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It has been snowing since one yesterday. It is coming down sideways and hard. Almost three feet on the ground already. First time the dogs don't seem to care much for swimming in snow.  Bored out of my mind. Not one cafe or supermarket or mall open where one can go and waste time. Dare not go into the woods  for a walk since I cannot recognize a damn thing and may fall in a creek or something.

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Drugb posted:

Idle hands makes light work for the devil. Lucky you to only have to worry about being bored, meanwhile the folks in Guyana continue to suffer since May 11th 2015 under these new brand of crooks that you supported.  

Yea boy....dem coolie are on ashes and sack cloth since they cannot say awee pon top....coolie meaning the rodents like you who cannot think except in terms of them and us.

seignet posted:

In nine months there will be alot of babies coming into the world of Donald Trump's America. Making America great again needs a population. The storm helping him.

Trump's world is less than 30 percent of Americans. Most Americans are quite decent. Even the trump's crowd are driven to their positions by a sense of panic. Most are  worrying about lots of imaginary things as an excuse for their personal sense of defeatism. America seems to be leaving them behind because they are failing to adapt to the changing landscape that does not look like them.


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