

This man RUMJhaaaaaaataaaan is a real JACKASS!! Green is qualified to be Mayor but Sooba cant be Town Clerk?????????????

ahmmmm, doofus . . . "mayor" is an elected position


u understand the difference, rite?

Dufus, So it is OK for the Mayor to have only his Birth Certificate but Sooba must have a PHd???

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

This man RUMJhaaaaaaataaaan is a real JACKASS!! Green is qualified to be Mayor but Sooba cant be Town Clerk?????????????

ahmmmm, doofus . . . "mayor" is an elected position


u understand the difference, rite?

Dufus, So it is OK for the Mayor to have only his Birth Certificate but Sooba must have a PHd???

what about my previous post do you not understand u illiterate fool . . . do i need to draw a picture?

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

This man RUMJhaaaaaaataaaan is a real JACKASS!! Green is qualified to be Mayor but Sooba cant be Town Clerk?????????????

ahmmmm, doofus . . . "mayor" is an elected position


u understand the difference, rite?

Dufus, So it is OK for the Mayor to have only his Birth Certificate but Sooba must have a PHd???

what about my previous post do you not understand u illiterate fool . . . do i need to draw a picture?


Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

This man RUMJhaaaaaaataaaan is a real JACKASS!! Green is qualified to be Mayor but Sooba cant be Town Clerk?????????????

ahmmmm, doofus . . . "mayor" is an elected position


u understand the difference, rite?

Dufus, So it is OK for the Mayor to have only his Birth Certificate but Sooba must have a PHd???

what about my previous post do you not understand u illiterate fool . . . do i need to draw a picture?

Jackass Hobo what is the qualification to be Town Clerk?

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

This man RUMJhaaaaaaataaaan is a real JACKASS!! Green is qualified to be Mayor but Sooba cant be Town Clerk?????????????

ahmmmm, doofus . . . "mayor" is an elected position


u understand the difference, rite?

Dufus, So it is OK for the Mayor to have only his Birth Certificate but Sooba must have a PHd???

what about my previous post do you not understand u illiterate fool . . . do i need to draw a picture?

Jackass Hobo what is the qualification to be Town Clerk?

So as de PPP kakahole...yuh think yuh qualify or over qualify?

Last edited by sachin_05
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

This man RUMJhaaaaaaataaaan is a real JACKASS!! Green is qualified to be Mayor but Sooba cant be Town Clerk?????????????

ahmmmm, doofus . . . "mayor" is an elected position


u understand the difference, rite?

Dufus, So it is OK for the Mayor to have only his Birth Certificate but Sooba must have a PHd???

what about my previous post do you not understand u illiterate fool . . . do i need to draw a picture?

Jackass Hobo what is the qualification to be Town Clerk?

aaarite illiterate antiman . . . see below:



. . . Deputy Mayor Patricia Chase-Greene had said that Sooba’s appointment “comes as a great surprise to a member of the panel that sat to do interviews for the position of Town Clerk and Treasurer.”


“At our interview the requirements for the position of Town Clerk were a Degree in Law, Economics, Urban Planning and Public Management amongst others.” Greene said there were four candidates, two of whom were in line with the requirements . . .

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

This man RUMJhaaaaaaataaaan is a real JACKASS!! Green is qualified to be Mayor but Sooba cant be Town Clerk?????????????

ahmmmm, doofus . . . "mayor" is an elected position


u understand the difference, rite?

Dufus, So it is OK for the Mayor to have only his Birth Certificate but Sooba must have a PHd???

what about my previous post do you not understand u illiterate fool . . . do i need to draw a picture?

Jackass Hobo what is the qualification to be Town Clerk?

aaarite illiterate antiman . . . see below:



. . . Deputy Mayor Patricia Chase-Greene had said that Sooba’s appointment “comes as a great surprise to a member of the panel that sat to do interviews for the position of Town Clerk and Treasurer.”


“At our interview the requirements for the position of Town Clerk were a Degree in Law, Economics, Urban Planning and Public Management amongst others.” Greene said there were four candidates, two of whom were in line with the requirements . . .

