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Sooba’s house ‘channa bombed’; Family scared

August 6, 2014 10:17 amCategory: CrimeA+ / A-


By Fareeza Haniff

Town Clerk [ag], Carol Sooba.

Town Clerk [ag], Carol Sooba.

[] – Two bottles of Molotov cocktail [commonly known as channa bomb] were hurled at the house of Acting Town Clerk, Carol Sooba this morning at approximately 01:30 hours.


A police report stated that the device failed to ignite but damaged a glass window of the security hut at Duncan Street, Campbellville, Georgetown.

When contacted this morning, Sooba told iNews that she along with her 19 – year – old niece and her 76 – year – old bed ridden mother were fast asleep when they heard the security guards [Constables David and Layne] screaming “fire, fire!”

Sooba told iNews that the device scorched the front of her house, hit the PVC pipes and caused a small fire. She said her family is now scared, given the fact that this is not the first time that her house and safety has come under threat.

She pointed out that on Monday [August 04], Mayor Hamilton Green sent her a copy of a memo which he wrote to the Chief Constable, instructing that security be removed from Sooba’s residence.

Additionally, the acting Town Clerk related that she received a few telephone calls recently informing her that “secret meetings were being held with Hammy and some people.”

She said the person called her “out of concern for my safety.” Sooba is now taking steps to increase her security.

No one has been arrested.


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Sooba reduces Concillors allowances; sparks outrage

August 4, 2014 3:40 pmCategory: PoliticsA+ / A-


By Kurt Campbell

Carol Sooba. [iNews' Photo]

Carol Sooba. [iNews' Photo]

[] – Acting Town Clerk of the Georgetown municipality Carol Sooba has reportedly deducted monies from the allowances of several Councillors, triggering unease at City Hall.


In a press release, the affected Councillors expressed disgust at what they described as an unprecedented and unilateral action by Sooba which they collectively detest.

When contacted by iNews, Sooba said that the Councillors were paid whatever they were entitled and advised that all aggrieved persons can seek remedies in Court.

In fact, the Council has already signaled its intention to begin legal proceedings against Sooba to have all monies deducted restored.

“The Mayor and Councillors have repeatedly complained about this action by Ms. Sooba but the Minister of Local Government, Mr. Norman Whittaker, and the Government seems to be supporting this illegal action, by the individual they imposed on the council, as Town Clerk (ag),” the statement from the Council added.

Their contention is that Sooba has no authority under the law to interfere, in any way, with monies already approved for Councillors; claiming her action is unacceptable and illegal.

The Concillors concluded that the situation at City Hall is restive.

But according to Sooba, the law states that the expenses which the allowance caters for [duty, Travel] must be incurred.

She told iNews that many of the Concillors stay away from meetings, do no work but expect to receive monthly allowances; adding that such behavior is unacceptable and will not be tolerated. She said some have stayed away for as many as nine months.

Sooba recalled that there was a time when the Councillors had to present receipts to the council to prove that they spent money before they were paid their allowances.

“This is affecting Councillors―the people’s representatives―from carrying out their functions to citizens, in their local communities. Consequently, citizens are unable to effectively participate, in the management and governance of their neighbourhoods,” Councillors say.

The Mayor and City Council is calling on citizens to take careful note of what is happening in the council and to raise their voices against “this un-lawful action that is inhibiting the work of the Mayor and Councillors.”

“This is happening in face of the fact that Ms. Sooba made a non-priority purchase of a sofa for almost half a million dollars, for her office. This could not be right, fair or just,” the statement pointed out.

Originally Posted by asj:

Sooba’s house ‘channa bombed’; Family scared



PNC supporters doing what they do best--violence and destruction---early preparations for the upcoming election.



Last edited by Former Member

The Corrupt PPP/C had set up Sooba to bear the brunt of the peoples' rage.


Anytime a scumbag play with your bread and butter, he/she is looking for problems, and that is what Sooba has been doing all along, planted by the PPP/c to create problems.

