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Former Member

Statement by President Barack Obama on Egypt

July 03, 2013, The White House EmblemTThe White House Emblemhe White House, Office of the Press Secretary, Source


As I have said since the Egyptian Revolution, the United States supports a set of core principles, including opposition to violence, protection of universal human rights, and reform that meets the legitimate aspirations of the people.  The United States does not support particular individuals or political parties, but we are committed to the democratic process and respect for the rule of law.  Since the current unrest in Egypt began, we have called on all parties to work together to address the legitimate grievances of the Egyptian people, in accordance with the democratic process, and without recourse to violence or the use of force.


The United States is monitoring the very fluid situation in Egypt, and we believe that ultimately the future of Egypt can only be determined by the Egyptian people. Nevertheless, we are deeply concerned by the decision of the Egyptian Armed Forces to remove President Morsy and suspend the Egyptian constitution. I now call on the Egyptian military to move quickly and responsibly to return full authority back to a democratically elected civilian government as soon as possible through an inclusive and transparent process, and to avoid any arbitrary arrests of President Morsy and his supporters. Given today’s developments, I have also directed the relevant departments and agencies to review the implications under U.S. law for our assistance to the Government of Egypt.


The United States continues to believe firmly that the best foundation for lasting stability in Egypt is a democratic political order with participation from all sides and all political parties —secular and religious, civilian and military. During this uncertain period, we expect the military to ensure that the rights of all Egyptian men and women are protected, including the right to peaceful assembly, due process, and free and fair trials in civilian courts.  Moreover, the goal of any political process should be a government that respects the rights of all people, majority and minority; that institutionalizes the checks and balances upon which democracy depends; and that places the interests of the people above party or faction. The voices of all those who have protested peacefully must be heard – including those who welcomed today’s developments, and those who have supported President Morsy. In the interim, I urge all sides to avoid violence and come together to ensure the lasting restoration of Egypt’s democracy.


No transition to democracy comes without difficulty, but in the end it must stay true to the will of the people. An honest, capable and representative government is what ordinary Egyptians seek and what they deserve. The longstanding partnership between the United States and Egypt is based on shared interests and values, and we will continue to work with the Egyptian people to ensure that Egypt’s transition to democracy succeeds.

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Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by baseman:

He is doing what he does best, talk.

And you do hat you do best - talk SH1T!!!

Obama is the greatest failure of a president since Nixon.


You have to give baseman some credit. He is the only one who still stick to his original position, howbeit foolishly while the others realize that they were wrong to suggest that forcefully removing a democratically elected official was the right approach. Now the US president has echoed that it was wrong to remove Morsy.


Good conscience requires that we don't impose on others what we cannot stomach matter how non-human we think they are.

Originally Posted by ksazma:

You have to give baseman some credit. He is the only one who still stick to his original position, howbeit foolishly while the others realize that they were wrong to suggest that forcefully removing a democratically elected official was the right approach. Now the US president has echoed that it was wrong to remove Morsy.


Good conscience requires that we don't impose on others what we cannot stomach matter how non-human we think they are.

Baseman is always right, but a lap ahead on most so it will take time for them to come around.


I was watching Black conservatives on Fox last night, it's great to see how their position is so aligned with the views of baseman.  When this bana leaves power, this nation will reconstitute itself.

Originally Posted by baseman:

Baseman is always right, but a lap ahead on most so it will take time for them to come around.


I was watching Black conservatives on Fox last night, it's great to see how their position is so aligned with the views of baseman.  When this bana leaves power, this nation will reconstitute itself.

i rather suspect that Ben Carson would have an immediate seizure if he ever got word of the twinning of his "views" with the recycled race vomit of an ignorant, insecure PPP migrant like u . . . prancing about in ejaculate-stained panties on GNI . . . regaling all with your white sheet 'n hood take on universal blackman

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Baseman is always right, but a lap ahead on most so it will take time for them to come around.


I was watching Black conservatives on Fox last night, it's great to see how their position is so aligned with the views of baseman.  When this bana leaves power, this nation will reconstitute itself.

i rather suspect that Ben Carson would have an immediate seizure if he ever got word of the twinning of his "views" with the recycled race vomit of an ignorant, insecure PPP migrant like u . . . prancing about in ejaculate-stained panties on GNI . . . regaling all with your white sheet 'n hood take on universal blackman

It would be good for you to listen to these Black folks.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Baseman is always right, but a lap ahead on most so it will take time for them to come around.


I was watching Black conservatives on Fox last night, it's great to see how their position is so aligned with the views of baseman.  When this bana leaves power, this nation will reconstitute itself.

i rather suspect that Ben Carson would have an immediate seizure if he ever got word of the twinning of his "views" with the recycled race vomit of an ignorant, insecure PPP migrant like u . . . prancing about in ejaculate-stained panties on GNI . . . regaling all with your white sheet 'n hood take on universal blackman

It would be good for you to listen to these Black folks.

dude, the learning I have on these matters u could not even approach in 3 of your cheap kickback lifetimes


it would do you A LOT more good if u read a little more and got A LOT LESS of your 'education' watching barely literates like Sean Hannity on Fox

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Baseman is always right, but a lap ahead on most so it will take time for them to come around.


I was watching Black conservatives on Fox last night, it's great to see how their position is so aligned with the views of baseman.  When this bana leaves power, this nation will reconstitute itself.

i rather suspect that Ben Carson would have an immediate seizure if he ever got word of the twinning of his "views" with the recycled race vomit of an ignorant, insecure PPP migrant like u . . . prancing about in ejaculate-stained panties on GNI . . . regaling all with your white sheet 'n hood take on universal blackman

It would be good for you to listen to these Black folks.

dude, the learning I have on these matters u could not even approach in 3 of your cheap kickback lifetimes


it would do you A LOT more good if u read a little more and got A LOT LESS of your 'education' watching barely literates like Sean Hannity on Fox

Bai, you shudda watch them Black conservatives, nuff nuff Ivy Leaguers and they see much of what and how baseman sees it.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Baseman is always right, but a lap ahead on most so it will take time for them to come around.


I was watching Black conservatives on Fox last night, it's great to see how their position is so aligned with the views of baseman.  When this bana leaves power, this nation will reconstitute itself.

i rather suspect that Ben Carson would have an immediate seizure if he ever got word of the twinning of his "views" with the recycled race vomit of an ignorant, insecure PPP migrant like u . . . prancing about in ejaculate-stained panties on GNI . . . regaling all with your white sheet 'n hood take on universal blackman

It would be good for you to listen to these Black folks.

dude, the learning I have on these matters u could not even approach in 3 of your cheap kickback lifetimes


it would do you A LOT more good if u read a little more and got A LOT LESS of your 'education' watching barely literates like Sean Hannity on Fox

Bai, you shudda watch them Black conservatives, nuff nuff Ivy Leaguers and they see much of what and how baseman sees it.

U LIE like a retarded skunk . . . none of the people there share your hood 'n sheet view of blackman


g'wan suh vomit peddler . . . try wipe yuh batty and mouth carna before u post again, arite? 


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