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Violence and the state of African Guyanese

Nigel Hughes 1

Nigel Hughes

An address given by Nigel Hughes

Every year on August first, millions across the world pause to reflect on the most horrific crime to have plagued humanity – that is slavery. Quite rightly, after casting our minds back to the horror, barbarism and murder of hundreds of thousands of African men and women who were forcefully dragged from their homes and sold into a life of slavery, we look deep down inside, trying hard to move beyond the pain of this tragedy to try and celebrate “Emancipation”.
In Guyana, the African slaves were emancipated in 1838, and after more than one hundred years of “freedom” we pause this time to reflect on the state of African Guyanese, and if and how we have built on the legacy that our forefathers left us after walking off the plantations and with pride, “buying” vast expanses of land with funds saved while enslaved.
But regrettably, most would agree that as a people we have failed to build on the legacy left to us, and violence and the collapse of our African families seem to be the order of the day.
The root causes of violence in African Guyanese communities and violence inflicted upon the community must begin with a look at the state of the African Guyanese community, whether urban or rural, and how much the state of our families has led or contributed to violence within the community.
I propose to be candid in my views, perhaps at the pain of being further maligned in the press, and I ask that you forgive my candour where it may cause you discomfort, but I also hope to propose a road map which I hope we may wish to discuss in the immediate future.
It is now an accepted fact that the African Guyanese family is in grave crisis. The number of homes which are single parent-led – where the sole parent is forced to be absent from the home for economic reasons – is staggering. This is compounded by the fact that ninety-five per cent of these homes are female-led, with a significant number of these units being led by our sisters employed in the security industry.
This state of African family is further challenged by the fact that the “extended family”, which was a critical feature of “African communities” up to the early seventies, has now either evaporated and/or is not available as a result of several factors, including migration, and a lack of financial resources to be able to take care of an extended family. This is the backdrop in which we must address violence in our community.
What is the face of violence and crime in our community and society? This is a question that we avoid answering. The reality is that the perceived face of crime and violence in our communities is black, young and invariably male. The only thing worse than the effect of senseless, black-on-black violence and crime, is the silence which allows it to continue.
The reality of black-on-black violence in our communities, whether in a domestic setting, whether between the community members or whether inflicted by the police on members of the community, is that invariably the face of that violence is black.
We have ducked, dodged, avoided and refused to address this truth. We have developed a collective numbness to black-on-black violence and to black violence and killings. How can we ever hope to address the issue of security and stability in our communities if we refuse to acknowledge the perceived face of the violence is black?
The reality is the identities of the policemen who shot and killed the Linden three, the policemen who shot and killed an Agricola youth, the police men who shot and killed the young man outside of the fish shop, the persons accused of the Bartica, Lusignan and Lindo Creek murders, the female army officer charged with the murder of her rival, the policemen who shot and killed the three Albouystown youth on South Road, the persons who probably killed – not paid for or organized the killing of – the 400-plus young African males, were probably black males.
Isn’t it interesting in Guyana that invariably the persons who are hired to kill African Guyanese are African Guyanese, but the money which hires them rarely ever is. We have a sub-culture of young black men pretending to be men by killing each other.
Isn’t it ironic that the only time we seem to muster a collective murmur in response to the fact that the face of this violence is black is when the Government says that the killings are political, as in the case of Buxton and Lusignan, then we somehow summon the courage to deny the politics, but not the identity.
We have to accept that this problem is a black problem and we are the primary persons responsible for addressing this problem. But we also have to acknowledge that even though it’s an African Guyanese problem, it is also a national problem which requires the allocation of national resources to address.
We have a tendency in the African Guyanese community not to want to identify our problems as African Guyanese problems, and consequently request that they be placed on the national agenda, for fear that we may be accused of being racist or pursuing a racial agenda.
A nation state is only as strong as the sum total of its constituent parts, and if things are not right in a part of the nation state, then the things cannot be right in the State.
This applies to every community in the country. If there are problems which are peculiar to a particular community which have adversely impacted upon that community then it’s not just a problem of that community, it’s a national problem.
Note: Next week I continue my examination of these issues and suggest solutions we can implement.

