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Testimony by 15-year old boy, who led Joint Services to stolen GDF weapon, to feature at Lindo Creek Inquiry

May 7 2018



Guyana Defence Force Col. Omar Khan testifying at the Lindo Creek Commission of Inquiry.

Testimony by man-who was 15 years old at the time of the Lindo Creek massacre- could be tested on the witness stand of the Commission of Inquiry on Wednesday, and it is unclear whether he would appear in person because of concerns for his security.

Attorney-at-Law for the Guyana Defence Force (GDF), Leslie Sobers remarked shortly before the adjournment of the inquiry on Monday that Dwayne Williams would have crucial information to allow the inquiry to arrive at the truth.

“We believe that he would be very instrumental to this Commission,” Sobers, also a senior officer of the Guyana People’s Militia, the reservist organisation provided for in Guyana’s Defence Act, told the one-man Commission of Inquiry being presided over by Retired Justice Donald Trotman.

He referred to Williams as the “lad” who was found on the UNAMCO trail and had given “certain information to the Joint Services” that had led to the discovery of a firearm and ammunition.

Earlier at Monday’s hearing, Colonel Omar Khan of the now GDF Military Criminal Investigations Department, said the Joint Services had come into contact with Williams who had been detained and questioned. He then had led the security forces to a place where an AKM rifle (an upgrade of the AK assault rifle) had been recovered at Goat Farm in June 2008. Khan said it was that rifle that had been issued to Guyana Police Force Corporal Ivan Williams at the time he had been shot dead in Buxton, East Coast Demerara

Attorney-at-Law for the Commission of Inquiry, Patrice Henry said Williams was “somewhere in protective custody and his safety is of paramount importance” Henry said the Commission was prepared to call a member of the Guyana Police Force, who had taken a statement from the youth, and the protected man would appear on the Commission of Inquiry’s witness stand only if the Guyana Defence Force “will guarantee his safety”. “Only under these circumstances might he be able to come,” added Henry.

Justice Trotman remarked that it would depend on whether Dwayne Henry protecting himself by not wanting to appear before the Commission of Inquiry.

Clearly protesting what appeared to be partial disclosure of information, GDF Attorney-at-Law, Roysdale Forde said it was the first time that his legal team was hearing that Williams was in protective custody and he also “humbly pray and beg” that the police statement would be provided.

Commission Chairman, Justice Trotman at that juncture pointed out that the witnesses are the commission’s but “that does not affect fairness.”

Meanwhile, the Commission of Inquiry will later this week hold interviews and public interactions with residents in Linden, Ituni, Kwakwani, Christmas Falls and Lindo Creek.

Killed and burnt in June 2008 at Lindo Creek were gold miners Dax Arokium, his brother Cedric and workers- Compton Speirs, Horace Drakes, Clifton Wong, Lancelot Lee, Bonny Harry and Nigel Torres.

Colonel Khan said the Joint Services Operations Group had received credible information that Rondell “Fineman” Rawlins had been in the Linden area. He said the GDF had begun to pay closer attention to Fineman and his group shortly after it had been discovered that several AKM rifles and ammunition had been stolen from the GDF’s armoury and the spent shells at a number of  crime scenes had matched the 7.62 X 39 MM bullets that are used by the AKM rifles, which is an upgraded version of the AK-47 rifle.  Among the places that the spent shells had been found, he said, was at the residence of Agriculture Minister Satyadeow “Sash” Sawh where he and a number of his siblings had been gunned down in April 2006. Also, there was the fatal attack at the Kaieteur News printery at Industrial Site, Eccles and the Rose Hall bank robbery.

Khan noted that among the items found after a shootout at Goat Farm, Upper Berbice River were credit cards belonging to Sawh. The army officer said eight of the nine AKM rifles that had been later recovered belonged to the GDF.

After Rawlins became a “security interest” in May 2007, Khan said “we embarked on aggressive information gathering” and had verified information that the gang had been armed with AK 47 assault rifles.

Khan said the police on June 6, 2008 had been involved in an operation at Christmas Falls and it was not until after that date that Joint Services Operations Group had been deployed. He said information gathered at that time had revealed that the ‘Fineman Gang’ had been in that area as well as Linden.

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Gang's Terror Reign in Guyana Years in Making


GEORGETOWN, Guyana -- In a remote area of southern Guyana earlier this month, security forces tried to surround the country's most-wanted criminal and his gang of well-armed fugitives in their jungle hide-out. But after a fierce firefight, in which authorities say three police officers were wounded and one of the fugitives was killed, the gang escaped deeper into the bush to continue its fight another day.

