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Bibi Haniffa posted:

Carib - you hatemonger.  Where is your President who was supposed to be the leader of these poor people?  21 PNC MPs were missing from Parliament yesterday.  The same ones who got 50 % salary increase.  Where were they?  Tell us.  Please do.

Click on link listen to the announcement by the speaker how many MP's was absent

Last edited by Django
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
caribny posted:

Look at how scornfully he is looking at them.  As in "don't touch me, you nasty black people".

You complained like a spoiled child. Grow up and out of your bias soul.

Bibi Haniffa posted:

Carib - you hatemonger.  Where is your President who was supposed to be the leader of these poor people?  21 PNC MPs were missing from Parliament yesterday.  The same ones who got 50 % salary increase.  Where were they?  Tell us.  Please do.

I don't know why you insist that President Obama should be involved in a mess in a backward nation whose only purpose is to flood neighboring countries with desperate people. 

Given the way that parliament works in Guyana the only time that the MPs need to show up is for a vote.  Aside from that, they are useless. 

The absent PNC MPs weren't doing any less than the PPP MPs who were present!

Now continue to praise your hero, who sniffs and moans when too many blacks are present in bars which he frequents.

Lucky for those vendors they protest now, because had this been under Jagdeo's rule, they would have been SHOT.  If not by the police, then by Jagdeo's goons.

Last edited by Former Member
caribny posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin poste


You complained like a spoiled child. Grow up and out of your bias soul.

Bibi Haniffa posted:

Carib - you hatemonger.  Where is your President who was supposed to be the leader of these poor people?  21 PNC MPs were missing from Parliament yesterday.  The same ones who got 50 % salary increase.  Where were they?  Tell us.  Please do.

I don't know why you insist that President Obama should be involved in a mess in a backward nation whose only purpose is to flood neighboring countries with desperate people. 

Given the way that parliament works in Guyana the only time that the MPs need to show up is for a vote.  Aside from that, they are useless. 

The absent PNC MPs weren't doing any less than the PPP MPs who were present!

Now continue to praise your hero, who sniffs and moans when too many blacks are present in bars which he frequents.

Lucky for those vendors they protest now, because had this been under Jagdeo's rule, they would have been SHOT.  If not by the police, then by Jagdeo's goons.

He does, he went to Flint!!

Last edited by Former Member
Bibi Haniffa posted:

He is all they have now buddy.  What you want dem poor people do?   This is their livelihood.  Many of them don't have savings.  This is their daily bread.


The man is fully aware of what their problems are, as this isn't new. Minister Benn was always beating them up and destroying their stalls.

So why you think that Jagdeo suddenly cares about those people?  How come he didn't tell Benn to stop behaving like a thug?

This is just s cheap political stunt, and if those people fall for it then they deserve Jagdeo's bullets, if they think that they would pull off similar behavior under PPP rule!

Tell us what happened in Linden, when there was a protest.  LIVE BULLETS. Several dead, and many others injured!

Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Minister Benn never beaten anyone  as you claimed.


The Linden protest became so violent that the police were in grave danger when they discharged their weapons. 


Lindeners were peacefully protesting.  The police opened fire, because the crowd refused to move. 

After that happened enraged crowds got violent.  Too many videos were around for you to peddle your lie.

Black protesters were subject to live rounds under the PPP.

Minister Benn sent police to harass the vendors and destroy their stalls.

Why didn't Jagdeo tell him to stop?  He did NOT.  The vendor situation didn't just start since May 2015.

The man is only using this as a political stunt, and laughed at "stupid black people" after he left.

oNehru posted:
caribny posted:

Look at how scornfully he is looking at them.  As in "don't touch me, you nasty black people".

iF YOU WERE THERE i BET HE WOULD spit ON YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This guy Caribj is such a racist bastard that he even found something to ridicule Dr Jagdeo over his visit.  His PNC Govt is flaundering on all fronts which he cannot deny so he tries to debase the efforts of others to look relatively good.  He is the type of Afro which made Guyana a living hell for Indians.