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Originally Posted by KishanB:

Violence and the state of African Guyanese

Nigel Hughes 1

Nigel Hughes

An address given by Nigel Hughes

Isn’t it interesting in Guyana that invariably the persons who are hired to kill African Guyanese are African Guyanese, but the money which hires them rarely ever is. ..

Yes interesting.  A mercenary force right there in the making.

Originally Posted by KishanB:

Any comments on the essence of Brother Nigel's comments, Mr T?

Yes this is where Burnham left Guyanese blacks.  He destroyed the educational system and much of the value system that Afro Guyanese traditionally had.  He damned much of it as "having a colonial mentality".  There was a spirit of ambition, and wanting to do better.  All gone with the "small man is the real man".  That wasn't an attempt to improve the lives of poor people.  It was about fostering a culture of degraded nastiness, while he laughed at them, only seeking to control them.  The House of Israel being an example of that.  The kids who lived in that HOI house didn't go to school and I know this because I passed it many times.  They were sent out to sell plantain chips.


He prevented a system of meritocracy by promoting incompetent people into powerful positions, and attempting to destroy independent thinking black people.  He also failed to address the culture of dependency on employment in the public sector which developed because the colonial authorities set out to undermine the African productive sectors so Guyanese blacks (unlike their Jamaican counterparts) became very risk averse.


And of course when he destroyed the economy and every one was forced to flee helter skelter the already fragile African family (pick up a history book if you want to know why it is fragile) became even more so when the extended family died off. The tradition among Afro Guyanese is that when a particular family unit didn't function, the extended family stepped in to help, often even "adopting" children.



To any one who knew Guyana there was a clear difference in the value systems among Guyanese black in 1970 and in 1980.


And I have said so many times, even battling people like Chief and Baseman who claimed that Burnham was the best thing that happened to Guyana.


This does not however explain the lack of blacks in leadership positions as a large cadre of black professionals remains.  Guyanese blacks are doing well throughout the Caribbean and the USA, having left Guyana, first because of Burnham, and now because of the PPP.  So there is increasingly a lack of role models for young blacks.  People who project a life of decency, which was the hallmark of Afro Guyanese up to the early 70s.


So don't think that one can use the pathologies of the poor segments of the black community to deflect against the racism against blacks which exists.  The two are separate conversations.


In addition if the non black business community hires poor blacks as mercenaries, as Nigel alludes to, they are creating a huge monster, which is growing day by day.


Kishan the Cuffy250 is designed to address the very problem which Nigel duscusses, as does David Hinds, and yes Eric Phillips. 


Indeed Phillips even lined up foreign donations to develop programs to address the issue. Some from Venezuela and the EU. The PPP attempted to BLOCK this, until embarrassed into allowing this, just because they don't like Eric Phillips.  Phillips BTW has received death threats many times and we needn't argue about who the people who wish him dead are..........the same people who tried to block his projects!


My question to you though is who is addressing the increasing decay among segments of the INDIAN community where many females, de jure married, de facto not as their drunken husbands deprive them of funds to feed their families, and then beat them up when there is no food! They as a result being forced ti scrounge money on their own, even though supposedly married.  Check the family background of the increasing cadre of Indian criminals and they lead right back to homes like these.


Domestic violence is as much an INDIAN problem as it is a black problem.  The growing involvement in criminality by a growing % of Indian youths arising from the same root causes.  Just lagging by a generation.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by caribny:

Kishan the Cuffy 250 is designe dto address the very problem which Nigel duscusses, as does David Hinds, and yes REric Phillips.  Indeed Phippis even lined up foreign donations to develop programs to address the issue. Some from Venezuela and the EU. The PPP attempted to BLOCK this, until embarrassed into allowing this, just because they don't like Eric Phillips.  Phillips BTW has received death threats many times and we needn't argue about who the people who wish him dead are..........the same people who tried to block his projects!

