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Former Member

Statement by The Hinourable Carolyn Rodrigues




Mr. President Your Excellency Mohammed Mursi

Your Majesties

Your Royal Highnesses

Excellencies Heads of State and Government

Mr. Secretary-General

Distinguished Delegates

Ladies and Gentlemen 


I bring you warm and fraternal greetings from His Excellency Donald Ramotar, President of the Republic of Guyana who is unable to be here with us today but sends his best wishes for a successful Summit.


Allow me to congratulate you Mr President and your Government for the excellent arrangements that have been put in place for the Summit and for the very warm hospitality extended to my delegation since our arrival in Cairo. Gratitude is also extended to the Government of Senegal for their stewardship of our Organisation since the last Summit.   Allow me too Mr Chairman to express my Government’s gratitude to Secretary General Dr. Eklemmedin  Isanoglu for his astute leadership and the valuable contributions he has made to the OIC during his tenure.


Mr Chairman, Excellencies, this Summit which is being held under the theme “The Muslim World: New Challenges and Expanding Opportunities”  comes at a juncture of great challenge as we continue to witness the unrest in Syria which is a source of grief and impacts not only its regional neighbours but the international community as a whole.  The Government of Guyana embraces the fundamentals of people-centred development and continues to express grave concern at the situation in Syria. We are saddened by the heavy death toll in civilian life and serious violations of human rights and international humanitarian laws which are perpetrated by both sides as this conflict continues.  In the 21st century we are all too well aware that events such as these imperil the quest for sustained socio-economic development which are opportunities sought after by all humankind, irrespective of their faiths – whether Muslims, Christians or Hindus.


We uphold the view that the challenges facing Syria need to be urgently addressed and transferred into opportunities which instill the essence of  tolerance, peace, security, rule of law,  democracy and brotherly love – the pillars on which Syria’s progress and prosperity must be realized. The situation is one which warrants a political solution and the international community can ill-afford to remain divided on a course of action.


It has become quite clear to institutions tasked with promoting universal peace that the Syrian people are unable to resolve their problems alone. To this end, the United Nations Security Council represents the cornerstone through which Syria’s salvation needs to be sought.  We, in Guyana therefore join in reiterating our support for the efforts of the United Nations and in particular, Special Envoy Ambassador Lakhdar Brahimi.


On the issue of Palestine, let me congratulate President Mahmoud Abbass and his Government on the achievement of an enhanced status at the United Nations as a non-Member Observer State.  The Government of Guyana as it has resolutely done over the years, will continue to reiterate its unwavering support to the Palestinian people in their just struggle for their inalienable rights including the right of a homeland of their own.


We in Guyana firmly believe that negotiations are the only way to bring a long awaited end to this conflict and we continue to pray that it won’t be long before the hopes and aspirations of the Palestinian people are realized.

We also call upon the Government of Israel to live up to its obligations under international law to the people of the occupied Palestinian territory, to cease the construction of settlements and to the complete lifting of the blockade of Gaza. We call too for an end to violence as this undermines reaching any settlement.


As the first Caribbean Community (CARICOM) country to recognize Palestine as a sovereign state based on its 1967 borders, and as a member of the United Nations Committee on the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian people, Guyana will continue to demonstrate support for peace that is sustained at all levels and will continue to work with the international community in all efforts that will galvanize a peaceful end to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.


It is imperative that every effort is made by both the Israelis and Palestinians assisted by the international community to end this conflict and ensure a just and lasting peace to the entire Middle East with two states – the State of Israel and the State of Palestine- living side by side in peace and with secure borders.  This indeed could be seen as both a challenge and an opportunity – an opportunity that will augur well for the troubled Middle East Region.


Mr. Chairman,

This meeting like those which have preceded it, offers a much needed opportunity to examine the current developments in the Middle East in the wider international arena. Many of these issues affect our member states directly and the far reaching agenda is indicative of the efforts being made by the Organization to try to minimize the negative effects of these developments on members.   We in Guyana do believe that with the full co-operation of all the Member States, the OIC can help the 1.5 Billion Muslims world over in addressing the challenges being faced and galvanize the Ummah into a unified body.  Indeed the OIC’s blueprint for success is a catalyst to continue inspiring its members towards realizing the noble quests of this era.


From Guyana’s standpoint, the current reality of the world indicates that those who advocate the scourge of terrorism are willing to use any and all means to achieve their warped goals. However, no terrorist act can ever be justifiable. It is therefore incumbent on us Governments to ensure that we take every precaution to prevent such attacks both within and outside our borders.  In so doing, countries must be mindful that in fighting terrorism the principles of sovereignty and territorial integrity and respect for basic human rights are not overlooked.


Guyana has embraced the United Nations Global Counter Terrorism strategy adopted in 2006 which is aimed at enhancing efforts at all levels to counter terrorism. In this regard, Guyana also expresses its sympathy for the lives lost in the recent terrorist attacks in Algeria. We also fully support the Declaration on Mali and call for an end to the violence in that dear country.


Mr. Chairman, the disparity between rich and poor and developed and developing countries continues to be a source of major concern given the high level of poverty that still exists. In this context the Government of Guyana has once again brought the issue of a new Global Human Order to the attention of member states with the adoption by consensus of the United Nations resolution 67/230 entitled “The role of the United Nations in promoting a New Global Human Order”.   This resolution aims to mobilize concerted long-term global actions, within a holistic framework, to address development challenges and improve the well-being of people.  We invite the continued support of the OIC member states to this initiative.


Mr. Chairman, we face the reality of the present era where Islamophobia has increased. This we are aware, is an obstacle for co-operation in the management of global threats and challenges. Islamophobia by all means needs to be eradicated in the interest of peace, love, tolerance and development.


As a country with a multiplicity of ethnic, religious and cultural groups and one with membership in organizations – including the Alliance of Civilizations – which seek to promote peace, stability and tolerance  -  Guyana would wish to urge that efforts be intensified towards encouraging dialogue among different faiths and religions.  Guyana therefore wishes to urge that efforts be intensified towards encouraging dialogue with the non – Islamic world in order to deepen the understanding of Islam and to strengthen co-operation between OIC member states and the wider world.  We believe this can only be to our benefit and that of all humankind.


It is on this note that I wish to conclude and in so doing, take this opportunity to reiterate the Government of Guyana’s commitment to peace, tolerance, brotherhood and those principles upheld by the United Nations and the Organization of Islamic Conference – aimed at building a better, united and prosperous world – a world where there are fewer challenges and greater opportunities for the benefit of our Muslim brothers and sisters and indeed all humankind.


February 12, 2013 by , Source - GINA

do not find anything I disagree with except this statement

"Guyana therefore wishes to urge that efforts be intensified towards encouraging dialogue with the non – Islamic world in order to deepen the understanding of Islam and to strengthen co-operation between OIC member states and the wider world.  We believe this can only be to our benefit and that of all humankind.

That should be "to urge that efforts be intensified towards encouraging dialogue with the non – Islamic world and the Islamic world in order to deepen reciprocal understanding between them of the cultures"


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