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Speaker appeals for maturity, productivity to prevail in the tenth parliament


By Abena Rockcliffe, March 17, 2013, By , Filed Under News, Source


House Speaker, Raphael Trotman, at the most recent sitting of the National Assembly, advocated for members to make greater efforts maturely and for more emphasis to be placed on productivity.


Speaker of the National Assembly, Raphael Trotman


To point out the high levels of immaturity, Trotman alluded to the proceedings of the 38th sitting of the National Assembly where he found need to prematurely adjourn the session following what he referred to as “intol­erable behaviour and remarks.”

According to Trotman, “remarks such as ‘thief’, `liar’, and ‘prostitute’, were just a few of the ones most audi­ble.”

He said that he considered the utterances to be of disdain, disgust and disrespect shown by members to each other “and even to the Chair.”

Firmly, he reminded that “we are all, including myself, elected officials – servants and stewards of the people’s trust and aspirations. The peo­ple are not only expecting a more robust, fruitful and honourable National Assembly of the 10th Parliament, I believe they are entitled to it.”

He then offered an apology to all if he may have offended them in any unjust way.

Also, Trotman said, “There are far too many statements and actions of intoler­ance in our society coming from as far away as Babu John to Marudi Mountain and we representing the apex of lead­ership of this country must deliver a higher level of behav­iour and governance.”

Since Trotman prematurely adjourned that sitting on Valentine’s Day, no date for the next sitting was set on that evening.

Government Chief Whip Gail Teixeira had insisted, on previous occasions, that it is the government’s prerogative to set the date of the next sitting. However, weeks have passed and a decision on the next set date has not been made.

The Speaker said that just before yesterday’s sitting he received a letter of protest from the Government’s Chief Whip, Gail Teixeira challenging his decision to hold the sit­ting yesterday.

However, he cited standing order 47.9 under which he has the powers to, once there is disorder, suspend the sitting and have a new date set as he did in November as a result of the ruckus that erupted over the Rohee saga.

Also, the speaker has the authority to summon the Assembly if he feels that there is business to be done.

Yesterday, Trotman told the House that he believed “that it was important for us to resume after a month’s hiatus and to put our House back in order before the much anticipated budget debates com­mence within a few weeks.”

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