I respect anyone trying to progress their identity but we live in a country with HINDUS also.


Does Eric Understand that HIndus are human being and have rights also?


Their PUja has rights, their song have rights, their dance have rights, their woman have rights.


So not only black people are human?


The PNC and their friends like ERIC only look after black people and that is wrong.


They are anti-Guyanese.


I fully support the Government giving ACDA money for emancipation celebration.


But I cannot understand why mostly East Indians are being robbed, and attacked by the bandits.  I never heard of Black businessman in Buxton get robbed?

Originally Posted by KishanB:

I respect anyone trying to progress their identity but we live in a country with HINDUS also.


Does Eric Understand that HIndus are human being and have rights also?


Their PUja has rights, their song have rights, their dance have rights, their woman have rights.


So not only black people are human?


The PNC and their friends like ERIC only look after black people and that is wrong.


They are anti-Guyanese.


Please clarify what you mean when you talk about Hindus? 25% of the population by the way, so a mere fraction of the non African 70% of the population?  What comments were made?  I will say no more on this until I get clarification, because I have no idea what you are talking about.


The gist of Nigel Hughes argument (as well as David Hinds and Eric Phillips)  is that there are particular issues within the Afro Guyanese community, some from its legacy in slavery and colonialism, others from the Burnham era, and now all this worsened by systematic racism directed against them.  The danger is that these problem fester and foster additional issues.  .


So he is asking Afro Guyanese to pull together the thinking to address this problem which impacts segments of this community.  He is also suggesting that the nation at large also pay attention to this.  And they need to do so because not only will they be impacted by this, but also many young Indo (and other non black) males increasingly find this behavior to be attractive.


I remember some time ago I mentioned this growing under class and its propensity for violence and the growth of a mercenary group available to the highest bidder.  People demonized these comments.  Now that a man who is very knowledgeable about what is going on, because he is very active in many of these communities speaks, I suggest that people listen.

Originally Posted by KishanB:

I fully support the Government giving ACDA money for emancipation celebration.


But I cannot understand why mostly East Indians are being robbed, and attacked by the bandits.  I never heard of Black businessman in Buxton get robbed?

Afro Guyanese are Guyanese just as Indians are.  The gov't spends lots of money to support Indian Arrival Day even as those Guyanese who descended neither from slavery, or from Indian indenture or from the Indigenous peoples of Guyana are ignored. 


Arrival Day was supposed to celebrate the arrival of all Guyanese were didn't arrive a slaves, or who weren't indigenous, yet the SOLE focus is on Indians.  I don't know if you know this but an appreciable % of Guyanese blacks arrived in Guyana NOT AS SLAVES, but as indentures from AFRICA.  I will not get into the debate about whether Bajans and others, who didn't arrive in Guyana as slaves, but who themselves descended from slaves, are also ignored.



The fcat that you think that


1.  Only Indians are being victimized by crime  AND


2.  In no instances the victimizers are other Indians


shows a narrowness in your head. 


In any case to the extent that black violence and criminality impacts on Indians don't you think that there is some merit, first in admitting to, and then addressing the root causes of these problems?



Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by KishanB:

I fully support the Government giving ACDA money for emancipation celebration.


But I cannot understand why mostly East Indians are being robbed, and attacked by the bandits.  I never heard of Black businessman in Buxton get robbed?

Afro Guyanese are Guyanese just as Indians are.  The gov't spends lots of money to support Indian Arrival Day even as those Guyanese who descended neither from slavery, or from Indian indenture or from the Indigenous peoples of Guyana are ignored. 


Arrival Day was supposed to celebrate the arrival of all Guyanese were didn't arrive a slaves, or who weren't indigenous, yet the SOLE focus is on Indians.  I don't know if you know this but an appreciable % of Guyanese blacks arrived in Guyana NOT AS SLAVES, but as indentures from AFRICA.  I will not get into the debate about whether Bajans and others, who didn't arrive in Guyana as slaves, but who themselves descended from slaves, are also ignored.