JACKASS, Why on earth will a Panel Interview someone who is not qualified for a position. Ah STUPID yuh STUPID suh or the Black Bush Bigan gat yuh suh.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

This man RUMJhaaaaaaataaaan is a real JACKASS!! Green is qualified to be Mayor but Sooba cant be Town Clerk?????????????

ahmmmm, doofus . . . "mayor" is an elected position


u understand the difference, rite?

Dufus, So it is OK for the Mayor to have only his Birth Certificate but Sooba must have a PHd???

what about my previous post do you not understand u illiterate fool . . . do i need to draw a picture?

Jackass Hobo what is the qualification to be Town Clerk?

aaarite illiterate antiman . . . see below:



. . . Deputy Mayor Patricia Chase-Greene had said that Sooba’s appointment “comes as a great surprise to a member of the panel that sat to do interviews for the position of Town Clerk and Treasurer.”


“At our interview the requirements for the position of Town Clerk were a Degree in Law, Economics, Urban Planning and Public Management amongst others.” Greene said there were four candidates, two of whom were in line with the requirements . . .

JACKASS, Why on earth will a Panel Interview someone who is not qualified for a position. Ah STUPID yuh STUPID suh or the Black Bush Bigan gat yuh suh.

ow bai [de light bulb did go off eventually, i seee] . . . ask Ganga Persaud nuh

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

This man RUMJhaaaaaaataaaan is a real JACKASS!! Green is qualified to be Mayor but Sooba cant be Town Clerk?????????????

ahmmmm, doofus . . . "mayor" is an elected position


u understand the difference, rite?

Dufus, So it is OK for the Mayor to have only his Birth Certificate but Sooba must have a PHd???

what about my previous post do you not understand u illiterate fool . . . do i need to draw a picture?

Jackass Hobo what is the qualification to be Town Clerk?

aaarite illiterate antiman . . . see below:



. . . Deputy Mayor Patricia Chase-Greene had said that Sooba’s appointment “comes as a great surprise to a member of the panel that sat to do interviews for the position of Town Clerk and Treasurer.”


“At our interview the requirements for the position of Town Clerk were a Degree in Law, Economics, Urban Planning and Public Management amongst others.” Greene said there were four candidates, two of whom were in line with the requirements . . .

JACKASS, Why on earth will a Panel Interview someone who is not qualified for a position. Ah STUPID yuh STUPID suh or the Black Bush Bigan gat yuh suh.

ow bai [de light bulb did go off eventually, i seee] . . . ask Ganga Persaud nuh

You have to be a DUNCE to listen to the FOOLS on your side.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

This man RUMJhaaaaaaataaaan is a real JACKASS!! Green is qualified to be Mayor but Sooba cant be Town Clerk?????????????

ahmmmm, doofus . . . "mayor" is an elected position


u understand the difference, rite?

Dufus, So it is OK for the Mayor to have only his Birth Certificate but Sooba must have a PHd???

what about my previous post do you not understand u illiterate fool . . . do i need to draw a picture?

Jackass Hobo what is the qualification to be Town Clerk?

aaarite illiterate antiman . . . see below:



. . . Deputy Mayor Patricia Chase-Greene had said that Sooba’s appointment “comes as a great surprise to a member of the panel that sat to do interviews for the position of Town Clerk and Treasurer.”


“At our interview the requirements for the position of Town Clerk were a Degree in Law, Economics, Urban Planning and Public Management amongst others.” Greene said there were four candidates, two of whom were in line with the requirements . . .

JACKASS, Why on earth will a Panel Interview someone who is not qualified for a position. Ah STUPID yuh STUPID suh or the Black Bush Bigan gat yuh suh.

ow bai [de light bulb did go off eventually, i seee] . . . ask Ganga Persaud nuh

You have to be a DUNCE to listen to the FOOLS on your side.

so u actually know that Carol Sooba is qualified for the job [even ignar minista Ganga aint saying dat], and everyone else is lying?


u stumbling all ova de place bai . . . i suggest u quit before i trample more comprehensively on what remains of your pride (and credibility?)

