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Former Member


Posted By Stabroek staff On July 22, 2012 @ 5:01 am In Editorial |


Last week, demonstrators were on the streets of the major cities of Spain in their hundreds of thousands. On Thursday evening, protestors in central Madrid blocked traffic in several avenues and punctured tyres on police riot vans. As the evening wore on some demonstrators became more violent, hurling missiles, confronting the police and setting rubbish bins alight, among other things. The police in full riot gear responded with tear gas and rubber bullets. There were a few arrests and according to news reports, six injuries. No one was killed. On Wednesday last week, a few thousand demonstrators marched in Linden, with perhaps around two to four thousand or so congregated in the area on and around the Wismar-Mackenzie bridge. They were entirely peaceful and there was no violence. The police, equipped for battle, responded with tear gas, pellets and live ammunition. They shot three people dead and injured at least twenty. Something is fundamentally wrong.


Eyewitnesses told this newspaper that the police who fired the live rounds were about a dozen or fifteen members of the special squad, or what they called the “black clothes” police. If so, they seem to be walking in the footsteps of their namesakes who were disbanded, and clearly those who direct them have drawn no lessons from that dissolution. Neither, it seems, has the government. All non-police witnesses to the events confirmed that the hurling of bricks started after this small group of policemen began shooting and while according to Member of Parliament Renis Morian they held up a poster, in the fading light of 6.30 pm, it was difficult to read. At an earlier stage we were told, the riot squad had been to the bridge with a bullhorn, and had requested that the demonstrators move, but no one took any notice of them and they went away.  The point is that everything remained peaceful until the special squad put in an appearance. In an immediate causal sense, therefore, the fires and violence which occurred on Friday can be laid in the first instance at their door.


It might be added that even if, for the sake of argument, missiles had been thrown at the police before they started shooting, under no circumstances would it have justified the use of live bullets and the killing of three people.

If the police didn’t recognize they had done enough damage, they then added insult to injury with their initial press release stating that they responded after missiles were thrown at them – an unqualified misrepresentation of the truth. That they were unable at that stage either to give any figures on casualties, although almost the whole of the rest of Guyana knew that people had been killed, says nothing for their competence, let alone their credibility. As it is their inept dissembling has now made them look worse than ever, and has incensed the hundreds of witnesses on the scene, Lindeners in general, and by extension many people in the country as a whole.


The problem for the government is that this situation has transformed itself from a stand-off on an electricity rate hike, to a full-blown crisis. And they have only themselves to blame. They had ample warning that a five-day protest was planned, so what preparations did they make to deal with it? What discussions did the Minister of Home Affairs have with the Commissioner (ag) of Police about how these should be handled? After the shootings, Minister Rohee was quick to dissociate himself from police actions, saying that the operation was entirely in the hands of the police. Considering that after the killings he wasted no time in announcing that he had directed Commissioner (ag) Brummell to make immediate changes at the “Command level” of E&F Division, under which Linden falls, one can only wonder why he did not involve himself beforehand in the discussions about what measures should be taken in dealing with a very sensitive situation.


Given all the fall-out from the Guyana Chronicle editorial, among other things, the blogosphere and unofficial pundits soon developed the thesis that what happened in Linden was all part and parcel of a long-term strategy by the PPP in relation to the next general election.  The thesis was prevalent enough for the police to issue a denial that they had received any directive from any political personality or minister of government relative to the policing of the protests in Linden. Since they are taking full responsibility for events, therefore, certain questions inevitably arise. Who, exactly, was responsible for the operational plan to deal with the protest? At what level of the Guyana Police Force was it devised, and at what level was it passed? Why were the police ostensibly ill equipped for a possible riot situation? Who was it who took the decision to arm the special squad with firearms, and when that was done, what precise instructions were given to the men about the circumstances under which they should be used? What instructions generally in relation to operational procedures were issued to all the ranks that day, and were these followed? Who was in charge on the ground at the time the shooting started, and did they give a specific order to shoot? If they did not, who was it that started shooting?