Reza R. Rahaman posted:

Seems like the Guyanese Gov't did not have a proper contingency plan to relocate the vendors and taxi drivers that ply their trades around the Stabroek  Market Square.   More planning need to done whenever something major, such as relocations,  has to be undertaken.

The Granger/Nagamotoo Administration was very shortsighted.

They are not shortsighted, they are a pack of idiots.

ba$eman posted:

This guy Caribj is such a racist bastard that he even found something to ridicule Dr Jagdeo over his visit.  His PNC Govt is flaundering on all fronts which he cannot deny so he tries to debase the efforts of others to look relatively good.  He is the type of Afro which made Guyana a living hell for Indians.

So tell me why Jagdeo didn't stop Benn from destroying vendors' property, prior to evicting them?

Granger merely allows them to leave with their goods, and then blocks them from returning.

Now who is worse?

Jagdeo skinning up his face at those black people is so amusing.  Bet he is thinking, don't these nasty blacks bathe.

ba$eman posted:
oNehru posted:
caribny posted:

Look at how scornfully he is looking at them.  As in "don't touch me, you nasty black people".

iF YOU WERE THERE i BET HE WOULD spit ON YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This guy Caribj is such a racist bastard that he even found something to ridicule Dr Jagdeo over his visit.  His PNC Govt is flaundering on all fronts which he cannot deny so he tries to debase the efforts of others to look relatively good.  He is the type of Afro which made Guyana a living hell for Indians.

Yes, this is what he is now telling Indos on GNI:

To eat shyte:


He is indeed a racist bastard.

Last edited by Former Member
yuji22 posted:
ba$eman posted:
oNehru posted:
caribny posted:

Look at how scornfully he is looking at them.  As in "don't touch me, you nasty black people".

iF YOU WERE THERE i BET HE WOULD spit ON YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This guy Caribj is such a racist bastard that he even found something to ridicule Dr Jagdeo over his visit.  His PNC Govt is flaundering on all fronts which he cannot deny so he tries to debase the efforts of others to look relatively good.  He is the type of Afro which made Guyana a living hell for Indians.

Yes, this is what he is now telling Indos on GNI:

To eat shyte:


He is indeed a racist bastard.

Did I tell Kari that? No.  Did I tell Chief that? NO/ Did I tell Gilbakka that?  No.  Did I tell Riffraff that?  No!

The only people who I told that to are racist like you who spread PPP lies, and who brand blacks as a savage race.

caribny posted:

Look at how scornfully he is looking at them.  As in "don't touch me, you nasty black people".

You are trying to play with the English language. to quote "don't touch me, you nasty black people" Is this what you are saying of the Black Race, you are a disgusted creature, trying to put words in other people's mouth. Carbj is calling the Black people Nasty.

ksazma posted:
caribny posted:

Look at how scornfully he is looking at them.  As in "don't touch me, you nasty black people".

You criticize Jagdeo for going there and listening to the protestors instead of the government who did not?

Did Jagdeo go to listen to the vendors when Benn destroyed their booths? Benn being a PPP minister. NO!

This is a cheap exploitation of vulnerable people.  If Jagdeo really cared, he would have gone to them, telling them where they could move to.\

He goes there, skinning up his face, to take advantage of the stupidity of the PNC.


Where was Jagdeo went that happened to the vendors.  Benn destroyed stalls and seized property.   This didn't happen at Stabroek.

Its just amazing that racial loyalty leads you all to dishonest hypocrisy.


Bibi Haniffa posted:

Listening to dem problems.


Well he did a good thing to listen but we must commend the Coalition Government for bring order to a disorderly situation created under the PPP for too many years.

Stabroek Square look nice.  You want sell, go inside the fricking market and tek up a spot.

Let us get uber, we want to hire care anymore, press your apps and call the taxi.


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