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Former Member
Nagamootoo resigns from PPP
– considering options

Former minister of information in the PPP/C administration Moses Nagamootoo this afternoon announced that he has resigned from the Central Committee and as a member of the PPP with immediate effect.

However, he fell short of endorsing any other party saying that he was considering several options.

Moses Nagamootoo

Nagamootoo, who first joined the PPP in 1964, formally indicated his decision to PPP General Secretary and presidential candidate Donald Ramotar. Accompanied by his wife Sita, Nagamootoo read the contents of the letter at a press conference held this afternoon at his office.

“I have lost faith in the current leadership,” Nagamootoo said. “My association with the party has been compromised and I can no longer in good conscience remain on the Central Committee or serve as a party member,” he added. “I will not condone or be a part of any bullying, corruption and authoritarianism, more especially when these decaying practices emerged inside the organization to which I had dedicated all my life and to which I have been given my finest efforts as activist, journalist and government minister,” he said.

He indicated that the final act which influenced his decision was “the total breakdown in internal democracy” within the party in relation to the selection of its presidential candidate. Nagamootoo, who had indicated an interest in being the PPP’s presidential candidate, had called for a system to be implemented where the wider membership of the party had a say in the selection of its candidate.

Nagamootoo had previously withdrawn from the PPP in 2005 following disagreements with the party’s leadership. He, however, returned to campaign for the PPP/C in the 2006 elections. He served as a Member of Parliament for the PPP/C during the Ninth Parliament of Guyana.

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“I have lost faith in the current leadership,” Nagamootoo said. “My association with the party has been compromised and I can no longer in good conscience remain on the Central Committee or serve as a party member,” he added. “I will not condone or be a part of any bullying, corruption and authoritarianism, more especially when these decaying practices emerged inside the organization to which I had dedicated all my life and to which I have been given my finest efforts as activist, journalist and government minister,” he said.

Powerful words
Originally posted by amral:
“I have lost faith in the current leadership,” Nagamootoo said. “My association with the party has been compromised and I can no longer in good conscience remain on the Central Committee or serve as a party member,” he added. “I will not condone or be a part of any bullying, corruption and authoritarianism, more especially when these decaying practices emerged inside the organization to which I had dedicated all my life and to which I have been given my finest efforts as activist, journalist and government minister,” he said.

Powerful words

By a powerful man!! flag
Originally posted by Chief:
Originally posted by amral:
“I have lost faith in the current leadership,” Nagamootoo said. “My association with the party has been compromised and I can no longer in good conscience remain on the Central Committee or serve as a party member,” he added. “I will not condone or be a part of any bullying, corruption and authoritarianism, more especially when these decaying practices emerged inside the organization to which I had dedicated all my life and to which I have been given my finest efforts as activist, journalist and government minister,” he said.

Powerful words

By a powerful man!! flag

Powerful words by a powerful man who is a desciple of the late and great Cheddi Jagan... flag
Originally posted by Sheik101:
Where are the PPP Posters like negru and co.
Shellshocked? Big Grin

Allbutt et al are awaiting word from the champion before they can start their feeble effort to belittle Moses.....
Originally posted by Churchill:
Originally posted by Sheik101:
Where are the PPP Posters like negru and co.
Shellshocked? Big Grin

Allbutt et al are awaiting word from the champion before they can start their feeble effort to belittle Moses.....

They can't go there!!
Moses aint got skeleton in his closet.
Moses should just retire from politics and become an objective political commentator which Guyana needs badly. He might best serve the nation in that capacity. All alyuh just looking fuh squeeze all de lil juice lef in de man.
I don't see what the aFC has to offer Moses unless he is willing to settle for lil minista wuk in case they should win. Ramjattan and Trotman will surely not step aside for him to ascend to leadership, he is only needed as a shoe shine boy.
Nagamootoo quits PPP, mulling options PDF | Print |
Written by Kwesi Isles
Monday, 24 October 2011 17:31

Moses Nagamootoo has severed ties with the Peoples Progressive Party (PPP) after some 50 years association with the organisation.

At a news conference at his law offices on Monday he informed reporters that he had written PPP General Secretary Donald Ramotar the same day announcing his resignation from the Central Committee and the party with immediate effect.

“I have lost all faith in the current leadership. My association with the party has been compromised and I can no longer in good conscience remain on the Central Committee or serve as a party member. I will not condone or be part of any bullying, corruption and authoritarianism, more especially when those decaying practices emerged inside the organisation …” the letter which was shared with the media read.

According to Nagamootoo, he was “sledge hammered” out of the party and his letter cited a number of reasons which he said showed the way the party leadership operated to get rid of him because of his efforts to make it “lean” and “clean,” the core principles of party founder the late Dr. Cheddi Jagan.

“As much as I loved our home there was just no space for me to help make it accountable, responsible and free from corruption. The recent awful disclosures by Wikileaks should at least remind the leadership that “Moses had told us so,” the letter stated.

Nagamootoo also pointed to his exclusion from the PPP’s Executive Committee after the 2008 party congress despite being among the top five vote getters as an example of him being sidelined but said it was the undemocratic process employed in arriving at the presidential candidate that was the last straw.

“When it happened I said that I rather that the membership be allowed a consultative role in the process; never before had we had five persons vying to become the presidential candidate so that it was not an issue now that it was an automatic choice and I was prepared to make certain compromises on the way in relation to how this would have been done but as I said I was bulldozed,” Nagamootoo stated.

