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State of the union address: Barack Obama says shadow of crisis has passed

The Associated Press Posted: Jan 20, 2015 5:36 PM ET, Last Updated: Jan 20, 2015 10:12 PM ET, Source - CBC News


U.S. President Barack Obama delivered his state of the union address Tuesday amid numerous signs that the economic recovery is taking hold, including 5.6% unemployment, cheap gas and greater consumer confidence.

U.S. President Barack Obama delivered his state of the union address Tuesday amid numerous signs that the economic recovery is taking hold, including 5.6% unemployment, cheap gas and greater consumer confidence. (J. Scott Applewhite/The Associated Press)



  • 'Shadow of crisis' has passed, state of the union is strong: Obama
  • White House releases state of the union address as prepared for delivery ahead of Obama's speech

U.S. President Barack Obama declared Tuesday night that the "shadow of crisis" has passed America and urged Congress to build on economic gains by raising taxes on the nation's wealthiest to pay for reductions for the middle class β€” an agenda more likely to antagonize the new Republican majority than win its approval.


In a shift from state of the union tradition, Obama's address to a joint session of Congress was less a laundry list of new proposals and more an attempt to sell a story of national economic revival. He appealed for "better politics" in Washington and pledged to work with Republicans, even while touting bread-and-butter Democratic economic proposals and vowing to veto GOP efforts to dismantle his signature achievements


"We can't put the security of families at risk by taking away their health insurance or unraveling the new rules on Wall Street or refighting past battles on immigration when we've got a system to fix," Obama said. "And if a bill comes to my desk that tries to do any of these things, it will earn my veto."


Obama's address marked the first time in his presidency that he stood before a Republican-controlled Congress. Yet the shift in the political landscape has also been accompanied by a burst of economic growth and hiring, as well as a slight increase in Obama's once sagging approval ratings.


With the economy on more solid footing, the president sought to move away from a focus on austerity and deficit reduction. Instead, he called for increasing the capital gains rate on couples making more than $500,000 US annually, to 28 per cent. The president's tax plan would also require estates to pay capital gains taxes on securities at the time they're inherited and slap a fee on the roughly 100 U.S. financial firms with assets of more than $50 billion.


Much of the $320 billion in new taxes and fees would be used for measures aimed at helping the middle class, including a $500 tax credit for some families with two spouses working, expansion of the child care tax credit and a $60 billion program to make community college free.


"Will we accept an economy where only a few of us do spectacularly well?" Obama asked. "Or will we commit ourselves to an economy that generates rising incomes and chances for everyone who makes the effort?"

War on terrorism continues

Obama vowed to relentlessly hunt down terrorists from "Pakistan to the streets of Paris," then called on Congress to approve new war powers against Islamic State in Iraq and Syria militants.


Obama argued that U.S. military leadership in Iraq and Syria is stopping ISIS's advance, but asked lawmakers "to show the world that we are united in this mission" with a war authorization vote. Republican lawmakers have said they are prepared to work with him to pass such a measure if he sends a proposal up to Capitol Hill.


Obama said America learned "some costly lessons" in the fight against terrorism since the Sept. 11 attacks, and they are guiding his approach to fight the ISIS extremists.


"Instead of getting dragged into another ground war in the Middle East, we are leading a broad coalition, including Arab nations, to degrade and ultimately destroy this terrorist group," Obama said in remarks prepared for delivery.


"We're also supporting a moderate opposition in Syria that can help us in this effort, and assisting people everywhere who stand up to the bankrupt ideology of violent extremism. This effort will take time. It will require focus. But we will succeed."


Obama said he believes in moving forward with "a smarter kind of American leadership" that combines military power with strong diplomacy. "That's how America leads β€” not with bluster, but with persistent, steady resolve," Obama said.


"When we make rash decisions, reacting to the headlines instead of using our heads, when the first response to a challenge is to send in our military, then we risk getting drawn into unnecessary conflicts and neglect the broader strategy we need for a safer, more prosperous world," he said. "That's what our enemies want us to do."


Obama said the United States stands united with people who have been targeted by terrorists, mentioning attacks in recent weeks on a school in Pakistan and across Paris. "We will continue to hunt down terrorists and dismantle their networks, and we reserve the right to act unilaterally, as we've done relentlessly since I took office, to take out terrorists who pose a direct threat to us and our allies," Obama said.

