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South Africa prepares to celebrate Nelson Mandela's 95th birthday, as the former leader remains seriously ill in hospital

Nelson Mandela Center of Memory called on people to volunteer their time in honour of Nelson Mandela on his birthday tomorrow 


Mandela still in hospital despite anticipation he was due to be discharged


By Becky Evans


South Africans are preparing to celebrate the 95th birthday of Nelson Mandela tomorrow as the former president remains critically ill in a hospital.

It was anticipated that the anti-apartheid hero may be discharged to mark his birthday but he is still in hospital with a recurring lung infection.

The Nelson Mandela Center of Memory and other groups have called on people to volunteer 67 minutes to charity in honour of the 67 years that Mandela served his community.

People have been urged to volunteer for charity to mark Nelson Mandela's birthday tomorrow
People have been urged to volunteer for charity to mark Nelson Mandela's birthday tomorrow as he continues to be treated in hospital for a recurrent lung infection
The United Nations has also recognised the Mandela's struggle against apartheid and say his birthday is an opportunity to honour his legacy, and activities are planned around the globe.

The UN said the donation of time is fitting as Mandela worked for 67 years as a human rights lawyer, a prisoner of conscience, a peacemaker and then South Africa's first black president.

Mandela's birthday, July 18, was declared Nelson Mandela International Day by the UN General Assembly in 2009 as a recognition of his contribution to the culture of peace and freedom.

UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon’s said this year Mandela's birthday comes at a time of 'deep reflection on the life and work of Madiba, as the universally revered leader remains in the hospital'.

Since the anti-apartheid hero was hospitalised last month
Since the anti-apartheid hero was hospitalised last month, South Africans have held vigils, sang and prayed for the former president outside his hospital in Pretoria

He added: 'Nelson Mandela gave 67 years of his life to the struggle for human rights and social justice.

'The heart of Nelson Mandela International Day is good works for people and the planet.

'This is the best tribute we can pay to an extraordinary man who embodies the highest values of humanity.'

South Africa President Jacob Zuma will mark Mandela's birthday by overseeing the donation of houses to poor families in the Pretoria area.

Mandela was admitted to a Pretoria hospital on June 8 for a recurring lung infection.

while former president Thabo Mbeki [left) predicted the anti-apartheid hero would be discharged soon
UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon [right) said the 'best tribute' people can pay to Mandela is by volunteering

UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon (right) said the 'best tribute' people can pay to Mandela is by volunteering while former president Thabo Mbeki (left) predicted the anti-apartheid hero would be discharged soon

Earlier this week, former president Thabo Mbeki predicted Mandela could be discharged from hospital soon to recuperate at home.

Friends who have visited him say he is on life support in the form of mechanical ventilation.

The most recent official update on his health said Mandela was in critical but stable condition.

But both Mandela's wife, Graca Machel, and President Jacob Zuma have said recently that Mandela is responding to treatment.

The anti-apartheid hero spent 27 years in prison before becoming South Africa's first black president in 1994.

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