Last edited by Former Member

It seems to me Minister Ganga Persaud is becoming an embarrassment to the government.

Recently he stoutly defended his MOU with the man who promised to build a US$30 million recycling plant.

Now he says Sooba is best qualified to be Town Clerk although she did not meet the academic qualification as stipulated by M&CC regulation.

One can only imagine what impropriety Mr Ganga Persaud will come up with next.

The sooner President Ramotar recycles Ganga the better.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

It seems to me Minister Ganga Persaud is becoming an embarrassment to the government.

Recently he stoutly defended his MOU with the man who promised to build a US$30 million recycling plant.

Now he says Sooba is best qualified to be Town Clerk although she did not meet the academic qualification as stipulated by M&CC regulation.

One can only imagine what impropriety Mr Ganga Persaud will come up with next.

The sooner President Ramotar recycles Ganga the better.

Tell us about more of the M&CC regulation which stipulates the academic qualifications for Town Clerk. It is unclear what the requirements are, we only hear innuendos but no direct evidence of the job requirements. In addition please provide Sooba's education qualifications as you seem to know it. 

What is significant is that this woman is a thorn in the side of the PNC/AFC who have been bleeding the city dry until Sooba came along.,

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

It seems to me Minister Ganga Persaud is becoming an embarrassment to the government.

Recently he stoutly defended his MOU with the man who promised to build a US$30 million recycling plant.

Now he says Sooba is best qualified to be Town Clerk although she did not meet the academic qualification as stipulated by M&CC regulation.

One can only imagine what impropriety Mr Ganga Persaud will come up with next.

The sooner President Ramotar recycles Ganga the better.

Tell us about more of the M&CC regulation which stipulates the academic qualifications for Town Clerk. It is unclear what the requirements are, we only hear innuendos but no direct evidence of the job requirements. In addition please provide Sooba's education qualifications as you seem to know it. 

What is significant is that this woman is a thorn in the side of the PNC/AFC who have been bleeding the city dry until Sooba came along.,

ahmm dullard klown, the "requirements" for the Town Clerk position is "unclear" only to the poorly educated (you) and those with mental deficits by reason of goadie (again you):


[Stabroek News, 12/8/13] "According to information gleaned by this newspaper, Sooba’s highest qualification is a Diploma in Personnel and Industrial Relations from the University of Guyana. She has [supposedly] been reading for a law degree since 2006."


[Deputy Mayor, Patricia Chase-Green] ". . . the requirements for the position of Town Clerk were a Degree in Law, Economics, Urban Planning and Public Management amongst others.”


note to the ignorant (drugabeer, that means u and the egregious Ganga Persaud): being "a thorn in the side of the PNC/AFC" - whatever that means - is a financial management qualification valid only in your special corner of goadieland


somebody please light a feather and contribute to drugabeer's misery

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Tell us about more of the M&CC regulation which stipulates the academic qualifications for Town Clerk. It is unclear what the requirements are, we only hear innuendos but no direct evidence of the job requirements. In addition please provide Sooba's education qualifications as you seem to know it. 

What is significant is that this woman is a thorn in the side of the PNC/AFC who have been bleeding the city dry until Sooba came along.,

BG_S, today's Stabroek News has an excellent Editorial on the matter. Here's a piece:

"The post of Town Clerk was advertised as it should have been, and the Ministry of Local Government set forth the criteria for applicants desirous of filling it. Among the requirements, according to Deputy Mayor Patricia Chase-Green, was one that the applicant should have a degree in either Law, Economics, Urban Planning or Public Management.  The various interested parties appear to have had no problem with the criteria, any more than with the interview panel which the ministry established. As we reported in our Friday edition, the members of this body included Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Local Government Collin Croal, who was the chairman; Deputy Mayor Chase-Green; President of the Guyana Local Government Officers Union Dale Beresford; the principal personnel officer of the Public Services Ministry; and a representative from the Ministry of Finance.