In State of the Union Speech, Obama Defiantly Sets an Ambitious Agenda


During his State of the Union address, the president said the economy was growing and β€œit’s now up to us” to choose where we go from here.

Video by Associated Press on Publish Date January 20, 2015. Photo by Doug Mills/The New York Times.


WASHINGTON β€” President Obama claimed credit on Tuesday for an improving economy and defiantly told his Republican adversaries in Congress to β€œturn the page” by supporting an expensive domestic agenda aimed at improving the fortunes of the middle class.


Released from the political constraints of a sagging economy, overseas wars and elections, Mr. Obama declared in his sixth State of the Union address that β€œthe shadow of crisis has passed,” and he vowed to use his final two years in office fighting for programs that had taken a back seat.


He called on Congress to make community college free for most students, enhance tax credits for education and child care, and impose new taxes and fees on high-income earners and large financial institutions.

β€œWe have risen from recession freer to write our own future than any other nation on Earth,” Mr. Obama said in an address to a joint session of Congress seen by an estimated 30 million people. β€œWill we accept an economy where only a few of us do spectacularly well? Or will we commit ourselves to an economy that generates rising incomes and chances for everyone who makes the effort?”


Confident and at times cocky, the president used the pageantry of the prime-time speech for a defense of an activist federal government. He vowed to continue a foreign policy that combines β€œmilitary power with strong diplomacy,” and he called on Congress to lift the trade embargo on Cuba and pass legislation authorizing the fight against the Islamic State.


He said approval of a resolution granting him that power β€” something he has long argued he does not need to carry out the five-month-old campaign β€” would send an important signal. β€œTonight, I call on this Congress to show the world that we are united in this mission,” Mr. Obama said.


β€œThis effort will take time,” he said of the five-month battle to defeat the Islamic State, the Sunni militant group that is also known as ISIS or ISIL. β€œIt will require focus. But we will succeed.”


The president discussed the military campaign against the Islamic State, and the larger battle against violent extremism, during his State of the Union address.

Video by Associated Press on Publish Date January 20, 2015. Photo by Associated Press.

Obama on Progress in the ISIS Fight

The president discussed the military campaign against the Islamic State, and the larger battle against violent extremism, during his State of the Union address.


Video by Associated Press on Publish Date January 20, 2015. Photo by Associated Press.

Mr. Obama met a skeptical but respectful Congress hours after vowing to veto Republican legislation that would restrict abortion and speed the approval of natural gas pipelines, the latest in a series of veto threats that reflect his eagerness to confront conservative ideology.


The president made no mention of the major losses that his party endured in congressional elections last fall, choosing to ignore the assertion by Republicans that voters had rejected his vision. In the speech, he promised that any attempt to roll back his health care law, an overhaul of regulations on Wall Street or his executive actions on immigration would also face vetoes.

Mr. Obama implied that the Republican economic agenda lacked an ambition equal to his own. At one point, he mocked the party’s unshakable determination to force approval of the Keystone XL pipeline, which would carry 830,000 barrels of petroleum per day from Canada to the Gulf Coast. β€œLet’s set our sights higher than a single oil pipeline,” he chided.



Alan P. Gross, raising a fist, received an ovation at the speech, a month after his release by Cuba. Credit Doug Mills/The New York Times

Speaker John A. Boehner, behind the president, and a sea of Republican lawmakers facing him in the House chamber sat impassively as Democrats stood to applaud Mr. Obama’s recitation of the brightening domestic picture during his presidency. The improvements include job growth, falling deficits and the slowing of the growth of health care costs.


β€œThat’s good news, people,” Mr. Obama interjected at one such moment, looking out at the motionless Republicans.


The president sought to cement an economic legacy that seemed improbable early in his first term, when the country was in near-economic collapse. The speech seemed designed in part to live beyond his presidency by helping to starkly define the differences between Democrats and Republicans ahead of the 2016 presidential election.


β€œThe verdict is clear,” Mr. Obama said. β€œMiddle-class economics works. Expanding opportunity works. And these policies will continue to work, as long as politics don’t get in the way.”


Mr. Obama did highlight some potential areas of collaboration with Republicans. He called on Congress to approve a business tax overhaul, the granting of authority to strike trade deals, and a major initiative to repair crumbling roads and bridges.