With present technology it is theoretically possible to recover spent shells from the dead and wounded and match them to weapons, thereby associating them with particular members of the squad. Having said that, however – and to repeat – what is critical is who gave the order, if anyone at all. Given all that has happened recently, including the shooting of peaceful protestors with pellets in Georgetown earlier this year, the Guyana Police Force has to be held to account this time, and where appropriate, prosecutions brought. 


Furthermore, after years of dealing with disturbances of one kind or another, the GPF’s techniques of crowd control and management of demonstrations have not improved, and given what happened on Wednesday, may even have deteriorated. They need some crash courses in that department, utilizing the appropriate equipment which the government has boasted over the years they acquired for the purpose. If necessary, they should bring someone in to teach the officers how it should be done.


From the incompetence of the Police Force we move to the incompetence of the government. In the first place, knowing that the electricity increase was being resisted across the board; and knowing that Linden is capable of great solidarity, if not militancy; and knowing that the leaders in this matter did not come from Sophia or any other Georgetown-based political organization but were local, they should have recognized the tariff increase would be resisted. As such, they should have announced a postponement, and a preparedness to discuss the issue with Linden representatives above all others, to see if there was any room for negotiation.


As it was, they did not do so, and now with the police shootings they are faced with a major problem which has the potential to escalate. Unfortunately, they do not appear as if they have any clear idea about how they should proceed. No member of government, for example, has shown their face at the Linden Hospital to speak to the wounded; it is something the President himself should have undertaken, but failing him, at least the Minister of Health. While President Ramotar has agreed to some kind of Commission of Inquiry, he has given till August 2 for its terms of reference. Surely he can’t be serious. This is not a time when the government should be dilly-dallying in the hopes that the whole issue will fizzle out, or at least the steam will go out of it so they can then operate as if it never happened. That won’t work on this occasion. If the administration wants to demonstrate its good faith, then it should be proceeding with a great deal more celerity than it appears disposed to do.


The President has also indicated that he would not be averse to discussing the matter of the power subsidy, although he would not be doing so in a context of violence. He is talking nonsense of course. In the first place it was the Police Force which started the violence, and in the second, the onus is on the government to initiate the moves which might defuse the situation. He should begin by doing what should have been done a long time ago, and announce a suspension of the tariff hike for the time being, and then communicate a preparedness to discuss the issues relating to it with the local Linden representatives and whoever else they would like to be present. The approach to the matter of the unlawful killings would partly depend on whether a credible commission of inquiry is set up, how quickly it is set up and what its findings are. There can be no cover-ups this time around, and appropriate action should follow the findings – if it is a bona fide exercise. What the administration should understand, however, is that force on its part will not solve the present problem; it will exacerbate it.


At his press conference on Friday, the President said “…I think good sense should prevail… the leaders within the country should be responsible.”  Indeed. Especially those in government.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Was this the output of the independent investigtion?

It's THEIR editorial based on THEIR investigation!


What's so freaking hard to understand?

Useless conjecture.  Stop wasting your breath, the independent investigation is all what matters and there will be NO international dimension.  This IS a domestic incident and should be handled as such.  Seems the APNU is in agreement.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Was this the output of the independent investigtion?

It's THEIR editorial based on THEIR investigation!


What's so freaking hard to understand?

Useless conjecture.  Stop wasting your breath, the independent investigation is all what matters and there will be NO international dimension.  This IS a domestic incident and should be handled as such.  Seems the APNU is in agreement.

Your FEAR is palpable

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Was this the output of the independent investigtion?

It's THEIR editorial based on THEIR investigation!


What's so freaking hard to understand?

Useless conjecture.  Stop wasting your breath, the independent investigation is all what matters and there will be NO international dimension.  This IS a domestic incident and should be handled as such.  Seems the APNU is in agreement.

Your FEAR is palpable


Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Was this the output of the independent investigtion?

It's THEIR editorial based on THEIR investigation!


What's so freaking hard to understand?

Useless conjecture.  Stop wasting your breath, the independent investigation is all what matters and there will be NO international dimension.  This IS a domestic incident and should be handled as such.  Seems the APNU is in agreement.

Your FEAR is palpable

That's not for me to decide, there will be none, none is warranted.  And your frustration is evident.


