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South Sudan is "back to war", a spokesman for the vice-president has told the BBC, as rival factions clash and hundreds have been reported killed.

Forces loyal to Vice-President Riek Machar say government troops attacked their positions in the capital, Juba.

But Information Minister Michael Makuei Lueth said the reports of war were "dishonest".

The UN mission said hundreds had sought shelter in its compounds, and called for leaders to restrain their troops.

UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon condemned what he called the "senseless violence". The UN Security Council is holding an emergency session to discuss South Sudan.

'Situation under control'

Col William Gatjiath, Mr Machar's military spokesman, told the BBC President Salva Kiir "isn't serious" about a peace agreement.
Image copyright CCTV
Image caption Chinese peacekeepers were deployed as violence broke out on Friday

He said "hundreds" of Mr Machar's troops had died on Sunday, and that troops loyal to Mr Machar were advancing on Juba from different directions.

Mr Lueth said government troops responded when Mr Machar's forces attacked a checkpoint, adding that those forces had now been scattered. "The situation is normal and it is under full control," he added.

The clashes follow days of fighting in the world's newest country between supporters of Mr Kiir and Mr Machar.

At least 150 people were killed in fighting on Friday, before calm was restored on Saturday. Local radio station Radio Tamazuj reported on Sunday that the death toll from those clashes may be as high as 271.

The violence has raised fears of renewed instability, with a 2015 peace deal failing to quell unrest.

Heavy gunfire was reported on Sunday near a military barracks occupied by troops loyal to Mr Machar.

Friday's exchanges were apparently sparked by a shootout between Mr Kiir's and Mr Machar's bodyguards. The two men met at the presidential palace on Friday, and issued a call for calm.
How did we get here?

July 2011 - South Sudan becomes an independent country, after more than 20 years of guerrilla warfare, which claimed the lives of at least 1.5 million people and displaced more than four million.

December 2013 - Civil war breaks out after President Salva Kiir sacks the cabinet and accuses Vice-President Riek Machar of planning a coup. The war is fought broadly between the country's biggest ethnic groups - the Dinka, led by Mr Kiir, and the Nuer, under Mr Machar.

More than 2.2 million people are displaced by the fighting. Famine puts the lives of thousands at risk. Tens of thousands of people are reported killed, and Mr Machar flees the country.
Image caption There is no dominant culture in South Sudan - the Dinka and the Nuer are the largest of more than 60 ethnic groups, each with its own language and traditional beliefs, alongside Christianity and Islam

August 2015 - President Kiir signs a peace deal with rebels after a threat of sanctions from the UN.

April 2016 - Mr Machar returns to South Sudan to take up his job as first vice president in a new unity government led by President Kiir.

The move marks "the end of the war and the return of peace and stability to South Sudan", Mr Kiir says.
Huge distrust - Mary Harper, BBC World Service Africa Editor

The situation in South Sudan has echoes of the days before the civil war began, in December 2013, when skirmishes between troops loyal to Mr Kiir and Mr Machar escalated into a national bloodbath, killing tens of thousands and displacing two million.

As artillery fire rings out in the capital Juba and a helicopter gunship buzzes overhead, desperate work is under way to try to calm the situation and to prevent the clashes from spreading.

But huge distrust remains between Mr Kiir and Mr Machar and between their forces. The leaders may even be struggling to control their own troops. A number of peace deals have been signed - so far, none has led to lasting stability.

One foreign worker in the Gudele district, on the outskirts of the city, told the BBC he was waiting to be evacuated from the area.

He said shooting restarted at 08:00 local time (05:00 GMT) on Sunday, and had been sporadic throughout the day.

In the latest response:

Ban Ki-moon said: "This senseless violence is unacceptable and has the potential of reversing the progress made so far in the peace process," adding that Mr Kiir and Mr Machar order their troops to stand down immediately;
The UN mission in South Sudan, Unmiss, said in a statement that hundreds of people had been forced to flee and seek protection in the organisation's properties. It added that there were reports troops were blocking civilians from reaching shelter
Unmiss also said both its compounds in Juba had suffered damage, Unmiss said
The US embassy in Juba said that the situation in the capital had "significantly deteriorated", and urged people not to leave their homes

South Sudan marked its fifth anniversary of independence from neighbouring Sudan on Saturday in lockdown.

The country is so short of money that no official anniversary events were planned.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

The Christian majority nation of South Sudan, after suffering genocide at the hands of ethnic tribes in 2013, is back at civil war again.

If anyone remembers, back when there was only one Sudan, the violence in the south was blamed on Muslims. Today, every single Christian persecution website is absolutely silent about the massacres going on in the country today.

They were silent about the genocide, and today they will be silent about the civil war.


The.position of the Neur people in South Sudan is one of the reasons why I have said that we East Indians should strive to have our own independent nation for Guyanese East Indians, douglas and allies of the East Indian people so that we can protect our political gains. I can understand Riek position.

Last edited by Prashad
Pointblank posted:

The Christian majority nation of South Sudan, after suffering genocide at the hands of ethnic tribes in 2013, is back at civil war again.

If anyone remembers, back when there was only one Sudan, the violence in the south was blamed on Muslims. Today, every single Christian persecution website is absolutely silent about the massacres going on in the country today.

They were silent about the genocide, and today they will be silent about the civil war.

I agree with you on this point!


When Sudan was invaded by the Arabs many centuries ago they did not bring Arab women with them so they took African women as their wives the mix race offspring children of the Arab men and African women became the Arabs of Sudan. When these mix race Arab Sudanese would visit other Arab countries they would be told that they were brown that to be a real Arab is to be white. So this instill a hatred in these brown Sudanese Arabs for black Sudanese.


Last edited by Prashad
Prashad posted:

Sudan was never about religion but about Arab racism.

Is that why the Christians fought for their OWN piece of Land. They created mischief and blamed the Muslims so that they can get their own country,

Same thing happened in Indonesia and they catching their tail.

but you wouldnt see it that way because of your hatred for Muslims you would find a way to place the blame of what is happening there on Muslims and Islam

Prashad posted:

allies of the East Indian people so that we can protect our political gains. I can understand Riek position.

OK I see that you are now truly afraid that your wife will toss you out, so now she becomes an ally.

Better ask her if she wants to live in a nation where she would put on a sari and live in some "pure" Indian culture.

Pointblank posted:
Prashad posted:

Sudan was never about religion but about Arab racism.

Is that why the Christians fought for their OWN piece of Land. They created mischief and blamed the Muslims so that they can get their own country,

Same thing happened in Indonesia and they catching their tail.

but you wouldnt see it that way because of your hatred for Muslims you would find a way to place the blame of what is happening there on Muslims and Islam

Like I said brown South Asian man. Sudan is about Arab racism which has its origins in white supremacy . Not about Islam or Christianity. Many of the persecuted Sudanese were black Muslims persecuted by Sudanese Arabs.


Last edited by Prashad
Pointblank posted:

The Christian majority nation of South Sudan, after suffering genocide at the hands of ethnic tribes in 2013, is back at civil war again.

If anyone remembers, back when there was only one Sudan, the violence in the south was blamed on Muslims. Today, every single Christian persecution website is absolutely silent about the massacres going on in the country today.

They were silent about the genocide, and today they will be silent about the civil war.

Now that they cannot point to Islam and Muslims, it is not sexy to talk about the troubles in South Sudan.


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