He had been one of the five candidates for the presidential candidacy but withdrew after the party failed to heed his call.

Nagamootoo also accused the PPP of failing to address the issue of separation of the party from the state pointing out that an “overwhelming majority” of the party’s Executive and Central Committees work directly with the State.

“As (Martin) Carter would have said, our national poet, the mouth is muzzled by the food it eats to live.”

Nagamootoo has recently been linked with moves to the Alliance For Change (AFC) but when asked where his political endorsement would be in this election season he said his engagements with the AFC had been mere “exploratory forays” while he is open to a broad coalition.

According to him, Guyana “must see a government of national unity” and he is looking to work with patriots.

“I cannot rule out anything because the search for a role in the society begins with finding people of like mind and I think there are many in Guyana who would wish to see these dreams.[They] are not my own, these dreams are dreams of people like Cheddi Jagan, (Walter) Rodney, (Forbes) Burnham,” Nagamootoo said.

He added that he has also been approached by persons who are reportedly linked to APNU, but added that there has been no direct approach from the coalition.

The PPP stalwart, whose association with the party started in 1961 though he did not join until 1964, was not overly bashful about the possible impact of his departure.

“When I saw the film Ten Commandments I saw Moses just with a rod in his hand, he was one man and therefore we cannot wish away the role of individuals in history. Individuals and leaders are products of history they become by accident but the things that individuals do in history have made us marvel, have made us become good students so we will all learn,” Nagamootoo stated.

According to him resignation is not necessarily an attempt to have the PPP supporters break ranks but to have it open its eyes to the reality of a return to autocratic methods, systems which they fought against.

The former Minister of Information enjoys a healthy level of popularity with rank and file PPP members particularly in the party's Berbice stronghold.
Originally posted by BGurd_See:
I don't see what the aFC has to offer Moses unless he is willing to settle for lil minista wuk in case they should win. Ramjattan and Trotman will surely not step aside for him to ascend to leadership, he is only needed as a shoe shine boy.
first and formost moses is a guyanese.and like all true guyanese he love his country.he will not stand by and see the ppp distroy what he try his whole life to build.Moses has just restore his pride 100%
Moses leff the PPP..Guyana done fu good now..OHHHH laad waa gun happen to Guyana now...Moses leff the PPP..what a bunch of re-tard the AFC wonder they cannot get 50 people fu attend dem meeting cheers
"The purpose of this letter is to announce my resignation from the Central Committee and as a member of the PPP with immediate effect. Further, I confirm that I would not subscribe my name to the PPP’s List of Candidates for the 2011 National Elections, nor would I feature on the party’s platform, a
decision I revealed to you on October 1, 2011.

I therefore request that the PPP/Civic refrain from further using my speeches and interviews from previous campaigns, and distorting same, to fool my supporters and the Guyanese electorate that I am campaigning in 2011 for the PPP/C."
The man resigned and he is free to do whatever. But he is in a bind. He was supposed to mount a challenge to the PPP by running against them. He has not done so and even if he does it is too late politically.
Originally posted by Alexander:
The man resigned and he is free to do whatever. But he is in a bind. He was supposed to mount a challenge to the PPP by running against them. He has not done so and even if he does it is too late politically.
he will follow his heart,and his heart is with the working class,he fight all his life for them.he will join the AFC and help restore the image of guyana,from a narco state to a productive state strongman strongman strongman
In some ways this is a sad day for what the OLD PPP was formed.
For many who grew up during the 'fighting days' of the PPP for Guyana's independence, they saw Moses on the front lines when they attended public meetings, protests and rallies. They also witness many of the challenges Moses and others faced, at times they were locked up by the British for long periods, for what they believe.
Knowing what Cheddi Jagan stood for and others who followed him in the OLD PPP, it must have been heart wrenching for Moses to write his letter of resignation.
As he said, his courage and motivation is to see a better Guyana and I hope Jagdeo's vindictiveness does not cause any further damage to the people of Guyana by Moses' resignation.
Originally posted by Alexander:
Moses has the admiration of many Guyanese. But how will they take it if he turns his back against his own (former) Party.

It's Diwali, the festival that celebrates good over evil.

Moses has just delivered a very happy Diwali to Guyana.

Roll up your tassa ... panman
Originally posted by Alexander:
Moses has the admiration of many Guyanese. But how will they take it if he turns his back against his own (former) Party.

There are many who agree with Moses's decision to resign instead of being shackled within the corrupt influence of the Jagdeo/Ramouthar clique...

Who knows many might just follow him ...they were probably just waiting for a leader....
Originally posted by Alexander:
Moses has the admiration of many Guyanese. But how will they take it if he turns his back against his own (former) Party.

You are like Kwame, you ask questions for which you already have the answer.
Originally posted by Churchill:
Originally posted by Alexander:
Moses has the admiration of many Guyanese. But how will they take it if he turns his back against his own (former) Party.

There are many who agree with Moses's decision to resign instead of being shackled within the corrupt influence of the Jagdeo/Ramouthar clique...

Who knows many might just follow him ...they were probably just waiting for a leader....

Churchill, you have hit the nail on its head. The flood gates are now open.
I have been reliably advised that more resignations are being drafted and will be submitted this week.

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