According to Ms Chase-Green, there were four applicants under consideration, including Mr Paul Clark, who she said is currently pursuing a Masters in International Business Law and holds a post-graduate Diploma in International Trade; a Bachelor’s degree in Law and another in Economics, among other things. There was too Mr Royston King in addition to Ms Sooba and another person whom she did not name. The panel, it appears, did not have the last two in the frame because they simply did not meet the ministry’s criteria.

We reported Ms Chase-Green as saying that while all the applicants were required to bring their certificates to the interview for inspection, Ms Sooba did not do so, and yesterday we went on to report that the newly appointed Town Clerk’s highest academic qualification is a Diploma in Personnel and Industrial Relations from the University of Guyana.  The Deputy Mayor had earlier told the media that the city’s most senior officer was pursuing a law programme from UG, and that when she was asked when she had started the programme, she gave the date as 2006.  She was the least qualified of the candidates, according to Ms Chase-Green, and it will come as no surprise for citizens to learn that all the members of the panel apparently seemed to be in agreement that Mr Clark was the best candidate."


I have some questions and I am not taking sides here. Was the selection criteria intentionally inflated to exclude a particular candidate?  Was the selection criteria tailored to meet the requirements of a particular candidate? Was the selection of a candidate predetermined and the interview process used as a sham? Was this the same criteria used for selecting the previous Town Clerks? Why was an independent professional selection panel, reflective of the diversity of Georgetown, not appointed to do the interviews and make the selection. What are the qualifications of the members of the selection panel used in this case? 

Please answer these questions for me.

Originally Posted by Dondadda:

I have some questions and I am not taking sides here. Was the selection criteria intentionally inflated to exclude a particular candidate?  Was the selection criteria tailored to meet the requirements of a particular candidate? Was the selection of a candidate predetermined and the interview process used as a sham? Was this the same criteria used for selecting the previous Town Clerks? Why was an independent professional selection panel, reflective of the diversity of Georgetown, not appointed to do the interviews and make the selection. What are the qualifications of the members of the selection panel used in this case? 

Please answer these questions for me.

Come on Folks answer Dondada and don't tell us what ASS WIPE said cause as you kno they gun Apologise next week!!!

Originally Posted by Dondadda:

I have some questions and I am not taking sides here. Was the selection criteria intentionally inflated to exclude a particular candidate?  Was the selection criteria tailored to meet the requirements of a particular candidate? Was the selection of a candidate predetermined and the interview process used as a sham? Was this the same criteria used for selecting the previous Town Clerks? Why was an independent professional selection panel, reflective of the diversity of Georgetown, not appointed to do the interviews and make the selection. What are the qualifications of the members of the selection panel used in this case? 

Please answer these questions for me.

"a particular candidate" . . . hmmm? typical fare of the race-baiting ghost writers in the cranicle


actually, your entire post is PPP tendentious nonsense, but I'll answer (only) the 1st 'question' (in bold); the others shrivel and fall away in the glare of this ray of sunlight . . .



Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Dondadda:

I have some questions and I am not taking sides here. Was the selection criteria intentionally inflated to exclude a particular candidate?  Was the selection criteria tailored to meet the requirements of a particular candidate? Was the selection of a candidate predetermined and the interview process used as a sham? Was this the same criteria used for selecting the previous Town Clerks? Why was an independent professional selection panel, reflective of the diversity of Georgetown, not appointed to do the interviews and make the selection. What are the qualifications of the members of the selection panel used in this case? 

Please answer these questions for me.

*"The post of Town Clerk was advertised as it should have been, and the Ministry of Local Government set forth the criteria for applicants desirous of filling it."


*according to Deputy Mayor Patricia Chase-Green;  that the applicant should have a degree in either Law, Economics, Urban Planning or Public Management.  The various interested parties appear to have had no problem with the criteria, any more than with the interview panel which the ministry established.


