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Former Member

Page One Comment

Irrespective of the callous plan of the Berbice Bridge Company Inc (BBCI) to impose draconian increases for the crossing of the Berbice Bridge, there can be no justification for the government’s seizure of the structure yesterday. It constitutes a baseless act of compulsory acquisition of property.

The seizure of the bridge will roil the investment climate and make it even more difficult for the government to attract buyers for the sugar estates and to mobilise investors in other sectors of the economy – even oil and gas.

What makes the seizure of the bridge even more galling is the absence of any credible attempt by the government to negotiate an end to the original impasse with BBCI failing which it still would have had recourse to compulsory acquisition. There is no evidence that the government was prepared to even consider the terms presented to it. Indeed, in an act of gross duplicity, while assuring that Cabinet would be apprised of the offer of BBCI at tomorrow’s meeting, the government was preparing to seize the bridge.

The conditions attending compulsory acquisition are set out in Article 142 of the Constitution. Given the long, sordid history of the use of this weapon under PNC rule, it behoves the APNU+AFC government to adhere to the constitutional stipulations in regard to this matter and to uphold the rights of BBCI. It should bring an end to this takeover of private property as soon as possible.

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Irrespective of the callous plan of the Berbice Bridge Company Inc (BBCI) to impose draconian increases for the crossing of the Berbice Bridge, there can be no justification for the government’s seizure of the structure yesterday. It constitutes a baseless act of compulsory acquisition of property.

are these serious newspaper people . . . don't they read their own copy?

Last edited by Former Member

The GoG needs to proceed with caution.  It’s a bridge so it’s understandable the govts interest is it’s functioning however, treatment of private investors will be critical on how the govt will be looked upon going forward.  But I believe them bannaz know that!!

ronan posted:

Irrespective of the callous plan of the Berbice Bridge Company Inc (BBCI) to impose draconian increases for the crossing of the Berbice Bridge, there can be no justification for the government’s seizure of the structure yesterday. It constitutes a baseless act of compulsory acquisition of property.

are these serious newspaper people . . . don't they read their own copy?

Posted the article on the other thread, what a piece of tripe.Any way they have some readers who will swallow such.


Posted the article on the other thread, what a piece of tripe. Any way they have some readers who will swallow such.

thanks bai, i did'nt see your original post of the article

unthinking claptrap by the most important (independent) media house . . . simple-minded political compulsions overriding people-oriented common sense

the absence of editorial coherence is alarming




To the author of this asinine Stabroek News Page One Comment: Grow a brain or rent a clue. There is nothing in your crappy comment that points to the poisonous history of the Berbice Bridge, which was never fully thought out by its mastermind, Bharrat Jagdeo, whose secondary aim for the bridge was to enrich his associates with a more primary aim in mind.

The Jagdeo government raided the NIS to the tune of G$2.4B to build that bridge, with minuscule amounts from associates posing as investors. Two New Building Society's managers ended up losing their jobs on trumped up allegations for refusing to avail that entity's money to help build the bridge. They won their case, but not before being dragged for years through the court system. Today, Jagdeo's best friend is the single biggest private shareholder after snapping up shares from other small investors. It was all part of the scam from the get-go, but the author ignores that.

Jagdeo obviously thought the PPP would always be in power, so that bridge funding would never stop. But corruption, which underlined the motivation for building the bridge, caught up with the PPP in 2015, and Jagdeo was left to ponder the misfortune of his ill-conceived scam. Understand why he so desperately wants to get the PPP back in power?

As for the author's dumbass reference to the PNC acquiring property and possibly scaring away potential investors, let the records show plainly that the Berbice Bridge was never a private investment. It was a public-private investment with the public (NIS) putting up the bulk of the investment money. Now, why the hell should government taking over a bridge, built mostly with public funds, scare away private investors? Stop the damn fearmongering. Address the underlying facts.

There was another public-private partnership called the Amalia Hydro Project, which fizzled because it, too, was built around corrupt motives. Fip Motilall, initially held up as the man to build the project, had no money of his own. He ended up handing off the project to Sithe Global, and wound up receiving US$15M in Jagdeo's office to build the road to Amalia. Fip failed to deliver and the PPP government had to spend an additional US$40M to finish the project, because Fip never built a driveway.