The fcat that you think that


1.  Only Indians are being victimized by crime  AND


2.  In no instances the victimizers are other Indians


shows a narrowness in your head. 


In any case to the extent that black violence and criminality impacts on Indians don't you think that there is some merit, first in admitting to, and then addressing the root causes of these problems?



Your points do have some merit especially with hundreds of agro guyanese youths terminated by the PPP police and phantom gangs over the last decade.


But why attack the Indian businessmen in return, why not deal with the persons who are killing out the african youths?




* What percentage of black children in Guyana under the age of 16 children live in a single parent household ?


* What percentage of Indian children in Guyana under the age of 16 live in a single parent household ?


* What percentage of the Guyana prison population is black ?


* What percentage of the Guyana prison population is Indian ?





* Two words.




* Every Guyanese must learn to take personal responsibility for every aspect of their lives.




* Women must be taught that a man's penis is a weapon of mass destruction if that man doesn't have a job or is a criminal. But some women are just plain DUMB---they continue to mess with hopeless and useless guys----then they get pregnant and blame the PPP government for not taking care of them.



Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Rev:



* What percentage of black children in Guyana under the age of 16 children live in a single parent household ?


* What percentage of Indian children in Guyana under the age of 16 live in a single parent household ?


* What percentage of the Guyana prison population is black ?


* What percentage of the Guyana prison population is Indian ?





* Two words.




* Every Guyanese must learn to take personal responsibility for every aspect of their lives.




* Women must be taught that a man's penis is a weapon of mass destruction if that man doesn't have a job or is a criminal. But some women are just plain DUMB---they continue to mess with hopeless and useless guys----then they get pregnant and blame the PPP government for not taking care of them.












* What percentage of Indian children in Guyana under the age of 16 live in a single parent household ? 61%


* What percentage of the Guyana prison population is black ?  74%




Originally Posted by KishanB:

Your points do have some merit especially with hundreds of agro guyanese youths terminated by the PPP police and phantom gangs over the last decade.


But why attack the Indian businessmen in return, why not deal with the persons who are killing out the african youths?

Are you a dunce?


1.  Indian business people and political figures armed black criminals to shoot down other blacks.  They justified violence and allowed an environment of lawlessness.  Further they created a culture which now pervades Guyana, and that is life is cheap as a few dollars will be sufficient to pay for the killing of some one.


2.  These well armed mercenaries then move onto to engage in their own free lancing (raising cash thru involvement in crime).  Who are the easiest victims? Small business people.  Why? Not only do they typically lack the cash to fund high quality security guards, but they lack the influence to ensure that those who rob, injure or kill them are found and punished.


3.  Other little lawless boys copy as they see that this is the most lucrative activity available to them.


BTW you are either stupid, naïve or racist to think that only Indian small business people are targeted. ALL of them are.  Your problem is that you are Indocentric so only notice the Indian victims.

Originally Posted by KishanB:


* What percentage of Indian children in Guyana under the age of 16 live in a single parent household ? 61%





* You need to double check that number---are you saying 61% of Indian children under the age of 16 live in a single household ? That doesn't sound right.



Originally Posted by KishanB:










* What percentage of Indian children in Guyana under the age of 16 live in a single parent household ? 61%


* ..

 Racists like rev love to pretend that there aren't problem also emerging among Indians as they shift to a more urban oriented life style.  While the issues might CURRENTLY be more concentrated among blacks, there is evidence that the Indian family of 2014 isn't the same as that of 1964 and that values have changed and so pathologies are becoming increasingly an issue.


An Afro Guyanese lawyer told me his shock to see scores of Indo Guyanese biys being charged for criminal behavior in RH in the late 80s. And Afro Guyanese security guard also mentioned that increasing numbers were showing up in Rykers Island, and that their small size was a problem when confronted to other criminals (who wanted a curry flavored behind).


This will shock no one now.  Ditto in Guyana.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by KishanB:


* What percentage of Indian children in Guyana under the age of 16 live in a single parent household ? 61%





* You need to double check that number---are you saying 61% of Indian children under the age of 16 live in a single household ? That doesn't sound right.



