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Stephen Harper set the rules, but never won pipeline support: Tim Harper

Stephen Harper had no option but to give his blessing to the Northern Gateway pipeline, but that doesn't mean it will ever be built.


The coastal town of Kitimat, B.C., which would benefit most directly from the Northern Gateway pipeline, overwhelmingly turned down the project in a non-binding plebiscite earlier this spring.

The coastal town of Kitimat, B.C., which would benefit most directly from the Northern Gateway pipeline, overwhelmingly turned down the project in a non-binding plebiscite earlier this spring.


OTTAWA—When Stephen Harper pronounced it was a “national priority” to get Alberta crude to the Asian market, he went to Switzerland to deliver the message.


Some 30 months later, when he gave the green light to Enbridge’s $7.9-billion Northern Gateway pipeline — the physical conduit of the “national priority’’ — he released a statement.


Neither Harper nor his natural resources minister nor any of the 21 British Columbia Conservative MPs sought out a single camera to explain why this decision — one of the most momentous of Harper’s time in power — was vital for the well-being of the West Coast, the Alberta oil patch or Canada as a whole.


Instead, the Conservatives scurried into the Ottawa evening, leaving the field to their many vocal political opponents, all of whom vowed to overturn the decision.


Harper really had no choice but to okay the project with the 209 conditions placed on it by the joint review panel of the National Energy Board.

He set all the rules.


He streamlined the environmental process, he gave himself the final say, he set the timing, he hand-picked the ministers he wanted to sell this megaproject to environmentalists, aboriginals, British Columbians and Canadians.


Despite controlling every aspect of this file, Harper was still unable to close the deal and was left with no option but to spend a bagful of his dwindling political capital on something that may never be built.


If the prime minister’s head is in a political guillotine, he placed it there himself.


Regulatory approval is one thing. Social licence is another, and even while controlling all the levers, Harper has not earned that social licence, certainly not in British Columbia, to build a pipeline across rugged terrain to Kitimat, where it will be loaded onto tankers traversing the narrow, treacherous Douglas Channel in often hostile weather.


He couldn’t say no.


It would have run counter to everything he has been preaching since this project was first placed in the hands of the NEB amidst an outbreak of Conservative cheerleading, during which environmentalists were branded “radicals” and accused of money-laundering and kowtowing to their American puppet masters, their charitable status placed under scrutiny in a bid to intimidate.


Joe Oliver, often cranky, always partisan, set the tone as the former natural resources minister, but he had company in the former environment minister, Peter Kent, and the Treasury Board President, Tony Clement.


Some 50 aboriginal communities along the route, which should have been engaged early, often and intensively, were given lip service by the government. That was the verdict even of the envoy belatedly appointed by the Conservatives. Most B.C. First Nations have signed no treaties with governments and control their ancestral lands and rights.


Harper couldn’t say no, because of what was at stake economically, and what it is costing this country with the Alberta bitumen unable to get to tidewater.


Harper couldn’t say no, because, after refusing to take “no” for an answer from U.S. President Barack Obama on the Keystone XL pipeline, a “no” on Northern Gateway would have sparked guffaws in the White House and the U.S. State Department.


He couldn’t buy time. That was exactly what he and others in his government had accused Obama of doing by refusing to pronounce on Keystone, punting it down the line, hiding behind regulatory rules rather than dealing with a political grenade.


So, what did Harper buy Tuesday?


A project with more than 200 conditions placed on Enbridge; five more placed on it by B.C. Premier Christy Clark who controls 60 permits needed for construction; at least five court challenges underway or in the planning stage; a threat of a grassroots provincial referendum to kill the pipeline; widespread provincial opposition; threats of social unrest, and the opposition of Tom Mulcair and his New Democrats, Justin Trudeau and his Liberals and Elizabeth May of the Greens.


Is British Columbia public opinion malleable?


According to NDP MP Nathan Cullen, whose riding includes Kitimat, that opinion is “calcified” and not only in the coastal town that would benefit most directly from the project, which overwhelmingly turned down Gateway in a non-binding plebiscite earlier this spring.


Cullen says he has attended meetings in Kelowna, Kamloops and beyond — none of them environmental hotbeds — which have drawn hundreds of Gateway opponents.


These are not the regular malcontents. These are people who have never before attended a political meeting.


There will be 42 seats up for grabs in B.C. in 2015. Harper has fired the first shot in the pipeline wars, but B.C. voters may be itching to return fire at the ballot box.


Tim Harper is a national affairs writer. His column appears Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Twitter:@nutgraf1

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Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Despite controlling every aspect of this file, Harper was still unable to close the deal and was left with no option but to spend a bagful of his dwindling political capital on something that may never be built.