It was the closest authorities have come to capturing gang leader Rondell Rawlins, who they say has been waging a campaign of terror since January in this small English-speaking South American nation. The Rawlins gang is believed to have attacked two villages and three police stations, killing 23 people, including women, children and police officers, and stolen a cache of weapons and raw gold mined from the interior.

In its most immediate form, this conflict started as a blood-feud: Rawlins accused government agents of kidnapping his pregnant 18-year-old girlfriend and vowed violence if she wasn't returned.

But the roots of the problem go back years to unresolved allegations that the government was complicit in aiding or even creating what are known locally as 'phantom death squads.' These are gangs of vigilante assassins, formed in response to a crime wave that began in 2002.

The teams targeted alleged criminals in a series of extrajudicial killings, and their victims are estimated to be in the hundreds. One government report summed up the murders as ``an alarmingly high number . . . of killings of persons who were involved or allegedly involved in criminal activities.'

But the phantoms' identities have never been revealed.

Rawlins, who blamed the phantoms for his girlfriend's disappearance in a phone interview with a Guyana newspaper, Kaieteur News, might well be the blowback that those who formed the phantoms never expected -- a well-armed group motivated by a laundry list of bloody grievances.

The matrix for all of this, of course, is drugs.

Guyana's roughly 760,000 people are concentrated on the coast, and the interior, including its borders with Brazil and Suriname, are remote, unpopulated and porous. As a result, it is a busy transshipment point for drug smugglers.


The crime wave that gave rise to the phantoms can be traced to the escape of five high-profile inmates from the Georgetown Prison on Feb. 23, 2002. The prisoners, armed with knives, were able to overpower the guards on duty, killing one and wounding another before escaping into the streets, hijacking a car and disappearing. The escapees immediately embarked on a mini-crime wave of carjackings and robberies in the weeks after the breakout.

The Stabroek News labeled 2002 'the year that Guyana lost its innocence.' Kidnappings, murders and carjackings dominated headlines. Even the head of security for the U.S. Embassy was kidnapped while playing golf. (He was later released.)

Meanwhile, the escapees' gang grew, and Rondell Rawlins, nicknamed 'Fineman,' a local term for skinny, joined. Fliers started appearing announcing the group as an armed resistance out to defend the Afro-Guyanese. One of the escapees even appeared on TV, toting a gun, to press that point.

Then criminals started turning up dead.

By the end of October 2002, unidentified gunmen had killed four of the escapees. There were never any arrests. Dr. Roger Luncheon, chief of staff for Guyana's president, labeled the mysterious murderers a 'phantom' force during a press conference. The name stuck, and the killings continued.


It's not clear whether the phantoms were a monolithic entity.

According to Raphael Trotman, a Georgetown lawyer who investigated their origins for the opposition People's National Congress, there were two groups of killers -- one was formed by an accused drug dealer named Shaheed 'Roger' Khan; another was organized with help from members of the government. Khan was charged with trafficking and extradited to the United States in 2006, where he has claimed he worked with the government on security.

But it was one of Trotman's clients who made the most shocking charge. Around October of 2003 George Bacchus came to Trotman and 'confessed that he was a member of a killing squad,' the lawyer recounted recently. Bacchus wanted revenge on his own gang for killing a close friend. He said he was going to expose the gang's links to Minister of Home Affairs Ronald Gajraj.

Soon after, Bacchus's brother was killed outside their home in what Bacchus believed was an attempt on his life. He went to the media stating he was willing to testify that Gajraj directed the killing squad. But before he could testify, Bacchus was shot dead in his bed at night. Police arrested three people and said the motive was a financial dispute.

President Bharrat Jagdeo appointed a commission to investigate Gajraj, who was suspended. The commission documented Gajraj's frequent communication (49 calls in one month) with the man identified as the leader of Bacchus' gang.

However, the commission reported it could find no direct link of Gajraj's involvement in extrajudicial killings, and he resumed his post.

The U.S. State Department issued a protest: 'We believe significant questions remain unanswered regarding his involvement in serious criminal activities.' Gajraj has since been appointed ambassador to India.

The final report in 2005 was the last official word on the phantom killers. The government gave little indication it was intent on answering any lingering questions.

Then Rondell Rawlins' girlfriend disappeared, sparking a new cycle of violence that promises to continue.

'We have a new generation of criminals now who have resolved never to be captured because they don't believe the system will bring them justice,' notes Trotman.

