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March 8, 2020: GEORGETOWN – The political parties that have signed hereto, welcome the ruling of Chief Justice Roxanne George-Wilshire , which established that the Court has jurisdiction to hear the injunction against the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM), related to Guyana's March 2, 2020 - General and Regional Elections.

Further, the parties welcome the commitment and pronouncements of international observers, local observer groups, several governments, international and local organizations that support the preservation of democracy in Guyana.

The various parties subscribed hereto, have access to copies of Statements of Poll (SOP) from District #4, which they have gathered independently and these SOP will be used in the legally required verification process.

The parties call on all citizens of Guyana to remain calm and peaceful as these matters continue to engage the attention of the Courts, and as we continue to work with the local and international community in ensuring that GECOM follows the specific provisions of the relevant election laws and operate within a framework of respected democratic norms.

The parties demand that GECOM desists from taking any unlawful or illegal action, which will constitute a breach of the relevant legislation and extant Orders of the Court.

As various statements from diverse members of the international community reiterated, the votes of District #4 must be verified and tabulated in the manner required by the relevant elections legislation. It is only after such a legal process is completed that the results for District #4 should be publicly declared.

The parties take note of the important threats of sanctions from the international community in general and the ABCE countries in particular, which can include personal sanctions against all those who participated in the process to undermine democracy by acting outside of the rule of law.

We call on all Guyana to understand that the political parties outside of APNU-AFC are working for a peaceful and legal resolution to this situation and we remain committed to respecting the results emanating from District #4, pursuant to a process conducted in accordance with Section 84 (1) of the Representation of the People’s Act, Chapter 1:03.

We strongly support the statement from the US Department of State which emphasized that "The people of Guyana deserve a credible election and transfer of power that reflects their will.
Vote tabulation irregularities marred Guyana’s March 2 elections. Our Ambassador and many observers saw flawed tabulation. Irrespective of today’s legal proceedings, any government sworn in on the basis of that result would not be legitimate."


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If you listen to the PNC folks, they are all powerful and cares what no one says. They were ready to defy Carter in 1992 even though the country was on it back. Now the have lil oil to hedge with, they are more bold and bad and invincible!

BTW, global oil prices just dropped 30% today on a looming output war with Russia. Trump says the US plans no cuts but increases. Russia rejected any cuts.  It’s now down to $32/barrel.  This is at or below Exxon’s cost in Guyana!


Representation of the People’s Act

Section 84 (1) of the Representation of the People’s Act, Chapter 1:03.

Source --



  1. Subject to the provisions of this Act, the votes cast at the polling places in each district shall be counted by the returning officer of that district in accordance with the provisions of this Part.

  2. If the Chief Election Officer is satisfied that it is necessary or expedient in the interests of the carrying out of the provisions of this Part with due despatch or security he may, by notice published in the Gazette, direct that for the purposes of the counting of the votes the returning officers of districts specified in the notice shall count the votes for their respective districts at a place appointed by the said notice and this Act shall have effect accordingly.

  3. Where the Chief Election Officer has given a direction pursuant to subsection (29)

  a. he may designate one of the returning officers of the districts specified in the notice to exercise general direction and supervision over the counting of votes at the place so appointed;

  b. references in this Part to election officers, duly appointed candidates and counting agents shall have effect as if they included references to such persons appointed in respect of any of the districts in respect of which the direction applies.


One has to understand the mindset of the APNU contingent to comprehend what is going on in Guyana.  There is no comprehension of the law or of the requirements of free and fair election. They want what they want and that’s all that matters.

Imagine Volda calling people to fight at the GECOM location in the presence of International observers and many others with no care in the world of consequences.  

Imagine Lowenfield stopping the counting of the votes in the presence of the US Ambassador because he lost his chances of rigging and just refused to proceed with the election.  Everyone was in shock but he thought it was normal behavior.

The whole world is watching in shock and disbelief that this is actually happening and APNU is completely unaware that their behavior is not normal.

Bibi Haniffa

I would not think they don't know the law.  They know it well and knows how to subvert it!  You cannot subvert what you don't know.  The objective is clear, to do what is necessary to have the PNC prevail!


APNU behaves like other despots in Africa and the Middle East. In the end they will end up like Saddam Hussein and Muammar Ghaddafi. Being dragged down the street at the other end of a rope. Despots are dogs and so are APNU.


For the record, I have stated many times over the past few years that I am not religious so don’t bring any religion or religious book into question when evaluating my words and actions.


Some people use religion as a crutch to mentally enslave other people: Jim Jones, Jim Baker, Joel Osteen, Jimmy Swaggart, Franklin Graham...and then we have David Granger.

Last edited by Former Member

Suh, doan blame Granger for his actions. Maybe, he is to punish Indian ppl. Certainly looks that way being an ardent follower of Burnham. Leh me see yuh remove him from power without the help of the Christian nations, America, Britain, Canada and Europe. Doan expect India, the Caribbean, Africa or the Chinese to sey anything.


@seignet: That's not my point. I do live with a Christian wife, but I do not attend any church. I am saying that SOME of these religious bigots use religion as a crutch to enslave the poor and unfortunate. People call Granger a man of god because he went to church and prayed last Sunday. I know plenty of people who go to church and do their thing. And I know some of these people don't care for poor people.


Skelly, you shouldn't paint all religions or religious persons with the same brush. There are good and bad people in every aspect of life.

At least in my faith, people are advised to inquire and find out for themselves. Blindly following others is a recipe for disaster.

Granger is not by any definition a religious person, he just pretends to be one because if he followed the Bible and The Commandments, it states, "Thou shalt not steal". As such, he will be subjected to breaking those laws, nothing in this world goes unanswered. Spiritual Justice might appear to be slow but it's effective.

Burnham died like a dog and people celebrated his death announcement. It will be no different for Granger. I don't accept the BS that one cannot speak of the dead, it DOESN'T apply to my beliefs. 

Granger is a cancerous walking dead, it's only a matter of time before Karma bites him in the ass.

Last edited by Former Member

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