If the prime minister’s head is in a political guillotine, he placed it there himself.

Prime Minister Stephen Harper continues to bumble along on his merry own ways.


Fortunately, at the election in 2013, most likely, he will be sent on his own path, while the country will be governed by another political party.


Conservatives approve Northern Gateway pipeline

The highly controversial Northern Gateway pipeline, designed to carry crude from Alberta to the B.C. coast, ha been approved by Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s cabinet.


OTTAWA—Years of social disruptions by environmentalists and First Nations, lengthy court battles and a possible stand-off between Ottawa and British Columbia lie ahead after Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s approval of the fiercely contested Northern Gateway pipeline.


The long-awaited decision, which is in keeping with the Conservatives’ plan to expand Canada’s role as a global energy exporter, has lit the fuse on an unprecedented political clash between opponents of Northern Gateway and its backers.


Opposition to the proposed $7.9-billion conduit to carry oilsands-derived crude from Alberta across the Rockies to an export terminal in Kitimat, B.C., where it would be loaded on supertankers, has been gathering force for years.


Polls have found a majority of B.C. residents oppose Northern Gateway and both environmental organizations and First Nations are mounting legal challenges to Northern Gateway. Failing that, opponents of the pipeline say there is no shortage of people willing to engage in civil disobedience to block construction.


“You have every right to feel anger and frustration with the federal decision, but do not let that immobilize you,” Kelsey Mech, director of the Canadian Youth Climate Coalition, said in a message to supporters. “Many options remain to stop these pipeline projects in their tracks, including public pressure, corporate campaigns, community resistance and creative direct action.”


“We will do whatever is necessary” to stop Northern Gateway, Grand Chief Stewart Phillip, head of the Union of British Columbia Indian Chiefs, told CBC-TV when asked if aboriginals would personally try to halt construction. Phillip pointed out that protests against Harper’s greenlighting of the pipeline were scheduled to start right away in Vancouver.


Here are some facts about the controversial Northern Gateway pipeline project between the Alberta oilsands and the B.C. coast.


The decision by the federal cabinet, which in 2012 took on the power to make final rulings on energy projects, was announced by Natural Resource Minister Greg Rickford.


“Today constitutes another step in the process” of developing the pipeline, Rickford said in a statement. But “the proponent clearly has more work to do in order to fulfill the public commitment it has made to engage with aboriginal groups and local communities along the route.”


Enbridge will also have to obtain regulatory permits and authorizations from federal and provincial governments, Rickford said.


“Moving forward, the proponent (Enbridge) must demonstrate to the independent regulator, the National Energy Board (NEB), how it will meet the 209 conditions,” he said. In December, when the NEB gave tentative approval for the pipeline, it issued a long list of conditions with which Enbridge must comply.


Reaction to the decision was heated. NDP Leader Thomas Mulcair said proceeding with Northern Gateway is risking political turmoil. “We’re talking about a severe threat to social order, social peace, not only within British Columbia but across Canada,” he said.


“(Harper) has eviscerated environmental legislation in Canada and he’s going to pay the price socially.”


He predicted the Tories could also pay a political price when B.C. residents show their anger at the polls next year.


“This is already an election issue in British Columbia,” Mulcair said, adding that the 21 Conservative MPs from the province are “hiding under desks.”


Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau took aim at the NEB review of the project, saying the regulatory approval process has become “politicized” by Harper and that instead of acting as an impartial arbiter, the Conservative government had been pushing the project for years.


“This current government has been nothing but a cheerleader for this pipeline from the very beginning when Canadians needed a referee,” he said.


Mulcair and Trudeau promised an NDP or Liberal government would nullify Harper’s go-ahead for Northern Gateway.


Opponents of the pipeline worry about environmental damage along the 1,172-km pipeline route, which passes through some of the most pristine wilderness in Canada, and the risk of an oil spill on the northern B.C. coast. And many environmentalists are against oilsands pipelines, which they see as enabling extra greenhouse gas emissions. Besides First Nations and environmentalist, the pipeline has run into opposition from municipalities and the B.C. government.


Green Party Leader Elizabeth May said, “This project is not going ahead; it will be stopped by British Columbians.”


In the Commons earlier Tuesday, Harper brushed aside calls for the government to reject Northern Gateway.


“The process we have in our government, in terms of environmental evaluations, we establish independent expert panels that follow a public and scientific process,” Harper said. “We’ve received a report from that process and we will make a decision, obviously, based on the facts.”


Enbridge CEO Al Monaco issued a statement welcoming the decision. But he said, “We have more work ahead of us” to meet the conditions set out by the NEB and the B.C. government and to engage with aboriginal communities along the pipeline right-of-way.


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