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The whole posse will descend on the US for the so called Guyana investment conference June 10.Every man jack and his running dogs will attempt to attract investment from overseas companies.They are shouting from the tin roof tops that Guyana is open for investment (as long you pay your 25% "investment fee".
The issue is that this government is so overwhelmed that they do not know what nivestment the would like to attract.As mentioned in hush-hush,the Indians Chinese and Whites have no interest in putting down plants to manufacture cassava ball,souse and black pudding.
That is a fact.Even sugar cake is now being imported from Barbados.What next.
The government will have to force Barbados not to export fufu to Guyana very soon.
The de facto government of guyana are lost running around in circles and jumping up and down on the same spot and accomplishing nothing even after a year in power.
The man from Nagaland is still exercising his primitive instincts as a low end dictator,same oppressive strategies practiced by cane cutters on their helpless wives.Of course the man's jacket has to be changed every month as he is getting fatter on the good life and non ending flow of rum and wiskey.A man without shame,even a chamar would have more backbone than Negromotoo.

All you hear is about Celebrations,that is all that the negro wants ,sport to thy kingdom come but it is the next day when they realise that they have no money for food which resylts in their shameless begging for "trust " from the same indian and chinese that they were cussing the day before.
We hear the shout everyday that the negroes demand a level economic playing field,this is what is said but tell the indians and chinese how to accomplish this that you are asking for.
Perhaps the other races should start opening beauty salons and barber shops and shops selling cell phones.Perhaps the indians should exchange their homes and land for the above businesses.Guess this is what the negroes mean by level economic playing field.Perhaps the Indians shouls spend all their money on the newest and best cell phone,the newest and most expensive track shoes and carry a new girlfriend to the club for each night of the week.
The indian must do a pedicure,manicure ,facial and once every month , undo the locks.
Guess that about takes up all the salary with little left for books and education for the children.

This government is going nowhere fast but I guess it takes very little to keep the negroe supporter happy,the white people perfected this many centuries ago- a big sport every so often accompanied with some salt pork and rice.


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