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Specialty Hospital Project: Gov’t only realises mistake when ‘scandals hit them in their face’ – Rohee

June 20, 2016 3:41 pm Category: latest news, Politics A+ /A-

The People’s Progressive Party (PPP) is of the view that the current situation the A Partnership for National Unity/ Alliance for Change (APNU/ AFC) Government has found itself in, could have been avoided if the administration had taken the views of the various stakeholders on board in the first place.

General Secretary, Clement Rohee, at  a press conference held this morning at the party’s Robb Street headquarters told reporters that the government has been failing to take advice from anyone, and as usual , only realises its mistake “when scandals hit them in their face”.

An impression of the Specialty Hospital

An impression of the Specialty Hospital

Minister of State Joseph Harmon, on Friday announced that Government was once again putting the multibillion dollar Specialty hospital on hold, since it was found that the contractor is now having some run-ins with the World Bank.

The administration, he said, will be discontinuing the arrangement with the construction company.

The Indian based company was selected by government, after the former contractor, Surrendra Engineering Inc, was dispelled by the former People’s Progressive Party administration back in 2014. Following that dismissal, the new administration came under fire, for selecting Fedders Lloyd without carrying out the requisite procurement process.

Government’s contention was that the company was the bidder falling under Surrendra, and that the move was very much appropriate.

According to Rohee, Government, has been going down the road of sole sourcing and ignoring the views of others that the project should be returned to tendering.

“I hope they have learnt their lesson from that”, Rohee added.

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Danyael posted:

I wonder if the Indian company that ran away with 4 million is a scandal that hits the PPP? China railway was disqualified by the IMF and they  still dealt with them.

But this does not negate the fact that the AFCAPNU coalition doing exactly what the PPP did in the past, mass teft. (deliberately spelt incorrectly)


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