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There has been no decision by Elections Commission (GECOM) on accepting international assistance in critical areas, according to Opposition-nominated GECOM Commissioner, Bibi Shaddick. She said, “No decision has been made…in fact the issue was not even discussed.”

Earlier this month, the international community has pledged to provide support to the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) as it carries out its mandate. This was communicated in a joint statement that featured British High Commissioner Gregory Quinn, United States (US) Ambassador Sarah Ann-Lynch and Head of the European Union (EU) Delegation to Guyana, Fernando Ponz Canto. Stressing the need for free and fair elections, the diplomats added that this support would take the form of “elections assistance and monitoring along with other colleagues in the international community”.

Meanwhile, it was announced that GECOM would the United States (US) and the Commonwealth to inform them of which observers they will be sending.


Last week, Opposition Leader, Bharrat Jagdeo, disclosed that assistance from the United Nations Devel- opment Programme (UNDP) in the Information Technology department of the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) Secretariat is being resisted by Chief Elections Officer (CEO), Keith Lowenfield.

He had said, “Even now Lowenfield is trying to prevent international help from going in to GECOM…the UNDP offered to help in the IT (Information Technology area….this is an area we need help in….when he met with UNDP, he said I don’t need help in that area, I need help in media monitoring,” he said.

Jagdeo noted that the UNDP offered similar assistance to GECOM, while Mr. David Granger’s illegally Patterson, held the office and was resisted at that time too. He stressed that with the UNDP expressing a willingness to offer support in a critical area, it should be utilized more so, given that international oversight in this area will be critical to ensuing free and fair Elections come March 2, 2020.

The Opposition Leader has already expressed concerns about Lowenfield’s ability to act impartially and with integrity in his post as Chief Elections Officer and has stressed the need for international presence at GECOM.

Jagdeo had also pointed out that with representatives from the international community having expressed a willingness to support the GECOM, as it readies itself for General and Regional Elections, Lowenfield should not be the interlocutor with the international community. “If this happens, we will not get far…Lowenfield will frustrate the offer of assistance,” he said.


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Replies sorted oldest to newest

skeldon_man posted:

They refuse help because of the crookedness of the PNC. They don't want the international community to expose their scheme.

Banna....haul your arse....why Guyana always got to beg outsiders to help them with their elections??

Like y’all cannot get over the fact that Guyana is a sovereign state.

VishMahabir posted:
skeldon_man posted:

They refuse help because of the crookedness of the PNC. They don't want the international community to expose their scheme.

Banna....haul your arse....why Guyana always got to beg outsiders to help them with their elections??

Like y’all cannot get over the fact that Guyana is a sovereign state.

You really that stupid? Leave it to the DUMB PNC as see what you will get. I am not here to teach you, many tried for 20 years and failed!!!

VishMahabir posted:
skeldon_man posted:

They refuse help because of the crookedness of the PNC. They don't want the international community to expose their scheme.

Banna....haul your arse....why Guyana always got to beg outsiders to help them with their elections??

Like y’all cannot get over the fact that Guyana is a sovereign state.

A sovereign state which only exists due to their huge begging bowl. 

VishMahabir posted:
skeldon_man posted:

They refuse help because of the crookedness of the PNC. They don't want the international community to expose their scheme.

Banna....haul your arse....why Guyana always got to beg outsiders to help them with their elections??

Like y’all cannot get over the fact that Guyana is a sovereign state.

Professional one subject bhar, Guyana has a history of you negroes bullying coolies. For a moron who does not have any idea of Guyana, you sure do know a lot. You must be living under a rock not to know about negro bullying. So, shet you crack.

VishMahabir posted:
skeldon_man posted:

They refuse help because of the crookedness of the PNC. They don't want the international community to expose their scheme.

Banna....haul your arse....why Guyana always got to beg outsiders to help them with their elections??

Like y’all cannot get over the fact that Guyana is a sovereign state.

Haul yo patacake, Trump seek outside help for his election.

ksazma posted:
VishMahabir posted:
skeldon_man posted:

They refuse help because of the crookedness of the PNC. They don't want the international community to expose their scheme.

Banna....haul your arse....why Guyana always got to beg outsiders to help them with their elections??

Like y’all cannot get over the fact that Guyana is a sovereign state.

A sovereign state which only exists due to their huge begging bowl. 

Guyana is not that different from other states in the Caribbean. How many of them are like Guyana ...always asking and begging for help from others. This makes the country look so damn backwards

skeldon_man posted:
VishMahabir posted:
skeldon_man posted:

They refuse help because of the crookedness of the PNC. They don't want the international community to expose their scheme.

Banna....haul your arse....why Guyana always got to beg outsiders to help them with their elections??

Like y’all cannot get over the fact that Guyana is a sovereign state.

Professional one subject bhar, Guyana has a history of you negroes bullying coolies. For a moron who does not have any idea of Guyana, you sure do know a lot. You must be living under a rock not to know about negro bullying. So, shet you crack.

Bullies only keep bullying their victims as long as the victims allow them to do so. What you saying is dem majority Indos in Guyana are a bunch of cowards who allow themselves to be bullied. 

That makes you too a coward.

ksazma posted:
VishMahabir posted:
skeldon_man posted:

They refuse help because of the crookedness of the PNC. They don't want the international community to expose their scheme.

Banna....haul your arse....why Guyana always got to beg outsiders to help them with their elections??

Like y’all cannot get over the fact that Guyana is a sovereign state.

A sovereign state which only exists due to their huge begging bowl

PNCR/AFC gat ah big, big B_I_G wan.


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