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Town Clerk [ag] Carol Sooba.

Town Clerk [ag] Carol Sooba.

[] – Chief Justice Ian Chang in a ruling on Wednesday, May 14 deemed the appointment of Public Relations Officer of the Georgetown Mayor and City Council Royston King as City Town Clerk by Mayor Hamilton Green as illegal.

Chang’s ruling was in response to an application filed on May 13 and which was heard today.

In his ruling, the CJ said that unless cause is shown and/or reason is provided for the appointment of King then the move is unlawful, ultra vires, irrational, unreasonable, wholly in excess of jurisdiction, unreasonable, null, void and of no legal effect.

This in effect prevents King from performing any duties as Town Clerk.

Green recently swore King in as Town Clerk in a bid to get rid of the Town Clerk (ag) Carol Sooba, whose appointment was also squashed by the CJ.

Chang said for the Mayor to decide that Sooba should no longer perform the functions of Town Clerk, or send her on administrative leave is also unlawful. The matter has been adjourned to the May 22.



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Originally Posted by caribny:

Chang is a PPP stooge so who cares.  Unless he rules that local govt elections are the best way to deal with this impasse he is just another PPP soup licker.

chang is responsible for lots of the wrong thing the ppp is doing today.i wonder what the history books will say about this man


Coounscie, you conveniently forgot an important piece of the article which states that Sooba's appointment as Town Clerk was unlawful. This Chief Justice is a complete moron with his contradictory rulings. I guess he has to pay for that mansion he recently built and the PPP holds the purse strings.


The High Court has ruled that the Local Government Minister could not appoint a Town Clerk because that is a function of the yet to be established Local Government Commission.


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