They may have a father but if he spends all day drinking, and only comes home to beat up their mother then they might as well be living in a single parent home.


There is growing evidence that young Indian males are becoming involved in violent crime, their targets almost always being other Indians.


People concerned about what is happening to many Indo kids living in these types of households need to copy Nigel Hughes and quit trying to pretend as if the problem doesn't exist, even if it defies all the imagery of the Indo Guyanese which they wish to portray. He is willing to admit that many of the problems that blacks face are caused by blacks. They need to be equally honest.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by Rev:



* What percentage of black children in Guyana under the age of 16 children live in a single parent household ?


* What percentage of Indian children in Guyana under the age of 16 live in a single parent household ?


* What percentage of the Guyana prison population is black ?


* What percentage of the Guyana prison population is Indian ?





* Two words.




* Every Guyanese must learn to take personal responsibility for every aspect of their lives.




* Women must be taught that a man's penis is a weapon of mass destruction if that man doesn't have a job or is a criminal. But some women are just plain DUMB---they continue to mess with hopeless and useless guys----then they get pregnant and blame the PPP government for not taking care of them.












* What percentage of Indian children in Guyana under the age of 16 live in a single parent household ? 61%


* What percentage of the Guyana prison population is black ?  74%




correction  rev  - 61 percent of afro children under 16 live in single parent home.  do not have the figures for indos.




I hapologize 

Originally Posted by KishanB:

I hapologize 

* carib was joyfully celebrating that spurious 61% when he believed it pertained to Indians.


* Anyway, if 61% of black kids under 16 life in a single parent household and 74% of the prison population is black----then there is a huge crisis in the black community in Guyana.


* Granger and the PNC want POWER---they don't give a rat's as$ about the deterioration in the black family.


* Hopefully the PPP government will show empathy towards Guyanese blacks---they need to spend some funds and help enlighten black community about PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY.


* It may take a 100+ years to get Guyanese blacks to behave in a more civilized manner---but you have to start someplace.





Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by KishanB:

I hapologize 

* carib was joyfully celebrating that spurious 61% when he believed it pertained to Indians.






Wasn't celebrating.  Just pointing out certain facts.  Many Indian households are de facto single parent, even if not de jure.  Of what use to many of these women if their husbands are drunkards and abusers and it is up to them to raise the family with scant help from these men?


Now you can ignore this facts as you wish, while you revel in the problems that many blacks might find themselves into.  But then all that means is next time we will be writing about DE JURE and not just DE FACTO when many of these Indian women free themselves from these abusive men.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by KishanB:

I hapologize 



* Hopefully the PPP government will show empathy towards Guyanese blacks---they need to spend some funds and help enlighten black community about PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY.


* It may take a 100+ years to get Guyanese blacks to behave in a more civilized manner---but you have to start someplace.





  All the PPP need to is end its racist hostility to blacks.  Stop condoning their friends who support and arm criminals.  And upgrade the educational system to allow young Guyanese to have skills which will enable them to find DECENT PAYING jobs.  Of course it will help if these jobs are available but the PPP wishes to HIDE the fact that UNEMPLOYMENT is a SERIOUS issue.  They are afraid to release the data, which means that the data is quite bad.


The notion that an immoral bunch of criminals like the PPP have any credibility in lecturing people about morality and personal responsibility is a joke.  Rather than admitting that its this very behavior which has caused them to lose support, hence control over parliament they prefer to blame others......yes black people ungrateful, yes Indians too complacent.  Every thing but admitting that Guyanese of all races are tired of that den of thieves.

Originally Posted by Rev:

* It may take a 100+ years to get Guyanese blacks to behave in a more civilized manner---but you have to start someplace.





I guess suicides, or creating conditions which force people to commit suicide, alcoholism, spousal abuse, and incest are signs of "civilized" behavior, because they can definitely be found within the Indo Guyanese community.


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