Last edited by Former Member





ATTN GUYANESE: The AFC's Suru and Duru, Nagga Man and Rum Jhatt, wholeheartedly approve of the violent and brutal behavior by the PNC thugs.



Last edited by Former Member

The Corrupt PPP/C are expected to use the Race Card, but it will not work this time around.........all those old timers kick the bucket a long time ago, there is a new breed of voters now.

Originally Posted by Rev:





ATTN GUYANESE: The AFC's Suru and Duru, Nagga Man and Rum Jhatt, wholeheartedly approve of the violent and brutal behavior by the PNC thugs.




PNC's trademark is Rigging and unleashing terror and violence.






We must never forget what they did in Linden and Agricola and most recently, firing shots to rig their own leadership race.





Images (1)
  • Unknown
Originally Posted by asj:

The Corrupt PPP/C are expected to use the Race Card, but it will not work this time around.........all those old timers kick the bucket a long time ago, there is a new breed of voters now.



* You are a good brother, but you are a tad misguided. You have allowed your HATRED for the PPP to blind you to the cruel, violent, brutal, and murderous nature of the PNC.


* Thankfully the voters in Guyana will never allow the PNC to rule Guyana again.



Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by asj:

The Corrupt PPP/C are expected to use the Race Card, but it will not work this time around.........all those old timers kick the bucket a long time ago, there is a new breed of voters now.



* You are a good brother, but you are a tad misguided. You have allowed your HATRED for the PPP to blind you to the cruel, violent, brutal, murderous nature of the PNC.


* Thankfully the voters in Guyana will never allow the PNC to rule Guyana again.



You said that your wife is a Bumpkin. Is she as pretty as Soobha?

Last edited by Mitwah
Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by asj:

Sooba’s house ‘channa bombed’; Family scared



PNC supporters doing what they do best--violence and destruction---early preparations for the upcoming election.



Rev, You are a demented ass and dumber than a workable door knob.

Tell me  that photo was taken at 1:30 AM  in the PPP  black-out Guyana.

How appropriate that someone was there at the same moment to take  a photo, as someone threw the bomb.

You might be right, it was staged by your 'fiends'.    

Last edited by Tola
Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by asj:

The Corrupt PPP/C are expected to use the Race Card, but it will not work this time around.........all those old timers kick the bucket a long time ago, there is a new breed of voters now.



* You are a good brother, but you are a tad misguided. You have allowed your HATRED for the PPP to blind you to the cruel, violent, brutal, and murderous nature of the PNC.


* Thankfully the voters in Guyana will never allow the PNC to rule Guyana again.



Rev, this is not called hatred, but repayment to an ungrateful PPP/C, ask Donald Ramotar, or his secty Nancy Feriera and they might able to explain.

I sat down in his Office, had discussions with him, and after one year, found out that he is a lying ****er.

Since then, I felt pissed off, and did get to know, what the Corrupt PPP/C are, never again will I stand for their corrupt practices.

Myself and family will never ever support those scumbags again.


I know for a fact, that many others feel like I do.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Tola:
  An enraged PNC supporter TOLA 


Rev, You are a demented ass and dumber than a workable door knob.




* Stay angry my bwoy! But you cannot deny the truth. And the truth is your beloved PNC and their supporters are apt to be violent, brutal, destructive and uncivilized.





Originally Posted by asj:

Rev, this is not called hatred, but repayment to an ungrateful PPP/C, ask Donald Ramotar, or his secty Nancy Feriera and they might able to explain.

I sat down in his Office, had discussions with him, and after one year, found out that he is a lying ****er.


OK asj:


* The Rev prides himself in being a man of empathy and understanding. Now I understand your antagonism against the PPP. Of course, every story has three sides---your side, Ramotar's side, and the truth.


* So the PPP has lost your support asj, but thankfully they will garner enough votes in the upcoming election to deny the PNC/AFC a victory.


* No hard feelings asj--keep blasting away at Ramotar and the PPP if it soothes your heart and soul.



Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Tola:
  An enraged PNC supporter TOLA 


Rev, You are a demented ass and dumber than a workable door knob.




* Stay angry my bwoy! But you cannot deny the truth. And the truth is your beloved PNC and their supporters are apt to be violent, brutal, destructive and uncivilized.





Others said so and now I am convinced you are a total shit head like your photo that was taken at 1:30 AM.

You like those in the PPP are out to destroy the people of Guyana and must be stopped at all cost. 

If all PPP members like you, God help Guyana.

Last edited by Tola
Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Tola:
  An enraged PNC supporter TOLA 


Rev, You are a demented ass and dumber than a workable door knob.




* Stay angry my bwoy! But you cannot deny the truth.



Rev, when you point a finger at Tola, a higher authority is pointing a finger at you. Lookee hey:




Last edited by Former Member


It may appear that based on his language that Tola is like a page from a Mitwah book. Uneducated and vulgarity are the common traits in these AFC supporters.


They lack substance to engage.

Originally Posted by Tola:

If all PPP members like you, God help Guyana.



* There is no God that concerns itself with human affairs.




* Only the PPP winning by a majority in the upcoming election can continue to lead Guyana to greater progress and development. A majority win by the PPP will accelerate and catalyze numerous projects in Guyana---like the amaila hydro, the specialty hospital and the airport project.


* By the way Tola---do yourself a favor---please curtail your anger and animosity---it's not good for your health and well-being.






Originally Posted by yuji22:


It may appear that based on his language that Tola is like a page from a Mitwah book. Uneducated and vulgarity are the common traits in these AFC supporters.


They lack substance to engage.

UG you are a another demented twat like rev...

We will see that the people of Berbice raise up against you and your corrupt PPP. We have the power, resources  and we have the people on our side. 

You are no good for Guyana and the people know that.

Tell those in your government to get ready for Camp Street. We coming in mass fa de next election.

The anger of Actael is  the leader. You want it, you will get it.       

Originally Posted by Tola:
Originally Posted by yuji22:


It may appear that based on his language that Tola is like a page from a Mitwah book. Uneducated and vulgarity are the common traits in these AFC supporters.


They lack substance to engage.

UG you are a another demented twat like rev...

We will see that the people of Berbice raise up against you and your corrupt PPP. We have the power, resources  and we have the people on our side. 

You are no good for Guyana and the people know that.

Tell those in your government to get ready for Camp Street. We coming in mass fa de next election.

The anger of Actael is  the leader. You want it, you will get it.       




I take your post as a personal threat.


Let me tell you this, no one can intimidate yuji. As for resources, yuji will put you to shame so please, let us not even go there. I do not boast about my resources. 


So take your camera and take some more pictures and hope that you get paid for it.



Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Tola:
Originally Posted by yuji22:


It may appear that based on his language that Tola is like a page from a Mitwah book. Uneducated and vulgarity are the common traits in these AFC supporters.


They lack substance to engage.

UG you are a another demented twat like rev...

We will see that the people of Berbice raise up against you and your corrupt PPP. We have the power, resources  and we have the people on our side. 

You are no good for Guyana and the people know that.

Tell those in your government to get ready for Camp Street. We coming in mass fa de next election.

The anger of Actael is  the leader. You want it, you will get it.       




I take your post as a personal threat.


Let me tell you this, no one can intimidate yuji. As for resources, yuji will put you to shame so please, let us not even go there. I do not boast about my resources. 


So take your camera and take some more pictures and hope that you get paid for it.



We will see....take it any frigging way you want.

The poor in Guyana has suffered enough under your PPP.

Originally Posted by asj:

Sooba’s house ‘channa bombed’; Family scared

August 6, 2014 10:17 amCategory: CrimeA+ / A-


By Fareeza Haniff


This is a PPP ploy again to garner sympathy for this odious lady. Everytime their backs is against the wall they invent a Channa bombing.


