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Sunil posted:

Multiple nicks will be deleted. Princess Di, please decide whether you want to continue to use this nick or Jitter Bug. Your previous nicks of Ladybird and Pinky has been deleted.


Sunil, it is good to see GNI doing some house keeping.

Imagine sweeping Jitterbug Pinky Ladyburg. I wonder how these people are able to handle that many handles ?

Anyone using more than one handle should be exposed and Sunil should use the Wild Cane to keep them in line.


Last edited by Former Member
yuji22 posted:
Sunil posted:

Multiple nicks will be deleted. Princess Di, please decide whether you want to continue to use this nick or Jitter Bug. Your previous nicks of Ladybird and Pinky has been deleted.


Sunil, it is good to see GNI doing some house keeping.

Imagine sweeping Jitterbug Pinky Ladyburg. I wonder how these people are able to handle that many handles ?

Anyone using more than one handle should be exposed and Sunil should use the Wild Cane to keep them in line.


I knew from the beginning that this Princess Di was an impostor. I called him(her) out. A "newbie"(Gilly is not a newbie) just don't come on this board and start throwing his/her weight around. I am sure more will be caught. At least D2 was honest about his other handles. 

Bibi Haniffa posted:
alena06 posted:

People's real names are being leaked to the PNC as well.  Be careful what you post here.

I advise every poster on this site to set up cameras in and around your home and buy the best security system to protect you.  If you are on social media, deactivate your pages.  Heed my warning.

Why the warning only here. Call the FBI!!!

Bibi Haniffa posted:
alena06 posted:

People's real names are being leaked to the PNC as well.  Be careful what you post here.

I advise every poster on this site to set up cameras in and around your home and buy the best security system to protect you.  If you are on social media, deactivate your pages.  Heed my warning.

Ladies, you all sound paranoid. Why did you all then allow your pictures to be posted from the event for Jagdeo 3rd term?

D2 posted:
Drugb posted:

What about mars,warrior,antabanta, mitwah, cain, prince/cobra and stormy/d2. When are you going to investigate these guys multiple nicks and force them to choose?

Gwan suh you mangy fellow....

I am not the dog who made a big production of pre announcing their retirement form GNI, kept a wake for 2 months then came back like a puppy dog looking for attention. Now you can hardly get two response to any thread you start, you really gone to the dogs. 

Drugb posted:
Prince posted:

Let's live in fear and allow "who-so-ever" to run our lives? It that the message, madame? I agree with Alena that names are being leaked from some nasty, wicked people, and I don't give a damn. Are the messengers the enemies? 

In fact you/cobra are suspected to be agents in waiting for the pnc. 

 You talk too bloody much. Get marry and spend quality time with your lady. Gni-ritis is getting to you. Some of you are out to disgrace GNI for everything it has done for you neemakarams.  

Prince posted:
Drugb posted:
Prince posted:

Let's live in fear and allow "who-so-ever" to run our lives? It that the message, madame? I agree with Alena that names are being leaked from some nasty, wicked people, and I don't give a damn. Are the messengers the enemies? 

In fact you/cobra are suspected to be agents in waiting for the pnc. 

 You talk too bloody much. Get marry and spend quality time with your lady. Gni-ritis is getting to you. Some of you are out to disgrace GNI for everything it has done for you neemakarams.  

Naah! He is not the kind. He has a craving and obsession for the big black bigan. 

Prince posted:
Drugb posted:
Prince posted:

Let's live in fear and allow "who-so-ever" to run our lives? It that the message, madame? I agree with Alena that names are being leaked from some nasty, wicked people, and I don't give a damn. Are the messengers the enemies? 

In fact you/cobra are suspected to be agents in waiting for the pnc. 

 You talk too bloody much. Get marry and spend quality time with your lady. Gni-ritis is getting to you. Some of you are out to disgrace GNI for everything it has done for you neemakarams.  

Prince has really done a 360.

Chief posted:
Prince posted:
Drugb posted:
Prince posted:

Let's live in fear and allow "who-so-ever" to run our lives? It that the message, madame? I agree with Alena that names are being leaked from some nasty, wicked people, and I don't give a damn. Are the messengers the enemies? 

In fact you/cobra are suspected to be agents in waiting for the pnc. 

 You talk too bloody much. Get marry and spend quality time with your lady. Gni-ritis is getting to you. Some of you are out to disgrace GNI for everything it has done for you neemakarams.  

Prince has really done a 360.

Give him enough time and he will be back to telling Indians to deal with the government, ISIS style. 

Chief posted:
Prince posted:
Drugb posted:
Prince posted:

Let's live in fear and allow "who-so-ever" to run our lives? It that the message, madame? I agree with Alena that names are being leaked from some nasty, wicked people, and I don't give a damn. Are the messengers the enemies? 