Last edited by Django

It is a known FACT that the PNC GDF was part and parcel of the Crime Spree. Guns were given to the Criminals at Buxton by people who are now in high offices, including looking over the Justice System in Guyana. GO FIGURE!!!

Nehru posted:

It is a known FACT that the PNC GDF was part and parcel of the Crime Spree. Guns were given to the Criminals at Buxton by people who are now in high offices, including looking over the Justice System in Guyana. GO FIGURE!!!

Waiting for the Inquiry Granger promised to expose the culprits.

Baseman posted:

This was part of a PNC operation to unseat the PPP!

Some of the terrorist sponsors are sitting in Govt today!

This was no plot to overthrow the PPP. That's the bullshit line that the PPP uses to excuse their sponsoring of extrajudicial murders. A half a dozen gunmen from Buxton was going to overthrow the government. Yeah right! If the PNC wanted to overthrow the PPP, they owned the Armed Forces. All they had to do is walk into the OP and kick out Jagdeo and his merry band of crooks.

Mars posted:
Baseman posted:

This was part of a PNC operation to unseat the PPP!

Some of the terrorist sponsors are sitting in Govt today!

This was no plot to overthrow the PPP. That's the bullshit line that the PPP uses to excuse their sponsoring of extrajudicial murders. A half a dozen gunmen from Buxton was going to overthrow the government. Yeah right! If the PNC wanted to overthrow the PPP, they owned the Armed Forces. All they had to do is walk into the OP and kick out Jagdeo and his merry band of crooks.

Get this banna, the US would not have taken lightly a coup under their noses against a Govt that was elected.  So, the PNC conducted their own asymmetric warfare to bring the Govt down or for a compromise which allows them power through the back door!

The PPP did the correct thing to rein in the terrorists!  On this point, I will always support the actions of the PPP and BJ!

People were not born yesterday!

Baseman posted:
Mars posted:
Baseman posted:

This was part of a PNC operation to unseat the PPP!

Some of the terrorist sponsors are sitting in Govt today!

This was no plot to overthrow the PPP. That's the bullshit line that the PPP uses to excuse their sponsoring of extrajudicial murders. A half a dozen gunmen from Buxton was going to overthrow the government. Yeah right! If the PNC wanted to overthrow the PPP, they owned the Armed Forces. All they had to do is walk into the OP and kick out Jagdeo and his merry band of crooks.

Get this banna, the US would not have taken lightly a coup under their noses against a Govt that was elected.  So, the PNC conducted their own asymmetric warfare to bring the Govt down or for a compromise which allows them power through the back door!

The PPP did the correct thing to rein in the terrorists!  On this point, I will always support the actions of the PPP and BJ!

People were not born yesterday!

So when the coup was over and the PNC assumed power forcefully, wouldn't it be the same result and annoying the US Govt? A bunch of baloney if I ever heard it. How exactly were a half a dozen gunmen with rifles going to overpower the GDF? 

Django posted:
Nehru posted:

It is a known FACT that the PNC GDF was part and parcel of the Crime Spree. Guns were given to the Criminals at Buxton by people who are now in high offices, including looking over the Justice System in Guyana. GO FIGURE!!!

Waiting for the Inquiry Granger promised to expose the culprits.

Keep on waiting.  May 2020 is exactly two years from now.  Three years already wasted on sitting and waiting for oil.

Bibi Haniffa
Baseman posted:
Mars posted:
Baseman posted:

This was part of a PNC operation to unseat the PPP!

Some of the terrorist sponsors are sitting in Govt today!

This was no plot to overthrow the PPP. That's the bullshit line that the PPP uses to excuse their sponsoring of extrajudicial murders. A half a dozen gunmen from Buxton was going to overthrow the government. Yeah right! If the PNC wanted to overthrow the PPP, they owned the Armed Forces. All they had to do is walk into the OP and kick out Jagdeo and his merry band of crooks.

Get this banna, the US would not have taken lightly a coup under their noses against a Govt that was elected.  So, the PNC conducted their own asymmetric warfare to bring the Govt down or for a compromise which allows them power through the back door!

The PPP did the correct thing to rein in the terrorists!  On this point, I will always support the actions of the PPP and BJ!

People were not born yesterday!

Then do it the right way. Dont put a criminal to do it unless you had another agenda. Roger Khan went after the terrorists and at the same time was getting rid of competition and protecting the drug trade with the support of some of the higher up PPP officials. Jagdeo better run and hide when RK gets out.

