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Dave posted:
Django posted:
Nehru posted:

Bullshit!! Attorney Dattadin is doing his job. His client is paramount.

This Family saying they  support the Prosecutor. I would have been mad as hell that they are incompetent and not ready to proceed.

No one disputing the duty to his client. It looks like he is trying illegal methods to get his client off the hook. Doubt he will succeed with his ploys .

I knows Datadin to be a very professional lawyer. I don’t believe any lawyer will risk using illegal methods on such a high profile case. 

Not sure what Django getting at!  The man is paid to represent his client!  He showed up in court, it was the prosecution who skipped the hearing!

Django logic kankawa!!

Baseman posted:
Dave posted:
Django posted:
Nehru posted:

Bullshit!! Attorney Dattadin is doing his job. His client is paramount.

This Family saying they  support the Prosecutor. I would have been mad as hell that they are incompetent and not ready to proceed.

No one disputing the duty to his client. It looks like he is trying illegal methods to get his client off the hook. Doubt he will succeed with his ploys .

I knows Datadin to be a very professional lawyer. I don’t believe any lawyer will risk using illegal methods on such a high profile case. 

Not sure what Django getting at!  The man is paid to represent his client!  He showed up in court, it was the prosecution who skipped the hearing!

Django logic kankawa!!

While it was requested that the names of the persons who signed and submitted the petition to remain confidential, Stabroek News was told that the petitioners argued that Magistrate Moore’s demeanor at the Whim Magistrate’s Court “both in action and language, was openly prejudicial in favor of the defendant and the defendant’s attorney, Mr. Sanjeev Datadin”. “His conduct was clearly inimical to the justice sought by the aggrieved family of the murdered victim,” the petition adds.

In the argument on the petition, it was highlighted that during the court proceedings “the magistrate never allowed the prosecutor to present her case with coherence, clarity and logical sequence it stated, “He (Moore) and Mr. Datadin in obscenely loud voices, continuously interrupted the prosecutor in an effort to disorient her argument.

It was perceptibly evident that the magistrate demonstrated no interest in having the matter methodically presented by the prosecutor.

Falling into fits of unjustifiable rage, he often banged his fist on the table and became vociferously menacing towards the prosecutor. In monopolizing the court hearing, he overtly attempted to drive fear into her and silence into docile submission. The method he utilized was an obvious deviation from established and time honored practice in judicial considerations”.     

Furthermore, the petition said, “The bias and flagrant transgression of judiciary sanctity exhibited by Mr. Moore, and in which Mr. Datadin was egregiously complicit are manifestly conspicuous enough to leave one in doubt or to arouse suspicion whether the magistrate’s honor and integrity must not have compromised or influenced by lucrative factors which are incompatible with fairness and judicial probity”. 


Quote from the petition

Nehru posted:

Beyond weak. They are crazy. A few flowery words do not mean shit in Court. The Petition is vague, totally vague!

This reminds me of the charges against Trump!!😁😀😀😀

On a serious side, let’s wait for the outcome!

antabanta posted:
Sean posted:

I heard that some PNC people give matches to their pickney as their first birthday gift. 

You have to be one of the stupidest persons ever to mar social forums.

Ow man how you stay so?  De banna got a nice nice stereo and some Ire Bob Marley vinyl an' you say dat, you makin yo eyes pass dat banna.


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