In fact you/cobra are suspected to be agents in waiting for the pnc. 

 You talk too bloody much. Get marry and spend quality time with your lady. Gni-ritis is getting to you. Some of you are out to disgrace GNI for everything it has done for you neemakarams.  

Prince has really done a 360.

That means he has not changed. He is at the same place he started. 

Last edited by Mitwah

This is a serious issue. I am surprised the brown bai KKKs and Nehru have not been banned. Anyhow, I am here to call out Gilly and Django to join me on Facebook since I am back there. I had to leave FB for a while. I have a lot of respect for you guys, so too the mysterious D2/Iggy. Please send me a friend request :-). I don't post here anymore as this site is an anti-black hate site. Admin has done nothing to stop it. Anyhow, I am done. You can delete my handle if you wish.

TK posted:

This is a serious issue. I am surprised the brown bai KKKs and Nehru have not been banned. Anyhow, I am here to call out Gilly and Django to join me on Facebook since I am back there. I had to leave FB for a while. I have a lot of respect for you guys, so too the mysterious D2/Iggy. Please send me a friend request :-). I don't post here anymore as this site is an anti-black hate site. Admin has done nothing to stop it. Anyhow, I am done. You can delete my handle if you wish.

TK bai, you sound somewhat disjointed here. Hope you are feeling well. Anyway, take care.



TK posted:

This is a serious issue. I am surprised the brown bai KKKs and Nehru have not been banned. Anyhow, I am here to call out Gilly and Django to join me on Facebook since I am back there. I had to leave FB for a while. I have a lot of respect for you guys, so too the mysterious D2/Iggy. Please send me a friend request :-). I don't post here anymore as this site is an anti-black hate site. Admin has done nothing to stop it. Anyhow, I am done. You can delete my handle if you wish.

Too much licks and you cannot take it?

Last edited by Chief
Chief posted:


TK posted:

This is a serious issue. I am surprised the brown bai KKKs and Nehru have not been banned. Anyhow, I am here to call out Gilly and Django to join me on Facebook since I am back there. I had to leave FB for a while. I have a lot of respect for you guys, so too the mysterious D2/Iggy. Please send me a friend request :-). I don't post here anymore as this site is an anti-black hate site. Admin has done nothing to stop it. Anyhow, I am done. You can delete my handle if you wish.

Too much licks and you cannot take it?

TK is the clown who orchestrated the AFC/PNC marriage.

Granger kicked him to the curb yet he failed to condemn the dictator. No wonder he is running away from GNI with diarrhea on his pants.

He is now begging for friends. 

Clowns like TK will always be grass hopping all of their lives with what if this and what if that.

He needs to take full responsibility for his action and clearly condemn Moses and Ramjattan. This clown TK is still lashing out against Brave Guyanese who are standing up to the Dictator Granger.

TK will forever remain a clown.

He challenged bossman to delete his handle. Bossman should give him one kick. He thinks that he is above GNI rules and how dare he labels this site the way he did ?


Last edited by Former Member
yuji22 posted:
Chief posted:


TK posted:

This is a serious issue. I am surprised the brown bai KKKs and Nehru have not been banned. Anyhow, I am here to call out Gilly and Django to join me on Facebook since I am back there. I had to leave FB for a while. I have a lot of respect for you guys, so too the mysterious D2/Iggy. Please send me a friend request :-). I don't post here anymore as this site is an anti-black hate site. Admin has done nothing to stop it. Anyhow, I am done. You can delete my handle if you wish.

Too much licks and you cannot take it?

TK is the clown who orchestrated the AFC/PNC marriage.

Granger kicked him to the curb yet he failed to condemn the dictator. No wonder he is running away from GNI with diarrhea on his pants.

He is now begging for friends. 

Clowns like TK will always be grass hopping all of their lives with what if this and what if that.

He needs to take full responsibility for his action and clearly condemn Moses and Ramjattan. This clown TK is still lashing out against Brave Guyanese who are standing up to the Dictator Granger.

TK will forever remain a clown.

He challenged bossman to delete his handle. Bossman should give him one kick. He thinks that he is above GNI rules and how dare he labels this site the way he did ?


You certainly make the point that this site is not for intellectuals.  Anyway, have a great day.

comrade posted:
yuji22 posted:

BTW Mitwah, why are you so afraid to condemn Ramjattan and Moses ?

Every decent minded GNI member has done so. 

You must really love the thug and dictator Granger to support Moses and Ramjattan.

I have never condemned Ramjattan nor Moses.

You are in no position to speak for  " every decent minded GNI member."

They are entitled to their opinion and they have to think about the stability of the nation.  I do think that Patsy is too old for that demanding position.


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