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Speaking at Anna Regina… Whittaker challenges local authorities to collect outstanding revenues

Written By Rajendra Prabhulall, Saturday, 8 February 2014, Source


MINISTER within the Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development, Mr. Norman Whittaker has called on staff of the Anna Regina Town Council to work out a mechanism for collecting outstanding rates and taxes.


Some of the Councillors at the meeting with Minister Whittaker

Some of the Councillors at the meeting with Minister Whittaker


Addressing members of the Interim Management Committee (IMC), as well as staff of the Council at a a statutory meeting in the boardroom on Thursday, he said the municipality is not making enough effort to rake in large amounts due and noted that, every year, the sums owed keep increasing and that budgeted to be collected keeps reducing.

According to him, the Municipality is not reaching out to residents and letting them know about the important role they have to play by paying up their dues promptly.

Whittaker said the township must engage the people on the ground and called for all other Town Councils and Neighbourhood Democratic Councils (NDCs) across the country to do likewise.

He maintained that people must be engaged on the ground, either individually or in groups, to find out their problems or to have conversations in connection with development of the Municipality or the NDC.

Minister Whittaker challenged Councillors of the five municipalities countrywide be more active and reach out with greater frequency to the people.

According to him, he is aware that some Councillors do engage the populace while others do very little and what they bring out at statutory meetings is what they get from engaging with the people on the ground.

Talking about garbage, Minister Whittaker said vendors, especially those selling illegally on the roadside at Anna Regina, are contributing to the build-up around the market and on the parapet which causes drains to be blocked.

He said that issue must be urgently addressed by the IMC and remarked that all vendors should have garbage disposal bags where they are vending.

Whittaker maintained that vendors have the responsibility for disposing of their own garbage.

He said Cabinet is determined to move against persons who are encumbering Government reserves and charged Municipalities to serve notices on such persons with a clear deadline to remove.

He said a record should be made to show the number of notices served by the Council.

The Minister commended the Anna Regina Town Council for spending its 2013 subvention on roads, box culverts and improving streets and drainage in the Municipality, from Three Friends to Walton Hall.

He said, while Government supports all the Municipalities with subventions, there is a limit to how much can be given and insisted that revenue collected must be spent in a very responsible way.

The Minister was accompanied at the meeting by Regional Chairman, Mr.Parmanand Persaud.


Speaking at Anna Regina…Whittaker challenges local authorities to collect outstanding revenues

Minister Norman Whittaker and other officials at the meeting

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Security contracts awarded under normal process – Whittaker

Posted By Staff Writer On February 8, 2013 @ 5:24 am In Local News | No Comments

Junior Local Government Minister Norman Whittaker has defended the recent award of major regional security contracts to three companies, rejecting suggestions by the private security association that favoritism was exercised in the process.

“As a matter of policy, we advertised and in this instance it was no different. When you place advertisements in the national newspapers the presumption is that everybody would have seen the ad,” Whittaker was quoted as saying by the Government Information Agency (GINA) in a report on Wednesday.

He was at the time responding to criticism by the Guyana Association of Private Security Organisa-tions (GAPSO), which said its members were unaware of advertisements for large contracts for the provision of security services in the regions and raised concerns that the process was being manipulated. GAPSO also lamented that the government tenders were being advertised in one particular section of the media, the Guyana Chronicle.

Norman Whittaker

Norman Whittaker

All the tenders saw billion-dollar bids from three companies: Strategic Action Security, Home Safe Security and RK’s Security Service.

GINA reported Whittaker as having verified that advertisements were published “in the newspapers as well as the website” and quoted him as saying that some of the people who are complaining are the ones who did not respond to the tender advertisement.

It also quoted him as saying that the bids went through the normal procedure and the contracts were subsequently awarded.

GAPSO’s Secretary Retired Colonel George Gomes had said that to place ads only in the state newspaper was unfair to bidders.

“Who buys the Chronicle? Big contracts like these should be put in other newspapers. Nobody buys the Chronicle. I think that it is put there knowing that the wider public won’t see it. We [are] talking about billions of dollars here. You mean big money contract like that and three people alone bid?” he queried.

Further, Gomes said that he checks government’s e-procure website daily and the contracts were not advertised there. He complained that “every time is something with that site.”

Bidders for government contracts had expressed concerns in the past that they would miss notifications of contracts if there was not adequate coverage in the print media or online. They had also argued that the uneven publicising of contracts works in favour of some bidders.

The e-procure website was meant to have all of the ads that are being run in the Guyana Chronicle but this is not the case. A visit by Stabroek News recently to the website ( revealed that there was little effort at updates to the online portal, which was meant to be a hub for persons to see all requests for proposals and invitation for bids to supply goods and services and vacancies. Many of the posts on the site were dated 2011.


How come no one is challenging Brazzington to collect dividends from the Berbice river bridge company? Brazzinbgton has  no authority do forego dividends due yet he gives away over a 100 million a year.


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