Last edited by Hugh Jorgan
Hugh Jorgan posted:
Baseman posted:
Mars posted:
Baseman posted:

This was part of a PNC operation to unseat the PPP!

Some of the terrorist sponsors are sitting in Govt today!

This was no plot to overthrow the PPP. That's the bullshit line that the PPP uses to excuse their sponsoring of extrajudicial murders. A half a dozen gunmen from Buxton was going to overthrow the government. Yeah right! If the PNC wanted to overthrow the PPP, they owned the Armed Forces. All they had to do is walk into the OP and kick out Jagdeo and his merry band of crooks.

Get this banna, the US would not have taken lightly a coup under their noses against a Govt that was elected.  So, the PNC conducted their own asymmetric warfare to bring the Govt down or for a compromise which allows them power through the back door!

The PPP did the correct thing to rein in the terrorists!  On this point, I will always support the actions of the PPP and BJ!

People were not born yesterday!

Then do it the right way. Dont put a criminal to do it unless you had another agenda. Roger Khan went after the terrorists and at the same time was getting rid of competition and protecting the drug trade with the support of some of the higher up PPP officials. Jagdeo better run and hide when RK gets out.

Banna, all these guys see are Indos ( their good guys) killing blacks (whom they see as criminals) never mind one of their (good guys) a criminal, now sitting in a cell in the US.

Django posted:
Nehru posted:

It is a known FACT that the PNC GDF was part and parcel of the Crime Spree. Guns were given to the Criminals at Buxton by people who are now in high offices, including looking over the Justice System in Guyana. GO FIGURE!!!

Waiting for the Inquiry Granger promised to expose the culprits.

Don’t wait Bhai, go back to the home land and help speed up the process. 

Hugh Jorgan posted:
Baseman posted:
Mars posted:
Baseman posted:

This was part of a PNC operation to unseat the PPP!

Some of the terrorist sponsors are sitting in Govt today!

This was no plot to overthrow the PPP. That's the bullshit line that the PPP uses to excuse their sponsoring of extrajudicial murders. A half a dozen gunmen from Buxton was going to overthrow the government. Yeah right! If the PNC wanted to overthrow the PPP, they owned the Armed Forces. All they had to do is walk into the OP and kick out Jagdeo and his merry band of crooks.

Get this banna, the US would not have taken lightly a coup under their noses against a Govt that was elected.  So, the PNC conducted their own asymmetric warfare to bring the Govt down or for a compromise which allows them power through the back door!

The PPP did the correct thing to rein in the terrorists!  On this point, I will always support the actions of the PPP and BJ!

People were not born yesterday!

Then do it the right way. Dont put a criminal to do it unless you had another agenda. Roger Khan went after the terrorists and at the same time was getting rid of competition and protecting the drug trade with the support of some of the higher up PPP officials. Jagdeo better run and hide when RK gets out.

It was a grand conspiracy, Buxton Terrorists, GDF, GPF and PNC working hand in hand.

I do blame the PPP for not predicting this and have some sort of presidential guard to intervene as the phantoms did!

Alyuh could dance around the topic but alyuh know exactly what was going on but playing stupid.

I remember the glee of many Black GNI posters back then.

Baseman posted:
Hugh Jorgan posted:
Baseman posted:
Mars posted:
Baseman posted:

This was part of a PNC operation to unseat the PPP!

Some of the terrorist sponsors are sitting in Govt today!

This was no plot to overthrow the PPP. That's the bullshit line that the PPP uses to excuse their sponsoring of extrajudicial murders. A half a dozen gunmen from Buxton was going to overthrow the government. Yeah right! If the PNC wanted to overthrow the PPP, they owned the Armed Forces. All they had to do is walk into the OP and kick out Jagdeo and his merry band of crooks.

Get this banna, the US would not have taken lightly a coup under their noses against a Govt that was elected.  So, the PNC conducted their own asymmetric warfare to bring the Govt down or for a compromise which allows them power through the back door!

The PPP did the correct thing to rein in the terrorists!  On this point, I will always support the actions of the PPP and BJ!

People were not born yesterday!

Then do it the right way. Dont put a criminal to do it unless you had another agenda. Roger Khan went after the terrorists and at the same time was getting rid of competition and protecting the drug trade with the support of some of the higher up PPP officials. Jagdeo better run and hide when RK gets out.

It was a grand conspiracy, Buxton Terrorists, GDF, GPF and PNC working hand in hand.

