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This week, we asked persons who make their living in the Stabroek Market for their thoughts on the conditions of the market and their concerns with their trade. Here are their views:

20130401cliftonClifton Cummings, vendor: ‘The liming around the market and the harassment by the police should stop. The City Council should have more powers within its structure to handle the affairs of the market. I think that each stallholder should be allotted a sizeable bin to accommodate their garbage. Persons who are found littering should be fined and given a ticket immediately by the market council. I think by doing this, vendors will look out for each other. [It’s] like people would be playing ‘police’ on each other. I also think that large bins should be placed at a specific spot for persons to empty their garbage.’

20130401diannaDianna Port, businesswoman: ‘There need to be improvements in the market, I have a stall and when the rain falls, the drains are blocked. We hire vagrants to remove the build-up of slush. The market needs better security at some of the gates.’


20130401pioPhilbert Pio, vendor: ‘There is lots of garbage in this market. I would usually come out here seasonally. So far business has been good since Easter is approaching.’


20130401ayanaAyana Baptiste, vendor: ‘The only problem I think this market [has] is too much garbage. But I think that vendors should be responsible for getting rid of their rubbish. The council should place large bins around the market. I have been vending out here for at least 15 years and sales were good back then.’


20130401troyTroy Wedd, vendor: ‘Parking space is a problem in this market. I cannot get to park my vehicle. Persons are always selling on the pavements, which is preventing people from walking. The council is doing nothing to remove the garbage. I think that the garbage trucks should come at night to pick up the rubbish because people are not really around at night and this is a [healthier] way.’

20130401deniseDenise Culley, fruit vendor: ‘People are getting rob a lot in this market. I have been vending for the past 15 years and from then to now business has been very slow. The junkies are constantly littering the market.’


20130401gordonGordon Watson, shoemaker: ‘I have been here for 40 years and sometimes business is very slow but I love it here. At least, you get tea, breakfast and dinner, when the day comes. We need a little more security around the market.’

20130401robinRobin Mars, businessman: ‘Years ago, as a little boy, I remember the Fire Service use to always wash down Stabroek Market every Sunday. Now, you see a build-up of plastic soon as the market door opens. We need to implement biodegradable products, so that the garbage is less and easier to pick up. Sales are dead. Not much sales. The Chinese doing far better.’


20130401orslyOrsly Thompson: ‘There is a need for more improvement because it is a big market that accumulates a lot of people during the week. We need more space for vending and the boost of facility management so that persons feel a sense of comfort when they are shopping. The biggest issue right now is garbage. It’s all around and nothing is being done to stop people from littering. The security is okay but to a point. I suggest that more police should be on patrol and stallholders be on a look out for one another.’


20130401anitaAnita Arjune, vendor: ‘Insurance persons coming and telling us about some of their benefits. They took down our names and gave us some additional information. I am vending for over 30 years and the market does sometimes be slow.’

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I was in Stabroek Market recently, I was surprised how busy it was and the prosperity abound, contrary to the stark picture that the afc/pnc bandits are painting. The cook shops are still in full swing. In fact many may not know this but these cook shops are used by many business people to transact money exchange for business transactions legal and illegal. One of the intricacies of Guyanese culture.  


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