You know . . . the sad part of all this is that the shutdown aspect of the protest was PLANNED for 3 full business days only - to end TODAY . . .


It was not open ended!


No doubt, deep 'thinkers' in the Freedom House war room were fully committed [from the get go] to making sure that this THING not end peacefully

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Was this the output of the independent investigtion?

It's THEIR editorial based on THEIR investigation!


What's so freaking hard to understand?

Useless conjecture.  Stop wasting your breath, the independent investigation is all what matters and there will be NO international dimension.  This IS a domestic incident and should be handled as such.  Seems the APNU is in agreement.

Your FEAR is palpable

That's not for me to decide, there will be none, none is warranted.  And your frustration is evident.

So, is who ranting "there will be none, none . . ." ?


All the while knowing that the SN editorial mentioned nothing about an "international dimension" . . . and neither did I.


Chasing ghosts [again] . . . who's frustration [again]?

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by redux:

You know . . . the sad part of all this is that the shutdown aspect of the protest was PLANNED for 3 full business days only - to end TODAY . . .


It was not open ended!


No doubt, deep 'thinkers' in the Freedom House war room were fully committed [from the get go] to making sure that this THING not end peacefully

There could have been a lot of looting and burning.  How many day was slo fiah mo fiah?

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:

You know . . . the sad part of all this is that the shutdown aspect of the protest was PLANNED for 3 full business days only - to end TODAY . . .


It was not open ended!


No doubt, deep 'thinkers' in the Freedom House war room were fully committed [from the get go] to making sure that this THING not end peacefully

There could have been a lot of looting and burning.  How many day was slo fiah mo fiah?

yeaahh . . . and pigs could fly if mammalian evolution takes a radical turn

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:

You know . . . the sad part of all this is that the shutdown aspect of the protest was PLANNED for 3 full business days only - to end TODAY . . .


It was not open ended!


No doubt, deep 'thinkers' in the Freedom House war room were fully committed [from the get go] to making sure that this THING not end peacefully

There could have been a lot of looting and burning.  How many day was slo fiah mo fiah?

yeaahh . . . and pigs could fly if mammalian evolution takes a radical turn

Mission accomplished.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:

You know . . . the sad part of all this is that the shutdown aspect of the protest was PLANNED for 3 full business days only - to end TODAY . . .


It was not open ended!


No doubt, deep 'thinkers' in the Freedom House war room were fully committed [from the get go] to making sure that this THING not end peacefully

There could have been a lot of looting and burning.  How many day was slo fiah mo fiah?

yeaahh . . . and pigs could fly if mammalian evolution takes a radical turn

Mission accomplished.

went totally over your head, eh?


I suggest more intensive study of my posts . . .

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:

You know . . . the sad part of all this is that the shutdown aspect of the protest was PLANNED for 3 full business days only - to end TODAY . . .


It was not open ended!


No doubt, deep 'thinkers' in the Freedom House war room were fully committed [from the get go] to making sure that this THING not end peacefully

There could have been a lot of looting and burning.  How many day was slo fiah mo fiah?

yeaahh . . . and pigs could fly if mammalian evolution takes a radical turn

Mission accomplished.

went totally over your head, eh?


I suggest more intensive study of my posts . . .

No need to, mission accomplish.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:

You know . . . the sad part of all this is that the shutdown aspect of the protest was PLANNED for 3 full business days only - to end TODAY . . .


It was not open ended!


No doubt, deep 'thinkers' in the Freedom House war room were fully committed [from the get go] to making sure that this THING not end peacefully

There could have been a lot of looting and burning.  How many day was slo fiah mo fiah?

yeaahh . . . and pigs could fly if mammalian evolution takes a radical turn

Mission accomplished.

went totally over your head, eh?


I suggest more intensive study of my posts . . .

No need to, mission accomplish.

cribbing [for style] from D_G doesn't help your case . . . it still went OVER your head


Other anonymous sources are claiming that it was pnc/afc agents in the crowd that killed the protesters. The police were only firing rubber bullets, political agitators were the ones firing live rounds in their haste to speed up the political/economic unrest and gain political brownie points. Stabroek is know for its biased and political position against the PPP so whatever they report must be taken with a grain of salt.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Other anonymous sources are claiming that it was pnc/afc agents in the crowd that killed the protesters. The police were only firing rubber bullets, political agitators were the ones firing live rounds in their haste to speed up the political/economic unrest and gain political brownie points. Stabroek is know for its biased and political position against the PPP so whatever they report must be taken with a grain of salt.


