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Manzoor Nadir

Manzoor Nadir

February 5 ,2021


-warns of disciplinary proceedings for breaches of Standing Orders

Stating that he will not be intimidated by “front yard or back yard bullies,” House Speaker Manzoor Nadir yesterday reprimanded Opposition Leader Joseph Harmon and fellow APNU+AFC member Sherod Duncan for publicly accusing him of showing bias in the National Assembly.

At the commencement of yesterday’s sitting, Nadir said that he had observed numerous breaches of the Standing Orders and parliamentary conventions, customs and practices since the conclusion of the previous sitting.

He cited Harmon’s appearance as a guest speaker on a show hosted by Duncan and where he said they both continued publicly criticising his decisions during the debate of the opposition-sponsored narcotics amendment bill and his refusal to allow a motion to debate the murders of Joel and Isaiah Henry

Nadir said he viewed Harmon’s statements as improper and impugning his character.

Also cited was a social media post by Duncan, who stated “the devils got to” Nadir and labelled him “biased” and “partisan.”

Nadir said the comments were a direct charge of bias against him and sought to impugn his character.

He noted that one of the best known rules for parliamentary proceedings is that the conduct of the Speaker cannot be criticized except by way of substantive motion.

“I am neither anyone’s little boy nor am I intimidated by front yard or back yard bullies. [If there are] any occurrences or recurrences of the breaches of the Standing Orders, I will have to ask a minister to move a motion… to refer errant members to the Committee of Privileges for disciplinary actions,” he warned.

Meanwhile, Nadir noted that another breach of parliamentary convention is the disseminating of in-camera proceedings of the Public Accounts Committee (PAC). He reminded members that under Standing Order 95 (9), committee meetings shall be held privately unless the committee determines otherwise. In the case of PAC meetings, he said that the public is only invited when the Auditor General’s report is being considered.

He subsequently implored members to respect and uphold the Standing Orders.

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Nobody was more biased than Raphael Trotman when he was the Speaker of the house.  Harmon is the worse Leader of the PNC ever. He did nothing for the country except criticizing the PPP/C  when he was in the government.  He strived very hard to shut up Moses Kakamootoo who was nothing but a bulling Coolie.


Manzoor Nadir should do as former speaker Barton Scotland, and have them arrested and see how it feels to disrespect a speaker of the national assembly. They fought the 2020 election, they fought every court, they fought GECOM Chairlady, now they brought the nasty, bitterness to the speaker of the national assembly. The opposition doesn't even engage in the country's national interest. 


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