For the author's benefit, it was Jagdeo who addressed Banks DIHs Golden Jubilee and promised to end government investment in the private sector. Only to turn and started using public funds for public-private projects.

I dare the Page One Commentator to speak to the modus operandi of Bharrat Jagdeo regarding public funds, from the Marriott to Skeldon Modernization Plant to Enmore Packaging Plant and other questionable projects and contracts.

Anyone reading SNs Page One Comment without knowing the history of the Berbice Bridge, therefore, might be misled into believing the Coalition is the big bad wolf here. It is not. It is merely trying to deal with a project structured in a twisted manner to help Jagdeo's associates and hurt Guyanese. No wonder many are warming to the belief that SN has become a PPP newspaper.


"The Jagdeo government raided the NIS to the tune of G$2.4B to build that bridge . . . Now, why the hell should government taking over a bridge, built mostly with public funds, scare away private investors? Stop the damn fearmongering. Address the underlying facts."

on point

that there is actually a need to belabor the obvious . . . smfh


BJ wanted to use the bridge as bargaining chip.  PNC is destroying his plans one by one.  So now the BJ worshippers are calling for Berbice as a separate state because BJ was thwarted.  

ronan posted:

Irrespective of the callous plan of the Berbice Bridge Company Inc (BBCI) to impose draconian increases for the crossing of the Berbice Bridge, there can be no justification for the government’s seizure of the structure yesterday. It constitutes a baseless act of compulsory acquisition of property.

are these serious newspaper people . . . don't they read their own copy?

the state can exercise eminent domain on any property when public interest or safety is the mediating factor. Jagdeo used it to get the land for the bridge on and off ramp. Nagamootoo mediated the payout.

Mitwah posted:

BJ wanted to use the bridge as bargaining chip.  PNC is destroying his plans one by one.  So now the BJ worshippers are calling for Berbice as a separate state because BJ was thwarted.  

Instead of opening the world for better dialogue  and harmony, these asses want to separate and build walls.   

The world is a Global Village and we cant live in isolation from others.    

Tola posted:
Mitwah posted:

BJ wanted to use the bridge as bargaining chip.  PNC is destroying his plans one by one.  So now the BJ worshippers are calling for Berbice as a separate state because BJ was thwarted.  

Instead of opening the world for better dialogue  and harmony, these asses want to separate and build walls.   

The world is a Global Village and we cant live in isolation from others.     did a survey in Berbice for separation, no one wants such.

Survey was done in Berbice for separation, no one wants such.

The separatist on GNI just talking fraaff.

yuji22 posted:

Wait for the backlash. All you can’t even build a toilet,Reroofing Yumana Yama is all you greatest achievement. 

Line up the lawyers !!! 







Last edited by Mitwah
yuji22 posted:

Mits I don’t know those people. Who are they again ?

Bhai, how come you don't know Chowbay? He is from your area in Guyana and now lives in your hood. I use to think you were him.


Bhai, I dont know any of those names. I must admit that I have very little association with Guyanese in Vaughan. Very few Guyanese live here. My largest association with Guyanese is at GNI and we fight our battles on the keyboard.

ronan posted:

"The Jagdeo government raided the NIS to the tune of G$2.4B to build that bridge . . . Now, why the hell should government taking over a bridge, built mostly with public funds, scare away private investors? Stop the damn fearmongering. Address the underlying facts."

on point

that there is actually a need to belabor the obvious . . . smfh

Sounds a bit like you talking to yourself there Redux!😁

Tola posted:
Mitwah posted:

BJ wanted to use the bridge as bargaining chip.  PNC is destroying his plans one by one.  So now the BJ worshippers are calling for Berbice as a separate state because BJ was thwarted.  

Instead of opening the world for better dialogue  and harmony, these asses want to separate and build walls.   

The world is a Global Village and we cant live in isolation from others.    

We need the wall.  Bbce don’t need to separate.  

Baseman posted:
ronan posted:

"The Jagdeo government raided the NIS to the tune of G$2.4B to build that bridge . . . Now, why the hell should government taking over a bridge, built mostly with public funds, scare away private investors? Stop the damn fearmongering. Address the underlying facts."

on point

that there is actually a need to belabor the obvious . . . smfh

Sounds a bit like you talking to yourself there Redux!

you cannot seriously be so uber-dumb that you conclude Redux is Emile Mervin 

Last edited by Former Member

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