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spending $4.5B is a crime … AFC will lodge formal report with police – Khemraj Ramjattan

June 30, 2014 | By | Filed Under News 

By Gary Eleazar

Finance Minister, Dr. Ashni Singh

Finance Minister, Dr. Ashni Singh

Minister of Finance, Dr Ashni Singh, committed a crime when he illegally spent $4.5B from the coffers when the National Assembly had expressly denied approval for such expenditure when it was considered in April last. This is according to Alliance for Change (AFC) Leader Khemraj Ramjattan, himself a practicing Attorney at Law. According to Ramjattan, despite the matter being in the public domain, he will be preparing a formal complaint to be submitted to the Guyana Police Force. He explained that he will be taking this course of action since in previous times when illegalities are uncovered and made public, the Police would in response say that no formal complaint was lodged with them. Ramjattan is adamant that what the Finance Minister did when he expended the $4.5B, is criminal. He said that the Finance Minister’s resort to the Fiscal Management and Accountability Act (FMAA) does not hold matter, and further Dr. Singh is eminently qualified to know this. According to Ramjattan, approval to spend monies from the coffers can only come through authorization from Parliament. He said that while the FMAA does allow the Minister to spend monies from the Contingencies Fund prior to receiving parliamentary approval, this is only for emergencies and unforeseen circumstances. He used as an example a hypothetical Tsunami hitting Guyana. According to Ramjattan, should this occur, the Finance Minister would justifiably be able to access the Contingencies Fund and be able to legally spend money prior to receiving approval from the House. According to Ramjattan, the National Assembly has already considered and voted against the spending of the money that Dr. Singh has spent such as expenditure for the Cheddi Jagan International Airport, the Specialty Hospital, the National Communications Network and the Government Information Agency (GINA), among others. Over the weekend, Head of State Donald Ramotar sought to defend the use of the voted down money and pointed to Article 218 (3) of the Constitution. That article reads: “No moneys shall be withdrawn from any public fund other than the Consolidated Fund unless the issue of those moneys has been authorized by or under an Act of Parliament.” The only bit of legislation authorizing the use of money from the Consolidated Fund for 2014 was the Appropriation Bill, more commonly referred to as the Budget, but this was approved minus the expenditure that Dr. Singh detailed recently in the National Assembly, namely the Statement of Excess. A Partnership for National Unit (APNU) has already publicly voiced its displeasure over the actions of the Finance Minister and has called for his prosecution. APNU’s Joseph Harmon, said that the time is close where persons responsible for the expenditure of public monies, must face the courts for infractions. “I don’t think there should be any dancing around this point…If you take public money and you spend it in your own way, you should face the music.” According to Harmon, Guyanese will have to require that this is done. He was adamant that Ministers who take taxpayers’ dollars and spend it as if it were their own without the approval of the National Assembly “should also face the court and I believe that Dr. Ashni Singh should be on his way there.”

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Let's be practical.

Lodging a report with the police is a formality for the records. Home Affairs top dog Rohee will keep the police on a short leash out of reach of Ashni Singh.

Two alternative options: the courts and a no-confidence motion.


Originally Posted by KishanB:

send his backside into the jungle at camp street just like his fada.  Criminals alike.

Kish, Ashni's father is Roopnandan Singh, a former government auditor and later writer/publisher. Was he in "the jungle at Camp Street"?

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Let's be practical.

Lodging a report with the police is a formality for the records. Home Affairs top dog Rohee will keep the police on a short leash out of reach of Ashni Singh.

Two alternative options: the courts and a no-confidence motion.



You would think that with all the lawyers in the AFC that they would use their brains once in a while. Their recourse is the courts or a no confidence motion. It makes me wonder if the AFC has their act together.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Let's be practical.

Lodging a report with the police is a formality for the records. Home Affairs top dog Rohee will keep the police on a short leash out of reach of Ashni Singh.

Two alternative options: the courts and a no-confidence motion.



You would think that with all the lawyers in the AFC that they would use their brains once in a while. Their recourse is the courts or a no confidence motion. It makes me wonder if the AFC has their act together.

Why don't you use your mind ( taking for granted you have one despite evidence to the contrary)? Not every corrupt practice or inept decision making or crony capitalistic scheme is to be met with a no confidence vote. Most of all, elections are not the way societal  mores and norms come into being or are maintained.  I think you slept through  social science 101 in as an undergraduate.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Let's be practical.

Lodging a report with the police is a formality for the records. Home Affairs top dog Rohee will keep the police on a short leash out of reach of Ashni Singh.

Two alternative options: the courts and a no-confidence motion.



You would think that with all the lawyers in the AFC that they would use their brains once in a while. Their recourse is the courts or a no confidence motion. It makes me wonder if the AFC has their act together.

Why don't yo use your mind ( taking for granted you have one despite evidence to the contrary)? Not every corrupt practice or inept decision making or crony capitalistic scheme is to be met with a no confidence vote. Most of all, election is not the way societal  mores and norms come into being.  I think you slept through  social science 101 in as an undergraduate.


Dunce d2 is getting personal. yuji will not stoop to your low levels.


What political party with all of their lawyers will go to the police when this is a matter to be dealt with by the courts or a no confidence motion ? 



Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Let's be practical.

Lodging a report with the police is a formality for the records. Home Affairs top dog Rohee will keep the police on a short leash out of reach of Ashni Singh.

Two alternative options: the courts and a no-confidence motion.



You would think that with all the lawyers in the AFC that they would use their brains once in a while. Their recourse is the courts or a no confidence motion. It makes me wonder if the AFC has their act together.

Why don't yo use your mind ( taking for granted you have one despite evidence to the contrary)? Not every corrupt practice or inept decision making or crony capitalistic scheme is to be met with a no confidence vote. Most of all, election is not the way societal  mores and norms come into being.  I think you slept through  social science 101 in as an undergraduate.


Dunce d2 is getting personal. yuji will not stoop to your low levels.


What political party with all of their lawyers will go to the police when this is a matter to be dealt with by the courts or a no confidence motion ? 



I am pointing to your ignorance. It is not personal. You are a fool and stating that fact is a civic duty when you make stupid statements.


Further, we do not know what is their strategy. One takes the normal routes to justice first then resort to special circumstances as a class action suit.


It may appear that you are wearing your dunce cap today. What political party will go to the police when this is a matter to be dealt with by the courts ? There is legal recourse but the AFC is asleep at the  switch.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

It may appear that you are wearing your dunce cap today. What political party will go to the police when this is a matter to be dealt with by the courts ? There is legal recourse but the AFC is asleep at the  switch.

What appears to you can be varied and as contrary and persistently confusing as you are.


Indeed political parties make complaints to the security services constantly. Where would the go in instances of assaults on their person, naked prejudicial action against their members or impropriety high or low? As I said, you are a moron.



I will on longer engage with you today since your dunce cap is firmly on and I see that your are displaying it proudly.


You lack reasoning and restart to personal attacks. No wonder you lack credibility on this BB and is seen as a Laughing stock, as one poster pointed out, you live in park and access public computers.


Those traits are being displayed today.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

I will on longer engage with you today since your dunce cap is firmly on and I see that your are displaying it proudly.


You lack reasoning and restart to personal attacks. No wonder you lack credibility on this BB and is seen as a Laughing stock, as one poster pointed out, you live in park and access public computers.


Those traits are being displayed today.

DOnt shout.Not good for heart. Put up and defend like a man.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

I will on longer engage with you today since your dunce cap is firmly on and I see that your are displaying it proudly.


You lack reasoning and restart to personal attacks. No wonder you lack credibility on this BB and is seen as a Laughing stock, as one poster pointed out, you live in park and access public computers.


Those traits are being displayed today.

God!.....if moron needs identification you would be it.


Do a poll as to credibility between you and me if it matters to you.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

I will on longer engage with you today since your dunce cap is firmly on and I see that your are displaying it proudly.


You lack reasoning and restart to personal attacks. No wonder you lack credibility on this BB and is seen as a Laughing stock, as one poster pointed out, you live in park and access public computers.


Those traits are being displayed today.

God!.....if moron needs identification you would be it.


Do a poll as to credibility between you and me if it matters to you.


I see that you refuse to remove your dunce cap. Congrats, keep it on if it makes you proud.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

I will on longer engage with you today since your dunce cap is firmly on and I see that your are displaying it proudly.


You lack reasoning and restart to personal attacks. No wonder you lack credibility on this BB and is seen as a Laughing stock, as one poster pointed out, you live in park and access public computers.


Those traits are being displayed today.

God!.....if moron needs identification you would be it.


Do a poll as to credibility between you and me if it matters to you.


I see that you refuse to remove your dunce cap. Congrats, keep it on if it makes you proud.

Keep opening your the saying goes, it will certainly attain that maximal point where "moron" can best be exemplified!

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by KishanB:

send his backside into the jungle at camp street just like his fada.  Criminals alike.

Kish, Ashni's father is Roopnandan Singh, a former government auditor and later writer/publisher. Was he in "the jungle at Camp Street"?

Yugi, do you know his father?

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by KishanB:

send his backside into the jungle at camp street just like his fada.  Criminals alike.

Kish, Ashni's father is Roopnandan Singh, a former government auditor and later writer/publisher. Was he in "the jungle at Camp Street"?

Gillbaka, this is wan old story.


There was once a place called GNTC.  It had as its CEO a man called Samad and as Finance Manager a man called Roop (the father).


GNTC used to get special licence to purchase foreign exchange from the Bank of Guyana to import stuff - tyres, etc.


However, Uncle Samad and Uncle Roop decided to use some of the valuable FX to import on the side for themself and sell pun the side  and Uncle Carl Greenbridge catch them.


Well Uncle Carl is a serious man who is not corrupt.


Ask former auditor general Goolsaran.


Carl was the head of the GUYSTAC GROUP.


WHATTAX - Jail in them rass, this was the time when Uncle Silver FOX seh, leth all them tiefing rass go including Rabbi.


Uncle Samad runaway to 'merica and Uncle Roop serve his time in Camp Street.


That is why little Roop hates Goolsarran (auditor), Carl greenbridge (the boss man at the time) and all blackman.


His father got Bgrud by a blackman in Camp Street but he never write wan book about it.




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