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Mitwah posted:

BIBI, it is fruitless to become lachrymose of precipitately departed lacteal fluid.  

Nice. This reminds me of use of language by a certain gentleman who was recently appointed to a senior position at UG. 


It is shameful to see afc/apnu supporters making light of this serious issue. Had the PPP been in power these same bottom feeders would be screaming bloody murder. Now they settle into complacency giving their party a free pass on glaring incompetent oversight. Who know how much of this spoiled milk made it into people bodies before it was discovered. Another notable observation is that Guyana is actually importing milk when the land is fertile and cows abound. 

his Department has to also examine the importers’ bond as well and this process is yet to be completed.


Woulda coulda shouda, afc/apnu are now in charge and the incompetence is alarming. If you can't take the heat stay out of the kitchen, your party is running the country into the ground. Corrupt practices now lead to spoiled milk making its way into the general population.  


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