*the members of this body included Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Local Government Collin Croal, who was the chairman; Deputy Mayor Chase-Green; President of the Guyana Local Government Officers Union Dale Beresford; the principal personnel officer of the Public Services Ministry; and a representative from the Ministry of Finance.


*while all the applicants were required to bring their certificates to the interview for inspection, Ms Sooba did not do so...  She was the least qualified of the candidates, according to Ms Chase-Green,


*all the members of the panel apparently seemed to be in agreement that Mr Clark was the best candidate."






Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Dondadda:

I have some questions and I am not taking sides here. Was the selection criteria intentionally inflated to exclude a particular candidate?  Was the selection criteria tailored to meet the requirements of a particular candidate? Was the selection of a candidate predetermined and the interview process used as a sham? Was this the same criteria used for selecting the previous Town Clerks? Why was an independent professional selection panel, reflective of the diversity of Georgetown, not appointed to do the interviews and make the selection. What are the qualifications of the members of the selection panel used in this case? 

Please answer these questions for me.

"a particular candidate" . . . hmmm? typical fare of the race-baiting ghost writers in the cranicle


actually, your entire post is PPP tendentious nonsense, but I'll answer (only) the 1st 'question' (in bold); the others shrivel and fall away in the glare of this ray of sunlight . . .



Were you a member of the panel too? How do you know that the answer is "NO". I would also like to remind you that I have no political affiliations.

Originally Posted by Dondadda:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Dondadda:

I have some questions and I am not taking sides here. Was the selection criteria intentionally inflated to exclude a particular candidate?  Was the selection criteria tailored to meet the requirements of a particular candidate? Was the selection of a candidate predetermined and the interview process used as a sham? Was this the same criteria used for selecting the previous Town Clerks? Why was an independent professional selection panel, reflective of the diversity of Georgetown, not appointed to do the interviews and make the selection. What are the qualifications of the members of the selection panel used in this case? 

Please answer these questions for me.

"a particular candidate" . . . hmmm? typical fare of the race-baiting ghost writers in the cranicle


actually, your entire post is PPP tendentious nonsense, but I'll answer (only) the 1st 'question' (in bold); the others shrivel and fall away in the glare of this ray of sunlight . . .



Were you a member of the panel too? How do you know that the answer is "NO". I would also like to remind you that I have no political affiliations.

u full of PPP shyte . . . did u conveniently miss Mitwah's post fleshing out what i said?

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

What is clear is that Ramjattan believes that there is grounds for legal action Sooba's appointment. We will see how this plays out in court.

Where does it say that:  Ramjattan believes that there is grounds for legal action Sooba's appointment. ?

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Dondadda:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Dondadda:

I have some questions and I am not taking sides here. Was the selection criteria intentionally inflated to exclude a particular candidate?  Was the selection criteria tailored to meet the requirements of a particular candidate? Was the selection of a candidate predetermined and the interview process used as a sham? Was this the same criteria used for selecting the previous Town Clerks? Why was an independent professional selection panel, reflective of the diversity of Georgetown, not appointed to do the interviews and make the selection. What are the qualifications of the members of the selection panel used in this case? 

Please answer these questions for me.

"a particular candidate" . . . hmmm? typical fare of the race-baiting ghost writers in the cranicle


actually, your entire post is PPP tendentious nonsense, but I'll answer (only) the 1st 'question' (in bold); the others shrivel and fall away in the glare of this ray of sunlight . . .



Were you a member of the panel too? How do you know that the answer is "NO". I would also like to remind you that I have no political affiliations.

u full of PPP shyte . . . did u conveniently miss Mitwah's post fleshing out what i said?

Mitwah has a brain and he uses it well. Redux, you appear to have a short fuse when it comes to others on this thread asking questions.  Go get help before you blow it. Listen, I don't trust the truth with any political party in Guyana. This applies to Central and Local Government. Everyone of them are lying to the people of the country to protect their skin. I prefer to ask questions and draw my own conclusions. Sometimes the truth lies in what we don't know than what we know.


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