This is interesting...........

Originally Posted by Tar_K:

Excellent editorial by SN. Good to see them clear up the matter.

I agree and I said as much on FRIDAY, BEFORE this editorial.  Several days later, after being able to OBJECTIVELY view the facts SN says this.


Baseman and others are too blinded by their hatred of blacks to be objective.    The following facts need emphasis.


1. The violence only began after the police began firing real bullets.


2.  The police had ample time to negotiate with the demonstratpords, found an mutually agreeable place to protest and ensure that trhe protesters remained there.


3.  the govt had enough time to monitor the activities and ensure that negotiators copuld have been present to pacify the crowds had they attempted to do so, INSISTING that members of the AFC and APNU join them.



But shoot and kill "black man" is all the PPP can think of.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Other anonymous sources are claiming that it was pnc/afc agents in the crowd that killed the protesters..

So anonymous that even the PPP isnt saying this.


Druggie you boasted that the PPP would win Linden because of how well they are doing.  Member you need to stop listening to these voices in your head....its a sign that youy need to take your medicine.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Other anonymous sources are claiming that it was pnc/afc agents in the crowd that killed the protesters..

So anonymous that even the PPP isnt saying this.


Druggie you boasted that the PPP would win Linden because of how well they are doing.  Member you need to stop listening to these voices in your head....its a sign that youy need to take your medicine.

Nonsense, I always knew that magga dwag would turn around and bite the PPP. The milk was good but the racist ideals were stronger. Now the PPP needs to stop appeasing these folks and put them on par with the rest of the nation. No more subsidizes. The high life is over. hahahahahha

GPF seeking to have earliest post mortems on Linden victimsPDFPrintE-mail
Written by Michel Outridge   
Sunday, 22 July 2012 22:06
ACTING COMMISSIONER of Police, Leroy Brumell said yesterday the Guyana Police Force (GPF) is requesting that family members and relatives of the three persons killed in Linden on Wednesday cooperate with the police to have the post mortems performed as soon as possible noting that there seems to be some delaying tactics involved.

Acting Commissioner of Police, Leroy Brumell

He was at the time speaking to reporters following the Guyana Police Force (GPF) Wreath laying ceremony for Fallen Heroes at Eve Leary yesterday.
The Top Cop added that it has been a number of days since the men were killed in the mining town and the police usually conduct post mortems on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays but they were trying their utmost to have them done yesterday.
Brumell added that the incident was most unfortunate in which lives were lost and a Commission of Inquiry has since been launched.
He stated that the police have a handle on what is happening in Linden because they have several senior officers placed there but since the unrest on Wednesday another senior officer was dispatched but had to return to the city because of the road blockages.
When asked who gave the ‘shoot order’ on Wednesday the Top Cop said that they have a rank, who is in Charge of the Riot Unit and he would have assessed the situation before making any decision but so far an investigation is ongoing.
Brumell in response to questions about the use of the water cannon for crowd control in Linden last Wednesday said that consideration was given but the incident happened late into the night as such it was impossible for any use of the water cannon at that time.
On Wednesday last, as residents turned out in their numbers and took to the streets in protest action against the tariff increase in electricity it turned deadly when the police said missiles were thrown at them while they were trying to maintain law and order by clearing debris from roadways and bridges.
It was then police fired live rounds at the crowd;when it ended three men were shot and killed and dozens injured and hospitalised. It however, sparked angry outbursts from residents, who maintained that they at no time  attacked the lawmen and a series of fires, were set to several buildings as well as roads, bridges etc.
Police reported that at about 23:35 hrs on Friday July 20, 2012, police ranks responded promptly to a report of a number of persons seen acting suspiciously at Republic Avenue, Mackenzie, Linden.
The Digicel Outlet and the Post Office at Republic Avenue were found to have been broken into and quick work by the police led to the arrest of 11 men and a woman and the recovery of a number of articles that are suspected to have been stolen from the two offices.
The articles include, three desk top computers, one lap top computer, one water dispenser, one wireless phone, one money counting machine, three flat screen television sets, one iPod, one digital scale, one water dispenser, one micro wave, cell phones, and cell phone chargers and batteries.
Twelve persons are in police custody as the investigations continue.
Originally Posted by alena06:
GPF seeking to have earliest post mortems on Linden victimsPDFPrintE-mail
Written by Michel Outridge   
Sunday, 22 July 2012 22:06
ACTING COMMISSIONER of Police, Leroy Brumell said yesterday the Guyana Police Force (GPF) is requesting that family members and relatives of the three persons killed in Linden on Wednesday cooperate with the police to have the post mortems performed as soon as possible noting that there seems to be some delaying tactics involved.