I do blame the PPP for not predicting this and have some sort of presidential guard to intervene as the phantoms did!

Alyuh could dance around the topic but alyuh know exactly what was going on but playing stupid.

I remember the glee of many Black GNI posters back then.

If the PNC wanted to overthrow the PPP, all they had to do was to waltz into Jagdeo's office and tell him to leave. They owned the military and could do this at will if that was their goal. This Anansi story about half a dozen Buxton gunmen overthrowing the government is a bunch of baloney. Why didn't the PPP then accept the offers of help from the US and the UK if they wanted to fight off a coup? Surely you don't think that they would have enlisted GAWU to fight the GDF and stop the coup?


Mars posted:
Baseman posted:
Hugh Jorgan posted:
Baseman posted:

Get this banna, the US would not have taken lightly a coup under their noses against a Govt that was elected.  So, the PNC conducted their own asymmetric warfare to bring the Govt down or for a compromise which allows them power through the back door!

The PPP did the correct thing to rein in the terrorists!  On this point, I will always support the actions of the PPP and BJ!

People were not born yesterday!

Then do it the right way. Dont put a criminal to do it unless you had another agenda. Roger Khan went after the terrorists and at the same time was getting rid of competition and protecting the drug trade with the support of some of the higher up PPP officials. Jagdeo better run and hide when RK gets out.

It was a grand conspiracy, Buxton Terrorists, GDF, GPF and PNC working hand in hand.

I do blame the PPP for not predicting this and have some sort of presidential guard to intervene as the phantoms did!

Alyuh could dance around the topic but alyuh know exactly what was going on but playing stupid.

I remember the glee of many Black GNI posters back then.

If the PNC wanted to overthrow the PPP, all they had to do was to waltz into Jagdeo's office and tell him to leave. They owned the military and could do this at will if that was their goal. This Anansi story about half a dozen Buxton gunmen overthrowing the government is a bunch of baloney. Why didn't the PPP then accept the offers of help from the US and the UK if they wanted to fight off a coup? Surely you don't think that they would have enlisted GAWU to fight the GDF and stop the coup?


I thought you were a bright QC bai, but yuh prapa stchupit!


Some people really STUPID. Why would they NOT do it under the dark night???  SLAVES gat better sense that these CLOWNS. Al YUhyu sign the contract for the Bklyn Bridge yet??  SeesH  Stupidee Bill gat much more sense than Al Yuh combine!!!

Baseman posted:
Mars posted:
Baseman posted:
Hugh Jorgan posted:
Baseman posted:

Get this banna, the US would not have taken lightly a coup under their noses against a Govt that was elected.  So, the PNC conducted their own asymmetric warfare to bring the Govt down or for a compromise which allows them power through the back door!

The PPP did the correct thing to rein in the terrorists!  On this point, I will always support the actions of the PPP and BJ!

People were not born yesterday!

Then do it the right way. Dont put a criminal to do it unless you had another agenda. Roger Khan went after the terrorists and at the same time was getting rid of competition and protecting the drug trade with the support of some of the higher up PPP officials. Jagdeo better run and hide when RK gets out.

It was a grand conspiracy, Buxton Terrorists, GDF, GPF and PNC working hand in hand.

I do blame the PPP for not predicting this and have some sort of presidential guard to intervene as the phantoms did!

Alyuh could dance around the topic but alyuh know exactly what was going on but playing stupid.

I remember the glee of many Black GNI posters back then.

If the PNC wanted to overthrow the PPP, all they had to do was to waltz into Jagdeo's office and tell him to leave. They owned the military and could do this at will if that was their goal. This Anansi story about half a dozen Buxton gunmen overthrowing the government is a bunch of baloney. Why didn't the PPP then accept the offers of help from the US and the UK if they wanted to fight off a coup? Surely you don't think that they would have enlisted GAWU to fight the GDF and stop the coup?


I thought you were a bright QC bai, but yuh prapa stchupit!

Yeah, six Buxton gunman were going to overthrow the government. Overpower the GDF. Meanwhile all the PNC had to do was send somebody to Jagdeo's office and tell him "time's up, please leave". Y'all really funny.

Last edited by Mars

Baseman furiously bailing with his bare hands as the sinking ship PPP taking on major water under el jefe de rat

the satanic gospels of Jagdeo explaining the 2002-2006 narco-horrors as RELIGION in the teeth of relentless FACTS is amusing to behold

busy now . . . will return later to pull the curtain aside some with lil forensics just to fvck with his head  


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