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Recently, the knit-pickers are stealing a one-paragraph news off "Stabroek News Online" and hoping to score points once again. Unfortunately, KN doesn't have any propaganda to keep these blood suckers alive, so they turn into mosquitos to suck-up SN little piece-freebees. I suggest they stop stealing and subscribe to SN before coming here to make a case. Cheap politics is a sign of desperation, and it's a failed strategy for an attack on the government. This reminds me of them boys, "Talk piece and leff out the whole story".

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Originally Posted by ABIDHA:

The PPP has allowed lawlessness and ignored sexual crimes these past 20 years.

I can't find the article with the heading to match the one posted above. This alone is character assassination by all account. 

How can ONE person (You) be so stupid? The article is:Three pregnant Region Seven children brought to city



The PPP has allowed lawlessness and ignored sexual crimes these past 20 years.


Let me simplify the blooger's intent of the above:

(Every) member of the (PPP), including the president and the first lady stood by and watch every rape, molestation and sexual assaults committed on all Guyana's children for twenty years and enjoyed it, as though they're watching children pornography. 

Gentlemen, here you have it, in plain English. I don't give a damn about politics, but this is down right nasty for an adult to come on a public forum and create such a disagree to an entire nation. Does anyone see anything entertaining in this? For those of you who entertain this have no morals and decency to say the least. Is this what we were supposed to debate?


Dat is why I made a mistake and posted what I did. It does not make it RIGHT but I read the Headlione and thought the Govt was implicated. I was sure they would have claimed that Pres Ramotar should be in every Bedroom looking to see what is going on. However, I made a mistake by not reading the Article and acting on the Headline. My sympathy goes out to the INNOCENT Victim. And as I stated before " The Father LOLO should be chopped off"!!!!!


Nehru, let me say it for the record. Your comment was an honest mistake on your part, and you apologised for it. Saying the wrong thing of GNI is food for the blood suckers. They will bypass an apology and keep pounding at you. I know you personally, and you're no where close to your comment. The simplification of the booger's intent carries more weight than your witty comment. Remember that!


This is my gripe with smart people who think they can fool all the people all the time.

Rape, molestation or sexual assaults are wrong in every language. It's a violation on a woman's dignity that will follow them for life. This crime should be punishable by law to the highest degree. When children are the victims, it opens an opportunity for the scavengers to fly around and smell for the carcass. This "cheap politics" as I called it is good for a third class opposition who wanted to show concern for the vulnerable. In the interest of the three victims, this is an additional violation to the children, in bringing this issue to the public arena without any investigative report to show the facts of each case. Oppositions have a responsibility in government of Guyana to assist in these cases and not to rape the children all over gain.

Originally Posted by ABIDHA:

Nehru, let me say it for the record. Your comment was an honest mistake on your part, and you apologised for it. Saying the wrong thing of GNI is food for the blood suckers. They will bypass an apology and keep pounding at you. I know you personally, and you're no where close to your comment. The simplification of the booger's intent carries more weight than your witty comment. Remember that!

You are full of shit and you know it, we all do, Nehru made a jackass statement and you are bringing it right back to the table here, because again, you are a jackass. I called you that twice so you will remember what you are.


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