Acting Commissioner of Police, Leroy Brumell

He was at the time speaking to reporters following the Guyana Police Force (GPF) Wreath laying ceremony for Fallen Heroes at Eve Leary yesterday.
The Top Cop added that it has been a number of days since the men were killed in the mining town and the police usually conduct post mortems on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays but they were trying their utmost to have them done yesterday.
Brumell added that the incident was most unfortunate in which lives were lost and a Commission of Inquiry has since been launched.
He stated that the police have a handle on what is happening in Linden because they have several senior officers placed there but since the unrest on Wednesday another senior officer was dispatched but had to return to the city because of the road blockages.
When asked who gave the ‘shoot order’ on Wednesday the Top Cop said that they have a rank, who is in Charge of the Riot Unit and he would have assessed the situation before making any decision but so far an investigation is ongoing.
Brumell in response to questions about the use of the water cannon for crowd control in Linden last Wednesday said that consideration was given but the incident happened late into the night as such it was impossible for any use of the water cannon at that time.
On Wednesday last, as residents turned out in their numbers and took to the streets in protest action against the tariff increase in electricity it turned deadly when the police said missiles were thrown at them while they were trying to maintain law and order by clearing debris from roadways and bridges.
It was then police fired live rounds at the crowd;when it ended three men were shot and killed and dozens injured and hospitalised. It however, sparked angry outbursts from residents, who maintained that they at no time  attacked the lawmen and a series of fires, were set to several buildings as well as roads, bridges etc.
Police reported that at about 23:35 hrs on Friday July 20, 2012, police ranks responded promptly to a report of a number of persons seen acting suspiciously at Republic Avenue, Mackenzie, Linden.
The Digicel Outlet and the Post Office at Republic Avenue were found to have been broken into and quick work by the police led to the arrest of 11 men and a woman and the recovery of a number of articles that are suspected to have been stolen from the two offices.
The articles include, three desk top computers, one lap top computer, one water dispenser, one wireless phone, one money counting machine, three flat screen television sets, one iPod, one digital scale, one water dispenser, one micro wave, cell phones, and cell phone chargers and batteries.
Twelve persons are in police custody as the investigations continue.

The man look just like the good old school days!



T&T pathologist for Linden dead autopsiesPDF | Print |
Written by Kwesi Isles   
Monday, 23 July 2012 18:42
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A pathologist from Trinidad and Tobago is expected in Guyana this week to witness the post mortem examinations of the three Lindeners killed during a clash with police on Wednesday in the mining community.

“I know the pathologist is arriving here for post mortem on Wednesday morning, that is the arrangement I had with Commander (Gavin) Primo on Saturday and I’m guided by the word of Commander Primo,” AFC’s Nigel Hughes told reporters Monday.

Hughes, the attorney for the slain men’s families, had asked on behalf of the relatives that the autopsies be delayed for the arrival of the Trinidadian professor.

The three persons were killed when police opened fire on persons who were occupying the Wismar –Mackenzie Bridge in protest of the government’s move to gradually increase electricity rates in the community to bring it on par with the rest of the country.

Those killed were Shemroy Bouyea, Allan Lewis and Ron Somerset.

Relatives of two of the fatal victims and another who has been hospitalised have come forward to make reports of murder and attempted murder. 

Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:

And they stealing. Why would they steal? How can this be justified?

Oppressed and deprived people are justified in stealing, killing, looting, burning. maiming, all in the name of "freedom".

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:

And they stealing. Why would they steal? How can this be justified?

Oppressed and deprived people are justified in stealing, killing, looting, burning. maiming, all in the name of "freedom".

ummm, NO, Herr Goebbels . . . "oppressed and deprived people" are JUSTIFIED in expecting NOT to be shot dead for occupying a bridge and pelting the police/removing to move after they are tear gassed.


[feel free to add to the underlined as necessary . . . just don't LIE!]

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:

And they stealing. Why would they steal? How can this be justified?

Oppressed and deprived people are justified in stealing, killing, looting, burning. maiming, all in the name of "freedom".


 Lol!!! you made me spill my coffee.  some may not get it...


Last edited by Mitwah
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:

And they stealing. Why would they steal? How can this be justified?

Oppressed and deprived people are justified in stealing, killing, looting, burning. maiming, all in the name of "freedom".

ummm, NO, Herr Goebbels . . . "oppressed and deprived people" are JUSTIFIED in expecting NOT to be shot dead for occupying a bridge and pelting the police/removing to move after they are tear gassed.


[feel free to add to the underlined as necessary . . . just don't LIE!]

but this is what they are expected to do:

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:

And they stealing. Why would they steal? How can this be justified?

Oppressed and deprived people are justified in stealing, killing, looting, burning. maiming, all in the name of "freedom".


 Lol!!! you made me spill my coffee.  some may not get it...


 But late for coffee, isn't it.  Maybe you need to go and join up the protests in Guyana rather than tout from the safety of your keyboard.
Originally Posted by alena06:
When asked who gave the 'shoot order' on Wednesday the Top Cop said that they have a rank, who is in Charge of the Riot Unit and he would have assessed the situation before making any decision but so far an investigation is ongoing. Brumell in response to questions about the use of the water cannon for crowd control in Linden last Wednesday said that consideration was given but the incident happened late into the night as such it was impossible for any use of the water cannon at that time.

A "rank" giving shoot-to-kill orders . . . SERIOUSLY??!

The blocade/SHOOTING "happened late into the night" . . . SERIOUSLY??!


Which idiot wrote the script you reading from mr commissioner . . . cement?

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by alena06:
When asked who gave the 'shoot order' on Wednesday the Top Cop said that they have a rank, who is in Charge of the Riot Unit and he would have assessed the situation before making any decision but so far an investigation is ongoing. Brumell in response to questions about the use of the water cannon for crowd control in Linden last Wednesday said that consideration was given but the incident happened late into the night as such it was impossible for any use of the water cannon at that time.

A "rank" giving shoot-to-kill orders . . . SERIOUSLY??!

The blocade/SHOOTING "happened late into the night" . . . SERIOUSLY??!


Which idiot wrote the script you reading from mr commissioner . . . cement?

And from where are you pontification over Leroy Brummel?  I think he has a more credible vantage point to you, not so?

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by alena06:
When asked who gave the 'shoot order' on Wednesday the Top Cop said that they have a rank, who is in Charge of the Riot Unit and he would have assessed the situation before making any decision but so far an investigation is ongoing. Brumell in response to questions about the use of the water cannon for crowd control in Linden last Wednesday said that consideration was given but the incident happened late into the night as such it was impossible for any use of the water cannon at that time.

A "rank" giving shoot-to-kill orders . . . SERIOUSLY??!

The blocade/SHOOTING "happened late into the night" . . . SERIOUSLY??!


Which idiot wrote the script you reading from mr commissioner . . . cement?

And from where are you pontification over Leroy Brummel?  I think he has a more credible vantage point to you, not so?

(i) It's not "pontification" to point out that assigning a "rank" such a grave responsibility speaks to Brummel's [proud?] incompetence and dereliction of command. [if "rank" covers the most SENIOR officers in the command structure, I withdraw my comment; but ask, why has this senior officer not been identified and relieved of his duties pending an internal inquiry?] 


(ii) It is not "pontification" to point out that the confrontation/shootings at the bridge occurred @ sundown on Wednesday.


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