But the president vowed to push forward with policies that have generated Republican opposition. He called for aggressive action to fight climate change and said he would not back down on changes to the nation’s immigration system. He repeated his support for new regulations on Internet providers and for overriding state laws that limit competition for high-speed service.


Obama Defends New Taxes on the Wealthy

The president discussed tax increases on high-income earners and large financial institutions that would fund new initiatives during his State of the Union address.

Video by Associated Press on Publish Date January 20, 2015. Photo by Stephen Crowley/The New York Times.


The president discussed tax increases on high-income earners and large financial institutions that would fund new initiatives during his State of the Union address.



In excerpts from the official Republican response, Senator Joni Ernst, the freshman Republican from Iowa, said, β€œAmericans have been hurting, but when we demanded solutions, too often Washington responded with the same stale mind-set that led to failed policies like Obamacare.”


Hitting back at his political opponents and critics, Mr. Obama dismissed as β€œcynics” those who rejected the lofty vision he campaigned on, even as he said he recognized the criticism of his decade-old claim that there is not a β€œblack America or a white America, but a United States of America.” He urged members of both parties to reach for a better politics, one in which β€œwe spend less time drowning in dark money for ads that pull us into the gutter.”


He called on his adversaries to β€œappeal to each other’s basic decency instead of our basest fears,” and he said he longed for a political reality free of β€œgotcha moments or trivial gaffes or fake controversies.” He said a better politics would allow Republicans and Democrats to come together on reforming the criminal justice system in the wake of shootings in Ferguson, Mo., and Staten Island, N.Y.



The audience included, from left, Eric H. Holder Jr., Chuck Hagel, Jacob J. Lew and John Kerry. Credit Stephen Crowley/The New York Times


Mr. Obama’s plans β€” which would offer free community college for millions of students, paid leave for workers and more generous government assistance for education, child care and retirement savings for the middle class β€” are to be financed in large part by $320 billion in tax increases over the next decade on higher income earners as well as a fee on large financial institutions.


The tax plan would raise the top capital gains tax rate to 28 percent, from 23.8 percent. It would also remove what amounts to a tax break for wealthy people who can afford to hold on to their investments until death.


Mr. Obama also said he wanted to assess a new fee on the largest financial institutions β€” those with assets of $50 billion or more β€” based on the amount of risk they took on.


Those proposals would pay for the community college initiative, which would cost $60 billion over a decade, as well as an array of new tax credits intended for the middle class. They include a new $500 credit for families with two working spouses; a subsidy of up to $2,500 annually to pay for college; and the tripling, up to $3,000, of an existing tax break to pay for college.



President Obama meeting hours before his address on Tuesday with members of the public who have written letters to him. Credit Doug Mills/The New York Times


β€œIt’s time we stop treating child care as a side issue, or as a women’s issue,” Mr. Obama said, β€œand treat it like the national economic priority that it is for all of us.”


Mr. Obama said that the approach of walling off the United States from Cuba had been ineffective, and that it was time to try a new strategy. Seated in the first lady’s box overlooking the House chamber, Alan P. Gross, the American prisoner freed in December as part of the new dΓ©tente, repeatedly mouthed β€œthank you” when Mr. Obama recognized him.

The president argued for smarter breed of American leadership based on embracing diplomacy and military force.


β€œWe lead best when we combine military power with strong diplomacy, when we leverage our power with coalition building, when we don’t let our fears blind us to the opportunities that this new century presents,” Mr. Obama said.


As part of that approach, the president argued that the United States had an opportunity to strike a deal with Iran to prevent its development of a nuclear weapon, and made clear that he opposed legislation β€” backed by some Democrats and Republicans β€” to impose new sanctions before those talks had played out.


And after several high-profile cyberattacks, including one against Sony Pictures that his administration blamed on North Korea, Mr. Obama called for legislation to bolster protections against such computer-enabled assaults.


β€œNo foreign nation, no hacker should be able to shut down our networks, steal our trade secrets or invade the privacy of American families, especially our kids,” the president said. β€œIf we don’t act, we’ll leave our nation and our economy vulnerable. If we do, we can continue to protect the technologies that have unleashed untold opportunities for people around the globe


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