Originally Posted by yuji22:


It may appear that based on his language that Tola is like a page from a Mitwah book. Uneducated and vulgarity are the common traits in these AFC supporters.


They lack substance to engage.

You have only shit in your head. Get lost.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by asj:

Sooba’s house ‘channa bombed’; Family scared

August 6, 2014 10:17 amCategory: CrimeA+ / A-


By Fareeza Haniff


This is a PPP ploy again to garner sympathy for this odious lady. Everytime their backs is against the wall they invent a Channa bombing.


Perhaps the security people threw the Channa bomb to secure their watchman jobs.


* So the PPP has lost your support asj, but thankfully they will garner enough votes in the upcoming election to deny the PNC/AFC a victory.



The PPP will garner enough votes? this statement alone is fairly lame and weak. Sounds very unsure and nervous........

Originally Posted by asj:

Sooba’s house ‘channa bombed’; Family scared

August 6, 2014 10:17 amCategory: CrimeA+ / A-


By Fareeza Haniff

Town Clerk [ag], Carol Sooba.

Town Clerk [ag], Carol Sooba.

[] – Two bottles of Molotov cocktail [commonly known as channa bomb] were hurled at the house of Acting Town Clerk, Carol Sooba this morning at approximately 01:30 hours.


A police report stated that the device failed to ignite but damaged a glass window of the security hut at Duncan Street, Campbellville, Georgetown.

When contacted this morning, Sooba told iNews that she along with her 19 – year – old niece and her 76 – year – old bed ridden mother were fast asleep when they heard the security guards [Constables David and Layne] screaming “fire, fire!”

Sooba told iNews that the device scorched the front of her house, hit the PVC pipes and caused a small fire. She said her family is now scared, given the fact that this is not the first time that her house and safety has come under threat.

She pointed out that on Monday [August 04], Mayor Hamilton Green sent her a copy of a memo which he wrote to the Chief Constable, instructing that security be removed from Sooba’s residence.

Additionally, the acting Town Clerk related that she received a few telephone calls recently informing her that “secret meetings were being held with Hammy and some people.”

She said the person called her “out of concern for my safety.” Sooba is now taking steps to increase her security.

No one has been arrested.


This was a PPP act done to divert attention from the massive teifing happening at City Hall under Suba.  One of their own throw the bottle.


Old PPP tactics, bamb their own and them claim that they are victims.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Tola:
Originally Posted by yuji22:


It may appear that based on his language that Tola is like a page from a Mitwah book. Uneducated and vulgarity are the common traits in these AFC supporters.


They lack substance to engage.

UG you are a another demented twat like rev...

We will see that the people of Berbice raise up against you and your corrupt PPP. We have the power, resources  and we have the people on our side. 

You are no good for Guyana and the people know that.

Tell those in your government to get ready for Camp Street. We coming in mass fa de next election.

The anger of Actael is  the leader. You want it, you will get it.       




I take your post as a personal threat.


Let me tell you this, no one can intimidate yuji. As for resources, yuji will put you to shame so please, let us not even go there. I do not boast about my resources. 


So take your camera and take some more pictures and hope that you get paid for it.



you just boasted about your resourses

Originally Posted by raymond:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Tola:
Originally Posted by yuji22:


It may appear that based on his language that Tola is like a page from a Mitwah book. Uneducated and vulgarity are the common traits in these AFC supporters.


They lack substance to engage.

UG you are a another demented twat like rev...

We will see that the people of Berbice raise up against you and your corrupt PPP. We have the power, resources  and we have the people on our side. 

You are no good for Guyana and the people know that.

Tell those in your government to get ready for Camp Street. We coming in mass fa de next election.

The anger of Actael is  the leader. You want it, you will get it.       




I take your post as a personal threat.


Let me tell you this, no one can intimidate yuji. As for resources, yuji will put you to shame so please, let us not even go there. I do not boast about my resources. 


So take your camera and take some more pictures and hope that you get paid for it.



you just boasted about your resourses

Yugi22 is an evil number. He is friend with Rawan.


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