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Off-duty NYPD cop in serious  condition after thug beats him while unconscious then targets terrified  wife

Sgt. Mohammed Dean  was assaulted outside a restaurant in Ozone Park, Queens, a witness told police.  The attacked also tried to smash car windows where Deen's wife was cowering.  Hayden Holder, 29, was arrested about a block away and charged with felony  assault.

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Published: Sunday, November 17, 2013, 3:14 PM
Updated: Monday, November 18, 2013, 4:42 AM
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 Hayden Holder, 29 of Jamica Queens who beat an off duty NYPD sergeant, Mohammed Deen on November 17, 2013 outside a Queens diner. Credit - Facebook  


Graphic video shows who police think is Hayden Holder pummeling off-duty  NYPD Sgt. Mohammed Deen who was lying unconscious in the street.


An off-duty NYPD sergeant was viciously beaten in a Queens street attack  early Sunday while his wife watched helplessly from their car, police and  witnesses said.

The fight outside St. John’s Express restaurant and bar on Liberty Ave. in  Ozone Park left Sgt. Mohammed Deen, 40, in a medically induced coma Sunday  night, cops said.

The attacker is then caught on video attempting to smash the window of Deen's car, where his terrified wife takes cover from violent thug.


The attacker is then caught on video  attempting to smash the window of Deen's car, where his terrified wife takes  cover from violent thug.

A graphic cell phone video appears to show Deen taking a brutal thumping  from Hayden Holder, 29, who was charged with felony assault in the 5 a.m.  attack.


In this still frame from a video, a man who is apparently an off-duty NYPD officer, is treated by EMS after being seriously injured in a fight on Liberty Ave. near Lefferts Blvd. on Sunday.

2013/Daily News, L.P. (New York) 

In this still frame from a video, a  man who is apparently an off-duty NYPD officer, is treated by EMS after being  seriously injured in a fight on Liberty Ave. near Lefferts Blvd. on Sunday. 


“That n---- dead,” said the man filming the video, which shows Deen lying  unconscious in the street as a man believed to be Holder punches him repeatedly  and smacks his head on the pavement.

Hayden Holder, 29, of Jamaica, was arrested and charged with felony assault in the beating of off-duty  NYPD Sgt. Mohammed Dean outside an Ozone Park restaurant and bar.


Hayden Holder, 29, of Jamaica, was  arrested and charged with felony assault in the beating of off-duty  NYPD  Sgt. Mohammed Dean outside an Ozone Park restaurant and bar.

The video clip, posted on Facebook, also shows the attacker attempting to  punch out the windows of Deen’s BMW sedan after the initial assault while Deen’s  wife cowered inside.


"I saw the end of the fight," said Ken Lee, 53, who runs a shop at the corner of 118th St. and Liberty Ave. "The one man was lying in the street. The larger man was standing over him, punching him."

Marc A. Hermann/for New York Daily  News

"I saw the end of the fight," said  Ken Lee, 53, who runs a shop at the corner of 118th St. and Liberty Ave. "The  one man was lying in the street. The larger man was standing over him, punching  him."

After the attacker fails to break the car window, he walks back to where  Deen lies in the street and bashes the cop’s head into the pavement again.

The beaten cop’s mother, Khirol Deen, was still reeling from the horrific  assault Sunday night. “All I know is that my son is lying down in the hospital,”  she said. “How would you feel if your son was hit like that?”

Investigators were focusing on the St. John's Express Bar & Restaurant.

Marc A. Hermann/for New York Daily  News

Investigators were focusing on the  St. John's Express Bar & Restaurant.

“He’s a very good cop,” she said.


The injured NYPD officer was transported to Jamaica Hospital and listed in serious but stable condition.

Marc A. Hermann/for New York Daily  News

The injured NYPD officer was  transported to Jamaica Hospital and listed in serious but stable condition. 

NYPD Chief of Department Philip Banks III said Deen got into a dispute with  Holder outside the restaurant just before the bloody attack.

The bad blood between the two men may have originated in an argument at  Maracas nightclub about a mile away, sources said. Detectives interviewed staff  there Sunday night.

Scene on Liberty Ave. near Lefferts Blvd. on Sun., November 17, 2013, where an off-duty NYPD officer was seriously injured.

Marc A. Hermann/for New York Daily  News

Scene on Liberty Ave. near Lefferts  Blvd. on Sun., November 17, 2013, where an off-duty NYPD officer was seriously  injured.

Witnesses said Holder tried to take off when police arrived at the scene of  the attack, but cops nabbed him just a block away. Holder admitted that he  assaulted Deen but said he didn’t know Deen was NYPD, police sources said.

EMTs rushed Deen, who works in Harlem’s 32nd Precinct, to Jamaica Hospital,  where doctors put him into a medically induced coma. He was in stable  condition.

With Joe Stepansky, Rocco Parascandola, Aaron Short and Simone  Weichselbaum

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Not again! Why there is fight near them gay bar? That was last night when we left the area, Nehru? Assaulting a police officer is a felony, and he will get the book thrown at his ass. I hope officer Deen recovers from his injuries soon. 

Originally Posted by Cobra:

Not again! Why there is fight near them gay bar? That was last night when we left the area, Nehru? Assaulting a police officer is a felony, and he will get the book thrown at his ass. I hope officer Deen recovers from his injuries soon. 

No, that was early Sunday morning. I was by my Sweethoman a few doors away.


The question as to why bystanders, including the videographer, did not intervene.


This guy is looking at 25 years in the can with Wardens who are part of the fraternity with cops. He will wish to trade places with the guy he pummeled defenseless.


Why did this off-duty cop get involved to that point? And was there alcohol to the point as suggested in the reports. If you're imbibed to the point where you can't do this sort of thing then the perpetrator must have not been drunk. Don't off-duty cops walk with their piece anyhow? Not even in the glove compartment where the wife was sitting?


Kari, would you intervene in a fight when a man is bashing another man's head on the road? As I understand this fight started at another bar and finish on Liberty Avenue. Ask Vishnu what is the cost of being a hero? 

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

Not again! Why there is fight near them gay bar? That was last night when we left the area, Nehru? Assaulting a police officer is a felony, and he will get the book thrown at his ass. I hope officer Deen recovers from his injuries soon. 

No, that was early Sunday morning. I was by my Sweethoman a few doors away.

one day we will read about ayuh two auntymen getting beat up in these shady joints

Originally Posted by JoKer:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

Not again! Why there is fight near them gay bar? That was last night when we left the area, Nehru? Assaulting a police officer is a felony, and he will get the book thrown at his ass. I hope officer Deen recovers from his injuries soon. 

No, that was early Sunday morning. I was by my Sweethoman a few doors away.

one day we will read about ayuh two auntymen getting beat up in these shady joints

Hey you SICK BASTAED, I wish it was you!!!!

Originally Posted by Cobra:

Kari, would you intervene in a fight when a man is bashing another man's head on the road? As I understand this fight started at another bar and finish on Liberty Avenue. Ask Vishnu what is the cost of being a hero? depends...if the attacker has a gun, you know what I mean. Now let's hear the details as you know them....and pray, tell, what does the cost of being a hero have to do with Vish?


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